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Federal Theatre Project collection, 1932-1943

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Administrative Records, 1935-1942 (continued)
Card File, 1935-1940 (continued)
BOX 927 Theater rentals by state
BOX 927 Theater technique
BOX 808, 927 Unidentified cards
BOX 32-33, 1500-1501 Photographic Prints and Negatives File, undated
Collection of portraits taken in New York, New York, of 275 unemployed theater workers who met the requirements of a board of review who determined their professional ability, experience, and need in order to qualify for work with the Federal Theatre. Some carfare route cards for the city's transportation system are included.
Arranged alphabetically by last name.
BOX 32 A - M
BOX 33 M - Z
BOX 33 Name cards without photographs
BOX 1500 A - K
BOX 1501 L - Z
BOX 1501 Unidentified portraits
BOX 34-128, 941, 1197, 1275, 1283, 1287-1488 MAPCASE FOLDER 5-7, 53-64, 70-78 Play Service and Research Records, 1933-1940
BOX 34-36 Administrative File, 1934-1939
Contract and rental information, correspondence, forms, lists, memoranda, notes, pamphlets, play lists, procedures, Project manuals, publications, research files, reports, surveys, and technical experiments from the National Service Bureau; and Dramatist Guild Play Contest material.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX-FOLDER 34/1-50 1934-1939 and undated
Contract and rental information, correspondence, forms, memoranda, pamphlets, play lists, procedures, publications, reports, technical experiments, and Dramatist Guild Play Contest material
BOX-FOLDER 35/1-45 1937-1939 and undated
Correspondence, information lists, mailing lists, memoranda, reports, surveys, and technical experiments
BOX-FOLDER 36/1-40 1939 and undated
Correspondence, cross reference sheets, digests, forms, lists, memoranda, notes, play lists, project manuals, rental information, reports, research files, routing slips
BOX 36-44 Surveys and Studies File--United States, 1935-1940
Research studies on theaters and drama in the United States.
The "Historical research" file unit is arranged chronologically by historical period, and the remainder is arranged alphabetically by state.
Historical research
BOX-FOLDER 36/41-42 First Americans
BOX-FOLDER 36/43-44 American history--colonization
BOX-FOLDER 36/45 to 37/1 Broadsides, 1774-1775
BOX-FOLDER 37/2-3 Constitution
Note: New York Times Constitution article removed for exhibit, missing as of 2022 June 13
BOX-FOLDER 37/4-6 Early American plays produced
BOX-FOLDER 37/7 to 38/2 Early American social drama
BOX-FOLDER 38/3-4 Early American theater
BOX-FOLDER 38/5 Theater buildings
BOX-FOLDER 38/6 Italian theater in San Francisco
BOX-FOLDER 38/7 Minstrelsy in San Francisco
BOX-FOLDER 38/8 to 40/5 Theater history, San Francisco
BOX-FOLDER 40/6 Theater history
BOX-FOLDER 40/7 Theater of the Southwest
BOX-FOLDER 40/8 to 41/1 Colorado
BOX-FOLDER 41/2 Georgia
BOX-FOLDER 41/3 to 42/3 Chicago, Illinois
BOX-FOLDER 42/4 Iowa
BOX-FOLDER 42/5 Boston, Massachusetts
BOX-FOLDER 42/6-9 New York
BOX-FOLDER 42/10 North Carolina
BOX-FOLDER 42/11 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
BOX-FOLDER 42/12 to 44/5 Seattle, Washington
BOX 44-47, 941 Surveys and Studies File--Foreign Countries, 1935-1938
Research studies of theater and drama in foreign countries, including material relating to the national theater concept.
Arranged alphabetically by name of country.
National drama and theater research
BOX-FOLDER 44/6-15 General
BOX-FOLDER 44/16 Austria
BOX-FOLDER 44/17 Balkans
BOX-FOLDER 45/1 Canada
BOX-FOLDER 45/2-4 China
BOX-FOLDER 45/5 Czechoslovakia
BOX-FOLDER 45/6 Denmark
BOX-FOLDER 45/7 Egypt
BOX-FOLDER 45/8-15 England
BOX-FOLDER 45/16 Finland
BOX-FOLDER 45/17-22 France
BOX-FOLDER 45/23 to 46/5 Germany
BOX-FOLDER 46/6 Greece
BOX-FOLDER 46/7 Hungary
BOX-FOLDER 46/8-10 Ireland
BOX-FOLDER 46/11-12 Italy
BOX-FOLDER 46/13-15 Japan
BOX-FOLDER 46/16-17 Java
BOX-FOLDER 46/18 Mexico
BOX-FOLDER 46/19 Persia
BOX-FOLDER 46/20 Poland
BOX-FOLDER 46/21-23, 941/8 Russia
BOX-FOLDER 46/24 Scandinavia
BOX-FOLDER 47/1-4 Spain
BOX-FOLDER 47/5 Wales
BOX 47-53 Surveys and Studies File--Miscellaneous Subjects and References, 1933-1939
Research studies, memoranda, and reports on various subjects: personalities, calendar events of historical interest, children's theater, Chinese theaters in America, dance, folklore, Jewish customs, marionettes, Negro material, vaudeville, youth, etc. Also contains lists of reference books, reviews, a "Living Newspapers" index, and bibliographies.
Arranged alphabetically by subject.
BOX-FOLDER 47/6 Anderson, Maxwell
BOX-FOLDER 47/7 Blue laws
BOX-FOLDER 47/8-12 Calendar events of historical interest
BOX-FOLDER 47/13 Chants for Harvard Dramatic Club miracle plays
Children's theater
BOX-FOLDER 47/14-19 General
BOX-FOLDER 47/20 Europe
BOX-FOLDER 47/21 Poland
BOX-FOLDER 47/22 to 48/1 Russia
BOX-FOLDER 48/2-10 Chinese theaters in America
BOX-FOLDER 48/11 Christmas program
BOX-FOLDER 48/12 Conkle, Ellsworth Prouty
BOX-FOLDER 48/13 Dance
BOX-FOLDER 48/14 Depressions
BOX-FOLDER 48/15-17 Drama
BOX-FOLDER 48/18 to 50/8 Folklore and folk songs
BOX-FOLDER 50/9 Germans in exile
BOX-FOLDER 50/10-14 History of the drama series
BOX-FOLDER 51/1-4 Jewish folklore, customs, theater
BOX-FOLDER 51/5 Juvenile delinquency
BOX-FOLDER 51/6-7 Little theater
BOX-FOLDER 51/8-12 Marionettes
BOX-FOLDER 51/13 The Development of Meyerhold
BOX-FOLDER 51/14 Monologues
BOX-FOLDER 51/15 Murrell, John A.
BOX-FOLDER 51/16 Musical score reports
BOX-FOLDER 51/17-23 Negro material
BOX-FOLDER 51/24 Old Testament
BOX-FOLDER 51/25-26 Pageants
BOX-FOLDER 51/27-28 Radio
BOX-FOLDER 51/29 to 52/1 Railroads
BOX-FOLDER 52/2 Realism
BOX-FOLDER 52/3 Religious drama
BOX-FOLDER 52/4 Short stories
BOX-FOLDER 52/5 Showboats and minstrelsy
BOX-FOLDER 52/6 Social security
BOX-FOLDER 52/7 Socialized medicine
BOX-FOLDER 52/8 Translations
BOX-FOLDER 52/9 Twain, Mark
BOX-FOLDER 52/10-11 Vaudeville
BOX-FOLDER 52/12-13 Youth
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