The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Federal Theatre Project collection, 1932-1943
Administrative Records, 1935-1942 (continued)
Agency Publicity File, 1936-1939 (continued)
1938 (continued)
Newspaper clippings collages
BOX-FOLDER 14/52 to 16/13 Undated
Mailing lists by state
BOX-FOLDER 16/14-34 Undated
Mailing lists by category (book stores, colleges and universities, Negro colleges, marionette groups, etc.)
Addressograph plates
BOX 779 College Officials group
BOX 781 Drama group
BOX 785 First Night List
BOX 780 Suburban Colleges and High Schools group
BOX 780 Weekly: 2-12; Newspapers and Organizations
BOX 782-784 Weekly group
BOX 779, 781, 785 Unidentified groups
BOX 778 "Living Newspapers" stamp
BOX 16-22 Publications File, 1935-1939
Federal Theatre periodicals, reports, bulletins, play lists, songs, ballads, and catalogs, many with date and publication numbers. Play list publications may be duplicated in the Play Lists File subseries.
Publications by different units of the Federal Theatre Project may share the same name; one example is the Backstage publications.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX-FOLDER 16/35-42 1935 November - 1936 February
Backstage, Federal Theatre [magazine] and play lists
BOX-FOLDER 17/1 to 18/18 1936 February - 1937 October
Backstage, Call Board, Federal Theatre [magazine], Federal Theatre in the South, The Prompter, and play lists
BOX-FOLDER 19/1-16 1937 October - 1938 July
Backstage, Federal Theatre [magazine], First Federal Summer Theatre report, National Policy Board: Agenda, book reviews, and play lists
BOX-FOLDER 20/1-12 1938 July-December
The Continental Theatre, Tanglestringed Talk, book reviews, and play lists
BOX-FOLDER 21/1-10 1938 December - 1939 June
Theatre Abroad, essays, guides, and play lists
BOX-FOLDER 22/1-14 1939 and undated
Theatre Abroad, essays, guides, and play lists
BOX 22-31, 941 Work Projects Administration (WPA) File, 1935-1942
Administrative material from the Works Projects Administration, including correspondence, speeches, reports, publications, publicity, and blank forms. Specific subjects include: activities and research studies of the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), Federal Art Project (FAP), Federal Music Project (FMP), Federal Writers' Project (FWP), Historical Records Survey (HRS), and research for WPA marionettes, radio, and theater.
Arranged alphabetically by subject and chronologically therein.
Administrative correspondence
BOX-FOLDER 22/15 Blind project
BOX-FOLDER 22/16 General letter no. 240
BOX-FOLDER 22/17 General letter no. 278
BOX-FOLDER 22/18 Administrative forms
Administrative publications
BOX-FOLDER 22/19 The Dawn, New Jersey
BOX-FOLDER 22/20 Government Aid During the Depression
BOX-FOLDER 22/21-22 Index of Research Projects, volumes 1 and 2
BOX-FOLDER 23/21 Questions and Answers on the WPA
BOX-FOLDER 23/1 Subject Index of Research Bulletins and Monographs
BOX-FOLDER 23/2 Training Manual for Library Service Personnel
BOX-FOLDER 23/3-4 Work, District of Columbia
BOX-FOLDER 23/5 Administrative publicity
Administrative reports
BOX-FOLDER 23/6 "Community Organization for Leisure"
BOX-FOLDER 23/7 An Exhibition of Selected Skills of the Unemployed
BOX-FOLDER 23/8 Federal Project One, Ohio
BOX-FOLDER 23/9 The Film Index reviews
BOX-FOLDER 23/10 "Interpreting the Art Project"
BOX-FOLDER 23/11 Inventory: An Appraisal of Results of the WPA
BOX-FOLDER 23/12 "Non-Construction Projects of the WPA"
BOX-FOLDER 23/13 Our Job With the WPA
BOX-FOLDER 23/14 Program of Federal Arts Projects, New York City
BOX-FOLDER 23/15, 31/6 Report on Progress of the WPA Program
Administrative speeches
BOX-FOLDER 23/16-17 Harrington, Col. F. C.
BOX-FOLDER 23/18-19 Hopkins, Harry L.
BOX-FOLDER 23/20 Kerr, Florence S.
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
BOX-FOLDER 23/22 CCC activities
BOX-FOLDER 24/1 Playwriting contest
BOX-FOLDER 24/2 Alpine Echo, California
BOX-FOLDER 24/3 Tamalpais Foghorn, California
BOX-FOLDER 24/4 Miscellaneous publications
BOX-FOLDER 24/5 Publicity
BOX-FOLDER 24/9 CCC Wedding
BOX-FOLDER 24/10 Camp locations
BOX-FOLDER 24/11 Camp play needs
Federal Art Project (FAP)
BOX-FOLDER 24/12 Articles
BOX-FOLDER 24/13 Exhibition, Phillips Gallery, Washington, D.C.
BOX-FOLDER 24/14 American Scene Design
BOX-FOLDER 24/15 Case histories
Federal Music Project (FMP)
BOX-FOLDER 24/16 Composers' Forum Laboratory
BOX-FOLDER 24/17-18 Correspondence and receipts
BOX-FOLDER 24/19 The Baton, California
BOX-FOLDER 24/20 The Federal Music Project
BOX-FOLDER 24/21 Half Notes, New York
BOX-FOLDER 941/7 Take Your Choice production material
BOX-FOLDER 24/22 to 25/1 Miscellaneous releases, programs, and catalogs
BOX-FOLDER 25/2-3 Report--Music centers, New York, N.Y.
Federal Writers' Project (FWP)
BOX-FOLDER 25/4-5 Correspondence--American Guide series
BOX-FOLDER 25/6 A Bid for Liberty
BOX-FOLDER 25/7 The Harmony Society in Pennsylvania
BOX-FOLDER 25/8 Hoosier Tall Stories
BOX-FOLDER 25/9 Nebraska Folklore
BOX-FOLDER 25/10 Selective and Critical Bibliography of Horace Mann
BOX-FOLDER 25/11 Stories of New Jersey
BOX-FOLDER 25/12 The Story of Dunellen
BOX-FOLDER 25/13 Publicity
BOX-FOLDER 25/14 Alsberg, Henry G.--statement
BOX-FOLDER 25/15-16 Brief--answers to charges
BOX-FOLDER 25/17-18 Radio scripts--"Portraits of the Empire Builders"
BOX-FOLDER 25/19-20 Suggested script for the FWP
Historical Records Survey (HRS) publications
BOX-FOLDER 25/21 Corvallis to Crescent City, California, in 1874
Program lists
BOX-FOLDER 25/22 to 26/1 Comedy, 1832-1930
BOX-FOLDER 26/2-3 Farce and music-miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 26/4-5 Shakespeare, 1753-1935
BOX-FOLDER 26/6-7 Drama-Tragedy, 1752-1935
BOX-FOLDER 26/8 to 27/4 Prompt books, 1709-1935
BOX-FOLDER 27/5-6 Prompt books, 1744-1931
BOX-FOLDER 27/7 Willamette Valley and Cascade Mountain Wagon Road Company (abstract)
Work Projects Administration (WPA) research
BOX-FOLDER 27/8-10 Marionettes
BOX-FOLDER 27/11-14 Radio
BOX-FOLDER 27/15 to 31/2 San Francisco theater
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