| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Play Service and Research Records,
(continued) |
Living Newspaper File, 1936-1939
(continued) |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1352/1 to 1356/12 |
China--Japan, 1937 August - 1939
BOX-ENVELOPE 1357/1-26 |
China--Japan, 1939 April-July
to Chronology of 1937
BOX-ENVELOPE 1358/1-40 |
Chronology of 1938 to
Civilian Conservation Corps |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1359/1-47 |
Clancy, John W. to Colorado--exclusion of
itinerant labor |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1360/1-29 |
Columbia University to Communist
Party |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1361/1-32 |
Communist Party, 1938 October-1939
January to Constitutional Convention,
BOX-ENVELOPE 1362/1-20 |
Constitutional Convention,
1938 to Conventions--Communist,
BOX-ENVELOPE 1363/1-25 |
Conventions--Democratic, 1938
to Copeland Royal S. |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1364/1-27 |
Copeland Safety-at-Sea Act to Cotillo,
Salvatore A. |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1365/1-24 |
Cotton to Coughlin, Rev.
Charles |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1366/1-40 |
Council Against Intolerance in America to
Criminology--crime detection |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1367/1-30 |
Crimes to Cuba |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1368/1-31 |
Cullman, Howard S. to
Czechoslovakia--foreign affairs, Germany |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1369/1-31 |
Czechoslovakia--foreign affairs, Germany
to D--general |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1370/1-42 |
D--general to The
Day in Washington
BOX-ENVELOPE 1371/1-44 |
The Day in
Washington to Denhardt, Henry H. |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1372/1-30 |
Denmark to Dewey, Thomas E. |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1373/1-24 |
Dewey, Thomas E. to Dies congressional
committee |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1374/1-25 |
Dies congressional committee to Divine,
Father |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1375/1-40 |
Divine, Father to Dreiser,
Theodore |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1376/1-21 |
Drought to Duffy, Rev. Francis
P. |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1377/1-36 |
Duffy, Rev. Peter to Earle, George
H. |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1378/1-28 |
Earthquake to Edmondson, Robert
E. |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1379/1-21 |
Education--general to Edward, Duke of
Windsor |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1380/1-19 |
Edward, Duke of Windsor to Edward
VIII,King of England |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1381/1-43 |
Edward VIII, King of England to
Elections--New Jersey |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1382/1-31 |
Elections--New York City to Elevated
structures |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1383/1-46 |
Elevated structures to Ernst, Morris
L. |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1384/1-20 |
Espionage |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1385/1-37 |
Espionage to F--general |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1386/1-26 |
F--general to Farm bills |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1387/1-41 |
Farm control to Federal Farm Security
Administration |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1388/1-27 |
Federal Home Loan Bank to Federal Housing
Administration |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1389/1-10 |
Federal Housing Administration to Federal
judiciary reform |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1390/1 to 1391/9 |
Federal judiciary reform |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1392/1-27 |
Federal Power Commission to Federal
Reserve system |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1393/1-38 |
Federal Resettlement Administration to
Fireworks |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1394/1-45 |
Fisch, Pincus to
Floods--Mississippi |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1395/1-32 |
Floods--New England states to Fontanges,
Mme. Magda de |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1396/1-39 |
Food and food manufactures to Fort Slocum,
New York |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1397/1-26 |
Fosdick, Rev. Harry Emerson to
France--armaments |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1398/1-25 |
France--aviation to France--foreign
affairs, China |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1399/1-24 |
France--foreign affairs, Czechoslovakia to
France--foreign affairs, Spain |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1400/1-21 |
France--foreign affairs, Spain to
France--Paris Fair) |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1401/1-25 |
France--Peoples Front to Franklin,
Jay |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1402/1-45 |
Franklin, Jay to G--general |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1403/1-44 |
G--general to Gedeon, Veronica and
Mary |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1404/1-24 |
Gellert, Lawrence to Geoghan, William
F.X. |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1405/1-15 |
Geology to George VI, King of
England |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1406/1-19 |
George VI, King of England to German
American Bund |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1407/1-29 |
German American Bund to
Germany--general |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1408/1-19 |
Germany--general to
Germany--antisemitism |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1409/1-25 |
Germany--armaments to Germany--foreign
affairs, Austria |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1410/1-26 |
Germany--foreign affairs, Belgium to
Germany--foreign affairs, Italy |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1411/1-22 |
Germany--foreign affairs, Japan to
Germany--foreign affairs, United States |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1412/1-25 |
Germany--foreign affairs, United States to
Germany--religion |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1413/1-27 |
Germany--religion to Gillette,
William |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1414/1-48 |
Gilmore, Gale to Grandi, Dino |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1415/1-33 |
Grange, David E. to Great
Britain--armaments |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1416/1-23 |
Great Britain--armaments to Great
Britain--foreign affairs, general |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1417/1-32 |
Great Britain--foreign affairs, China to
Great Britain--foreign affairs, Germany |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1418/1-19 |
Great Britain--foreign affairs, Germany to
Great Britain--foreign affairs, Italy |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1419/1-22 |
Great Britain--foreign affairs, Japan to
Great Britain--foreign affairs, Spain |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1420/1-21 |
Great Britain--foreign affairs, Spain to
Great Britain--religion |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1421/1-31 |
Great Lakes to Guffey, Joseph
F. |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1422/1-43 |
Guffey coal bill to Hague,
Frank |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1423/1-20 |
Hague, Frank to Haile Selassie, Emperor of
Ethiopia |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1424/1-49 |
Hairdressers to Harvard
University |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1425/1-30 |
Harvey, George U. to Hayes, Patrick
Cardinal |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1426/1-43 |
Haymarket Riots--Chicago,
1886 to Henson, Matt |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1427/1-24 |
Herald Tribune Forum on Current Events to
Hindenburg disaster |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1428/1-17 |
disaster to Hitler, Adolf |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1429/1-30 |
Hitler, Adolf to Holding
companies |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1430/1-31 |
Holding company bill to Hopkins, Harry
L. |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1431/1-31 |
Hopkins, Harry L. to
Housing--Federal |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1432/1-37 |
Housing--Federal to Housing--New York
City |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1433/1-19 |
Housing--New York City |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1434/1-35 |
Housing--New York State to Hull,
Cordell |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1435/1-26 |
Hull, Cordell to Hungary |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1436/1-36 |
Hungary to Income |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1437/1-39 |
Independence Day to Insurance
inquiry |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1438/1-32 |
Insurrection law--Georgia to
Ireland |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1439/1-32 |
Ireland to Italo-Ethiopian
conflict--military operations |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1440/1-36 |
Italy--general to Italy--foreign affairs,
Albania |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1441/1-27 |
Italy--foreign affairs, Austria to
Italy--foreign affairs, Spain |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1442/1-44 |
Italy--foreign affairs, Spain to Janis,
Elsie |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1443/1-26 |
Janson, William to Japan--foreign affairs,
general |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1444/1-15 |
Japan--foreign affairs, China |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1445/1-19 |
Japan--foreign affairs, France to
Japan--foreign affairs, U.S.S.R. |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1446/1-35 |
Japan--foreign affairs, U.S.S.R. to Johns
Hopkins University |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1447/1-61 |
Johnson, Edd to K--general |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1448/1-52 |
K--general to Keys disaster |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1449/1-33 |
Kickbacks to Kondolf, George |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1450/1-35 |
Konyote, Fumitaka to Labor
relations--Allied Printing Helpers Union |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1451/1-28 |
Labor relations--Alteration
Plumbers-Steamfitters and Helpers Union to Labor relations--American
Federation of Labor--General 1937 May
BOX-ENVELOPE 1452/1-15 |
Labor relations--American Federation of
Labor--General, 1937 August to Labor relations--American
Federation of Labor--Denver meeting, 1937
BOX-ENVELOPE 1453/1-27 |
Labor relations--American Federation of
Labor--Denver meeting, 1937 October to Labor
relations--American Newspaper Guild--General |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1454/1-26 |
Labor relations--American Newspaper
Guild--General to Labor relations--Art Students League |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1455/1-36 |
Labor relations--Associated Actors and
Artists to Labor relations--Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators and
Paperhangers |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1456/1-26 |
Labor relations--Brotherhood of Painters,
Decorators and Paperhangers to Labor relations--Building Service
Employees Union |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1457/1-33 |
Labor relations--Building Service
Employees Association, New York to Labor relations--circus |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1458/1-40 |
Labor relations--City Industrial Relations
Board, New York City to Labor relations--Committee for Industrial
Organization (C.I.O.) |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1459/1-22 |
Labor relations--C.I.O. |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1460/1-56 |
Labor relations--C.I.O. to Labor
relations--Federation of Architects, Engineers, Chemists, and
Technicians |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1461/1-33 |
Labor relations--Federation of Carpet and
Rug Workers to Labor relations--Hospital Workers Union |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1462/1-33 |
Labor relations--Hotel and Restaurant
Workers Union to Labor relations--International Brotherhood of Electrical
Workers |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1463/1-22 |
Labor relations--International Brotherhood
of Foundry Employees to Labor relations--International Fur Workers
Union |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1464/1-22 |
Labor relations--International Glove
Workers Union to Labor relations--International Longshoremen's
Association, 1936 April - 1937 August
BOX-ENVELOPE 1465/1-20 |
Labor relations--International
Longshoremen's Association, 1937 September - 1939 to Labor
relations--International Seamen's Union, Atlantic and Gulf
coasts |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1466/1-30 |
Labor relations--International Seamen's
Union, West coast to Labor relations--Labor Standards Act, Fair Labor
Standards Act |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1467/1-58 |
Labor relations--Laundry Workers
International Union to Labor relations--National Labor Relations Board,
1936 - 1938 April
BOX-ENVELOPE 1468/1-17 |
Labor relations--National Labor Relations
Board, 1938 May - 1939 June to Labor relations--National
Maritime Union, 1937 July-August
BOX-ENVELOPE 1469/1-49 |
Labor relations--National Maritime Union,
1937 September - 1939 June to Labor
relations--picketing |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1470/1-44 |
Labor relations--picketing to Labor
relations--Screen Actors Guild |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1471/1-75 |
Labor relations--Screen Writers Guild to
Olympic games, 1936
BOX-ENVELOPE 1472/1-25 |
P--general to Quakers |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1473/1-40 |
R--general to Social Security--New York
State, 1936
BOX-ENVELOPE 1474/1-25 |
Spain--general to Spain--foreign affairs,
Great Britain |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1475/1-20 |
Spain--foreign affairs, Italy to
Spain--piracy |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1476/1-22 |
Spain--refugees to Spain--revolution,
general |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1477/1 to 1484/16 |
Spain--revolution, 1936 January 1 -
1938 October 31
BOX-ENVELOPE 1485/1-21 |
Spain--revolution, 1938 November 1 -
December 31 to Spain--sympathizers |
BOX-ENVELOPE 1486/1 to 1487/16 |
Steel Workers Organization Committee
(S.W.O.C.) |
Steel Workers Organization Committee
(S.W.O.C.) to Yankee clipper |
BOX 129-516, 941-942, 1197-1198, 1275 |
Library Records, 1928-1940
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