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Leonard Bernstein collection, circa 1900-1995

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Correspondence, 1928-1994, undated (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 2/8 Amberson Enterprises, 1987 and undated
(5 items)
BOX-FOLDER 2/9 American Center, Paris, 1988
(1 item)
BOX-FOLDER 2/10 American Symphony Orchestra, 1980
(1 item)
BOX-FOLDER 2/11 Ames, Alison, 1981-1990
(16 items)
BOX-FOLDER 2/12 Ames, Evelyn (Evvie), Amyas, and family, 1958-1990 and undated
see also New York Philharmonic (Amyas)
(40 items)
BOX-FOLDER 2/13 Ames-Proust, M., 1988
(1 item)
BOX-FOLDER 2/14 Ammons, Lila, 1986-1988
(3 items)
BOX-FOLDER 2/15 Ampthill, Geoffrey, 1989
(1 item)
BOX-FOLDER 2/16 Amram, David, 1962-1991 and undated
(7 items)
BOX-FOLDER 2/17 Amurri, Franco, 1988 and undated
(2 items)
BOX-FOLDER 60A/5 Amurri, Franco, 1981-1993 and undated (Sealed)
(13 items)
BOX-FOLDER 2/18 Ančerl, Karel, 1971
(1 item)
Anderson, Bruce
see Dallapiccola, Luigi
BOX-FOLDER 2/19 Anderson, Marian, 1989
(1 item)
BOX-FOLDER 2/20 Anderson, William G., 1964-1989
(3 items)
BOX-FOLDER 2/21 Androsch, Hannes, 1984-1990
(4 items)
BOX-FOLDER 2/22 Andry, Peter E., 1988
(1 item)
BOX-FOLDER 2/23 Andryszewski, Tricia and Richard, 1989
(1 item)
BOX-FOLDER 2/24 Angel/EMI Records, 1988-1991
(3 items)
BOX-FOLDER 2/25 Angyan, Thomas, 1988-1990
(5 items)
BOX-FOLDER 2/26 Anon, Judith, 1990
(1 item)
BOX-FOLDER 2/27 Anselmo, Andy, 1989
(1 item)
BOX-FOLDER 60A/6 Anshen, Ruth Nanda, 1946
(1 item)
BOX-FOLDER 2/28 Antheil, George, 1946-1959
(8 items)
BOX-FOLDER 2/29 Antonelli, Amy, 1988-1989
(2 items)
BOX-FOLDER 2/30 Antonini, Ferdinando, 1982-1989 and undated
(3 items)
BOX-FOLDER 2/31 Antoniou, Theodore and Susan, 1979-1988 and undated
see also Schuller, Gunther
(11 items)
see Chalkley, Eric
BOX-FOLDER 2/32 Apsey, Jean and Lawrence, 1989
(2 items)
BOX-FOLDER 2/33 Apt, Joan, Jerry and family, 1968-1990
(3 items)
BOX-FOLDER 2/34 Arbuckle, Robert, undated
(1 item)
BOX-FOLDER 2/35 Archer, Violet, 1958
(1 item)
BOX-FOLDER 2/36 Ardoin, John, 1973-1987
(3 items)
BOX-FOLDER 2/37 Arlen, Harold, 1955-1957
(3 items)
BOX-FOLDER 2/38 Armacost, Michael, 1990
(1 item)
BOX-FOLDER 2/39 Armistead, Adelina, 1961
(1 item)
BOX-FOLDER 2/40 Armstrong, Herbert W., 1984
(1 item)
BOX-FOLDER 2/41 Armstrong, Louis, 1959
(1 item)
BOX-FOLDER 2/42 Arnell, Richard, 1958-1960
(3 items)
BOX-FOLDER 2/43 Arnold, Maxine, 1963
(1 item)
BOX-FOLDER 2/44 Arnold, Richard, 1988
(1 item)
BOX-FOLDER 2/45 Aronoff, Ellie, 1988
(1 item)
BOX-FOLDER 2/46 Aróstegui, Paz Davila, 1982
(1 item)
BOX-FOLDER 2/47 Arrau, Claudio, 1966-1991
(9 items)
BOX-FOLDER 2/48 Arthur, Gavin, 1957
(1 item)
BOX-FOLDER 3/1 Asbury, Stefan, 1990
(1 item)
Ascalon, Adir (in re)
see Rangel, Maria
see also Adams, Stanley
(1 item)
BOX-FOLDER 3/3 Aschmann, Charles, Jr., 1985
(1 item)
BOX-FOLDER 3/4 Ashby, Rosemary, 1987-1989
(5 items)
BOX-FOLDER 3/5 Asimov, Isaac, 1985
(1 item)
BOX-FOLDER 3/6 Aslan, Benjamin, 1952
(2 items)
BOX-FOLDER 3/7 Aspe Ansa, María-Carmen, 1988
(1 item)
BOX-FOLDER 3/8 Aspen Music Festival, 1988
(1 item)
BOX-FOLDER 3/9 Astier, Geoffroy d', 1975-1988
(3 items)
BOX-FOLDER 3/10 Astorga, Nora, 1987
(1 item)
BOX-FOLDER 3/11 Atkinson, Brooks, 1957
(1 item)
BOX-FOLDER 3/12 Atlas, Dalia, 1989-1991
(4 items)
BOX-FOLDER 3/13 Atlas, Helen, 1987
(1 item)
BOX-FOLDER 3/14 Aubrey, James T., Jr., 1960-1963
(5 items)
BOX-FOLDER 3/15 Augér, Arleen, 1990
(1 item)
BOX-FOLDER 3/16 August, Amadeus, 1985
(1 item)
BOX-FOLDER 3/17 Austin, J. Paul, 1976
(2 items)
BOX-FOLDER 3/18 Austin, Larry, 1962-1965
(2 items)
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