The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Leonard Bernstein collection, circa 1900-1995
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Writings, 1928-1991 (continued)
Television Scripts (continued)
Young People's Concerts Television Scripts (continued)
Fantastic Variations (Don Quixote) (continued)
Pencil on yellow legal pad paper
Digital content available
DF Fantastic Variations (Don Quixote)
Typescript on pink paper with emendations in pencil; 7 revised pages on white paper
Digital content available
BOX-FOLDER 112/7 Bach transmogrified, 1969 April 27
BOX-FOLDER 113/1 Berlioz takes a trip, 1969 May 25
BOX-FOLDER 113/2 Two ballet birds, 1969 September 14
BOX-FOLDER 113/3 Fidelio: A celebration of life, 1970 March 29
BOX-FOLDER 113/4-5 The anatomy of a symphony orchestra, 1970 May 24
DF The Anatomy of a Symphony Orchestra [Outline/Draft]
Pencil on yellow legal pad paper with emendations in red and blue pencil
Digital content available
DF The Anatomy of a Symphony Orchestra
Pencil on yellow legal pad paper with emendations in red pencil
Digital content available
DF The Anatomy of a Symphony Orchestra
Typescript on pink paper with emendations in red, blue, and black pencil; 24/25 and 41 are mimeo
Digital content available
DF The Anatomy of a Symphony Orchestra [Music Cues]
Typescript with emendations in red and black pencil and ink
Digital content available
DF Liszt and the Devil [Outline/Notes]
Pencil and blue pencil; 2 pages on 4 x6 in.; 5 pages on yellow legal pad paper
Digital content available
DF Liszt and the Devil
Pencil on yellow legal pad paper with emendations in red and blue pencil
Digital content available
DF Liszt and the Devil
Typescript on white paper
Digital content available
BOX-FOLDER 113/6 A Copland celebration, 1970 December 27
BOX-FOLDER 113/7 Thus spake Richard Strauss, 1971 April 4
BOX-FOLDER 114/1-2 Liszt and the devil, 1972 February 13
BOX-FOLDER 114/3 Holst: The Planets, 1972 March 26
BOX 161-165 Bound Television Scripts
BOX 161 Lincoln Presents: Beethoven's Ninth Symphony; Jazz in serious music; The infinite variety of music
BOX 162 Lincoln Presents: The humors of music
BOX 162 Ford Presents: Leonard Bernstein and the New York Philharmonic in Moscow; Leonard Bernstein and the New York Philharmonic in Venice
BOX 163 Ford Presents: The creative performer; Rhythm; Leonard Bernstein and the New York Philharmonic in Berlin
BOX 164 Ford Presents: Christmas startime (1960 December 25); Romanticism in music; Drama into opera: Oedipus Rex
BOX 165 Ford Presents: A joyful noise; Leonard Bernstein and the New York Philharmonic in Japan; The drama of Carmen
BOX 166-176 Television Scripts Collections - Notebooks
BOX 166 Omnibus: What makes opera grand?
BOX 166 Lincoln Presents: Beethoven's Ninth Symphony; Jazz in serious music; The infinite variety of music; The humors of music
BOX 166 Ford Presents: Leonard Bernstein and the New York Philharmonic in Moscow; Leonard Bernstein and the New York Philharmonic in Venice; The creative performer; Rhythm; Leonard Bernstein and the New York Philharmonic in Berlin; Christmas Startime (1960 December 25); Romanticism in music; A joyful noise; Leonard Bernstein and the New York Philharmonic in Japan
BOX 167 Young People's Concerts: What does music mean?; What is American music?; What is orchestration?; What makes music symphonic?; What is classical music?; Humor in music; What is a concerto?
BOX 168 Young People's Concerts: Young performers (1961 March 19); Folk music in the concert hall; What is impressionism?; The road to Paris; Happy birthday, Igor Stravinsky; Young performers (1963 January 15); The Latin American spirit; Atribute to teachers; Young performers (1963 December 23)
BOX 169 Young People's Concerts: The genius of Paul Hindemith; Jazz in the concert hall; What is a mode?; Young performers (1967 January 27); Charles Ives: American pioneer; Alumni reunion; A toast to Vienna in 3/4 time; Forever Beethoven!; Young performers (1968 March 31); Quiz-concert: How musical are you?
BOX 170 Young People's Concerts: Fantastic Variations; Bach transmogrified; Berlioz takes a trip; Two ballet birds; Fidelio: A celebration of life; The anatomy of a symphony orchestra; A Copland celebration; Thus spake Richard Strauss; Liszt and the devil; Holst: The Planets
BOX 171 Young People's Concerts [as broadcast]: What is a concerto?; Who is Gustav Mahler?; Unusual instruments of present, past and future; Overtures and preludes; Aaron Copland birthday party; The road to Paris; Happy birthday, Igor Stravinsky; The sound of a hall; The Latin American spirit; The genius of Paul Hindemith; Jazz in the concert hall; What is sonata form?; Farewell to nationalism; A tribute to Sibelius; The sound of an orchestra
BOX 172 Young People's Concerts [as broadcast]: A birthday tribute to Shostakovich; What is a mode?; Charles Ives: American pioneer; A toast to Vienna in 3/4 time; Forever Beethoven!; Quiz-concert: How musical are you?; Fantastic Variations; Bach transmogrified; Berlioz takes a trip; Two ballet birds; Fidelio: A celebration of life; The anatomy of a symphony orchestra; A Copland celebration; Thus spake Richard Strauss; Liszt and the devil
BOX 173 Bernstein/Beethoven series [excerpts from various scripts and writings, for possible use in the TV series; projected broadcast schedule; format production plan], 1978
BOX 173 Bernstein/Beethoven series [Leonard Bernstein's speaking parts and H. C. Robbins Landon narration; program formats; list of music to be used], 1980
BOX 174 Bernstein/Beethoven series [including the Robbins Landon narration], 1981 January 7
BOX 174 Bernstein/Beethoven series [for Maximilian Schell], 1981 February
English (programs 1-5, 8, 11) and German (programs 1-4, 11)
BOX 174 Bernstein/Beethoven series [final form], 1981 June-August
BOX 175 Bernstein/Beethoven series [Leonard Bernstein's non-music commentary only (original version, revisions A, B, and C, and final version); program outlines; correspondence and notes from Humphrey Burton and Harry Kraut], 1979-1981
3 notebooks; English and German
BOX 176 Bernstein/Beethoven series, undated
Annotated score and parts for String Quartet, op. 131, photocopies
BOX 115 Teleprompter Scripts
BOX 115 Shostakovich Symphony no. 6, 1986 October 5
English and German
BOX 115 Ives Symphony no. 2, 1987 June
BOX 116-138, 177-192 Norton Lectures / The Unanswered Question
Includes Bernstein's manuscript notes, draft scripts, and annotated typescripts; notes and outlines of others who helped prepare the lectures; research materials; television production materials; teleprompter scripts; and correspondence relating to the production and distribution of the lectures on video
BOX 116-119 [Leonard Bernstein's manuscript notes and drafts and annotated typescripts (grouped by lecture)], 1972-1973
BOX 120 [early planning materials: notes and outlines of Leonard Bernstein and others (Cothran, Finkler, Ahern)], 1972-1973
BOX 121 [planning conference transcript; Harry Kraut and Candy Finkler notebooks (containing research articles, outlines, rough drafts, early scripts, production miscellany)], 1972-1973
BOX 122 [research materials (reference lists, bibliographies, articles); and music scores], 1972-1973
BOX 123-134 [scripts, annotated by production staff] Musical phonology (Boxes 123-126), Musical syntax, (Boxes 126-129), Musical semantics (Boxes 129-130), The delights and dangers of ambiguity (Boxes 131-132), The twentieth century crisis (Boxes 132-133), The poetry of earth (Boxes 133-134), 1972-1973
BOX 135 [miscellaneous: faculty introductory remarks; press; guest lists; financial; correspondence; topically related articles], 1972-1973
BOX 136 [TV (WGBH) production materials: music taping and timings; production schedules and technical notes; credits; text for TV promo, series intro, and musical examples program; set designs; admission tickets; viewer responses], 1972-1973
BOX 177-192 [Teleprompter scripts (Boxes 177-189) and credit rolls (Boxes 190-192)], 1973
BOX 137-138 [regarding video production and distribution; TV and radio broadcasts; CBS 17-record set], 1973-1976
BOX 139-160, 193-196, 198 Book Materials
Includes typescripts, musical examples, planning materials, correspondence with the publisher, and publisher's proofs.
BOX 193-196 The Joy of Music [typescripts and musical examples; articles, "The world of jazz," Vogue, 1956 March 15, and "Leonard Bernstein explores American musical comedy," Vogue, 1957 February 1; proofs; script for "What is sonata form?" (for a contemplated expanded edition?)], 1959
BOX 139 Leonard Bernstein's Young People's Concerts [typescripts and music examples, annotations of Jack Gottlieb and Leonard Bernstein, correspondence with publisher], 1962, 1970
BOX 140-142 Leonard Bernstein's Young People's Concerts [typescripts; musical examples; text], 1992
BOX 196/6 Leonard Bernstein's Young People's Concerts [music examples, Jack Gottlieb manuscript], 1992
BOX 143 The Infinite Variety of Music [planning materials; correspondence with publisher; typescript; musical examples], 1966
BOX 196/7 The Infinite Variety of Music [musical examples, miscellaneous], 1966
BOX 144-156 The Unanswered Question. Six Talks at Harvard. [typescripts, grouped by chapter (Boxes 144-149)][musical examples; visuals; photos (Boxes 150-151)][galleys; paste-ups; proofs (Boxes 152-155)][publishers information; front matter; cover materials; record inserts; production notes; correspondence, memorandums, etc. (Box 156)], 1976
BOX 198 OV The Unanswered Question. Six Talks at Harvard. [musical examples (chapters 5-6); visuals; page proofs], 1976
BOX 157-160 Findings [typescripts (including those of early forms The Bernstein Album and Reflections); planning notes and correspondence; photo reproduction permissions; photos (xeroxes); etc.] See also references in main body of Writings, 1982
BOX 196/8 Findings [musical examples], 1982
BOX 196/9 Gustav Mahler [musical examples (J. Gottlieb manuscript) from "Who is Gustav Mahler?" (considered for inclusion? in The Infinite Variety of Music or Leonard Bernstein's Young People's Concerts)], undated
BOX 1086 Personal Materials, 1935-1990
BOX 1086 Personal Documents, 1935-1990
BOX-FOLDER 1086/1 Harvard transcripts, 1935-1939
BOX-FOLDER 1086/2 A midsummer night's dream program, 1938
BOX-FOLDER 1086/3 Social security card, 1940
BOX-FOLDER 1086/4 Card announcing opening of studio, 1941
Digital content available
BOX-FOLDER 1086/5 Power of attorney, 1944-1977
BOX-FOLDER 1086/6 Driver's license, 1947
Note: On verso, stamping from the soon-to-be State of Israel
BOX-FOLDER 1086/7 Permits, 1948
Contents: Allied force permit/Permis militaire alliée; Occupational force travel permit/Laissez-passer des forces...; The aliens order, 1920
BOX-FOLDER 1086/8 Claim of non-residency, 1951
BOX-FOLDER 1086/9 Marriage certificate, 1951
Digital content available
BOX-FOLDER 1086/10 Marriage certificate, 1957
Note: Signatories include people involved with West Side Story
BOX-FOLDER 1086/11 Power of attorney, 1963
BOX-FOLDER 1086/12 Passports, 1946-1978
6 items
Digital content available
BOX-FOLDER 1086/13 Birth certificate, re-issued, 1980
BOX-FOLDER 1086/14 Papers regarding sleep-wake disorders center, 1980
BOX-FOLDER 1086/15 Prescription, 1984
BOX-FOLDER 1086/16-17 Papers regarding Jamie Bernstein's wedding, 1984
BOX-FOLDER 1086/18 Blue cross card, 1986
BOX-FOLDER 1086/19 Dolphin research center adoption certificate, 1988
BOX-FOLDER 1086/20 Map of Russia (circa 1880), gift, 1989
Note: Inscribed; purportedly showing where his family came from
BOX-FOLDER 1086/21 Cigarette counts, 1989
BOX-FOLDER 1086/22 Treatment regimen, 1990
BOX-FOLDER 1086/23 Funeral register, 1990
BOX-FOLDER 1086/24 Signature plate, undated
BOX-FOLDER 1086/25 License plates, "MAESTRO1," undated
BOX 1042-1085, 1087-1583 Music, 1932-1995
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