The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Leonard Bernstein collection, circa 1900-1995
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Business Papers, 1944-1994 (continued)
Amberson Business Papers, 1949-1994 , bulk 1969-1990 (continued)
BOX 979-981 Card Files
BOX 979 Invitation lists to Leonard Bernstein’s 65th birthday and memorial service (3x5 cards)
BOX 980 Rolodex from 25 Central Park West, given to Crozier in 1992
BOX 981 Two sets of address cards: 3x5 and detached Rolodex cards
BOX 982-1037, 1041 Personal Business Papers, 1944-1990 , bulk 1944-1969
Arranged alphabetically by name or subject.
BOX 982 A.C.T. Teatro Club
BOX 982 Abbott, George
Academy of Achievement
see American Academy of Achievement
BOX 982 Academy of American Poets
BOX 982 Academy of Music of Philadelphia
BOX 982 Accademia nazionale di Santa Cecilia
BOX 982 Acting Company
BOX 982 Actors' Fund of America
Adams, Jack, & Co.
see Jack Adams & Co.
BOX 982 Adler, Hans
BOX 982 Adler, Stella
BOX-FOLDER 1029/1 Advanced Music Corp.
BOX 982 Advocates for the Arts
BOX 982 Affidavit on Communist accusations (in re), 1954
BOX 982 AFS international scholarships
BOX 982 AFTRA pension and welfare funds
BOX 982 Agenzia internazionale concerti
BOX 982 Agenzia Lirica Concertistica Internazionale
BOX 982 "AIDs as Apocalypse"
BOX 982 Alberta, government of the province of
BOX 1003 Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.
BOX-FOLDER 1029/2 Alien orders and travel permits
Alter (Louis) memorial concert
see Louis Alter memorial concert
BOX 982 Amberson Enterprises
BOX 982 America-Israel Cultural Foundation
BOX 982 America-Israel Society
BOX 982 American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters
BOX 982 American Academy of Achievement
BOX 982 American Academy of Dramatic Arts (AADA)
BOX 982 American Accordionists' Association
BOX 982 American Association for the United Nations
BOX 982 American Association of University Women
BOX 982 American Ballet Theatre
BOX 982 American Broadcasting Company
BOX 982 American Cancer Society
BOX 982 American Christian Palestine Committee
BOX 982 American Civil Liberties Union
BOX 982 American Conservatory of Music
BOX 982 American Conservatory Theater
BOX 982 American Council for Émigrés in the Professions
BOX 982 American Farm School
BOX 982 American Federation of Musicians
BOX 982 American Film Institute
BOX 982 American Friends of the Hebrew University
BOX 982 American Friends Service Committee
BOX 982 American Fund for Israel Institutions
BOX 982 American Fund for Palestine Institutions
BOX-FOLDER 1029/3 American Fund for Palestinian Institutions
BOX 982 American Guild of Musical Artists
BOX 982 American Guild of Organists
BOX 983 American Jewish Committee
BOX 983 American Jewish Congress
BOX 983 American Jewish Literary Foundation
BOX 983 American Jewish Tercentenary
BOX 983 American Joint Distribution Committee
BOX 983 American Music Center
BOX 983 American Music Scholarship Association
BOX 983 American Musical and Dramatic Academy (AMDA)
BOX 983 American National Opera Company, Inc.
BOX 983 American National Theatre and Academy
BOX 983 American Recorded Music Society
BOX 983 American Red Cross
BOX 983 American Red Mogen David for Israel
BOX 983 American-Scandinavian Foundation
BOX 983 American Society for Cultural Relations with Italy
BOX 983 American Society for Russian Relief
BOX 983 American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers
BOX 983 American Society of the French Legion of Honor
BOX 983 American Symphony Orchestra
BOX 983 American Symphony Orchestra League
BOX 983 American Theatre Wing
BOX 983 American Whig-Cliosophic Society
BOX 983 American Zionist Council
BOX 983 Amnesty International U.S.A.
BOX 983 Anderson, Marian
BOX 983 Anti-defamation League of B'nai B'rith
BOX 983 AP Newsfeatures
BOX 983 Appraisal–Dakota–draft
BOX 983 Appraisal–Fairfield–draft
BOX 983 Appraised inventory of household furnishings, 205 West 57th St.
BOX 983 Appraised inventory of household furnishings, Redding, Connecticut
BOX 983 Arapahoe Community College
BOX 1014 Arthur Rubinstein International Piano Master Competition
BOX 984 Artist info file
BOX-FOLDER 1029/4 Artists Alliance
BOX 984 Arts Club of Chicago
BOX-FOLDER 1029/6 ASCAP, 1944-1951
BOX-FOLDER 1029/7 ASCAP, 1968-1970
BOX-FOLDER 1029/8 ASCAP accounting history, 1971-1972
BOX-FOLDER 1029/9 ASCAP accounting history, 1973
BOX-FOLDER 1029/10 ASCAP accounting history, 1974-1975
BOX-FOLDER 1029/11 ASCAP accounting history, 1976-1977
BOX-FOLDER 1029/12 ASCAP accounting history, 1988-1989
Ashley-Steiner-Famous Artists, or, Ashley Famous Artists
see Brown, Katharine and "A" miscellaneous
BOX 984 Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies
BOX 984 Aspen Music Festival and Music School
BOX 984 Associated American Artists
BOX 984 Associated Exhibitors
Associated Jewish Philanthropies
see Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New York
BOX 984 Associated Music Publishers
BOX 984 Associated Musicians of Greater New York
BOX 984 Association des Concerts Lamoureux
BOX 984 Association for the Help of Retarded Children
Associazione di Cultura Teatrale
see A.C.T. Teatro Club
BOX 984 Atlantic Monthly Press
BOX 984 Atlas, Dalia
BOX 984 Audio Engineering Society
BOX 984 Audition requests, 1945-1959
BOX 984 Audition requests, 1965-1967
BOX 984 Australian Broadcasting Commission
BOX 984 "A" miscellaneous
(4 folders)
BOX 985 "A" miscellaneous
(4 folders)
BOX 985 Bachrach Photographers
BOX 985 Bagaduce Music Lending Library
BOX 985 Baldwin Piano Company
BOX 985 Baldwin-Wallace College
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