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Appendix D: Photographs, Index 2, Places, Events, and Activities | |||||||||||||
Alphabetical index of locations, events, and recreational activities that involved Bernstein in some capacity. | |||||||||||||
32 West 10th Street 46A/078, 95, 47A/003, 19, 21-30, 130-132 |
40 West 55th Street 45A/003-17 |
92nd Street "Y" 71A/001-2 |
112 Shoe Lane, Fleet Street, E.C.4., London
63A/008-10 |
205 West 57th Street [see also The Osborne]
61A/028 |
205 West 57th Street, Apt. 20D (The Bernstein
Archive) 92A/001 |
895 Park Avenue 64A/033-35, 54-56, 65A/030-37, 68A/047-52, 164-165 |
895 Park Avenue, Terrace 69A/031-35, 47-50 |
1025 Park Avenue, Terrace 49A/036-37 |
1239 Broadway 45A/036-39, 61-64, 68-78, 46A/028, 62, 107 |
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue 76A/016-17, 18[Ov], 203-204 |
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Indiana University
92A/002-3 |
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, opening night party,
etc. 76A/219-225 |
Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia 81A/219 |
ACLU Lawn Party, Faifield, Mass. 72A/033 |
Age of Anxiety 49A/044-47, 98-99, 101, 50A/003-7, 79A/182-201 |
Aguila Azteca, presentation of (Mexican honor)
82A/020-27, 97 |
AIDS Benefit 87A/085-87 |
Albert Einstein Award 60A/018-19 |
Alice M. Ditson Award 58A/032 |
Almond Tree House, Jamaica 72A/002-5 |
Alster Buer, Hamburg 79A/111 |
Ambrosia NDA/043 |
America-Israel Cultural Foundation concert
72A/038-43 |
America-Israel Cultural Foundation dinner 65A/002 |
America-Israel Cultural Foundation gala 87A/088-90 |
American Education Award 66B |
American Fair, Moscow 59A/196 |
American Fund for Israel Institutions benefit
concert 49A/035, 56A/008 |
American Fund for Israel Institutions in Mexico
banquet 51A/011 |
American Fund (for Palestinian Institutions)
dinner 46A/029, 37 |
"The American Musical Comedy" (Omnibus) MDA/055 |
Amnesty International Benefit, Munich 76A/106-115 |
Amsterdam, Netherlands 50A/053-61, 73, 81[Ov], 76A/020-42, 78A/027, 36-53, 7XA/054, 81A/059, 87A/036, 73-74, FDA/025 |
Ann Arbor, Michigan 67A/089-93 |
Ansedonia, Italy 67A/075-77, 78[Ov], 79-87, 88[Ov], 138[Ov], MDA/112 |
Anti-fascist Refugee Committee 44A/004 |
Appointment with Leonard Bernstein (Granada
Television) 63A/033, 63B |
"Arias and Barcarolles" 88A/002, 89A/110 |
Arizona 50A/001-4, 59A/210 |
Aspen, Colorado 62A/011, 65A/040-61, MDA/043 |
Associated Exhibitors Dinner 66B |
Astor Ballroom 58C |
Athens, Greece 48A/066, 59A/046[+Ov & Ov2], 47, 77A/139-149, 59B, 59D |
Atlanta, Georgia 55A/078 |
The Atlantic [cover] 54A/097 |
Atlantic City 66B |
Auckland Town Hall 74A/214 |
Auden's home in Austria 76A/130 |
Auditing class, Tanglewood 48A/021, 27, 49A/098 |
Aula Magna, Caracas, Venezuela 58A/090 |
Australia 74A/114-131, 214, 216[Ov3], 217-222[Ov1] |
Austria [see also Vienna] 70A/063, 77A/043-77 |
Avery Fisher Hall [see also Lincoln Center and
Philharmonic Hall] 64A/041-46, 75A/004-10, 77A/185, 85A/016 |
The Azores 48A/087 |
Bach Concerto for Three Pianos MDA/127-130 |
Bach Festival Chorus and Orchestra 77A/007-8 |
Bach statue, Leipzig 87A/075 |
Bach Tercentenary Concert, Detroit 50A/012-21, 68-69 |
Bagpiper 73A/264-265, 267-268, 273-274 |
Balbianello, Villa (Italy) 67A/003 |
Baldwin Piano advertisement 67A/139[Ov], MDA/039 |
Ballet [unidentified] NDA/189-205[Ov1] |
Ballet Theatre Gala 75A/001 |
Barbados MDA/042 |
Barbican Centre, London 86A/013-25, 86C, 89A/123-126[Ov], 129-133 |
Battistoni's, Rome 88A/015 |
Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra 83A/075, 86A/038-44 |
BBC 66B |
The Beatles, concert 6XA/021 |
The Beatles Rubber Soul album 66A/082 |
Bedroom, Fairfield 91A/011 |
Beersheba, Israel 48A/076-83, 94-101, 136, 48C |
Beethovenhalle 68A/143-144 |
Beethoven's Birthday: A Celebration in Vienna
70A/109, 71A/037 |
"Beethoven's Fifth Symphony" (Omnibus) MDA/054 |
Beethoven's Geburtshaus MDA/030 |
Beit Halochem, Zahal Disabled Veterans
Organization 85A/033-34 |
Belgrade, Yugoslavia 59A/063, 67-68, 59D |
Bellano, Italy 67A/003 |
Ben Shemen 5XA/057-59 |
Berkshire Music Center 48A/031-32 |
Berkshire Music Festival 48A/023 |
Berlin, Germany [see also East Berlin and West
Berlin] 59A/062, 155-156, 202, 68A/121, 136-138, 68B, 71A/042, 77A/129-135, 79A/134-143, 155-156, 81A/029-37, 40-50, 128, 198, 89A/104-109, 120-122, 127[Ov1] |
Berlin Philharmonic 79A/155 |
Berlin School of Music 59C |
Berlioz: Requiem 75A/125-127 |
Bernardsville, New Jersey 45A/029 |
Bernstein, Alexander Bar Mitzvah of 68A/131, MDA/113-115; resume shot 7XA/013-14, 82A/091 |
Bernstein, Burton kissing LB's ring 8XA/146; as Santa Claus 56A/078; wedding of (to Ellen) 60A/072-77, MDD |
Bernstein, Felicia being arrested 72A/087; autographed 45A/095; breast feeding Jamie 52A/072; bust of NDA/098; guitar playing 56A/009; narrating Joan at the Stake 58A/034-41, 44-48; piano playing 56A/114; pregnant 52A/086 |
Bernstein, Jennie 90th birthday party 88E; photo album found in apartment MDA/001 |
Bernstein, Leonard autographed -42A/025, 30, 46, 43A/003, 44A/010, 42, 45A/026, 28, 55A/080, 59A/212[Ov], 74A/213[Ov], 76A/074, 7XA/076, 85A/008, 86A/001 (for Nina), 88A/030-32, 88E, LBA/001-7; autographing 66B, 68B, 6XA/087[Ov2]; baseball cap wearing MDA/028-30; bearded 76A/089-102, 103[Ov], 104-107, 108[Ov], 109-198, 202, 205-207, 76C, 76D; chipping at Berlin Wall 89A/121-122; 38th birthday 56A/141; birthday lunch 59D; 50th birthday party 68A/088-103; 55th birthday party 73A/267-274; 56th birthday party 74A/114-129; 57th birthday party 75A/045-53; 59th birthday party 77A/136; 60th birthday celebration at Wolf Trap 78A/058-147, 78S/001, 83C; 61st birtday party 79A/093-94, 98-100; 65th birthday celebration (Lawrence, Mass.) 83A/030-33, 131[Ov2](signed by Jennie), 149, 152 (at Fairfield); 68th birthday 86A/059; 70th birthday, Tanglewood 88A/076-93, 160; 71st birthday, Alpine slide 89A/148, 157; birthday cake of, 66A/098; boating 67A/081; book signing 76A/015; busts of, 58A/180-181, 60A/098, 123, 77A/187-193, 79A/235, 81A/202, 86A/066; canoeing 45A/090; caricatures of, 65A/005, 77A/194, 78A/185; riding carousel 79A/217; playing chess 56A/012, 86A/012; as "Christina's World" (Wyeth painting) 8XA/190[Ov2]; lighting cigarette 83A/077-78; lighting Chanukah candles 89A/120; clothes shopping 79A/134-142, 88A/015; composing music 45A/003-5, 9-10, 63, 47A/026, 130-132, 50A/038, 68A/059, 6XA/003[Ov1], 86A/083[Ov2], LBA/009; at computer 70A/092, 78A/182; conducting children 79A/179; conducting for the first time -42A/026, 46-47, 57; conducting on his back 76A/149; cooking 50A/081[Ov]; wearing a cowboy hat 48A/116-17, 83A/006, 25; doing crossword puzzle 47A/024; playing croquet 49A/071, 74, 4XB; kissing cufflinks 69A/028, 75A/080-82; dancing 46A/025, 4XB, 6XA/057 (with Adolph Green), 77A/025, 138 (with Nina); debut, day after 43A/008; playing with dolphin 63A/025-29, 8XA/145; with dove on shoulder 68A/166; drawing 46A/074; driving 6XA/053; playing drums 58A/061, 64, 87, 5XA/038, 62C; dueting with Felicia 64A/009; feeding elephant 59B, 62C; engagement of, 46A/082; exhausted 6XA/011[Ov3], 77A/179; false-nose wearing 89A/157; swallowing a whole fish 47A/112, 85A/009; fishing 80A/049[Ov]; wearing flower 79A/217, 82A/077, 84A/043, 8XA/050; playing flute 58A/070-72; receiving flying lesson 46A/080; playing football 74A/128-129; wearing a gas mask 58A/088; cruising the Greek Isles with Shirley & Burton 78B; holding gun to temple 83A/116[Ov]; getting a haircut 55A/032, 57A/029-34, 104[+Ov]-106[Ov], 59B, 62C, 78A/158; hand-puppet, wearing 8XA/076; hands of (sculpture,) 65A/070; hands of (painting,) 67A/116; hands of (photographs,) 45A/017, 54A/008, 11, 71A/052, 8XA/097, MDA/098; Harvard graduation, -42A/039; honeymoon of, 51A/027-29 see also Cuernavaca; receiving honorary citizenship of Vienna 87A/095; receiving honorary degree from Brandeis 59A/019-28, 69A/029; receiving honorary degree from Brown University 66A/083-84; receiving honorary degree from Butler University 76A/004-14; receiving honorary degree from Dartmouth 60A/020-21; receiving honorary degree from Fairfield University 89A/026-34; receiving honorary degree from Harvard 66B, 67A/004-5, 107[?]; receiving honorary degree from Johns Hopkins University 80A/003-11, 23-25; receiving honorary degree from Michigan State 64A/026-32; receiving honorary degree from Northwestern University 57A/048; receiving honorary degree from Ohio State 64A/016-23; receiving honorary degree from Pine Manor College 87A/002-4, 114[Ov]; receiving honorary degree from Rockford College 66A/070-75; receiving honorary degree from Temple University 59A/139-148; receiving honorary degree from [unidentified] 7XA/072; receiving honorary degree from Warwick University 74A/181; receiving honorary degree from Wesleyan University 68A/053; receiving honorary degree from Westminster Choir College 66A/069; horseback riding 45A/066, 47B, 48A/088, 116-17, 50A/031, 33, 67(petting,) 51A/001-4, 59A/093, 210, 60A/001-2; impersonator 72A/088-90; at Japanese dinner 61A/015; Jewish activities 8XA/134, 146; drinking kaopectate 79A/005-7; holding a koala bear 74A/131, 216[Ov3]; last photograph 90A/055[Ov]; leapfrogging 48A/018; midair 45A/087[+Ov]; riding a mule 48A/045; New York Philharmonic, 1000th performance with 71A/083; playing an organ 53A/036; 71A/083; painting by, 49A/109; giving money to a panhandler 58D, 59A/195; playing panpipe 58A/074; parrot surrounded 8XA/128; on the phone 56C, 57A/075[Ov], 8XA/100; playing ping-pong MDA/027; smoking a pipe [47A/003, 29 same photograph,] 50A/040; podium of, 83B; portraits of, 56A/034, 60A/112, 63A/087, 65A/071 (by Larry Rivers), 66B (by K. H. Veit), 67A/137, 71A/005 (by Cosman), 83A/158[Ov3], 159, NDA/208; raiding the refrigerator 47A/025; red hat wearing 83A/152; shooting a rifle 46A/080; sailing 50A/081[Ov], 58A/101-105, 59A/198, 59C, 73A/048, 80A/049[Ov], 82A/077, 85A/009, 41-43, 87B, 88A/132, 89A/147, 8XA/054, 8XB, MDA/028-29; scuba diving 67A/082-83[Ov], 81A/103-107; sculpture of, 63A/086; changing his shirt 53A/065; playing a shofar 71A/079, 85A/016, 88E; skiing 58A/002-18, 58S/001, 62A/011, 63A/076, 65A/046-49, 66B, 69A/002-4, 60A/001-4, 70A/001-4, 60, MDA/001; sleeping 60A/043, 68A/162; sliding down Alpine slide 89A/148; as a star of David 6XA/080[Ov]; playing a stringed instrument 58A/082-83; holding stuffed animal 81A/200, 8XA/112; wearing sunglasses 64A/057, 68A/124, 6XA/021, 83A/126[Ov], 128[Ov], 86A/040, 88A/157; swimming 49A/077, 58A/028-31, 59A/194, 5XA/036, 101[Ov], 83A/025, 119[Ov], 8XA/138; swinging 88A/097-98; wearing a tambourine 85A/064; playing tennis 66A/080; sticking out tongue 83A/076; tree climbing 50A/036-37; playing a trumpet 89A/024; wearing a uniform -42A/068; water skiing 52S/001, 60A/045, 77A/013, 8XA/030; wedding of, 51A/019[Ov], 20, 21[Ov], 31 [wedding album 51B], MDA/001; playing a xylophone 49A/080 |
Bernstein, Michael; graduation 88E |
Bernstein, Nina; graduation (Harvard) 8XA/148 |
Bernstein, Windischeschenbach, Neustadt 89A/149 |
Bernstein, Samuel J.; 70th birthday testimonial
dinner 62A/003-5, 7-9, 48[Ov2], 62B-13 |
Bernstein Angus Farm 59A/221 |
Bernstein children; "hear no evil, see no evil,
speak no evil" 66A/122 |
"The Bernstein Festival 1986" Barbican Centre,
London 86A/013-25, 86C |
"Bernstein Festival" Villach 76A/061 |
Bernstein Memorial Concert, Carnegie Hall 90A/051-52 |
Beth Daniel, Israel 48A/043-44 |
Beth Halochem, Tel Aviv, Award 85A/039 |
Birmingham, Michigan 45A/026-28 |
Blitzstein, Marc; memorial concert 64A/010 |
Bloomington, Indiana 82A/002 |
Blossom Music Center (Festival), Ohio 86A/049-57, 58[Ov] |
Bodenheimer's, Haifa 47A/037-38, 40 |
La Boheme 54A/001-03, 87A/008-31 |
Bohemians 58C, 58D |
Bologna, Italy 55A/028-30 |
Bonn, Germany 68A/139-144, 76A/063-64, 208, 89B |
Book covers [Box 86 (photos of covers of Bernstein-authored books, incl. foreign editions)] |
Boston, Mass. 51A/018, 76A/076, 81-88, 88E |
Boston Lubavitz Yeshiva 62A/003-5, 7-9, 48[Ov2], 62B-13 |
Boston Symphony 49A/044-47, 50A/048-50, 62, 52A/030, 33, 37, 53A/043, 45, 74A/088-103, 7XA/048 |
Brandeis Creative Arts Festival 52A/013, 17-18 |
Brandeis University 51A/018, 52A/013, 17-19, 52S/002, 54A/098, 59A/019-28, 68A/175, 69A/029, 83C, MDA/005 |
Brazil 53A/049, 59 |
Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM) 47A/015-18, 75A/002-3 |
Brooklyn Boys Choir 76A/002-3 |
Brooklyn Philharmonic 75A/002 |
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