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People and activities of the National Woman's Party
1884-ca. 1965
Call No.: LOT 13445 (G) (H) |
Includes primarily portraits of National Woman's Party (NWP) officers;
suffragists; and other women in politics and business; NWP meetings and
formal gatherings, including Susan B. Anthony celebrations; the NWP Detroit
Convention of 1940; women delegates at United Nations sessions dealing with
women's rights issues. Also includes the organization's headquarters in
Washington, D.C. (Sewall-Belmont House); views of suffragist Alva Belmont's
home at Port Washington, Long Island; a few photographs of NWP founder,
Alice Paul's home in Vermont. Also postcards depicting women's suffrage
slogans, a 1913 suffrage parade in Washington, D.C., and President Wilson's
inauguration and parade at Washington, D.C. |
Organized roughly by subject. |
Printing plates
Four printing plates are in the Supplementary Archives (Suppl. Archive)
filing series. Two depict a woman on a horse and the slogan "forward into
light"; a third reproduces the "jailhouse door" commemorative pin designed
by Alice Paul in 1917; the fourth is a half-tone plate depicting a portrait
of an unidentified woman. |
Posters ca.
1910-ca. 1940
World peace. Before another Christmas still less of armament and
none of war [1918?]
Rochon-Hoover, artist
Call No.: POS - U.S. R618, no. 1 (B size) |
Extent: 1 print (poster) : color ; 49
x 32 cm. |
The whole earth is every child's home. No matter where his home
is, the whole earth today is every child's treasure chest and workshop
and playroom [193-]
Rochon-Hoover, artist
Call No.: POS - U.S. R618, no. 2 (C size) |
Extent: 1 print (poster): color ; 45 x
30 cm. |
Labor fights wars and then pays for them. Organize for peace.
National Council for Prevention of War, funder/sponsor
Call No.: POS - U.S. N372, no. 2 (C size) |
Extent: 1 print (poster) ; 78 x 53
cm. |
Disputes will continue to arise between nations. Do you want them
settled by reason or poison gas? By a world court or world war? [193-]
National Council for Prevention of War, funder/sponsor
Call No.: POS - U.S. N372, no. 3 (B size) |
Extent: 1 print (poster) ; 63 x 47
cm. |
General pact for the renunciation of war. . . 1929
National Council for Prevention of War, funder/sponsor
Call No.: POS - U.S. N372, no. 4 (C size) |
Extent: 1 print (poster) : color ; 110
x 68 cm. |
U.S. presidents for 30 years have favored a world court! Write
your 2 senators. We must join now. 1931
National Council for Prevention of War, funder/sponsor
Call No.: POS - U.S. N372, no. 5 (C size) |
Extent: 1 print (poster) ; 55 x 41
cm. |
Remove a cause of war. Provide access for all nations to the
world's resources and markets. Will you pay this price for peace? [193-]
National Council for Prevention of War, funder/sponsor
American Friends Service Committee, funder/sponsor
Women's International League, funder/sponsor
Call No.: POS - U.S. N372, no. 6 (C size) |
Extent: 1 print (poster) ; 55 x 41
cm. |
Law not war [193-]
Rochon Hoover, artist
National Council for Prevention of War, funder/sponsor
Call No.: POS - U.S. N372, no. 7 (C size) |
Extent: 1 print (poster) ; 61 x 46
cm. |
Betraying humanity! Private trading in armaments knows no
frontier, no patriotism, no humanity. The government must prevent it.
National Council for Prevention of War, funder/sponsor
American Friends Service Committee, funder/sponsor
Women's International League, funder/sponsor
Call No.: POS - U.S. N372, no. 8 (C size) |
Extent: 1 print (poster) ; 55 x 42
cm. |
The world must choose at the world disarmament conference [193-]
Talburt, Harold M., 1895-1966, artist (attributed)
National Council for Prevention of War, funder/sponsor
Call No.: POS - U.S. N 372, no. 9 (C size) |
Extent: 1 print (poster) ; 56 x 44
cm. |
The sermon on the mount. Poverty or peace? Armaments or bread?
World disarmament conference [193-]
Talburt, Harold M., 1895-1966, artist (attributed)
National Council for Prevention of War, funder/sponsor
Call No.: POS - U.S. N372, no. 10 (C size) |
Extent: 1 print (poster) ; 56 x 44
cm. |
Machine massacre. War the world's enemy. Support disarmament
conference. [193-]
National Council for Prevention of War, funder/sponsor
Call No.: POS - U.S. N372, no. 11 (C size) |
Extent: 1 print (poster) ; 56 x 38
cm. |