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Featherstonhaugh Collection : photographs relating to John Brown, his relatives and contemporaries, and Harpers Ferry, West Virginia (continued)
Grave of John Brown [North Elba, New York]. (continued)
Note: Same as no. 31 (a Photo reproduction).
Tombstone in front of rock with inscription "In memory of Capt. John Brown who died at New York Sept. ye 3 1776; in middle: John Brown, born May 9, 1800; was executed in Charleston Va. Dec. 2, 1859; below: "Oliver Brown, born Mar. 9, 1839, was killed at Harpers Ferry."
BOX 1 N.W. angle of Centre Square, York, Pa., 1904. The Leo Herz clothing 5 story house was built by Wm. C. Goodridge (1806-1873). The 3rd story Osborne P. Anderson [...]
Call No.: LOT 5910, no. 48 (H)
Extent: 1 black and white photographic print, mounted
On verso: "Center Sq., York, Pa."
BOX 1 Annie Brown Adams, daughter of John Brown.
Call No.: LOT 5910, no. 49 (H)
Extent: 1 black and white photographic print on cabinet card
Note: "Mrs. Annie Brown Adams, daughter of John Brown and the sole survivor of the Harpers Ferry raid taken July 1895."
Note: Imprinted on bottom "C.J. Crandall, Pasadena, Cal."
Head-and-shoulders studio portrait, left side in shadow, of woman with serious expression looking right, hair pulled back from head in center part. Fading focus at bottom.
BOX 1 John Brown's grave, North Elba, Adirondacks.
Call No.: LOT 5910, no. 50 (H)
Extent: 1 color "phostint" photmechanical print (postcard)
Note: By Detroit Publishing Co., no. 6791.
Note: Postmarked Aug. 19, 1918 to Dr. Featherstonhaugh.
Note: Same shot as black-and-white glass negative LC-D4-14823, copyrighted 1902.
Angled view of tombstone, encased in canopy surround, with rosebush and flag at left; tree in fall colors behind grave and in front of house, boulder.
BOX 1 Stewart Taylor. Shot.
Call No.: LOT 5910, no. 51 (H)
Extent: 1 black and white vintage photographic copy print, mounted
Note: "Stewart Taylor. Born in Uxbridge, in the Province of Ontario, Canada, October 29, 1836. ...became acquainted by George B. Gill, Esq., who introduced him to John Brown. ...Killed at Harpers Ferry" [The John Brown Reader, pg. 37]. "Stewart Taylor, 22, killed" [Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, pg. 8]
Head-and-shoulders studio portrait, facing front, no facial hair, framed in oval, lower part of figure, trimmed in semi-circle.
BOX 1 Dunkard church, near Kennedy Farm [Antietam Battlefield, Sharpsburg vicinity, Maryland]
Call No.: LOT 5910, no. 52 (H)
Extent: 1 color "phostint" photmechanical print (postcard)
On verso: John Brown attended services here regularly.
Orientation: Horizontal shot
Exterior of simple small church without tower; fenced in with trees in background.
BOX 1 Judge Richard Parker, who sentenced Brown.
Call No.: LOT 5910, no. 53 (H)
Extent: 1 black and white photographic print, mounted
On verso: From photo loaned by his sister.
On verso: Clipping: "He sentenced John Brown. Death of Judge Richard Parker, one of the noted jurists of Virginia..."
Head-and-shoulders studio portrait, facing left, lips pursed, dark brows.
BOX 1 F.J. Merriam. Escaped.
Call No.: LOT 5910, no. 54 (H)
Extent: 1 black and white photographic print, mounted
Note: "Francis Jackson Merriam, born November 17, 1837, in Framingham, Massachusetts. ...Escaped from Harpers Ferry after the attack, afterwards settled in Illinois, and enlisted in the Union army. Died November 28, 1865" [The John Brown Reader, pg. 37]
Head-and-shoulders portrait, facing slightly left, long hair and beard, black tie. Framed in oval.
BOX 1 A.D. Stevens, who was hung.
Call No.: LOT 5910, no. 55 (H)
Extent: 1 black and white photographic print, mounted
On verso: Stevens was one of Brown's main supporters and was most enthusiastic in the cause. He was badly wounded at Harpers Ferry but was nursed to health and then hung.
Note: Arrow Dwight Stevens, born in Lisbon, New London County, Connecticut, March 15, 1831... he came to Topeka early in 1856. He gave his name as Charlie Whipple, and served in the Free-State Forces as Captain Whipple. ...Captured and executed the following March [i.e. March 1860] [The John Brown Reader, pgs. 31 -33. "Aaron Stevens, 28, hanged" [Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, pg. 8]
Head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front, with beard, tie. Tufts of hair over ears. Framed in oval.
BOX 1 William Thompson. Shot.
Call No.: LOT 5910, no. 56 (H)
Extent: 1 black and white photographic print, mounted
Note: "William Thompson, son of Roswell Thompson, born in New Hampshire, August 1833. ... Henry Thompson, his elder brother, was married to Ruth, the daughter of John Brown" [The-John Brown Reader, pg. 31]
Half-length portrait, facing front, bearded, wearing light bowtie and checked vest. Framed in oval.
BOX 1 Mrs. Martha L. Brown Davis, youngest sister of John Brown.
Call No.: LOT 5910, no. 57 (H)
Extent: 1 black and white photographic print, mounted
On verso: "From photo loaned me by Brown's daughter Mrs. Adams."
Head-and-shoulders portrait in old age, facing slightly right, stern expression, dark dress with small white collar. Fading focus. Framed in oval.
BOX 1 Mrs. Mary Hand, sister of John Brown.
Call No.: LOT 5910, no. 58 (H)
Extent: 1 black and white vintage photographic copy print, mounted
On verso: "From photo loaned me by Mrs. Thompson."
Head-and-shoulders portrait, in old age, wearing white cap and cape, facing left. Fading focus. Framed in oval.
BOX 1 J.R. Brown, brother of John Brown.
Call No.: LOT 5910, no. 59 (H)
Extent: 1 black and white photographic copy print, mounted
On verso: "From photo loaned me by Mrs. Thompson."
Head-and-shoulders studio portrait with fading focus, framed in oval, showing man facing slightly left, wearing light bowtie, wearing a beard without mustache.
BOX 2 Terence Byrne, Sept. 15, 1895, one of Brown's prisoners. From life by me.
Call No.: LOT 5910, no. 60 (H)
Extent: 1 black and white photographic print, mounted
On verso: "One of Brown's prisoners in engine house."
Three-quarter length portrait, seated holding book in chair outdoors, old age with white beard, eyes in shadow.
BOX 2 Oliver Brown. Killed.
Call No.: LOT 5910, no. 61 (H)
Extent: 1 black and white photographic print, mounted
Note: Son of John Brown. "Oliver Brown, 20, killed" [Harpers' Ferry. West Virginia, pg. 8]
Head-and-shoulders studio portrait, facing slightly left, eyes looking directly front, in youth, wearing patterned vest, upturned collar and black bowtie.
BOX 2 Oliver Brown & wife, 1859.
Call No.: LOT 5910, no. 62 (H)
Extent: 1 black and white photographic copy print, mounted
On verso: "Reduced from a large photo sent me by Mrs. Thompson, & which belonged to Owen Brown."
Three-quarter length studio portrait, seated, facing front. Mr. Brown is young, wearing light beard, light coat, dark stock tie. Mrs. Brown is wearing checked cape with lace collar and has dark center-parted hair.
BOX 2 Salmon Brown, son of John Brown. In Kansas war but not at H. Ferry.
Call No.: LOT 5910, no. 63 (H)
Extent: 1 black and white photographic print, mounted
On verso: "Salmon Brown, son of John Brown, now living at Salem, Oregon, May 1st, 1897."
Three-quarter length portrait in long beard and darker hair, with chain curved across front vest and arm at left bent and at hip. Eyes looking directly front.
BOX 2 Shenandoah River at Harpers Ferry.
Call No.: LOT 5910, no. 64 (H)
Extent: 1 black and white photographic print, mounted
View showing large commercial building at left, other buildings and railroad bridge with Marye's Heights, Maryland, rising in background.
BOX 2 The ferry across Shenandoah [Harpers Ferry, West Virginia].
Call No.: LOT 5910, no. 65 (H)
Extent: 1 black and white photographic print, mounted
Horse team and wagon, at left, in flat ferry with overhead ropes, Landing at left background; trees against mountains above. Another flat ferry in at right.
BOX 2 Grave of Brown's men who were killed at H. Ferry.
Call No.: LOT 5910, no. 66 (H)
Extent: 1 black and white photographic print, mounted
On verso: Photograph made Sept. 16 1895 L.A. Brandsbury, James and Lewis Foreman in picture.
On verso: Newspaper clipping with caption from New York World: "Rescued from oblivion. Graves of Seven of John Brown's followers definitely located." Dated Sept. 22, 1895.
Orientation: Vertical shot
Newly dug grave of Harpers Ferry raiders with three men standing looking front behind it. L.A. Brandsbury at left in suit holding straw hat, Two workmen in suspenders and shirtsleeves holding dark hats; man at right who is older with mustache also holding a shovel.
BOX 2 [Grave of] J. Brown's men who were killed at Harpers Ferry.
Call No.: LOT 5910, no. 67 (H)
Extent: 1 black and white photographic print, mounted
On verso: "Grave of John Brown's followers who were killed at Harpers Ferry Oct. 17, 1859. Grave on banks of Shenandoah half a mile from the ferry."
Orientation: Vertical shot
Small bit of lower left corner missing. Grave mound with four bouquets of flowers on top, with mountains in distance.
BOX 2 The engine house at Harpers Ferry.
Call No.: LOT 5910, no. 68 (H)
Extent: 1 black and white photographic print, mounted
Close view with bowler-hatted man with eyeglasses posed behind artillery gun in middle foreground. Brick building with square cupola has "John Brown's Fort" painted over the three doorways. Half a dozen buildings of the town are at right.
BOX 2 James Mansfield, who buried the bodies of those of Brown's band who were killed.
Call No.: LOT 5910, no. 69 (H)
Extent: 1 black and white photographic print, mounted
On verso: "This man, together with James Giddy, was employed by the village authorities at Harpers Ferry to gather together the ten men of John Brown's party who were killed in the raid and bury them. They did this and received five dollars for their work."
Orientation: Vertical shot
Note: Photographer's imprint "Coe & La Rue, Harpers Ferry, W. Va."
Full-length studio portrait in old age, standing next to pillar, holding cane, facing front and wearing flat-topped hat. Scenery backdrop behind.
BOX 2 Rock on which J.H. Kagi was killed, Shenandoah River.
Call No.: LOT 5910, no. 70 (H)
Extent: 1 black and white photographic print, mounted
Orientation: Vertical shot
Note: Subject: Kagi, John Henry, 1843-1859 [The John Brown Reader, pg. 31]
View south from Maryland towards town showing river with rapids in foreground; train tracks and two buildings on shore. Two buildings and a pavilion or gazebo are visible on top of heights.
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