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Cartoon Drawings, ca. 1800 - 1950 (continued) | |||||||||||||
Les vieux: The elderly, 1910 (continued) | |||||||||||||
Creator: Pierre Henri Dumas (1886-1967) | |||||||||||||
Call No.: CD 1: Dumas, no. 1 (B) | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 drawing on wove paper: ink, Chinese white, black crayon and blue pencil with paste-on ; 50.5 x 36 cm (sheet) | |||||||||||||
Note: Humorous illustration shows an elderly man standing beside an elderly woman who sits in a chair holding a cat. Signed: Dumas, P. Drawing for cover of issue of French satirical journal. Published on cover of L'Assiette au Beurre, August 20, 1910. Exhibited in the Oval Gallery, Library of Congress, 1985. | |||||||||||||
Le Centenaire. Tu as mis tout ce temps-là grand père pour devenir aussi laid?: The Centenarian. You have taken all this time to get this ugly grandfather?, 1910 | |||||||||||||
Creator: Pierre Henri Dumas (1886-1967) | |||||||||||||
Call No.: CD 1: Dumas, no. 2 (B) | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 drawing on wove paper: black crayon, ink, Chinese white and blue pencil ; 50.5 x 36 cm (sheet) | |||||||||||||
Note: Cartoon shows an old man, missing several teeth and with warts on his nose, leaning forward in his chair to talk with a young boy. The child stands facing his grandfather, holding a small toy by a string. Inscribed on recto: noir p 7. Published in L'Assiette au Beurre, August 20, 1910. | |||||||||||||
La vieille fille. Et mes chats sont là pour dire que mon coeur etait pouvant tout plein d'amour: The Old Woman. And my cats are there to say that my heart was still full of love, 1910 | |||||||||||||
Creator: Pierre Henri Dumas (1886-1967) | |||||||||||||
Call No.: CD 1: Dumas, no. 3 (B) | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 drawing on wove paper: black crayon, ink, Chinese white and blue pencil ; 50.5 x 35.5 cm (sheet) | |||||||||||||
Note: Cartoon shows an old woman seated in a chair surrounded by cats. Signed Dumas, P. Inscribed on recto: noir p10. Published in L'Assiette au Beurre, August 20, 1910. | |||||||||||||
[Half-length profile of an old woman reading, facing left], [between 1870 and 1900] | |||||||||||||
Creator: Dupendant | |||||||||||||
Call No.: CD 1: Dupendant, no. 1 (A) | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 drawing on tan wove paper: watercolor and brown ink ; 28.5 x 23.5 cm (sheet) | |||||||||||||
Note: Caricature of an elderly woman wearing a bonnet, reading a small book, which she holds close to her face, despite her glasses. Signed in ink lower right: Dupendant. Title devised. | |||||||||||||
Leon Gambetta, [between 1870 and 1882] | |||||||||||||
Creator: Dupendant | |||||||||||||
Call No.: CD 1: Dupendant, no. 2 (C) | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 drawing on light brown wove paper: gray/brown ink wash over pencil ; 61 x 49.5 cm (sheet) | |||||||||||||
Note: Caricature shows Leon Gambetta standing facing left, tipping his hat, in this full-length portrait. Signed lower right: Durendant. Leon Gambetta (1838-1882) was one of the founders of the Third French Republic. | |||||||||||||
Henri Rochefort, [between 1870 and 1882] | |||||||||||||
Creator: Dupendant | |||||||||||||
Call No.: CD 1: Dupendant, no. 3 (C) | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 drawing on light brown wove paper: gray/brown ink wash ; 62 x 48 cm (sheet) | |||||||||||||
Note: Caricature shows Henri Rochefort standing facing right and holding his hat and cane in one hand in this full-length portrait. Signed lower right: Dupendant. Henri Rochefort (1830-1913), was a French journalist and radical politician. He started three publications, which were political in nature: La Lanterne, La Marseillaise, and L'Intransigeant. | |||||||||||||
Garnier archit[ect] de l'opera; M[ademois]elle Maison, 1861, Apr. 27 | |||||||||||||
Creator: François-Louis Français (1814-1897) | |||||||||||||
Call No.: CD 1: Français, no. 1 (AA) | |||||||||||||
Note: Bust-length caricature of Charles Garnier facing forward and caricature bust portrait, in profile, of an elderly woman. Titles inscribed on both drawings. Charles Garnier (1825-1898) designed the Paris Opera, erected between 1861 and 1875. | |||||||||||||
[Commemoration of the British victory at Tell el-Keber], [ca. 1882] | |||||||||||||
Creator: Bernhard Gillim (1856-1896) | |||||||||||||
Call No.: CD 1: Gillam, no. 10 (AA) | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 drawing on bristol board: ink ; 19.5 x 16 cm (sheet) | |||||||||||||
Note: A sword labeled "Egypt in a scabbard labeled "Tel-El-Keber" bisects a central shield with a Union Jack motif. The handle of the sword forms a head, possibly of one of the English officers in Egypt or John Bull, wearing a top hat with a feather labeled "Victory." Crossing the sword are a rifle and an oar, both with hunting boots at their base. On the rifle hangs a laurel wreath labeled "Creedmore" and on the oar hangs a laurel wreath labeled "Thames." Title devised by cataloger. Signed: G. Possibly published in Puck magazine. | |||||||||||||
The Penal Code, 1881 | |||||||||||||
Creator: Fredrich Graetz (1840- ca. 1913) | |||||||||||||
Call No.: CD 1: Graetz, no. 2 (AA) | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 drawing on bristol board: ink ; 23 x 16 cm (sheet) | |||||||||||||
Note: Three bearded policeman with helmets pulled over their eyes, standing outside a saloon. Signed: F. Graetz. Published in Puck, May 16, 1883. | |||||||||||||
[Boy getting a drink of water from a laborer], [between 1860 and 1880] | |||||||||||||
Creator: Alfred Grévin (1827-1892) | |||||||||||||
Call No.: CD 1: Grévin, no . 1 (AA) | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 drawing on ivory tracing paper mounted on paper: ink and watercolor ; 18.5 x 16 cm (sheet) | |||||||||||||
Note: Cartoon of a small boy with a package on his head, bending slightly to drink water from a hose held by a man in wooden shoes. | |||||||||||||
[Full-length figure of a woman in theatrical costume], [ca. 1880] | |||||||||||||
Creator: Alfred Grévin (1827-1892) | |||||||||||||
Call No.: CD 1: Grévin, no . 2 (AA) | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 drawing on ivory tracing paper mounted on blue paper: ink and watercolor ; 18.5 x 16 cm (sheet) | |||||||||||||
Note: Caricature of a woman in short pants and an open top, standing with her legs slightly apart and her arms out. Title devised. | |||||||||||||
[Gentleman and woman in costume], [between 1860 and 1890] | |||||||||||||
Creator: Alfred Grévin (1827-1892) | |||||||||||||
Call No.: CD 1: Grévin, no . 3 (AA) | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 drawing on off-white wove paper: graphite ; 18.5 x 12.5 cm (sheet) | |||||||||||||
Note: Caricature shows a tall gentlemen dressed in a coat with tails and a top hat, bending over to talk with a woman in costume, dressed in a short costume. Although she is facing away from him, she turns her head to listen to him. Title devised. Attributed to Alfred Grevin. | |||||||||||||
[Gentleman with two ladies in an interior, facing right], [ca. 1880] | |||||||||||||
Creator: Alfred Grévin (1827-1892) | |||||||||||||
Call No.: CD 1: Grévin, no . 4 (AA) | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 drawing on ivory tracing paper mounted on blue paper: ink and watercolor ; 19 x 16 cm (sheet) | |||||||||||||
Note: Drawing shows a fashionably-dressed woman walking, holding the arm of a fashionable gentleman, who points to an image on the wall. Another woman walks behind them, perhaps whispering into the ear of the other woman. Title devised. | |||||||||||||
[Man and two women], [ca. 1870] | |||||||||||||
Creator: Alfred Grévin (1827-1892) | |||||||||||||
Call No.: CD 1: Grévin, no . 5 (AA) | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 drawing on ivory tracing paper mounted on paper: ink and watercolor ; 19 x 15 cm (sheet) | |||||||||||||
Note: Cartoon shows a heavy set man standing on the bank of a stream staring at fish swimming in the water. Behind him, two women walk across a bridge. Title devised. | |||||||||||||
[Salome or exotic dancer], [between 1870 and 1890] | |||||||||||||
Creator: Alfred Grévin (1827-1892) | |||||||||||||
Call No.: CD 1: Grévin, no . 6 (AA) | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 drawing on off-white wove paper: graphite with cutouts and paste-ons ; 22 x 10 cm (sheet) | |||||||||||||
Note: Caricature full-length portrait of a woman in a gossamer costume standing in a dance pose, her belly exposed. Stamped on recto: Vente Grevin 1894. Title devised. | |||||||||||||
[Two ladies dressing], [ca. 1850] | |||||||||||||
Creator: Alfred Grévin (1827-1892) | |||||||||||||
Call No.: CD 1: Grévin, no . 7 (AA) | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 drawing on ivory wove paper mounted on paper: brown/black ink ; 9 x 9.5 cm (sheet) | |||||||||||||
Note: Illustration shows a heavy set woman in her undergarments having her corset tightened by her maid. A fully-dressed, thinner woman stands before her, admiring herself in the mirror. Signed in ink below image: Grevin. Title devised. | |||||||||||||
Il est tres bien, ton noveau coiffeur: He is very good, your hairdresser, 1891 | |||||||||||||
Creator: Albert Guillaume (1873-1942) | |||||||||||||
Call No.: CD 1: Guillaume, no. 1 (B) | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 drawing on bristol board: ink and blue wash over pencil ; 49.5 x 32 cm (sheet) | |||||||||||||
Note: Six panel cartoon depicts a woman with her lover and her husband. She sits on a chaise, embraced in her lover's arms. A maid interrupts them, and her lover immediately grabs a pair of scissors and a comb and begins to play with her hair, pretending to be a hairdresser. She dresses in a sheet over her undergarments. Her husband enters the room, and begins to kiss his wife as her lover combs her hair. As her lover leaves the room, the husband tips him. Signed: A. Guilluame. Published in Gil Blas Illustre, no. 18, October 25, 1891, p. 4. | |||||||||||||
A la porte St. Martin: At the gate of St. Martin, [ca. 1875] | |||||||||||||
Creator: Paul Hadol (1835-1875) | |||||||||||||
Call No.: CD 1: Hadol, no. 2 (A) | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 drawing on wove paper mounted on green board: pencil ; 39.5 x 28 cm (sheet) | |||||||||||||
Note: Seven-panel cartoon shows a series of satirical vignettes about the Borgia family. The business of Cesar Borgia occupies the entire gate of St. Martin. The clients, tired of the number of shipments from the company, conspire against Cesar. Michelotte prepares a portion of arsenic, which Cesar does not take. Samuel, Michelotte's groom, fears for his position. Cesar meets his fiancé, and attacks her. Theresa Borgia pours wine for her guests at dinner. Cesar comes swinging into the room on a rope to interrupt the dinner guests. Stamped on recto: Vente Hadol. | |||||||||||||
L'hostellerie -- décor tout à fait modernes: This hotel -- the décor is made to look old, but the price is modern, [ca. 1920] | |||||||||||||
Creator: Joseph Hémard (b. 1880) | |||||||||||||
Call No.: CD 1: Hemard, no. 1 (A) | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 drawing on wove paper: ink, watercolor and gouache ; 35 x 25.5 cm (sheet) | |||||||||||||
Note: Cartoon shows a comic scene at a hotel, Hostellerie de la Roie. A man and a woman are prevented from entering the gate with their motorcycle by a man in renaissance costume with a lance. Two naked people leave the hotel to enter their car. The man's skin is held by a butler also holding a gun. Several people eat and drink outdoors amongst chaos. One man finds a beard in his soup. A woman has a tureen of soup poured over her head. One man stares in horror as he is presented with the bill. Signed in pencil lower left: J. Hemard. | |||||||||||||
Un bon truc: A good trick, [between 1870 and 1933] | |||||||||||||
Creator: Henroit (1857-1933) | |||||||||||||
Call No.: CD 1: Henriot, no. 1 (B) | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 drawing on wove paper: ink, blue pencil and graphite ; 41 x 31 cm (sheet) | |||||||||||||
Note: Seven comic vignettes about Latruelle, a mason, and his children who are always cold. Latruelle brings home a large log, and rigs it up to a pulley. His children warm up as they jump to reach the log. In the last scene Latruelle dusts off his hands and his eight children sleep in their beds. Signed lower right: Pif. | |||||||||||||
Si t'es ou depute, mon vieus...C'est le moment de montrer ton amour pour les classes ouvrieres: If you are a legislator, old friend,... It is the moment to demonstrate your love for the working classes, [ca. 1900] | |||||||||||||
Creator: Hil | |||||||||||||
Call No.: CD 1: Hil, no. 1 (AA) | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 drawing on wove paper: pencil and ink ; 21 x 31.5 cm (sheet) | |||||||||||||
Note: Cartoon shows a young woman wearing a large hat soliciting a well-dressed elderly man holding a cane on a street. Signed in ink lower left image: Hil. Title inscribe below image. | |||||||||||||
Thank gawd!, [ca. 1952] | |||||||||||||
Creator: Hugh McMillen Hutton (1897-1976) | |||||||||||||
Call No.: CD 1: Hutton, no. 2 (B) | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 drawing on wove paper: crayon and pencil ; 36 x 26.5 cm (sheet) | |||||||||||||
Note: Alfred Bendiner speaking to the American Institute of Architects at a podium decorated with a caricature of Frank Lloyd Wright. Signed: Hutton, The Inquirer. | |||||||||||||
Gardien de la paix: Guardian of the peace, [ca. 1900] | |||||||||||||
Creator: P. Landelle | |||||||||||||
Call No.: CD 1: Landelle, no. 1 (A) | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 drawing on wove paper: ink, Chinese white and blue wash ; 26 x 11.5 cm (sheet) | |||||||||||||
Note: Caricature of a police officer standing on a cobblestone street. Signed upper right of image: P. Landelle. Inscribed below title: Le seul homme capable de tourner l'apache (la Page). Inscribed above image: mettre au coin d'un page. | |||||||||||||
Cenyac / Declasse, [ca. 1898] | |||||||||||||
Creator: Moloch (1849-1909) | |||||||||||||
Call No.: CD 1: Moloch, no. 1 (A) | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 drawing on ground wood paper: pencil and red ink ; 32 x 24.5 cm (sheet) | |||||||||||||
Note: Six panel cartoon shows the transformation of two men into a frog and an owl. Signed in pencil lower left: par Moloch. Pencil sketch of same subject on verso involving three men. Published in Listrille, 1898. | |||||||||||||
[A man and a woman falling off a horse], [ca. 1810] | |||||||||||||
Creator: Daniel Orme (b. 1767) | |||||||||||||
Call No.: CD 1: Orme, no. 1 (A) | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 drawing on wove paper: watercolor and ink ; 24 x 36.5 cm (sheet) | |||||||||||||
Note: Cartoon showing a heavy man and woman tumbling off a horse, which appears to have collapsed under their weight as it headed downhill. A man riding a donkey points at them, laughing. Title devised. | |||||||||||||
The prince, Colonel Owen Lewis Cope Williams, 1878 | |||||||||||||
Creator: Carlo Pellegrini (1838-1889) | |||||||||||||
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