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Alfred Bendiner memorial collection (Library of Congress)

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FP-XX: Fine Prints, ca. 1914 - 1964 (continued)
[Untitled 6], 1933 (continued)
Extent: 1 print on paper: lithograph ; 26.7 x 20.4 cm (sheet)
Note: Signed on stone: R. Title and date from Bassham, The Lithographs of Robert Riggs, no. 34.
[Bulldog edition], [1932]
Creator: Benton Murdoch Spruance (1904-1967)
Call No.: FP-XX: Spruance, no. 1 (B)
Extent: 1 print on paper: lithograph ; 32.3 x 49.2 cm (sheet)
Note: Title and date from Fine and Looney, The Prints of Benton Murdoch Spruance, no. 76. Signed on stone: BS.
[Abdominal clinic], [1929]
Creator: Benton Murdoch Spruance (1904-1967)
Call No.: FP-XX: Spruance, no. 42 (B)
Extent: 1 print on paper: lithograph ; 31.6 x 48.1 cm (sheet)
Note: Title and date from Fine and Looney, The Prints of Benton Murdoch Spruance, no. 18. Signed on stone: BS.
[Spinner play], [1934 or 1935]
Creator: Benton Murdoch Spruance (1904-1967)
Call No.: FP-XX: Spruance, no. 43 (B)
Extent: 1 print on paper: lithograph ; 36 x 49.9 cm (sheet)
Note: Title and date from Fine and Looney, The Prints of Benton Murdoch Spruance, no. 105. Signed on stone: BS.
[Saint George], [1954 or 1955]
Creator: Benton Murdoch Spruance (1904-1967)
Call No.: FP-XX: Spruance, no. 44 (C)
Extent: 1 print on paper: lithograph ; 60.2 x 40.1 cm (sheet)
Note: Title and date from Fine and Looney, The Prints of Benton Murdoch Spruance, no. 332. Signed on stone: BS.
Long cove, [1935]
Creator: Stow Wengenroth (b. 1906)
Call No.: FP-XX: Wengenroth, no. 84 (B)
Extent: 1 print on paper: lithograph ; 29.4 x 40.5 cm (sheet)
Note: Date from Stuckey, The Lithographs of Stow Wengenroth, no. 51.
Moveado at Chimayo, [ca. 1937]
Creator: Theophilus Ballou White (b.1903)
Call No.: FP-XX: White (Theophilus), no. 1 (B)
Extent: 1 print on paper: lithograph ; 32.1 x 42.5 cm (sheet)
Note: Inscribed lower right: To Al- & mostly his lovely & late Bride - Betty - Ted.
[Cemetery], [between 1920 and 1964]
Creator: Theophilus Ballou White (b.1903)
Call No.: FP-XX: White (Theophilus), no. 1 (B)
Extent: 1 print on paper: lithograph ; 29.5 x 42.5 cm (sheet)
Note: Signed on stone: TW.
Political Cartoon Prints (British): BMC Number Series, 1798 - 1832
Call No.: PC 1 (A) (B)
Buonoparte, hearing of Nelson's victory, swears by his sword, to extirpate the English from off the Earth, 1798, Dec. 8
Creator: James Gillray (1757-1815)
Call No.: PC 1: 9278 (A)
Extent: 1 print on paper: etching with watercolor ; 37.5 x 28 cm (sheet)
Note: Published in H. Humphrey in London. Described in Catalogue of Social and Political Satires/Mary Dorothy George, v. 7, 1793-1800, 9278, p .497-498.
Effusions of a pot of porter or ministerial conjurations for supporting the war, 1799
Creator: Charles Starcke
Call No.: PC 1: 9430A (A)
Extent: 1 print on paper: etching and aquaitint with watercolor ; 23.5 x 18 cm (sheet)
Note: Smaller copy of a print by James Gillray of the same title. See PC 1 - 9430.
A pair of polished gentlemen, 1801, Mar. 10
Creator: James Gillray (1757-1815)
Call No.: PC 1: 9755 (B)
Note: Published by Hannah Humphrey in London. Inscribed in ink below image: 3-, Mr. Skeffington Col Matthew.
The fiends frying pan or Animal festival of tom follery and vice, 1832
Creator: George Cruikshank (1792-1878)
Call No.: PC 1: 17352 (A)
Extent: 1 print on paper: etching with watercolor ; 24.5 x 32.5 cm (sheet)
Note: Published by George Cruikshank in London. Printed below title: Under the sanction of the Lord Mayor and the Worship Court of Alderman!- In the Age of Intellect! Part of the series Scraps and sketches, by George Cruikshank. Part of the Fourth. London: Published by the Artist, 22 Myddleton Terrace, Pentonville; and Sold by James Robins and Co. Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row. MDCCCXXXII. Plate 3. Described in Catalogue of political and personal satires/Mary Dorothy George, v. 11, 1828-1832, 17352, p. 724-725.
Political Cartoon Prints (British): Undated Title Series, ca. 1820 - 1850
Call No.: PC 2 (A)
This my friend is what I call my cabinet of curiosities, [between 1830 and 1850]
Creator: Unattributed
Call No.: PC 2: (A)
Extent: 1 print: lithograph with watercolor ; 29.5 x 23.5 cm
Note: Published by W. Spooner in London. Printed by W. Kohler.
A view of the Four Courts, [ca. 1820]
Creator: Unattributed
Call No.: PC 2: (A)
Extent: 1 print: etching with watercolor ; 26 x 35.5 cm
Note: Published by William McCleary in Dublin.
Political Cartoon Prints (British): Dated Series, 1815 - 1829
Call No.: PC 3 (A) (B)
The law of libel, 1815
Creator: Unattributed
Call No.: PC 3: 1815 (A)
Extent: 1 print: etching with watercolor ; 26 x 38 cm
Dandies, 1819
Creator: Unattributed
Call No.: PC 3: 1819 (B)
Note: Published by T. Tegg in London. No. 328.
Irish march of intellect; or the happy result of Emancipation, 1829
Creator: John Phillips
Call No.: PC 3: 1829 (A)
Extent: 1 print on paper: etching with watercolor and china white ; 26 x 36 cm (sheet)
Note: Published by S. Gans. Pseudonym is A. Sharpshooter.
Political Cartoon Prints (French), ca. 1706 - 1888
Call No.: PC 5 (AA) (A) (B) (C)
Calendrier royal indiquant le cours du soleil, 1706
Creator: Unattributed
Call No.: PC 5: 1706.1 (AA)
Note: This caricature attacks the French king, Louis XIV, who sits in the center of a sun, from which sunbeams radiate. This is a pun on his nickname, the Sun King. Descriptions of his negative actions are inscribed on each beam, including incest with the wife of the Dauphin in 1680, massacres in villages in Holland in 1673, and sacrilege in Germany and Italy in 1695. In the upper right lies a moon which eclipses the sun. Printed below image: Eclipse 12 Mai 1706. In general, the power of the French monarchy began to be questioned in 1706, especially with the military defeat of the French army by Marlborough in Spanish Flanders at Ramilles during the War of the Spanish Succession. The battle occurred on May 12, 1706 (May 23 in the new calendar). The defeat at Ramilles as an eclipse was a common theme in caricature at the time. See also PC 1 - 1450 for a British example.
La metamorphose, ou trait de l'historie de France du 21 au 25 juin 1791, 1791
Creator: Unattributed
Call No.: PC 5: 1791.12 (A)
Extent: 1 print on paper: etching ; 23 x 29 cm
Note: Political allegory shows lobsters guiding a chariot on which is mounted a barrel. A female figure holds the reigns. A male figure, astride on the barrel, rides facing backward, holding an ewer. A small winged boy places a crown on his head. The man looks at another male figure with wings, holding a mirror. Two owls are tethered to the barrel and fly over the chariot. A woman's head emerges from the barrel. She faces downward, vomiting into the large open belly of a fish. The chariot passes a man riding a horse in a caged wheel mounted on a pedestal. A bell is mounted on top of the wheel. Flight of Louis XVI. Plate 44G; [Musee de Caricature?]. A print with a similar title is in de Vinck, v. 2, p. 671, no. 3931, but has eight lines of explanatory text, which this print lacks. The French king, Louis XVI, and his family attempted to flee the palace in the center of Paris, Tuileries, and were arrested in Varennes. The royal family was forcibly returned to Paris on the night of June 25, 1791.
La Consternation, [1806]
Creator: Unattributed
Call No.: PC 5: 1806.2 (A)
Extent: 1 print on paper: engraving with watercolor ; 26 x 35 cm
Note: This political satire on the English shows two men in robes sitting before several rows of similarly garbed men. The king, George III, falls back in his chair, holding his head with one hand and reaching toward the floor with the other. His transparent robe reveals peasant clothing underneath, which alludes to his frequent representation in British caricature as "Farmer George." The other, the English prime minister, stares with an open mouth and large eyes in astonishment as he reads the dispatches, labelled "Dépêches" to the council. The councilmen wink, grimace, purse lips, roll eyes and make other facial gestures. This is one of several caricatures produced at the time about the continental blockade. One print in the series Garde a vous, no. 15. Published in Paris chez Martinet. De Vinck, v. 4, p. 488, no. 8278.
Toilette d'une famille espagnole, [1812]
Creator: Unattributed
Call No.: PC 5: 1812.4 (A)
Extent: 1 print on paper: etching with watercolor ; 25 x 32.5 cm
Note: A family of Spaniards stand and sit, picking lice from each other's hair. A dog cleans itself separately. Depose a la Bibliotheque Imperiale 3 fevrier 1812. Date of registration, Feb. 22, 1812. Published in Paris, chez Bance aine and chez Remosnet. DeVinck, v. 4, p. 519, no. 8368.
Jugement dernier, [1827]
Creator: Unattributed
Call No.: PC 5: 827.1 (B)
Extent: 1 print: lithograph with watercolor ; 40 x 32 cm
Note: In a political print which reads from lower right, upwards and down to the left, four of the five politicians start in the foreground of the Assemblée Nationale. Next, all five ascend on a cloud into heaven, where an angel prepares to put halos on their heads. God makes a decision not to admit them into heaven, and they are cast down into the fire of hell, where devils and ecclesiastical figures greet them. Maximilien Sebastien Fory (1775-1825), Francois-Alexander-Frederic, duc de La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt (1747-1827), Monuel Pierre-Louis (1775-1827), Stanislas, comte de Girardin (1765-1827), and Jean-Denis, comte Lanjuinais (1753-1827) were noblemen who had emigrated from France during the French Revolution and returned with the Bourbon Restoration. A bill of indemnity to the emigrés was brought before Parliament in 1825, which compensated the owners of forfeited estates for their losses after the Revolution. Large property owners and those with influences at Court were compensated over-generously. Debates in the Lower Chamber resulted in intensified class differences in France. Published by Barella, Brussels.
Règne Animal (Suite). Cabinet d'historie naturelle [plate 3], [1830]
Creator: J. J. Grandville (1803-1847)
Call No.: PC 5: 1830.4 (C)
Note: Signed: J.G. and E.F. Published in La Caricature, no. 2, plate 3.
Règne Animal (Suite). Cabinet d'historie naturelle [plate 6], [1830]
Creator: J. J. Grandville (1803-1847)
Call No.: PC 5: 1830.5 (C)
Note: Signed: J.G. and E.F. Published in La Caricature, no. 4, plate 6.
Pere-scie, [1832, June 14]
Creator: Auguste Bouquet (1810-1846)
Call No.: PC 5: 1832.1A (A)
Note: Satirical print shows a religious official with a long nose shaped like a saw, holding Charles Philipon down on a pile of the journal, La Caricature. He prepares to saw off his neck. Bundles of other periodicals are visible in the background. Slightly different coloring from other impression. Published in La Caricature, no. 85, June 14, 1832, plate 170. DeVinck, v. 6, p. 615, no. 13.231.
Descente dans les ateliers de la liberté de la presse, 1833
Creator: J. J. Grandville (1803-1847)
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