The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  James M. Goode collection
Demolished and altered buildings in the Washington, D.C. area, ca. 1870-ca. 1983 (continued)
Commercial Buildings (continued)
Merchants and Mechanics Savings Bank (continued)
Location: 914-922 E Street, NW
Note: Information file available on this building.
BINDER JJ-2 National Bank Washington; Central National Bank
Location: 7th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
BINDER JJ-2 Newspaper Row
Location: 14th Street, NW, between Pennsylvania Avenue and F Street
Note: Information file available on this building.
BINDER JJ-2 Nichols Café
Location: 17th Street, NW, near F Street
BINDER JJ-2 Palais Royal Department Store (Woodward and Lothrop, North Building)
Location: G and 11th Streets, NW
Note: Information file available on this building.
BINDER JJ-3 Adams Iron Building
Location: 1333-1335 F Street, NW
Note: Information file available for this building.
BINDER JJ-3 Bank of Columbia
Location: M Street, NW
Note: Information file available for this building.
BINDER JJ-3 Barber and Ross Building
Location: 1100 G Street, NW
BINDER JJ-3 Beall Grocery and Liquor Store; Monticello House
Location: 33rd and M Streets, NW
BINDER JJ-3 The Bee Newspaper Building
Note: Information file available for this building.
BINDER JJ-3 Bohemian Lunch Café
BINDER JJ-3 Thomas Brown Paint Shop
Location: 1413 F Street, NW
Note: Information file available for this building.
BINDER JJ-3 Butts and Phillips, Attorneys
Location: 1425 New York Avenue, NW
BINDER JJ-3 Capital Marine Company (Forsburg and Murray Foundry)
Location: northwest corner of 8th Street and Maine Avenue, SW
Note: Information file available for this building.
BINDER JJ-3 Capital Traction Company Powerhouse (Potomac Electric Power Company Powerhouse)
Location: 3142 K Street, NW
Note: Information file available for this building.
BINDER JJ-3 Central Building
Location: 9th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Note: Information file available for this building.
BINDER JJ-3 Columbia National Bank
Location: F Street, NW, near 9th Street
Note: Information file available for this building.
BINDER JJ-3 Commercial National Bank
BINDER JJ-3 1333 Connecticut Avenue, NW (Office Building)
Location: 1333 Connecticut Avenue, NW
BINDER JJ-3 Crandell Building
Location: 7th and D Streets, NW
Note: Information file available for this building.
BINDER JJ-3 District Cycle Company
Location: 452 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
BINDER JJ-3 Dyson's Barber Shop
Location: northwest corner of Nichols Avenue and Howard Road, SE
BINDER JJ-3 E Street, NW (Bakery)
Location: southwest corner of E and 11th Streets, NW
BINDER JJ-3 1008 E Street, NW (Commercial Building)
BINDER JJ-3 F Street, NW (Commercial Building)
Location: northwest corner of 11th and F Streets, NW
BINDER JJ-3 Fendall Building
Location: 342-344 d Street, NW
Note: Information file available for this building.
BINDER JJ-3 810-816 5th Street, NW (Commercial Building)
Location: 810-816 5th Street, NW
BINDER JJ-3 Fourteenth Street Savings Bank
Location: 14th and U Streets, NW
BINDER JJ-3 Horn the Tailor Building (Coune's Restaurant)
Location: 637 F Street, NW
BINDER JJ-3 K Street, NW (Carriage House)
Location: K Street at 30th Street, NW
BINDER JJ-4 Union Hardware Building
Location: 615 7th Street, NW
Note: Information file available for this building.
BINDER JJ-4 Union Iron Works
Location: 12th Street and Ohio Avenue, NW
BINDER JJ-4 Velati's Candy Store
Location: 620 9th Street, NW
Note: Information file available for this building.
BINDER JJ-4 Warring Barrell House
Location: 3256 K Street, NW
BINDER JJ-4 Warwick and Hiss Billiard Parlor
Location: 13th Street, NW, near Pennsylvania Avenue
Note: Information file available for this building.
BINDER JJ-4 Warwick's Café
Location: 13th Street, NW, near Pennsylvania Avenue
Note: Information file available for this building.
BINDER JJ-4 Washington Loan and Trust Company
BINDER JJ-4 Watergate Inn
Location: George Washington Parkway
Note: Information file available for this building.
BINDER JJ-4 Washington B. Williams Furniture Store
Location: 7th and D Streets, NW
Note: Information file available for this building.
BINDER JJ-5 American Security & Trust Company
Location: 14th and G Streets, NW
BINDER JJ-5 Blagden's Mill
Location: Rock Creek Park
BINDER JJ-5 Bond Building
BINDER JJ-5 Center Market
Location: Near 13th and Constitution Avenue, NW
BINDER JJ-5 Citizens National Bank
Location: King and St. Asaph Streets, Alexandria, VA
BINDER JJ-5 Connecticut Avenue, NW (Commercial Building)
Location: At M Street, NW
BINDER JJ-5 District National Bank
Location: 1406 G Street, NW
BINDER JJ-5 903-909 8th Street, SE (Commercial Building)
Location: 903-909 8th Street, SE
BINDER JJ-5 Evening Star Building
Location: Pennsylvania Avenue and 11th Street, NW
Note: Information file available for this building.
BINDER JJ-5 1300 Block F Street, NW (Commercial Buildings)
Location: 1300 Block F Street, NW
BINDER JJ-5 Fannie May Candy Store
Location: E Street, between 10th and 11th Streets
BINDER JJ-5 5th Street, NW (Commercial Building)
Location: At G Street, NW
BINDER JJ-5 First National Bank
Location: Lee and Prince Streets, Alexandria, VA
BINDER JJ-5 Goodwill Industries
Location: 1210-1214 New Hampshire Ave., NW
BINDER JJ-5 Randall H. Hagner & Co.
Location: 1321 Connecticut Avenue, NW
BINDER JJ-5 Hay Market
Location: 7th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
BINDER JJ-5 Hulfish Hardware
Location: Alexandria, VA
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