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James M. Goode Collection, structures included in his publication Capital Losses, ca. 1850-ca. 1980 (continued)
Clubs & Organizations (continued)
Freemason's Hall (continued)
Location: John Marshall Place and D Street, NW, SW corner
BINDER I1 Potomac Lodge
Location: 1212 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
BINDER I1 American Colonization Society Hall
Location: PA. Ave. and 4th St., NW, SW corner
BINDER I1 Washington City Orphan Asylum
Location: 14th & S Streets, NW, SE corner
BINDER I1 Louise Home
Location: Mass. Ave. & 15th St., NW, SW corner
BINDER I1 Young Men's Christian Association Building
Location: 1409 N.Y. Ave., NW
BINDER I2 Elks Club
Location: 919 H Street, NW
BINDER I2 Capital Yacht Club
Location: 1000 Water Street, SW
BINDER I2 Girl Scout Little House
Location: 1750 New York Avenue, NW
BINDER I3 Apostolic Delegation Building
Location: 1811 Biltmore Street, NW
BINDER I3 Apostolic Mission House
Location: Catholic University
BINDER I3 Army-Navy Club
Location: I & 17th Streets, NW
BINDER I3 British Legation
Location: Connecticut & N Streets, NW
BINDER I3 Capital Bicycle Club
Location: 409 15th Street, NW
BINDER I3 Odd Fellows Hall
Location: 423 7th Street, NW**
Note: ** Information file available.
BINDER I3 Preece Riding Academy
Location: 2538 Massachusetts Ave., NW
BINDER I3 Washington Riding Academy (Washington Riding & Hunt Club)
Location: P & 22nd Streets, NW
Commercial Buildings
Extent: 6 binders of photographs.
Note: See Capital Losses for a history of Commercial Buildings.
BINDER J1 French & Richardson's Bookstore
Location: 909 PA. Ave., NW
BINDER J1 Riggs Bank
Location: PA. Ave. and 15th St., NW, NW corner
BINDER J1 Jackson Hall
Location: 339 PA. Ave., NW
BINDER J1 Avenue House (Hotel)
Location: 7th St. and Market Space, NW (Including Moses Furniture Company)
BINDER J1 Metzerott Hall
Location: 925 PA. Ave., NW (Including the Droop Bldg.)
BINDER J1 Gilman's Drug Store
Location: 627 PA. Ave., NW
BINDER J1 Clark Mills Foundry
Location: 2530 Bladensburg Road, NE
BINDER J1 Harvey's Restaurant
Location: PA. Ave. and 11th St., NW, SE corner
BINDER J2 Freedman's Savings Bank
Location: Pennsylvania Avenue and Madison Place, NW, northeast corner, 1869-razed 1899
BINDER J2 Center Market
Location: square bounded by Pennsylvania Avenue, Constitution Avenue, 7th Street, and 9th Street, NW, 1871-razed 1931
BINDER J2 Northern Liberty Market
Location: east side of 5th Street, NW, between K and L streets, 1874-burned 1946 and partially rebuilt
BINDER J3 Alderney Dairies Plant
Location: 929 D Street, NW 1884-razed 1955
BINDER J3 Kann's Department Store
Location: Market Space, between 7th & 8th Streets, NW 1875-1908-razed 1971(See binder J-4 for continuation of Kann's Department Store)
BINDER J4 Kann's Department Store
Location: Market Space, between 7th & 8th Streets, NW 1875-1908, burned 1979 (Continuation of binder J-3, Kann's Department Store)
BINDER J4 Lemon Building
Location: 1729 New York Avenue, NW 1890-enlarged 1891-razed 1971
BINDER J4 Security Storage Warehouse
Location: 1140 15th Street, NW 1890-enlarged 1897 and 1921-razed 1965.
BINDER J5 Christian Heurich Brewery
Location: Square bounded by 25th, 26, D, and Water Streets, NW 1894-enlarged 1897 and 1914-razed 1962-1966.
BINDER J5 United States Electric Lighting Company Power House
Location: Constitution Avenue and 14th Street, NW, northeast corner, 1897-razed 1930
BINDER J5 Halls of the Ancients
Location: 1312 New York Avenue 1898-razed 1926.
BINDER J6 Home Savings Bank
Location: east side of 7th Street, NW, between K Street and Massachusetts Avenue, 1902-razed 1968.
BINDER J6 Washington Loan and Trust Company
Location: 17th and G Streets, NW, southwest corner, 1924-razed 1974
BINDER J6 Manhattan Laundry
Location: 1326 Florida Avenue, NW 1935-damaged by fire 1978
Early Government Buildings
Extent: 4 binders of photographs.
Note: See Capital Losses for a history of Early Government Buildings.
BINDER K1 Marine Barracks
Location: East side of 8th Street, SE, Between G and Eye Streets
BINDER K1 Old Brick Capitol
Location: 1st and A Streets, NE, Southeast corner
BINDER K1 State Department Building
Location: Pennsylvania Avenue and 15th Street, NW
BINDER K1 Sheridan Gate
Location: Entrance to Arlington National Cemetery
BINDER K2 Washington Arsenal - Fort McNair
Location: 4th and P Streets, SW
BINDER K3 Washington Penitentiary - Fort McNair
Location: 4th and P Streets, SW
BINDER K3 Powers Fountain - West Terrace
Location: United States Capital
BINDER K3 Washington Jail
Location: G and 4th Streets, NW Southwest corner
BINDER K3 Scott Hall, United States Soldiers' Home
Location: Rock Creek Church Road and Harewood Road, NW, Southeast corner
BINDER K4 Washington Armory
Location: Independence Avenue and 6th Streets, SW, Northwest corner
BINDER K4 Wisconsin Avenue Reservoir
Location: R Street and Wisconsin Avenue, NW, Southwest corner
Post-Civil War Government Buildings
Extent: 3 binders of photographs.
Note: See Capital Losses for a history of Post-Civil War Government Buildings.
BINDER L1 Botanic Gardens (Congressional)
Location: Maryland Avenue and 1st Street, SW Northwest corner
BINDER L1 Agriculture Department Building
Location: 14th Street and Independence Avenue Northeast corner
BINDER L1 Library, United States Soldiers' Home
Location: Rock Creek Church Road and Harewood Road, NW
BINDER L1 United States Weather Bureau Building
Location: M and 24th Street, NW Southwest corner
BINDER L1 Sheridan Hall, United States Soldiers Home
Location: Rock Creek Church Road and Harewood Road, NW
BINDER L2 Army Medical Museum Building
Location: Independence Avenue and 7th Street, SW Northwest corner
BINDER L2 General Noble Redwood Treehouse
Location: Jefferson Drive SW, Between 12th and 13th Streets
BINDER L3 District of Columbia Morgue
Location: Water Street at the foot of 7th St, SW
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