The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  James M. Goode collection
James M. Goode Collection, structures included in his publication Capital Losses, ca. 1850-ca. 1980 (continued)
Temporary Government Buildings (continued)
Garfield Inaugural Arch (continued)
Location: 15th Street, NW, between Pennsylvania Ave. and F St.
BINDER R1 Presidential Inaugural Reviewing Stands
Location: White House, North front
BINDER R2 Main Navy and Munitions Buildings
Location: Constitution Avenue, NW, Between 17th and 21st Streets
BINDER R2 Union Plaza Dormitories
Location: Union Station Plaza, NE, South side
BINDER R2 Pershing Victory Arch
Location: Pennsylvania Avenue and 15th Street, NW
Street Furniture
Extent: 1 binder of photographs.
Note: See Capital Losses for a history of early street furniture.
BINDER S1 Bulfinch Oil Lamps
Location: U.S. Capitol, West Terrace
BINDER S1 "Grape and Ivy" Lamp Posts
Location: Wisconsin Avenue and N Street, NW
BINDER S1 F Street Electric Arch Street Lamp
Location: F and 12th Streets, NW
BINDER S1 Thomas Circle Gas Street Lamps
Location: Thomas Circle, NW, Intersection of Massachusetts Avenue and 14th Street
BINDER S1 Meigs Public Pump
Location: M Street and Wisconsin Avenue, NW
BINDER S1 Scott Circle Hitching Post
Location: Mass. Avenue, NW. West side of circle
BINDER S1 Hutchins Watering Trough
Location: 10th and D Streets, NW
BINDER S1 New York Avenue Streetcar Tracks
Location: NY Avenue, NW, Between 9th & 10th
BINDER S1 Humane Society Horse Trough
Location: Florida Avenue and 13th Street, NW
BINDER S1 Willard Hotel Clock
Location: 1416 F Street, NW
BINDER S1 Friendship Gates
Location: 3600 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
BINDER S1 Streetcar Switch Tower
Location: NY Avenue and 14th Street, NW
BINDER S1 Bulletin Boards-National Women's Party Bldg.
Location: 1st and A Streets, NE
BINDER S1 Semaphore Traffic Signal
Location: Pennsylvania Avenue and 14th Street, NW
Demolished and altered buildings in the Washington, D.C. area, ca. 1870-ca. 1983
Call Number: LOT 12013 (G)
Extent: 1,481 photographic prints : gelatin silver ; 20 x 25 or smaller.
Note: Corresponding negatives in series LC-G7, LC-G72, and LC-G73. A few negatives are unprinted.
Note: All buildings and structures listed have photographs in the LOT's binders. Some also have Information Files in the Goode Supplemental Archives.
Includes buildings showing a wide range of architectural styles and building types. Also includes a few portraits of residents or architects, vehicles, bridges, and street scenes.
Arranged in groups AA to WW by style (e.g., Georgian, Federal) or type (e.g., Churches, Theaters).
Georgian and Federal Houses
Extent: 4 binders of photographs.
Note: Other Georgian and Federal Houses for which there are Information Files, but no photographs: Bradley House, Carter House, Fitzhugh House, Heller House, Independence Ave. House, McKean House, Miller House, and 1611 Wisconsin Avenue, NW (House).
BINDER AA-1 Barry Houses
Location: 1002-1004 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Note: Information file exists for this structure.
BINDER AA-1 Alexander Graham Bell House
Location: 1331 Connecticut Ave., NW
Note: Information file exists for this structure.
BINDER AA-1 Belmont
Location: Constitution Avenue and 2nd Street, NE
BINDER AA-1 Robert Brent House
Location: Maryland Avenue and 12th Street, SW
Note: Information file exists for this structure.
BINDER AA-1 Obadiah Brown House
Location: 804 or 814 E Street, NW
Note: Information file exists for this structure.
BINDER AA-1 305 C Street, NW (House)
Location: 305 C Street, NW
Note: Information file exists for this structure.
BINDER AA-1 Chevy Chase
Location: 3734 Oliver Street, NW
BINDER AA-1 Peter Force House
Location: 407 10th Street, NW
Note: Information file exists for this structure.
BINDER AA-1 Grasslands
Location: 4001 Nebraska Avenue, NW
Note: Information file exists for this structure.
BINDER AA-1 1003 H Street, NW (House)
Location: 1003 H Street, NW
BINDER AA-1 Hamburgh Village House
Location: 412 20th Street, NW
BINDER AA-1 Harlem (Gen. Lingan Octagon House)
Location: Foxhall Road & Volta Place, NW
BINDER AA-1 Hickey House
Location: Greenvale, D.C.
BINDER AA-1 Justice O.W. Holmes House
Location: Eye Street
BINDER AA-1 Holt House
Location: New Jersey Ave. and C Street, NW
BINDER AA-1 Howe House
Location: 1821 H Street, NW
BINDER AA-1 Mrs. A.S. Hunt's House
BINDER AA-1 John Marshall Place, NW (Houses)
Location: Northwest Corner of John Marshall Place and C Street, NW
Note: Information file exists for this structure.
BINDER AA-1 Capt. Joseph Johnson House
Location: 49 T Street, SW
BINDER AA-1 Edward Langley House
Location: South Capitol and N Streets, NW
Note: Information file exists for this structure.
BINDER AA-1 William Marbury House (Forrest-Marbury House)
Location: 3350 M Street, NW
Note: Information file exists for this structure.
BINDER AA-1 Nelligan's (Casanova House)
Location: Delaware Avenue, between M and N Streets, NE
BINDER AA-1 1326 New York Avenue, NW (House) (Washington Public Library)
Location: 1326 New York Avenue, NW
Note: Information file exists for this structure.
BINDER AA-1 Red Wood (Oak Hill)
Location: 1300 or 3000 Connecticut Avenue, NW
BINDER AA-1 Polly Reynolds Cottage
Location: above Aqueduct Bridge, Georgetown
BINDER AA-1 1300 Rhode Island Avenue, NE (House)
Location: 1300 Rhode Island Avenue, NE
BINDER AA-2 Holmead House (Rock Hill)
Location: S and 22nd Street, NW
Note: Information file exists for this structure.
BINDER AA-2 458 Indiana Avenue, NW (House)
Location: 458 Indiana Avenue, NW
BINDER AA-2 Louisiana Avenue, NW (Houses)
Location: South side of Louisiana Avenue between John Marshall Place and 6th Street, NW
BINDER AA-2 The Maples (Friendship House; House of Ohica)
Location: 630 South Carolina Avenue, SE
Note: Information file exists for this structure.
BINDER AA-2 McKean House
Location: 528 17th Street, NW
Note: Information file exists for this structure.
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