The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  James M. Goode collection
Demolished and altered buildings in the Washington, D.C. area, ca. 1870-ca. 1983 (continued)
Georgian and Federal Houses (continued)
BINDER AA-3 330 Virginia Avenue, SE (House)
Location: 330 Virginia Avenue, SE
Note: Information file exists for this structure.
BINDER AA-3 David Walker House
Location: 932 27th Street, NW
BINDER AA-3 Washington-Lewis House
Location: 456 N Street, SW
BINDER AA-4 Bowen Road, SE (House)
Location: Bowen Road, SE
BINDER AA-4 Bradbury Heights, MD (House)
Location: Bradbury Heights, MD
BINDER AA-4 Griffith Coombe House
Location: Georgia Avenue and 3rd Street, SE
BINDER AA-4 2029 E Street, NW (House)
Location: 2029 E Street, NW
BINDER AA-4 900 Block 18th Street, NW (House)
Location: East side of 18th Street
BINDER AA-4 214 F Street, NW (House)
Location: 214 F Street, NW
Note: Information file available for this building.
BINDER AA-4 Forrest House (Pretty Prospect)
Location: On site of Ordway Street, NW
BINDER AA-4 Gordon House
Location: 631 King Street, Alexandria, VA
BINDER AA-4 Greater Capitol Heights (House)
Location: Greater Capitol Heights
BINDER AA-4 Lenthall Houses
Location: 612-614 9th Street, NW
BINDER AA-4 Nathan Loughboro House
BINDER AA-4 Patterson House
BINDER AA-4 May-Smallwood House
Location: 324 Virginia Avenue, SE
Note: Information file available for this building.
BINDER AA-4 Octagon House
Location: 799 New York Avenue, NW
BINDER AA-4 2411 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW (House)
Location: 2411 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
BINDER AA-4 Taylor House
Location: 324 Indiana Avenue
BINDER AA-4 918 10th Street, NW (House)
Location: 918 10th Street, NW
BINDER AA-4 Watterson House (Hotel Brunswick)
Location: 235 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Note: Information file available for this building.
BINDER AA-4 Winsatt House
Location: 208 8th Street, SW
Note: Information file available for this building.
BINDER AA-4 1522 Wisconsin Avenue, NW (House)
Location: 1522 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
BINDER AA-4 Woodside
Location: Grace Church Road, Forest Glen, MD
Greek Revival Houses
Extent: 2 binders of photographs.
BINDER BB-1 Benning-McGuire House
Location: 614 E Street, NW
Note: Information file available for this building.
BINDER BB-1 Jefferson Davis House
Location: 1736 I Street, NW
Note: Information file available for this building.
BINDER BB-1 924 E Street, NW (House)
Location: 924 E Street, NW
BINDER BB-1 Capt. William Easby House
Location: East Capitol Street, NE
Note: Information file available for this building.
BINDER BB-1 Peggy Eaton House
Location: 2007 I Street, NW
Note: Information file available for this building.
BINDER BB-1 1729 G Street, NW (House)
Location: 1729 G Street, NW
Note: Information file available for this building.
BINDER BB-1 H Street, NW (Row Houses)
Location: north side of H Street between 9th and 10 Streets, NW
BINDER BB-1 Hall House (Schneider Farm House; Garfield Hospital)
Location: Florida Avenue and 10th Street, NW
Note: Information file available for this building.
BINDER BB-1 1911 I Street, NW (House)
Location: 1911 I Street, NW
Note: Information file available for this building.
BINDER BB-1 Harriet Lane Johnston House
Location: 1739 I Street, NW
Note: Information file available for this building.
BINDER BB-1 1747 K Street, NW (House)
Location: 1747 K Street, NW
BINDER BB-1 831 9th Street, NW (House)
Location: 831 9th Street, NW
BINDER BB-1 Ruthven
Location: near Wisconsin and Massachusetts Avenues, NW
BINDER BB-1 Shubrick House
Location: 1617 H Street, NW
BINDER BB-1 Mrs. Mary Surratt Boarding House
Location: 604 H Street, NW
BINDER BB-1 Hudson Taylor House
Location: northeast corner of 9th and D Streets, NW
BINDER BB-2 1819 F Street, NW (House)
Location: F Street, NW, between 17th and 18th Sts.
BINDER BB-2 H Street, NW (Houses)
Location: northeast corner of H and 20th Streets, NW
Note: Information file available for this building.
BINDER BB-2 400 block I Street, NW (Houses)
Location: 400 block I Street, NW
BINDER BB-2 1762 K Street, NW (House)
Location: 1762 K Street, NW
Note: Information file available for this building.
BINDER BB-2 2125 K Street, NW (House)
Location: 2125 K Street, NW
BINDER BB-2 900 block M Street, NW (Houses)
Location: 900 block M Street, NW
BINDER BB-2 515 Massachusetts Avenue, NW (House)
Location: 515 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
BINDER BB-2 New York Avenue, NW (House)
Location: northeast corner of 15th and H, NW
BINDER BB-2 Nourse House
Location: 3825 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
BINDER BB-2 725-727 20th Street, NW (House)
Location: 725-727 20th Street, NW
BINDER BB-2 Watterston House
Location: 224 2nd Street, SE
BINDER BB-2 Daniel Webster House
Location: D Street, NW, between 5th and 6th Streets
Note: Information file available for this building.
BINDER BB-2 William Wirt House
Location: southwest corner of F and 18th Streets, NW
Note: Information file available for this building.
BINDER BB-2 1019 Wisconsin Avenue, NW (House)
Location: 1019 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
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