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Latrobe architectural drawing archive (Library of Congress)

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Architectural drawings for a house, Richmond, Virginia, 1807-1808
Creator: Latrobe, Benjamin Henry, 1764-1820, architect
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2560
Extent: 2 items : watercolor, ink, and graphite ; in folder(s) 51 x 61 cm. or smaller.
Note: Date from The Architectural drawings of Benjamin Henry Latrobe, 1994.
Note: Possibly drawn for Clifton, the Benjamin James Harris House.
Note: Reference copy available in LOT 4249 (R).
Summary: Preliminary drawings showing site, house, stable yard, and offices as site plans and perspective projections; renderings; landscape architecture drawings.
Site plan and landscaping, 1807-1808
Creator: Latrobe, Benjamin Henry, 1764-1820, architect
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2560, no. 1 (A size)
Extent: 1 drawing : watercolor, ink, and graphite on paper.
Note: Inscriptions on recto: "City of Richmond" -- "Shockoe Creek" -- "Stable yard & offices." --"BHLatrobe archt."
Perspective rendering of house and landscape, 1807-1808
Creator: Latrobe, Benjamin Henry, 1764-1820, architect
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2560, no. 2 (B size)
Extent: 1 drawing : ink and graphite on paper.
Architectural drawing for a monument for Vice President George Clinton, Congressional Cemetery, Washington, D.C., 1812
Creator: Latrobe, Benjamin Henry, 1764-1820, architect
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2561
Extent: 1 item : watercolor, ink, and wash ; in folder(s) 35 x 46 cm.
Note: Reference copy available in LOT 4249 (R).
Architectural drawing for a monument for Vice President George Clinton, Congressional Cemetery, Washington, D.C., 1812
Creator: Latrobe, Benjamin Henry, 1764-1820, architect
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2561, no. 1 (A size)
Extent: 1 item : watercolor, ink, and wash
Note: Identity of person for whom monument was made, location, and date from information in P&P Curatorial Files.
Summary: Preliminary drawing showing monument as perspective projection; rendering.
Architectural drawing for a frame ("looking glass frame for President's house") for Dolley Madison, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C., 1809
Creator: Latrobe, Benjamin Henry, 1764-1820, architect
Related Names: Madison, Dolley, 1768-1849, client
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2562
Extent: 1 item : watercolor, ink, and wash ; in folder(s) 35 x 46 cm.
Note: Reference copy available in LOT 4249 (R).
Architectural drawing for a frame ("looking glass frame for President's house") for Dolley Madison, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C., 1809
Creator: Latrobe, Benjamin Henry, 1764-1820, architect
Related Names: Madison, Dolley, 1768-1849, client
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2562, no. 1 (A size)
Extent: 1 item : watercolor, ink, and wash
Note: Client's name from The Architectural drawings of Benjamin Henry Latrobe, 1994.
Note: Inscriptions on recto: "Looking glass frame President's house." -- "Copy delivered to Mr. Lennox Octr. 6th. 1809."
Summary: Working drawing showing looking glass frame and mantel in Blue Room as elevation; rendering.
Architectural drawing for a fireproof repository for the Treasury Department, Washington, D.C., 1805
Creator: Latrobe, Benjamin Henry, 1764-1820, architect
Related Names: United States, client
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2563
Extent: 1 item : watercolor, ink, and graphite ; in folder(s) 51 x 61 cm.
Note: Reference copy available in LOT 4249 (R).
Architectural drawing for a fireproof repository for the Treasury Department, Washington, D.C., 1805
Creator: Latrobe, Benjamin Henry, 1764-1820, architect
Related Names: United States, client
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2563, no. 1 (B size)
Extent: 1 item : watercolor, ink, and graphite
Note: Inscriptions on recto: "Design of a Fireproof Repository of Papers for the Treasury of the United States." -- "Section, exhibiting the Arangement [sic] of the Cases along the North Wall of the room." -- "Vault." -- "Ground Plan." -- "Thosse parts which are colored brown, show the places of the bases containing Papers." -- "Section, showing the arrangement of the Cases, along the middle of the Room." -- "The Honorable the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States." -- "B. Henry Latrobe, surveyor of the public Bldgs of the United States, Washington. April 27. 1805."
Note: Lined with paper.
Summary: Presentation drawing showing fireproof repository, vault, and case as plan, elevation, and section.
Architectural drawings for The White House ("President's House") Washington, D.C., 1803-1817
Creator: Latrobe, Benjamin Henry, 1764-1820, architect
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2564
Extent: 4 items : ink, watercolor, wash, and graphite ; in folder(s) 51 x 61 cm.
Note: Reference copies available for some UNIT items in LOT 4249 (R).
Summary: Includes measured, preliminary, and working drawings showing site, White House, east front, north and south porticos, public and common drawing rooms, President's antechamber, parlor or antechamber, and public audience chamber as site plans, plans, and elevations; renderings; landscape architecture drawings.
Principal story, measured floor plan, 1803-1807
Creator: Latrobe, Benjamin Henry, 1764-1820, architect
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2564, no. 1 (B size)
Extent: 1 drawing : ink, watercolor, and graphite on paper.
Note: Watermark: T G & Co.
Note: Inscriptions on recto: "Plan of the Principal Story in 1803"; "The surrounding Ground was chiefly used for Brick yards, it was enclosed in a rough post and rail fence (1803)"; "During the short residence of President Adams at Washington, the wooden stairs & platform were the usual entrance to the house, and the present drawing room was a mere vestibule"; and "BHenry Latrobe SPBUS 1807." Individual rooms are labeled, clockwise from upper left: "Public dining room"; "Porters Lodge"; "Pr[ivate] stairs"; "Hall"; "Staircase"; "Public audience chamber, entirely unfinished, the cieling [sic] has given way"; "Common dining room"; "Drawing room"; "Presidents' antechamber"; "Library and Cabinet"; "This staircase is not yet put up (1803)."
Site plan and principal story plan, 1807
Creator: Latrobe, Benjamin Henry, 1764-1820, architect
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2564, no. 2 (B size)
Extent: 1 drawing : watercolor and ink on paper.
Note: Watermark: T G & Co.
Note: Inscriptions on recto: "Plan of the principal Story to be altered." -- "Public Drawing Room." -- "antichamber or Pres. Parlor" -- "Parlor or antichamber" -- "Common Drawing room."
Note: Lined with paper
South front elevation, 1817 Jan
Creator: Latrobe, Benjamin Henry, 1764-1820, architect
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2564, no. 3 (B size) (Cabinet B)
Extent: 1 drawing on paper : watercolor, wash, and ink ; 54 x 41 cm.
Note: Watermark: T G & Co.
Note: Caption label from exhibit "American Treasures--Imagination": The President's House. Thomas Jefferson appointed Benjamin Henry Latrobe "Surveyor of the Public Buildings" of the United States, making him responsible for the completion of the Capitol and the White House, among other projects. A brilliant designer and consummate draftsman, Latrobe is considered the father of the architecture and engineering professions in this country. In this elevation he proposes the sophisticated transformation of the White House from the simple rectangular block erected by James Hoban to the porticoed building today recognized around the world as the home of the president of the United States.
Note: Inscriptions: "Elevation of the South front of the President's house, copied from the design as proposed to be altered in 1807" -- "Je n'aime [...] ne courez pas."
Summary: View of the South Portico as proposed by Latrobe, with axial stairway, later modified in construction.
East front elevation, 1807
Creator: Latrobe, Benjamin Henry, 1764-1820, architect
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2564, no. 4 (B size) (Cabinet B)
Extent: 1 drawing on paper : watercolor, ink, and wash ; 39 x 51 cm.
Note: Inscription on recto: "View of the East front of the President's House, with the addition of the North & South Porticos."
Note: Caption label from exhibit "American Treasures--Imagination": The President's House. Thomas Jefferson appointed Benjamin Henry Latrobe "Surveyor of the Public Buildings" of the United States, making him responsible for the completion of the Capitol and the White House, among other projects. A brilliant designer and consummate draftsman, Latrobe is considered the father of the architecture and engineering professions in this country. In this elevation he proposes the sophisticated transformation of the White House from the simple rectangular block erected by James Hoban to the porticoed building today recognized around the world as the home of the president of the United States.
Summary: View of the east elevation of the White House; the proposed north and south porticos, later built with some minor changes, are here presented as defining features of the principal facades.
Architectural drawings for a powder magazine for the Navy Department, Gosport Navy Yard, Portsmouth, Virginia, 1809
Creator: Latrobe, Benjamin Henry, 1764-1820, architect
Related Names: United States, client
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2565
Extent: 2 items : watercolor, ink, wash, and graphite ; in folder(s) 51 x 61 cm.
Note: Reference copy available in LOT 4249 (R).
Summary: Presentation drawings showing powder magazine as plans, elevations, and sections; renderings.
Elevation, section, plan, 1809 July 19
Creator: Latrobe, Benjamin Henry, 1764-1820, architect
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2565, no. 1 (B size)
Extent: 1 drawing : watercolor, ink, and graphite on paper.
Note: Watermark: J. Whatman 1704.
Note: Inscriptions on recto: "Design for a Powder Magazine, proposed to be erected at Gosport Virginia, submitted to the consideration of the Honble the Secretary of the navy. July 19th. 1809." -- "Bhenry Latrobe Surv. of the public Bldgs UStates."
Elevation, section, plan, 1809 July 31
Creator: Latrobe, Benjamin Henry, 1764-1820, architect
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2565, no. 2 (B size)
Extent: 1 drawing : watercolor, ink, and wash on paper.
Note: Inscriptions on recto: "No. II Design of a powder house proposed to be built for the Navy Department at Gosport, Virginia." -- "This is the same design with reduced dimensions--B.HL. Jan 1873" -- "BHLatrobe Surveyor of the public Bldgs U.S. July 31st. 1809."
Architectural drawings for an asylum and hospital ("Marine Asylum & Hospital"), on a site bordered by Canal Street, New Jersey Avenue, South Carolina Avenue, and Virginia Avenue, S.E., Washington, D.C., 1812
Creator: Latrobe, Benjamin Henry, 1764-1820, architect
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2566
Extent: 5 items : ink, watercolor, wash, and graphite ; in folder(s) 71 x 102 cm. or smaller.
Note: Reference copies available for some UNIT items in LOT 4249 (R).
Summary: Includes presentation, preliminary, and working drawings showing alternate schemes for the location of an asylum and hospital on existing and extended site as site plans, plans, elevations, and sections; renderings; landscape architecture drawings.
Site plan, 1812
Creator: Latrobe, Benjamin Henry, 1764-1820, architect
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2566, no. 1 (D size)
Extent: 1 drawing : ink and watercolor on paper.
Note: Inscriptions on recto: "Plan of the public appropriation No. 17. in the City of Washington, with the adjoining Squares. V appropriation contains 23 acres 18.[ ] This plan exhibits the manner in which the Marine Hospital & Asylum maybe placed thereon."--"BHenry Latrobe Engineer Navy Dept. US 1812."
Note: Lined with paper.
Site plan and landscaping, 1812
Creator: Latrobe, Benjamin Henry, 1764-1820, architect
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2566, no. 2 (D size)
Extent: 1 drawing : ink, watercolor, and graphite on paper.
Note: Inscriptions on recto: "General Plan of a MARINE ASYLUM and HOSPITAL proposed to be built at WASHINGTON."--"BHenry Latrobe Engr. Navy Department--1812."
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