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Stereographs showing staged story sequences issued by H.C. White Company, 1901-1907
Call No.: LOT 14153 (S)
Extent: 188 stereograph cards.
Children and babies, 1901-1907
Story theme: Children playing, babies crying, bathing (no adults)
Writing Papa: Girl starts and finishes letter
Call No.: LOT 14153-1, no. 1-2 (S)
Extent: 2 stereograph cards telling 1 story.
Reading the paper: Toddler holding newspaper larger than she is; second card shows her asleep "just like papa"
Call No.: LOT 14153-1, no. 3-4 (S)
Extent: 2 stereograph cards telling 1 story.
Doll Investigation: Girl "operates" on her doll, weeps, sews it back up
Call No.: LOT 14153-1, no. 5-7 (S)
Extent: 3 stereograph cards telling 1 story.
Molasses: Girl plays in the molasses and makes a mess
Call No.: LOT 14153-1, no. 8-12 (S)
Extent: 5 stereograph cards telling 1 story.
Children as couple: Children dressed as adults simulate activities of marriage and family
Call No.: LOT 14153-1, no. 13-16 (S)
Extent: 4 stereograph cards telling 1 story.
Hide and Seek: Children playing a game of hide and seek
Call No.: LOT 14153-1, no. 17-20 (S)
Extent: 4 stereograph cards telling 1 story.
Venus Junior: Baby during and after bath
Call No.: LOT 14153-1, no. 21-22 (S)
Extent: 2 stereograph cards telling 1 story.
Calm precedes storm: Baby at peace; baby crying
Call No.: LOT 14153-1, no. 23-24 (S)
Extent: 2 stereograph cards telling 1 story.
Christmas, 1904
Story theme: Children at Christmas
Christmas morning
Call No.: LOT 14153-2, no. 1-2 (S)
Extent: 2 stereograph cards telling 1 story.
Christmas: Girls fall asleep anticipating Christmas, Santa comes, etc.
Call No.: LOT 14153-2, no. 3-8 (S)
Extent: 6 stereograph cards telling 1 story.
City visits from country cousins, 1902-1903
Story theme: Troubles of unsophisticated people visiting the city
"Silas Green" of "Wayback, O." and wife stay at "Hotel Astorf Waldoria": humorous story ends in couple crawling out window of hotel room
Call No.: LOT 14153-3, no. 1-7 (S)
Extent: 7 stereograph cards telling 1 story.
Country cousins: Covering the naked statue
Call No.: LOT 14153-3, no. 8-10 (S)
Extent: 3 stereograph cards telling 1 story.
Country cousins: Gold Scam
Call No.: LOT 14153-3, no. 11-13 (S)
Extent: 3 stereograph cards telling 1 story.
College life, 1902-1907
Story theme: Scenes with college students
Harvard Girls: College women and Miss Grey
Call No.: LOT 14153-4, no. 1-4 (S)
Extent: 4 stereograph cards telling 1 story.
Freshie: Women waking up "freshie" in the dorm to haze her
Call No.: LOT 14153-4, no. 5-10 (S)
Extent: 6 stereograph cards telling 1 story.
Freshy and the Goat: Women haze freshman, making her pretend to ride a goat
Call No.: LOT 14153-4, no. 11-14 (S)
Extent: 4 stereograph cards telling 1 story.
Ned daydreams: Ghosts of Ned's future appear in his dorm room
Call No.: LOT 14153-4, no. 15-18 (S)
Extent: 4 stereograph cards telling 1 story.
Courtship, 1901-1907
Story theme: Scenes relating to romance
Togetherness disturbed: Mama and Papa interrupt the romance
Call No.: LOT 14153-5, no. 1-3 (S)
Extent: 3 stereograph cards telling 1 story.
Sis' new fella: Child eavesdrops on sister courting and falls
Call No.: LOT 14153-5, no. 4-8 (S)
Extent: 5 stereograph cards telling 1 story.
Don't you dare tell anybody: Brother catches couple hugging
Call No.: LOT 14153-5, no. 9-10 (S)
Extent: 2 stereograph cards telling 1 story.
Asleep at the Switch: Sleeping couple rudely awakened by her father
Call No.: LOT 14153-5, no. 11-13 (S)
Extent: 3 stereograph cards telling 1 story.
Cupid and Papa: "When Papa comes in the door, love goes out the window"
Call No.: LOT 14153-5, no. 14-16 (S)
Extent: 3 stereograph cards telling 1 story.
"Why doesn't he go": Parents wonder what couple is doing
Call No.: LOT 14153-5, no. 17-20 (S)
Extent: 4 stereograph cards telling 1 story.
"No you don't, yes I do": Man pushes woman to kiss him
Call No.: LOT 14153-5, no. 21-22 (S)
Extent: 2 stereograph cards telling 1 story.
Stolen Kiss: Woman dreaming is awakened by unwanted kiss
Call No.: LOT 14153-5, no. 23-25 (S)
Extent: 3 stereograph cards telling 1 story.
Pleasing both women: Man tries to romance two women at same time
Call No.: LOT 14153-5, no. 26-28 (S)
Extent: 3 stereograph cards telling 1 story.
"Harmony or courtship; harmony of married life": Couple in harmony and then not
Call No.: LOT 14153-5, no. 29-30 (S)
Extent: 2 stereograph cards telling 1 story.
"Miss Hevywayt" sits on suitor "Mr. Slight" to hide him from suitor "Mr. Newcome" who arrives expectantly
Call No.: LOT 14153-5, no. 31-34 (S)
Extent: 4 stereograph cards telling 1 story.
Domestic help, 1902-1903
Story theme: Maids and cooks
Mrs. Bliss and the French Maid: Classic theme of attractive maid who is hired, flirting ensues, and last card is "The New French Maid."
Call No.: LOT 14153-6, no. 1-12 (S)
Extent: 12 stereograph cards telling 1 story.
Bridget serves the turkey
Call No.: LOT 14153-6, no. 13-14 (S)
Extent: 2 stereograph cards telling 1 story.
Drinking and intoxication, 1901-1906
Story theme: After-effects of too much drinking
Drunken love: Intoxicated man mistakes a statue for his true love
Call No.: LOT 14153-7, no. 1-3 (S)
Extent: 3 stereograph cards telling 1 story.
Dudley and the suit of armor: Wife dons suit of armor to teach intoxicated husband a lesson
Call No.: LOT 14153-7, no. 4-9 (S)
Extent: 6 stereograph cards telling 1 story.
Mustn't make noise: Drunk wakes his wife coming into bedroom
Call No.: LOT 14153-7, no. 10-13 (S)
Extent: 4 stereograph cards telling 1 story.
Nip in the night: Husband sneaks out of bed to have a drink
Call No.: LOT 14153-7, no. 14-17 (S)
Extent: 4 stereograph cards telling 1 story.
Rough Game: Women's drinking game gets rowdy
Call No.: LOT 14153-7, no. 18-21 (S)
Extent: 4 stereograph cards telling 1 story.
Family life, 1903-1907
Story theme: Family members interacting with each other
Rough Game: Women's drinking game gets rowdy
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