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Ruthven Deane bookplate collection, [between 1600 and 1934] (continued)
Series 3: Individual owners and artists, institutional plates, label plates, 1600-1934, (bulk dates 1800-1934) (continued)
Medical Bookplates, Foreign
BOX 22-2 C. J. B. Aldis M.D. Cantab., [between 1828 and 1872]
Call No.: PR 13 CN 1935:144, no. 4339 (WV2 -- AAA size)
Extent: 1 print : engraving.
Owner: Aldis, C. J. B. (Charles James Berridge), 1808-1872
Subject(s): Coats of arms, Hands, Stars, Birds, Armor, Emblems
BOX 22-2 [Dr. Wm. Bamm], [between 1819 and 1883]
Call No.: PR 13 CN 1935:144, no. 4340 (WV2 -- AAA size)
Extent: 1 print : etching.
Owner: Bamm, William, 1799-1883
Note: Inscribed on verso plate: from C. Bey, 1919. Inscribed on verso mount: Dr. William Bamm, 1799-1883, Goettingen, Germany.
Subject(s): Coats of arms, Trees, Armor, Women, Daggers & swords, Scales, Garlands, Laurels, Leaves
BOX 22-2 Bargalló ex libris, 1895
Artist: André, Henry
Call No.: PR 13 CN 1935:144, no. 4341 (WV2 -- AAA size)
Extent: 1 print : etching.
Owner: Bargalló, F.
Note: Signed by the doctor on verso. Inscribed on verso: DBF [i.e. Daniel B. Fearing]. Inscribed on verso mount: Dr. F. Bargollo. Paris.
Subject(s): Initials, Caduceus, Snakes, Drinking vessels, Books, Music, Pictures, Flowers, Ribbons
BOX 22-2 William Bay, M.D., [between 1793 and 1865]
Call No.: PR 13 CN 1935:144, no. 4342 (WV2 -- AAA size)
Extent: 1 print : etching.
Owner: Bay, William, 1773-1865
Note: Inscribed on verso mount: from N.Y. State Lib. Extensive typewritten note on verso mount.
Subject(s): Coats of arms, Lions, Flowers, Birds, Garlands, Ribbons
BOX 22-2 Bibliothèque classique du Docteur J. le Bayon, 1896
Artist: André, Henry
Call No.: PR 13 CN 1935:144, no. 4343 (WV2 -- AAA size)
Extent: 1 print : zinc etching.
Owner: Bayon, J. le
Note: Stamped in red ink on recto: 215. Inscribed on verso plate: from Mr. Carlton.
Subject(s): Goddesses, Spears, Men, Portraits, Busts, Greek language, Leaves
BOX 22-2 J. Warburton Begbie, M.D., [between 1846 and 1876]
Call No.: PR 13 CN 1935:144, no. 4344 (WV2 -- AAA size)
Extent: 1 print : typeset.
Owner: Begbie, James Warburton, 1826-1876
Note: Inscribed on verso plate: Beeson Coll.
Subject(s): Labels
BOX 22-2 Robt. Bland, M.D., S.S.A., [between 1750 and 1816]
Call No.: PR 13 CN 1935:144, no. 4345 (WV2 -- AAA size)
Extent: 1 print : engraving.
Owner: Bland, R. (Robert), 1730-1816
Note: Inscribed on verso plate: M.D. St. Andrews 1778, ob. 1816. Accouchear. Practised London. From R. R. James Mch. '23. Inscribed lower right verso: 250.
Subject(s): Coats of arms, Lions, Laurels, Leaves
BOX 22-2 Gilbert Blane M.D., [between 1769 and 1834]
Call No.: PR 13 CN 1935:144, no. 4346 (WV2 -- AAA size)
Extent: 1 print : engraving.
Owner: Blane, Gilbert, Sir, 1749-1834
Note: Inscribed on verso plate: Sir Gilbert Blane, R.N., St. Thomas Hosp. From R.R. James, Mch. '23. Extensive inscription on verso mount.
Subject(s): Coats of arms, Animals, Roses, Moon, Stars, Armor, Daggers & swords, Leaves, Garlands, Flowers
BOX 22-2 John Bostock, M.D., [between 1793 and 1846]
Call No.: PR 13 CN 1935:144, no. 4347 (WV2 -- AAA size)
Extent: 1 print : engraving.
Owner: Bostock, John, 1773-1846
Note: Inscribed on verso plate: of Liverpool. From R.R. James Mch. '23.
Subject(s): Tree stumps, Animals, Ribbons
BOX 22-2 Exlibris Kurt Brandenburg, [between 1880 and 1934]
Artist: B., M.
Call No.: PR 13 CN 1935:144, no. 4348 (WV2 -- AAA size)
Extent: 1 print : zinc engraving.
Owner: Brandenburg, Kurt
Note: Inscribed on verso plate: Prof. dr. med., Brandenburg, Berlin. From Dr. Achard.
Subject(s): Books, Women, Nudes, Night, Stars, Angels
BOX 22-2 Ex-libris Dr. Hans Brendicke, [ca. 1870]
Artist: Maess, Je.
Call No.: PR 13 CN 1935:144, no. 4349 (WV2 -- AAA size)
Extent: 1 print : engraving.
Owner: Brendicke, Hans
Note: Inscribed on verso plate: Berlin; DBF [i.e. Daniel B. Fearing]
Subject(s): Scholars, Writing, Pens, Pictures, Bookshelves, Papers, Busts, Owls, Fruit, Hands, Chests, Coats of arms, Daggers & swords, Awards, Laurels, Shields, Emblems
BOX 22-2 Ex-libris Dr. Hans Brendicke, [ca. 1870]
Artist: Maess, Je.
Call No.: PR 13 CN 1935:144, no. 4350 (WV2 -- AAA size)
Extent: 1 print : halftone.
Owner: Brendicke, Hans
Note: Inscribed on verso plate: Berlin; DBF [i.e. Daniel B. Fearing]
Subject(s): Scholars, Writing, Pens, Pictures, Bookshelves, Papers, Busts, Owls, Fruit, Hands, Chests, Coats of arms, Daggers & swords, Awards, Laurels, Shields, Emblems
BOX 22-2 George Charles Bright, M.D., [between 1850 and 1921]
Call No.: PR 13 CN 1935:144, no. 4351 (WV2 -- AAA size)
Extent: 1 print : etching.
Owner: Bright, George Charles
Note: Inscribed on verso plate: of Cannes. Son of the Bright of Bright's disease. Ob. 1921 or /22. From R.R. James Mch. '23. Extensive inscription on verso mount.
Subject(s): Coats of arms, Lions, Axes, Ribbons
BOX 22-2 Henry Jack Browne, [between 1820 and 1934]
Call No.: PR 13 CN 1935:144, no. 4352 (WV2 -- AAA size)
Extent: 1 print : engraving.
Owner: Browne, Henry Jack
Subject(s): Coats of arms, Birds, Horses, Leaves, Ribbons
BOX 22-2 Ex libris Th. Brugsch, [19]11
Artist: Warnicke, P. F.
Call No.: PR 13 CN 1935:144, no. 4353 (WV2 -- AAA size)
Extent: 1 print : woodcut.
Owner: Brugsch, Theodor, 1878-1963
Note: Artist attributed on verso plate. Inscribed on verso plate: from Dr. Achard. Berlin.
Subject(s): Scientists, Scientific equipment, Skulls, Caduceus, Snakes, Flowers, Pines, Books
BOX 22-2 Thomas H. Buckler, M.D., [between 1832 and 1901]
Call No.: PR 13 CN 1935:144, no. 4354 (WV2 -- AAA size)
Extent: 1 print : engraving.
Owner: Buckler, Thomas Hepburn, 1812-1901
Note: Inscribed on verso plate: B.
Subject(s): Coats of arms, Dragons, Starfishes, Ribbons
BOX 22-2 William Bullen MD, [between 1840 and 1934]
Call No.: PR 13 CN 1935:144, no. 4355 (WV2 -- AAA size)
Extent: 1 print : engraving.
Owner: Bullen, William, M.D.
Note: Name inscribed recto. Inscribed on verso plate: Beeson Coll.
Subject(s): Coats of arms, Bulls, Ribbons
BOX 22-2 Ex libris Dr. G. Burchard, [between 1880 and 1934]
Call No.: PR 13 CN 1935:144, no. 4356 (WV2 -- AAA size)
Extent: 1 print : woodcut.
Owner: Burchard, G.
Note: Inscribed on verso plate: Carlsruhe [e.g. Karlsruhe, Germany]. B.
Subject(s): Coats of arms, Castles & palaces, Ribbons
BOX 22-2 Joh. Campbell Hosp. Linc. Soc., [between 1750 and 1934]
Call No.: PR 13 CN 1935:144, no. 4357 (WV2 -- AAA size)
Extent: 1 print : engraving.
Owner: Campbell, John
Note: Inscribed on verso mount: Lincolnshire Hospital Society, England.
Subject(s): Coats of arms, Swine
BOX 22-2 George Canney, M.D., [between 1850 and 1934]
Call No.: PR 13 CN 1935:144, no. 4358 (WV2 -- AAA size)
Extent: 1 print : engraving.
Owner: Canney, George
Subject(s): Coats of arms, Crowns, Arms (Anatomy), Lions, Hands, Castles & palaces, Fleur-de-lis, Shells (Anatomy), Ribbons, Emblems
BOX 22-2 Ex biblïotheca Werneri de la Chenal med. Doct. Basil, [between 1750 and 1924]
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