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Ruthven Deane bookplate collection, [between 1600 and 1934] (continued)
Series 3: Individual owners and artists, institutional plates, label plates, 1600-1934, (bulk dates 1800-1934) (continued)
Foreign notables (continued)
Robert Jackson, [between 1750 and 1850] (continued)
Call No.: PR 13 CN 1935:144, no. 4660 (WV2 -- AAA size)
Extent: 1 print : etching with engraving.
Owner: Jackson, Robert
Note: Attribution to Hollyer questioned on verso plate and mount. Inscribed on verso mount: Robert Jackson, a sculptor by proffession [sic] collected prints, drawings, china &c.
Subject(s): Men, Prints, Portfolios, Chairs, Bookshelves, Vases, Interiors
BOX 23-2 Anna Jameson, [between 1817 and 1860]
Call No.: PR 13 CN 1935:144, no. 4661 (WV2 -- AAA size)
Extent: 1 print : etching with engraving.
Owner: Jameson, Mrs. (Anna), 1794-1860
Note: Inscribed on verso plate: Recd. From T. Thorp, Apl. 14, '30. Inscription on verso mount.
Subject(s): Women, Books, Scrolls, Reading, Palms, Landscapes, Pyramids of Giza (Egypt)
BOX 23-2 Earl Jellicoe, [between 1879 and 1930]
Call No.: PR 13 CN 1935:144, no. 4662 (WV2 -- AAA size)
Extent: 1 print : wood engraving.
Owner: Jellicoe, John Rushworth Jellicoe, Earl, 1859-1935
Note: Accompanied by letter on verso mount. Inscription on verso mount.
Subject(s): Coats of arms, Whales, Supernatural beings, Crowns, Armor, Foxes, Leaves
BOX 23-2 Admiral Sir John Rushworth Jellicoe G.C.B., O.M., G.C.V.O., [between 1879 and 1934]
Call No.: PR 13 CN 1935:144, no. 4663 (WV2 -- AAA size)
Extent: 1 print : engraving.
Owner: Jellicoe, John Rushworth Jellicoe, Earl, 1859-1935
Note: Accompanied by halftone color portrait on verso mount.
Subject(s): Coats of arms, Whales, Supernatural beings, Foxes, Leaves, Awards, Ribbons
BOX 23-2 E libris Caroli Keene, [between 1843 and 1891]
Artist: Keene, Charles, 1823-1891
Call No.: PR 13 CN 1935:144, no. 4664 (WV2 -- AAA size)
Extent: 1 print : wood engraving.
Owner: Keene, Charles, 1823-1891
Note: Inscribed on verso plate: Blackwell. Accompanied by lithographic portrait on verso mount. Inscription on verso mount.
Subject(s): Initials
BOX 23-2 Charles Kennedy-Crawfurd-Stuart of Baidland and Ardmillan C.V.O., C.B.E., D.S.O., [between 1899 and 1931]
Call No.: PR 13 CN 1935:144, no. 4665 (WV2 -- AAA size)
Extent: 1 print : wood engraving.
Owner: Craufurd-Stuart, Charles Kennedy, 1879-1942
Note: Inscribed on verso plate: Recd. from Mrs. Wheeler, Oct. 1931. Accompanied by part of letter on verso mount.
Subject(s): Coats of arms, Crosses, Stars, Roses, Daggers & swords, Armor, Birds, Awards, Leaves, Ribbons
BOX 23-2 Ex libris Lord Walter Talbot Kerr, G.C.B., Admiral of the fleet, 1913
Artist: Johnson, Graham
Call No.: PR 13 CN 1935:144, no. 4666 (WV2 -- AAA size)
Extent: 1 print : wood engraving.
Owner: Kerr, Walter Talbot, 1839-1927
Note: Artist attributed on verso plate & mount. Inscribed on verso plate: 1839. Adm of the fleet 1904 London. Inscription on verso mount.
Subject(s): Coats of arms, Stars, Armor, Deer, Awards, Laurels, Leaves, Ribbons
BOX 23-2 Ex libris Joseph Knight, F.S.A., [between 1850 and 1934]
Call No.: PR 13 CN 1935:144, no. 4667 (WV2 -- AAA size)
Extent: 1 print : engraving.
Owner: Knight, Joseph
Note: Inscribed on verso mount: Joseph Knight, Prest. Ex Libris Society. Designed for insertion in illustrated French books of the last century.
Subject(s): Women, Nudes, Infants, Musical instruments, Birds, Flowers, Gardens
BOX 23-2 Egerton Leigh, [between 1835 and 1876]
Call No.: PR 13 CN 1935:144, no. 4668 (WV2 -- AAA size)
Extent: 1 print : engraving.
Owner: Leigh, Egerton, 1815-1876
Note: Inscribed on verso plate: Capt. 1st Royal Dragoons. Chippendale Arm. London. Recd. Sepr. 1928.
Subject(s): Coats of arms, Lions, Swine, Diamonds, Flowers, Plants, Leaves
BOX 23-2 Marius Marefuschus, [between 1734 and 1780]
Call No.: PR 13 CN 1935:144, no. 4669 (WV2 -- AAA size)
Extent: 1 print : engraving.
Owner: Marefuschus, Marius, 1714-1780
Note: Inscribed on verso plate: from Dr. Casey Wood, Dec. 1930. Cardinal. Borghase familia. Inscribed on verso mount: Another in Newberry Lib. Antigonia Carystii - 1619. 1714-1780.
Subject(s): Coats of arms, Fish, Stars, Eagles, Crowns, Religious articles, Puns (Visual works)
BOX 23-2 Ex libris Phil May, 1895
Artist: May, Phil, 1864-1903
Call No.: PR 13 CN 1935:144, no. 4670 (WV2 -- AAA size)
Extent: 1 print : woodcut.
Owner: May, Phil, 1864-1903
Note: Inscribed on verso plate: Recd. From T. Thorp, Apl. 14, '30. Typewritten biography on verso mount. LCCN # 2007683285
Subject(s): Women
BOX 23-2 Zelia Nuttall, [between 1878 and 1922]
Artist: McCormick, H.
Call No.: PR 13 CN 1935:144, no. 4671 (WV2 -- AAA size)
Extent: 1 print : woodengraving.
Owner: Nuttall, Zelia, 1858-1933
Note: Inscribed on verso plate: of Mexico City. Recd. May 30, '22. Inscription on verso mount.
Subject(s): Churches, Crosses
BOX 23-2 Ex-libris Lloyd Osbourne, [between 1888 and 1934]
Artist: Stevenson, Robert Louis, 1850-1894
Call No.: PR 13 CN 1935:144, no. 4672 (WV2 -- AAA size)
Extent: 1 print : woodcut.
Owner: Osbourne, Lloyd, 1868-1947
Note: Artist attributed on verso plate & mount. Inscription on verso mount. Accompanied by part of letter on verso mount.
Subject(s): Landscapes, Crosses, Plowing, Croplands, Crowns
BOX 23-2 Andrew Pears, Spring Grove, Isleworth, [between 1789 and 1845]
Call No.: PR 13 CN 1935:144, no. 4673 (WV2 -- AAA size)
Extent: 1 print : engraving.
Owner: Pears, Andrew, ca. 1770-1845
Note: Inscribed on verso plate: Recd. from J. H. Seers, Oct. 16, '25. Inscribed on verso mount: Pears Soap fame.
Subject(s): Coats of arms, Starfishes, Arms (Anatomy), Spears, Ribbons
BOX 23-2 William Pitt, [between 1728 and 1778]
Call No.: PR 13 CN 1935:144, no. 4674 (WV2 -- AAA size)
Extent: 1 print : engraving.
Owner: Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham, 1708-1778.
Note: Inscribed on verso plate: from Dr. Casey Wood, May 1922. Inscription on verso mount.
Subject(s): Storks, Ribbons
BOX 23-2 Cecil J. Rhodes, [between 1873 and 1902]
Call No.: PR 13 CN 1935:144, no. 4675 (WV2 -- AAA size)
Extent: 1 print : zinc engraving.
Owner: Rhodes, Cecil, 1853-1902.
Note: Inscribed on recto plate: Maker of South Africa. Inscribed on verso plate: Recd. from T. Thorp, Apl. 14, '30. Inscription on verso mount.
Subject(s): Coats of arms, Lions, Thistles, Circles, Arms (Anatomy), Oaks, Leaves, Acorns
BOX 23-2 From the library of John Singer Sargent, R.A., D.C.L., LL.D., [between 1876 and 1925]
Call No.: PR 13 CN 1935:144, no. 4676 (WV2 -- AAA size)
Extent: 1 print : typeset.
Owner: Sargent, John Singer, 1856-1925.
Note: Inscribed on verso plate: Recd. Oct. 2, '26. from Howes. From Mich. Ave. bookstore. Inscription on verso mount. Typeset biography on verso mount.
Subject(s): Labels
BOX 23-2 Adam Smith, [between 1743 and 1790]
Call No.: PR 13 CN 1935:144, no. 4677 (WV2 -- AAA size)
Extent: 1 print : typeset.
Owner: Smith, Adam, 1723-1790.
Note: Inscribed on verso plate: May 1922. Inscription on verso mount.
Subject(s): Labels
BOX 23-2 Captain William Henry Smyth, Royal Navy, [between 1808 and 1865]
Call No.: PR 13 CN 1935:144, no. 4678 (WV2 -- AAA size)
Extent: 1 print : engraving.
Owner: Smyth, W. H. (William Henry), 1788-1865
Note: Inscribed on verso plate: One from earlier from which this was reworked. One later Admiral Smyth. From R. A. James, Mch. '23. Inscription on verso mount.
Subject(s): Coats of arms, Men, Turbans, Awards, Ostriches, Anchors, Ribbons
BOX 23-2 Josiah Spode, [between 1753 and 1797]
Call No.: PR 13 CN 1935:144, no. 4679 (WV2 -- AAA size)
Extent: 1 print : engraving.
Owner: Spode, Josiah, 1733-1797
Note: Inscribed on verso plate: from Miss Brockett. Inscription on verso mount.
Subject(s): Supernatural beings, Coats of arms, Stars, Belts (Clothing)
BOX 23-2 John Alexander Stewart, [between 1866 and 1933]
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