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Architectural drawings for a memorial for the Jefferson National-Expansion Memorial Association, St. Louis, Missouri, 1947 | |||||||||||||
Creator: O'Connor, E. Jerome, 1891-1977, architect | |||||||||||||
Related Names: Jefferson National-Expansion Memorial Association, client | |||||||||||||
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2116 | |||||||||||||
Extent: 2 items : ink, wash, graphite, and watercolor ; in folder(s) 89 x 123 cm | |||||||||||||
Note: Date and client's name from Jefferson National-Expansion Memorial Assn.'s The Gateway Arch, 1968. | |||||||||||||
Summary: Competition drawings showing site, monument to Thomas Jefferson, recreation area, and museum as site plans, plans, elevations, sections, perspective projections, and bird's-eye views; renderings; landscape architecture drawings. | |||||||||||||
Site plan and elevation, highway/tunnel section, 1947 | |||||||||||||
Creator: O'Connor, E. Jerome, 1891-1977, architect | |||||||||||||
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2116, no. 1 (E size) | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 drawing : ink, wash, and graphite on illustration board | |||||||||||||
Monument & museum elevations, diagram | |||||||||||||
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2116, no. 2 (E size) | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 item : ink/wash/watercolor/graphite/colored pencil on illustration board | |||||||||||||
Architectural drawings for city planning ("Sectional Re-Creation") for an area bordered by Rock Creek-Potomac Parkway, K Street, 23rd Street, E Street, New Hampshire Avenue, and Virginia Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C., 1945-1959 | |||||||||||||
Creator: O'Connor, E. Jerome, 1891-1977, architect | |||||||||||||
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2117 | |||||||||||||
Extent: 2 items : ink, wash, graphite, and stat ; in folder(s) 89 x 123 cm. or smaller | |||||||||||||
Note: Beginning date based on year that O'Connor began practicing as an architect in the Washington, D.C., area; end date based on allocation of site for future Kennedy Center. | |||||||||||||
Summary: Preliminary drawings showing site as site plans; renderings; landscape architecture drawings; maps; planning drawings. | |||||||||||||
Site plan: apartments, museum, commercial, etc. | |||||||||||||
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2117, no. 1 (E size) | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 item : ink/wash/graphite on illustration board | |||||||||||||
Site plan: apartments, museum, park, etc. | |||||||||||||
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2117, no. 2 (B size) | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 item : stat on paper | |||||||||||||
Note: Notations on verso | |||||||||||||
Architectural drawing for real estate development, Arlington Boulevard or Route 50, Fairfax County, Virginia, 1941-1977 | |||||||||||||
Creator: O'Connor, E. Jerome, 1891-1977, architect | |||||||||||||
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2118 | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 item : ink, graphite, and colored ink ; in folder(s) 71 x 102 cm | |||||||||||||
Note: Date based on span of years O'Connor practiced as an architect in the Washington, D.C., area. | |||||||||||||
Summary: Working drawing showing site, parking lots, tennis courts, and swimming pool as site plan; map. | |||||||||||||
Site plan: building, parking, tennis, pool | |||||||||||||
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2118, no. 1 (D size) | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 item : ink/graphite/colored ink on illustration board | |||||||||||||
Architectural drawing for alterations to a health care facility ("Women's Medical Wards"), 1925-1941 | |||||||||||||
Creator: O'Connor, E. Jerome, 1891-1977, architect | |||||||||||||
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2119 | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 item : ink and graphite ; in folder(s) 35 x 46 cm | |||||||||||||
Note: Date based on span of years O'Connor practiced as an independent architect. | |||||||||||||
Summary: Preliminary drawing showing health care facility as plan. | |||||||||||||
2nd floor plan | |||||||||||||
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2119, no. 1 (A size) | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 item : ink/graphite on paper | |||||||||||||
Note: On illustration board | |||||||||||||
Architectural drawing for a house ("residence") for William R. Gosselin, Rutland, Vermont, 1933 | |||||||||||||
Creator: O'Connor, E. Jerome, 1891-1977, architect | |||||||||||||
Creator: Wood, Ralph S., architect | |||||||||||||
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2120 | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 item : stat ; in folder(s) 35 x 46 cm | |||||||||||||
Note: Ralph S. Wood also acted as architect. | |||||||||||||
Note: Date based on record of activity in Vermont according to American architects directory, 1956. | |||||||||||||
Summary: Preliminary drawing showing house as perspective projection; rendering. | |||||||||||||
Perspective rendering | |||||||||||||
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2120, no. 1 (A size) | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 item : stat on paper | |||||||||||||
Architectural drawings for a house ("residence") for Dr. B.F. Cook, Rutland, Vermont, 1934 | |||||||||||||
Creator: O'Connor, E. Jerome, 1891-1977, architect | |||||||||||||
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2121 | |||||||||||||
Extent: 3 items : stat, photographic print, and graphite ; in folder(s) 35 x 46 cm. or smaller | |||||||||||||
Note: Additional material in ADE - UNIT 2121 (Misc. supp.) | |||||||||||||
Note: Date from drawing for same house in O'Connor's examination exhibit, processed as LOT 13043. | |||||||||||||
Summary: Preliminary drawings showing house as perspective projections and bird's-eye views; renderings; miscellaneous supplementary materials. | |||||||||||||
Bird's-eye perspective | |||||||||||||
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2121, no. 1 (A size) | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 item : stat on paper | |||||||||||||
Perspective | |||||||||||||
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2121, no. 2 (Photo) | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 item : photographic print/graphite on paper | |||||||||||||
Perspective | |||||||||||||
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2121, no. 3 (Photo) | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 item : photographic print/graphite on paper | |||||||||||||
Note: C size | |||||||||||||
Architectural drawing for alterations to a row house, 1533 34th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C., 1948 | |||||||||||||
Creator: O'Connor, E. Jerome, 1891-1977, architect | |||||||||||||
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2122 | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 item : graphite ; in folder(s) 51 x 61 cm | |||||||||||||
Summary: Working drawing showing row house as plans. | |||||||||||||
1st and 2nd floor plans | |||||||||||||
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2122, no. 1 (B size) | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 item : graphite on tracing paper | |||||||||||||
Architectural drawings for land subdivision for Paul W. Heitmuller, Metzerott Road and Riggs Road, Adelphi, Maryland, 1941-1977 | |||||||||||||
Creator: O'Connor, E. Jerome, 1891-1977, architect | |||||||||||||
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2123 | |||||||||||||
Extent: 2 items : graphite and colored pencil ; in folder(s) 56 x 71 cm | |||||||||||||
Note: Date based on span of years that O'Connor practiced as an architect in the Washington, D.C., area. | |||||||||||||
Note: City from ADC's street map of Prince George's County, Maryland, 1989. | |||||||||||||
Summary: Preliminary drawings showing site and development as site plans; plats. | |||||||||||||
Plat | |||||||||||||
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2123, no. 1 (C size) | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 item : graphite on tracing paper | |||||||||||||
Subdivision plan | |||||||||||||
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2123, no. 2 (C size) | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 item : graphite/colored pencil on tracing paper | |||||||||||||
Architectural drawings for land subdivision, Riggs Road, Chillum, Maryland, 1948 | |||||||||||||
Creator: O'Connor, E. Jerome, 1891-1977, architect | |||||||||||||
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2124 | |||||||||||||
Extent: 2 items : graphite and colored pencil ; in folder(s) 71 x 102 cm. or smaller | |||||||||||||
Summary: Preliminary drawings showing site, land subdivision, and real estate development for houses, apartment houses, and shopping center as site plans; plats and topographic maps; maps. | |||||||||||||
Subdivision of property - John W. Gregg, 1924 | |||||||||||||
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2124, no. 1 (D size) | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 item : graphite/colored pencil on tracing paper | |||||||||||||
Preliminary plot plan-Chillum Dist. prop. | |||||||||||||
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2124, no. 2 (C size) | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 item : graphite on tracing paper | |||||||||||||
Architectural drawings for various schemes for land subdivision ("Proposed Plot Plan"), No. 1 Highway, Woodbridge, Virginia, 1948 | |||||||||||||
Creator: O'Connor, E. Jerome, 1891-1977, architect | |||||||||||||
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2125 | |||||||||||||
Extent: 3 items : graphite and colored pencil ; in folder(s) 71 x 102 cm | |||||||||||||
Summary: Preliminary drawings showing site plan and land subdivision for houses, shopping center, and a motel as site plans; plats. | |||||||||||||
Prop. Plot plan - scheme 1 | |||||||||||||
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2125, no. 1 (D size) | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 item : graphite on tracing paper | |||||||||||||
Prop. Plot plan - scheme 2 | |||||||||||||
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2125, no. 2 (D size) | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 item : graphite on tracing paper | |||||||||||||
Prop. Plot plan - scheme 3 | |||||||||||||
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2125, no. 3 (D size) | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 item : graphite/colored pencil on tracing paper | |||||||||||||
Architectural drawings for miscellaneous houses, 1933 | |||||||||||||
Creator: O'Connor, E. Jerome, 1891-1977, architect | |||||||||||||
Call No.: ADE - UNIT 2126 | |||||||||||||
Extent: 2 items : graphite and stat ; in folder(s) 35 x 46 cm | |||||||||||||
Summary: Preliminary drawings showing houses as plans and elevations; sketches and renderings. | |||||||||||||
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