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National Photo Company collection

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Albums (continued)
Warren G. Harding, 1921-1923 (continued)
Warren G. Harding, 1921-1923 (continued)
Corresponding Negatives: Found in LC-F8, LC-F81, and LC-F82. Some are badly deteriorated.
Summary: Warren G. Harding. Scenes and activities in Washington, D.C. Portraits of Harding, Vice-President Coolidge, and cabinet. The White House; the Capitol; Pennsylvania Avenue; Walter Reed Hospital; Tomb of the Unknown Soldier; Shrine Convention; Ford-Edison Camp; and Harding at disarmament conference in 1922. Mrs. Harding; Washington clubs, including Girl Scouts; American Indians; American League baseball park; Harding with Albert Einstein; Harding funeral.
Arrangement: Roughly chronological.
Calvin Coolidge, 1921-1927
Call No.: LOT 12283 (H)
Extent: 3 albums (ca. 1,100 gelatin silver prints) ; 39 x 52 cm.
Note: LOT title from album cover; other information from catalog card and published guide: Washingtoniana Photographs ... Library of Congress, 1989.
Note: Most images are captioned.
Corresponding Negatives: Found in LC-F8, LC-F81, and LC-F82. Some are badly deteriorated.
Summary: Calvin Coolidge. Scenes and activities in Washington, D.C. Portraits of Coolidge, Mrs. Coolidge, Coolidge cabinet, and Helen Keller. The White House, including Easter egg roll; Navy Yard; funeral of Woodrow Wilson; Warren Harding memorial ceremony; Capitol pages; Coolidge addressing Georgetown University graduates; Memorial Day, 1925; World Series, 1925.
Arrangement: Roughly chronological. Vols. 1-2: First administration; Vol. 3: Second administration.
Herbert Hoover, 1920-1930
Call No.: LOT 12284 (H)
Extent: 1 album (ca. 260 gelatin silver prints) ; 39 x 52 cm.
Note: LOT title from album cover; other information from catalog card and published guide: Washingtoniana Photographs ... Library of Congress, 1989.
Note: Most images are captioned.
Corresponding Negatives: Found in LC-F8, LC-F81, and LC-F82. Some are badly deteriorated.
Summary: Herbert Hoover. Portraits of Hoover and Mrs. Hoover. Hoover as secretary of commerce, receiving Georgetown University degree in 1926, receiving White House visitors, and with government officials.
Arrangement: Roughly chronological.
Inaugurations, 1909-1929
Call No.: LOT 12285 (H)
Extent: 1 album (ca. 215 gelatin silver prints) ; 39 x 52 cm.
Note: LOT title from album cover; other information from catalog card and published guide: Washingtoniana Photographs ... Library of Congress, 1989.
Note: Most images are captioned.
Corresponding Negatives: Found in LC-F8, LC-F81, and LC-F82. Some are badly deteriorated.
Summary: Inaugurations of McKinley, Taft, Wilson, Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover in Washington, D.C. Parades, ceremonies at the Capitol.
Arrangement: Roughly chronological.
Disarmament conference, Nov. 1922, and burial of the Unknown Soldier, 1921-1922
Call No.: LOT 12286 (H)
Extent: 1 album (ca. 380 gelatin silver prints) ; 33 x 43 cm.
Note: LOT title from album cover; other information from catalog card and published guide: Washingtoniana Photographs ... Library of Congress, 1989.
Note: Most images are captioned.
Corresponding Negatives: Found in LC-F8, LC-F81, and LC-F82. Some are badly deteriorated.
Summary: Disarmament conference, November, 1922, and burial of the Unknown Soldier (World War I). Scenes and activities in Washington, D.C. American and foreign delegates to the conference and their advisers; treaty ceremony in 1922. President Harding, General Pershing, and military personnel at burial ceremony in Arlington Cemetery. American Indians visiting the President.
Washington Nationals baseball club, 1924-1925
Call No.: LOT 12287 (H)
Extent: 6 albums (ca. 620 gelatin silver prints) ; 33 x 43 cm.
Note: LOT title devised by cataloger; other information from catalog card and published guide: Washingtoniana Photographs ... Library of Congress, 1989.
Note: Most images are captioned.
Corresponding Negatives: Found in LC-F8, LC-F81, and LC-F82. Some are badly deteriorated.
Summary: Washington Nationals baseball club. President Coolidge at World Series game, 1924. World Series games in Washington, 1924, and Pittsburgh, 1925; individual players and team portraits.
Arrangement: Roughly chronological. Vols. 1-3: Washington Base Ball Club, World Champions, 1924; Vols. 3-6: Baseball, Washington Nationals.
Grand Army of the Republic, ca. 1921
Call No.: LOT 12288 (H)
Extent: 1 album (ca. 80 gelatin silver prints) ; 28 x 46 cm.
Note: LOT title from album cover; other information from catalog card and published guide: Washingtoniana Photographs ... Library of Congress, 1989.
Note: Images are not captioned. Some are badly deteriorated.
Summary: Grand Army of the Republic. Scenes in Washington, D.C. Parade on Pennsylvania Avenue; boats on the Potomac River; Civil War monuments.
Horse shows, 1922-1926
Call No.: LOT 12289 (H)
Extent: 1 album (166 gelatin silver prints) ; 33 x 43 cm.
Note: LOT title from album cover; other information from catalog card and published guide: Washingtoniana Photographs ... Library of Congress, 1989.
Note: Images are captioned.
Corresponding Negatives: Found in LC-F8, LC-F81, and LC-F82. Some are badly deteriorated.
Summary: Horse shows. Scenes in Washington, D.C. Horseback riders; horse jumping; spectators, including U.S. and foreign dignitaries and society women.
Arrangement: Chronological.
White House photographers, 1922-1926
Call No.: LOT 12290 (H)
Extent: 1 album (ca. 170 gelatin silver prints) ; 33 x 43 cm.
Note: LOT title from album cover; other information from catalog card and published guide: Washingtoniana Photographs ... Library of Congress, 1989.
Note: Some photos are captioned.
Corresponding Negatives: Found in LC-F8, LC-F81, and LC-F82. Some are badly deteriorated.
Summary: White House photographers. Individual and group portraits of White House News Photographers' Association members; humorous snapshot portraits; banquets in 1925 and 1926; World Series baseball photographers in 1924.
Shrine convention, June 5, 6, 7, 1923
Call No.: LOT 12291 (H)
Extent: 1 album (ca. 340 gelatin silver prints on 30 leaves) ; 33 x 43 cm.
Note: LOT title from album cover; other information from catalog card and published guide: Washingtoniana Photographs ... Library of Congress, 1989.
Note: Images are captioned.
Corresponding Negatives: Found in LC-F8, LC-F81, and LC-F82. Some are badly deteriorated.
Summary: Photographs show Shrine convention, June 5-7, 1923, Washington, D.C. Shriners; Wild West show and rodeo; parade; model homes; American Indians in "Indian village."
Layouts, 1924-1925
Call No.: LOT 12292 (H)
Extent: 1 album (ca. 375 gelatin silver prints) ; 33 x 43 cm.
Note: LOT title from album cover; other information from catalog card and published guide: Washingtoniana Photographs ... Library of Congress, 1989.
Note: Images are captioned.
Corresponding Negatives: Found in LC-F8, LC-F81, and LC-F82. Some are badly deteriorated.
Summary: Layouts, 1924-25. Groups of photographs, each with a common theme or subject relating to people, government or social activities in Washington, D.C. Topics include portraits of cabinet officers, their wives and children; wives of foreign diplomats; a day in the life of author Mary Roberts Rinehart; animals and pets; portraits of congressmen working in their previous careers; recreational activities of government officials and military officers; the Library of Congress; the Junior Nationals baseball team; portraits of White House visitors; photos of cartoons about the presidents, dog catching, and other miscellaneous subjects.
Arrangement: Chronological. Vol. 1: September-October 1919; Vol. 2: November 1921; Vol. 3: December 1921.
Washington, D.C., September 1919 to December 1921
Call No.: LOT 12293 (H)
Extent: 3 albums (ca. 570 gelatin silver prints) ; 39 x 52 cm.
Note: LOT title devised by cataloger; other information from catalog card and published guide: Washingtoniana Photographs ... Library of Congress, 1989.
Note: Most photos are captioned.
Corresponding Negatives: Found in LC-F8, LC-F81, and LC-F82. Some are badly deteriorated.
Summary: Washington, D.C., September 1919 to December 1921. Portraits of President Harding, General Pershing, senators and congressmen, foreign dignitaries, Catholic Church dignitaries, women in politics, government officials, debutantes, and celebrities. Events include Pershing Parade, suffrage movement, American Indians visiting Washington, first helium flight, arms conference, horse shows, chrysanthemum show, and Christmas. Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington Navy Yard, Georgetown University, Walter Reed Hospital, and other sites.
Washington, D.C., 1922
Call No.: LOT 12294 (H)
Extent: 10 albums (ca. 3,046 gelatin silver prints) ; 39 x 52 cm.
Note: LOT title devised by cataloger; other information from catalog card and published guide: Washingtoniana Photographs ... Library of Congress, 1989.
Note: Most photos are captioned.
Corresponding Negatives: Found in LC-F8, LC-F81, and LC-F82. Some are badly deteriorated.
Summary: Washington, D.C., 1922. Portraits of President Harding, foreign dignitaries, debutantes, society women, children, National Women's Party, and the Ku Klux Klan. The zoo, the White House, the U.S. Congress, Arlington Cemetery, Mount Vernon, Glen Echo, a bathing beach, Citizens' Military Training Camp, and other sites. Events include fires at the Knickerbocker Theatre and U.S. Treasury, a tennis tournament, antiwar demonstrations, a Shriners' barbecue, sports events, parades, the dedication of the Lincoln Memorial and other sites, the Clara Barton centennial, first beauty pageant, Prohibition enforcement, and a Neighborhood House spring pageant.
Arrangement: Roughly chronological. Vol. 1: January; Vol. 2: February; Vol. 3: March; Vol. 4: April; Vol. 5: May; Vol. 6: June; Vol. 7: July-August 15; Vol. 8: August 16-September; Vol. 9: October-November 15; Vol. 10: November 16-December.
Washington, D.C., January 1923 to January 1924
Call No.: LOT 12295 (H)
Extent: 9 albums (ca. 2,535 gelatin silver prints) ; 39 x 52 cm.
Note: LOT title devised by cataloger; other information from catalog card and published guide: Washingtoniana Photographs ... Library of Congress, 1989.
Note: Most photos are captioned.
Corresponding Negatives: Found in LC-F8, LC-F81, and LC-F82. Some are badly deteriorated.
Summary: Washington, D.C., January 1923 to January 1924. Portraits of President Coolidge and his cabinet, senators and congressmen, prominent Washingtonians, military personnel, foreign visitors, women in politics, government officials, American Indians, debutantes, war veterans, religious dignitaries, U.S. justices, celebrities, Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts, and the Ku Klux Klan. Rock Creek Park, White House, Capitol, Willard Hotel, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Children's Hospital, and a Citizens' Military Training Camp. Events include parades, Washington Monument cornerstone-laying ceremony, holiday celebrations, Daughters of the American Revolution convention, a diplomatic wedding, Red Cross activities, Christmas seal campaign, sports, and Neighborhood House spring pageant.
Arrangement: Chronological. Vol. 1: January-February; Vol. 2: March; Vol. 3: April; Vol. 4: May; Vol. 5: June; Vol. 6: July-August; Vol. 7: September-October; Vol. 8: November; Vol. 9: December-January.
Washington, D.C., 1924
Call No.: LOT 12296 (H)
Extent: 7 albums (ca. 2,110 gelatin silver prints) ; 39 x 52 cm.
Note: LOT title devised by cataloger; other information from catalog card and published guide: Washingtoniana Photographs ... Library of Congress, 1989.
Note: Most photos are captioned.
Corresponding Negatives: Found in LC-F8, LC-F81, and LC-F82. Some are badly deteriorated.
Summary: Washington, D.C., 1924. Portraits of President Coolidge, Teapot Dome investigating committee, senators and congressmen, government officials and ambassadors, foreign dignitaries, prominent women. Catholic Church dignitaries, sculptors, sports celebrities, Socialist National Party, Romani, and American Indians. The U.S. Congress and Capitol, Navy Yard, Naval Observatory, Arlington Cemetery, Woodrow Wilson home, zoo, Rock Creek Park, and other sites. Events include parades, a football game, the Veteran's Memorial dedication, and the National American Ballet, weddings, a dog show, a flower show, cherry blossoms, holidays, and Neighborhood House spring pageant.
Arrangement: Chronological. Vol. 1: January-February; Vol 2: March-April; Vol. 3: May-July; Vol. 4: August; Vol. 5: September; Vol. 6: October; Vol. 7: November-December.
Washington, D.C., January 1925 to January 1926
Call No.: LOT 12297 (H)
Extent: 6 albums (ca. 2,290 gelatin silver prints) ; 39 x 52 cm.
Note: LOT title devised by cataloger; other information from catalog card and published guide: Washingtoniana Photographs ... Library of Congress, 1989.
Note: Most photos are captioned.
Corresponding Negatives: Found in LC-F8, LC-F81, and LC-F82. Some are badly deteriorated.
Summary: Washington, D.C., January 1925-January 1926. Portraits of Coolidge cabinet, senators and congressmen, U.S. justices, government officials, military personnel, foreign dignitaries, women in politics, feminists, society women, American Indians, Capitol pages, police and firemen, celebrities, artists, and war veterans. Mayflower Hotel, Mount Vernon, U.S. Post Office, Gallaudet College, Georgetown University, churches, Laurel race track, C&O Canal, Potomac River, Boy Scouts at Camp Roosevelt, Naval Observatory, and other sites. Events include holiday activities, Naval Academy graduation, funeral of William Jennings Bryan, Ku Klux Klan parade, Romani funeral, court-martial of Col. Billy Mitchell, Red Cross activities, sports, Gettysburg Monument unveiling, Bureau of Standards activities, city fires, Admiral Dewey's funeral, National American Ballet, and a dog show, chrysanthemum show, and Neighborhood House spring festival.
Arrangement: Chronological. Vol. 1: January-February; Vol. 2: March-April; Vol. 3: May-June; Vol. 4: July-August; Vol. 5: September-November; Vol. 6: December-January.
Washington, D.C., 1926
Call No.: LOT 12298 (H)
Extent: 3 albums (ca. 1,010 gelatin silver prints) ; 39 x 52 cm.
Note: LOT title devised by cataloger; other information from catalog card and published guide: Washingtoniana Photographs ... Library of Congress, 1989.
Note: Most photos are captioned.
Corresponding Negatives: Found in LC-F8, LC-F81, and LC-F82. Some are badly deteriorated.
Summary: Washington, D.C., 1926. Portraits of congressmen and senators, government officials, Capitol pages, foreign dignitaries, artists, debutantes, children, celebrities, military personnel, religious personnel, and American Indians. Wardman Park swimming pool, zoo, Arlington Cemetery, U.S. Post Office, Capitol, Mount Vernon, and other sites. Events include Indians dancing, University of Maryland activities, Ku Klux Klan parade, Potomac boat races, sports, and Neighborhood House garden party.
Arrangement: Chronological. Vol. 1: January-February; Vol. 2: March-July; Vol. 3: August-December.
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