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Photographic Prints
(continued) |
Foreign views, 1909-1932
(continued) |
Trinidad (continued) |
Call No.: LOT 12349-77 (F) |
Tunis |
Call No.: LOT 12349-78 (F) |
Turkey |
Call No.: LOT 12349-79 (F) |
Ukraine |
Call No.: LOT 12349-80 (F) |
Uruguay |
Call No.: LOT 12349-81 (F) |
Venezuela |
Call No.: LOT 12349-82 (F) |
Wales |
Call No.: LOT 12349-83 (F) |
Miscellaneous: Foreign
Views |
Call No.: LOT 12349-84 (F) |
Note: Materials include
architecture and city views, people, landscapes, activities, and
village life. Architecture and city
views: Buenos Aires, Argentina; Vienna, Austria; Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil; Santiago, Chile; Havana, Cuba; Cathedrals in
England; Paris, France; Cathedrals in France; Augsburg, Germany;
Venice, Italy; Rome, Italy; Cathedrals in Italy; Guatemala City,
Guatemala; Mexico City; Mexico; Lima, Peru; Belgrade, Serbia;
Madrid, Spain; Montevideo, Uruguay. People: African women convicts, Andes Mountain Indians,
villagers in Trieste, Germans in China, Chinese Military,
Czechoslovakian soldiers in Siberia, Czechoslovakians in native
costume, Egyptian women, "White peasants" in Grenada, Mexican
Generals and bandit leaders, Polish Military, Russian Cossacks, Czar
Nicholas and Empress Alexandria of Russia, Philippine Military,
Serbian soldiers, Austrian prisoners of war in Serbia, presidents of
foreign countries. Landscapes: Alps,
Andes mountains, banana plantation in Costa Rica, Grenada, views on
Hawaiian Islands, ruins in Egypt, ruins in Guatemala, ruins in Peru.
Activities: sugar production in
Argentina, Australia, Cuba, India, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Peru, and
the Philippines, Bolshevik demonstration in Austria, coffee
production in Brazil, mining in Chile, silk manufacturing in China,
beheading on street in China, dock scenes in Hawaii, tea production
in Japan, hospital scenes in Serbia, harvesting bitter orange
leaves, sheep shearing. Village life:
scenes in Bolivia, Brazil, Grenada, Mexico, Salvador, and
Serbia. |
Transportation, 1909-1932
Call No.: LOT 12350 (F) |
Extent: ca. 430 photographic prints :
gelatin silver ; 20 x 25 cm. or smaller. |
Note: Title from cover of French's
original numbered folder. |
Note: Most photos are captioned; most
have dates. Most photos mounted on cardboard or paper. |
Corresponding Negatives: Found in
LC-F8, LC-F81, and LC-F82. Some are in poor condition. |
Summary: Transportation. Includes people posed
with cars and trucks, some painted with advertisements, parked in front
of Washington landmarks and commercial buildings. Transit buses and
military vehicles; aircraft on the ground and in flight; pilots and
spectators, including Capt. Roald Amundsen and Congressman O. D.
Bleakley. Railroad cars, railway personnel, and railway accidents.
Includes reproductions of illustrations and pamphlets on railroads; one
pamphlet issued by Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. |
Automobiles |
Call No.: LOT 12350-1 (F) |
Note: Automobiles parked in
various locations in Washington, D.C., drivers and passengers in
automobiles in various Wash. D.C. locations, boys and men with cars
as if repairing them or learning to drive, automobile shows in
Wash., military vehicles. |
Automobiles |
Call No.: LOT 12350-2 (F) |
Note: Automobiles used for
business advertising and company deliveries, automobiles parked in
front of commercial businesses in Wash. D.C., transit buses in
Washington D.C. |
Accidents |
Call No.: LOT 12350-3 (F) |
Note: Includes automobiles after
traffic accidents and people at the scene of accidents in Washington
D.C. |
Aeronautics |
Call No.: LOT 12350-4 (F) |
Note: Includes aircraft on the
ground and in flight, the first twin motor airplane to be placed on
the aerial mail routes, the first arrival of airmail service, pilots
and spectators including Congressman D.D. Bleakley with air mail
pilots, Capt. Roald Amundsen and Lieut. Commander Richard Evelyn
Byrd. |
Railroad and Street
Railroad |
Call No.: LOT 12350-5 (F) |
Note: Includes street railroad
system in Washington D.C., street railroad accidents in Washington
D.C., trains (exterior and interiors) and railroad accidents, the
Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Centenary exhibition, The Washington
D.C. Railroad Terminal. |
Government and politics,
Call No.: LOT 12351 (F) (H) |
Extent: ca. 753 photographic prints :
gelatin silver ; 28 x 36 cm. or smaller. |
Extent: 1 print :
engraving. |
Note: Title from cover of French's
original numbered folder. |
Note: Some photos are captioned; some
are dated. Images mounted on paper or cardboard. |
Corresponding Negatives: Found in
LC-F8, LC-F81, and LC-F82. Some are in poor condition. |
Summary: Government and politics. Congress in
session and members at work and recreation. Portraits, some silhouette,
include Franklin D. Roosevelt with Governor Cox, Vice President
Marshall, Bainbridge Colby, the Prince of Wales, Belgian and Swedish
royalty, Alexander Mitchell Palmer, and Samuel Gompers. Conferences and
groups include the Disarmament Conference, International Labor
Conference, Pan American Financial Conference, and British, French, and
Japanese Commissions visiting Washington, 1917; congressional pages
playing in the snow in front of the U.S. Capitol. |
Foreign Dignitaries and
Visitors |
Call No.: LOT 12351-1 (F) |
Note: Portraits and groups of
Foreign Dignitaries in Washington including foreign ambassadors,
diplomatic groups, arrival of General Joffe and French Commission
1917, arrival of Japanese Commission 1917, arrival of Mr. Balfour
and British commission 1917, British and French Commission at Mt.
Vernon 1917, Italian Debt Commission, French Debt Commission,
Czechoslovakian Debt Commission, Rumanian [Romanian] Debt
Commission, Governing Board of Pan American Union, Chinese
Delegation, Interparliamentary Union at Capitol; Mexican Claims
Commission, members of Japanese Military Commission, groups during
signing of U.S. Loans to foreign countries, diplomatic family
members including Chilore in Mexican Embassy and family members
around cherry blossom trees, Prince of Wales visiting Washington and
America, King Albert and Queen Elizabeth of Belgium visiting New
York and America, Prince and Princess of Sweden visiting
Washington. |
Conferences |
Call No.: LOT 12351-2 (F) |
Note: Held in Washington,
including President Harding and foreign dignitaries during
disarmament conference, 1921, foreign delegates to International
Labor Conference, representatives to International Communication,
delegates to Pan American Financial Conference, 1915, Pan American
Commercial Conference in session, delegates to Chili-Peruvian
Conference. |
U.S. Congress and
Cabinet |
Call No.: LOT 12351-3 (F) (H) |
Note: Activities of Senators and
Congressmen alone and with other, governments officials,
congressional committees including investigating committees, finance
committee and senate military affairs committee, group picture of:
members of U.S. Congress, Congressional recreational activities
including "When Congress is not in session," Republican and Democrat
Baseball game, group pictures of members of President's Cabinet and
President's Cabinet exercising, individuals in President's Cabinet
including Secretary of State Colby, activities of Vice President
Marshall, group pictures and activities of Congressional pages,
including pages with Vice President Marshall, Campaign activities
for Palmer, members of Congress in the uniform of their former
occupation as railroad men, U.S. Congress in session including
Presidents delivering addresses to Congress, activities of family
members of U.S. Congress and cabinet including Attorney General
Palmer, Senator Penrose, Speaker Gillette, Sen. Crowe, Senator H.
Johnson, Senator Poindexter. One autographed photo of Charles Evans
Hughes addressing a Joint Session of Congress during the President
Harding Memorial ceremonies in the House of Representatives (Feb.
24, 1929); President Coolidge and Supreme Court Justices in front
row. |
Public Figures and
Groups |
Call No.: LOT 12351-4 (F) |
Note: Variety of groups in
Washington including Republican National Committee, Farmers
Association Group, Emergency Fleet Corp. Group, Governor of Hawaii
and group, "House of David" Group, Grange Group, Arkansas
Delegation, variety of public figures in Washington including
William Jennings Bryan and Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Meredith, William
Hale Thompson (Mayor of Chicago), members of National Press Club
with U.S. Treasury Official, Governor Parker, Governor Hughes,
Samuel Gompers. |
Prohibition |
Call No.: LOT 12351-5 (F) |
Note: Delegation of Women for
prohibition, members of Senate Judiciary committee considering
Volstead Law, individuals who testified before the committee,
prohibition officials and prohibition activities including
collection of confiscated alcohol, confiscated stills, destruction
of confiscated alcohol, prohibition activities in other states in
confiscation of alcohol in Illinois, secret service men dismantling
still in California, Indiana Governor signing Prohibition Bill,
interior of non-alcoholic public kitchen in New York, Monument
erected to John Barleycorn in Connecticut, New Yorkers in Cuban
Saloon, individuals in San Francisco injecting morphine. |
Reproduction of
Documents |
Call No.: LOT 12351-6 (F) |
Note: Reproductions of a variety
of documents including letter from Representative Knutson to
Representative McLeod, letters from Railway Mail Service Official,
photographs of the original Last Will and Testaments of George
Washington and Martha Washington, certificate for Harding Memorial
Association, Paris Peace Treaty, close up of signatures on Paris
Peace Treaty, congressional records, photo of original rough draft
of the Declaration of Independence, close up of signatures on the
Declaration of Independence, page of the "New England Weekly
Journal" 1728, invitation to President Grant's Inauguration Ball,
document for first patent in America. |
Reproduction of
Political Cartoons |
Call No.: LOT 12351-7 (F) |
Note: Political Cartoons
concerning President Jackson's Administration of 1830, Van Buren
Campaign of 1836 and 1837, Presidential Campaign of 1840, Van Buren
Campaign of 1840, Polk & Clay Campaigns of 1844, Taylor Campaign of
1848, Fillmore Administration of 1851, Buchanan Campaign of 1856,
Lincoln & Douglas Campaigns of 1860, Lincoln Cartoon of 1860, the
Lincoln & McClellan Campaigns of 1864, Horace Greely Campaign of 1872,
Grant & Seymour Campaigns of 1868, Roosevelt & Parker Campaigns of 1904,
Roosevelt Administration, Taft Campaign of 1908. |
Flags |
Call No.: LOT 12351-8 (F) |
Note: Photos of Early American
flags, including original flag used by 3rd Maryland Regiment in
1777, flag raised at the North Pole by Peary, 1st American flag
hoisted in Cuba, flag of Philadelphia Escort Troop to Gen.
Washington in 1775, original Star Spangled Banner, flag presented to
the American Army by the ladies of Brest in 1918, American flag of
John Paul Jones, Civil War Flag. |
Voting |
Call No.: LOT 12351-9 (F) |
Note: Crowd at the White House on
night before November, 1920 election, Samuel Gompers casting ballot,
individuals voting by mail in Republican Headquarters in Washington,
Wilson election cases arriving at the Capitol in 1927. |
Women - Politics and
Suffrage |
Call No.: LOT 12351-10 (F) |
Note: Suffragette activities in
Washington including Suffragette Demonstration at U.S. Capitol,
1915, and demonstrations at the White House, 1917, Suffragette
parades in Washington 1913, 1915, 1917, suffragettes with ballots ca
1920, stone busts of 3 American Suffragettes, members of National
Woman's Party and activities of National Woman's Party including
members rehearsing Equal Rights Pageant and Delegation with Senator
Harding; National Women's Party members in front of Washington
Headquarters, variety of individuals and groups of women in
politics, women voting. |
Anarchists |
Call No.: LOT 12351-11 (F) |
Note: Individuals in U.S. accused
of spying, bombing, anarchism or seditious action. |
United States views, 1909-1932
Call No.: LOT 12352 (F) |
Extent: ca. 400 photographic prints :
gelatin silver ; 8 x 10 in. or smaller. |
Extent: 3 photographic prints : color
; 3.5 x 5.5 in. |
Note: LOT title devised by Library
staff. |
Note: Some images captioned. Most
photos mounted on paper. Includes some copy photographs. |
Corresponding Negatives: Found in
LC-F8, LC-F81, and LC-F82. Some are in poor condition. |
Summary: Landscapes, architecture, people,
agricultural and recreational activities. Includes Luray Caverns and
houses in Va. Harper's Ferry, W. Va. Aerial views of Montgomery, Ala.,
and New Orleans, La. Winter scenes in New York City and Saranac Lake,
N.Y.; houseboats on Harlem River. Alaska railroad. Yellowstone National
Park; government hunters; aftermath of forest fires. Deserts and
irrigation projects in the West. Trees nominated for Tree Hall of Fame.
Regatta in Miami, Fla. Includes pamphlets issued by Union Pacific
Railroad and reproductions of illustrations. |
Business and industry, 1909-1932
Call No.: LOT 12353 (F) |
Extent: ca. 1,035 photographic prints
: gelatin silver ; 20 x 25 cm. or smaller. |
Extent: 7 photomechanical prints :
photogravure ; 9 x 14 cm. |
Note: Title from cover of French's
original numbered folder. |
Note: Some images are captioned; a few
have dates. Most images mounted on paper or cardboard. |
Corresponding Negatives: Found in
LC-F8, LC-F81, and LC-F82. Some are in poor condition. |
Summary: Business and industry. Includes
Virginia Ship Building Corporation in Alexandria, Virginia. Trial trip
of the ship Leviathan. People listening to the radio; cartoon diagrams
of radio transmission process; telephone operators. International
First-Aid and Mine Rescue contests. American export activities;
Washington business buildings and employees; Center Market in
Washington, D.C. |
Industry |
Call No.: LOT 12353-1 (F) |
Note: Views of Virginia Ship
Building Corp. Yard, workers in Virginia Ship Building Yard, workers
building ships in unidentified locations and in Squantum ship yards;
views of ships under construction including ships in New York
Shipbuilding Co., reproduction of poster "Ships will win the war
help build them," dismantled [?] ships belonging Western Marine
& Salvage Co., Alexandria, Virginia, interior and exterior views
of "The Carnegie" non-magnetic ship. |
Models |
Call No.: LOT 12353-2 (F) |
Note: Inventors' models of early
patents including first printing press, 1440, gasoline automobiles,
1895 and 1896, earliest typewriter, 1868, first patented sewing
machine, 1846, early locomotive, 1842, Lincoln steamboat, Whitney
Cotton Gin, 1794. |
Radio and
Telephone |
Call No.: LOT 12353-3 (F) |
Note: Students and equipment in
National Radio School, National Radio School Graphics of Radio
Technology, individuals and group listening to Atwater Kent radios,
Atwater Kent with group listening to radio in hotel in Washington,
Atwater Kent Radio equipment, radios on display including Philco
Radio displays, people viewing radios on display, members of U.S.
Marine Band with radio "American Legion Broadcasting Party"
broadcasting from airplane, radio made from oatmeal box, man and boy
with radio, boy with radio during President Harding's address,
equipment and views of towers at Arlington Radio Station, interiors
of C & P Telephone Co., Washington activities of C & P
Building under construction, men and boys with wireless telephone, C
& P Telephone Company exhibit, type of telephone C & P
furnished subscribers, printing telegraph 1908, man with printing
1908. |
Fishing |
Call No.: LOT 12353-4 (F) |
Note: Illustrations and photos of
fish, exterior view of interiors of Bryans Point Hatchery, Maryland,
Bryans Point Hatchery activities, local fisherman and women with
fish in net, men stocking tidal basin with fish, activities of
fishing industry and U.S. Bureau of fisheries in unidentified
locations and in Maine, Mass., and California including men in
fishing boats, fish stations, transporting fish, packing salmon
eggs. |
Mining and
Drilling |
Call No.: LOT 12353-5 (F) |
Note: Oil wells in unidentified
locations and in West Virginia, drilling activities of United Oil,
coal mining activities including men working in coal mines, coal
miners before strike, Pennsylvania coal miners, exteriors of coal
mines and plant, Fuel Co. Equipment, coal miners family, mining
activities including salt mining, bauxite mining, zinc mining, iron
silver mining, international mine meet activities, including first
aid and rescue contest. |
Fishing |
Call No.: LOT 12353-6 (F) |
Note: Farming activities in a
number of U.S. locations, including plowing, harvesting
demonstration of farm tiller, community gardening, farm livestock,
including dairy cows, cattle, sheep, pigs on USDA farm in
Beltsville, farm crops including corn, tobacco, mushrooms, cotton,
views of orchards. |
Industry |
Call No.: LOT 12353-7 (F) |
Note: Industrial activities in
United States, including manufacturing chocolate in Mass.,
manufacturing Stetson Hats, exteriors and interiors of N.H. cotton
mill, logging in various U.S. locations, history of printing,
manufacturing paper for newspaper, manufacturing toys, manufacturing
sugar from corn, manufacturing rubber products, interiors and
exterior of Tennessee Coal, Iron & R.R. Co., fur seal industry,
activities of sugar manufacturing including exteriors and interiors
of sugar manufacturing plants, workers in sugar manufacturing
plants, activities of U.S. beet sugar manufacturing, turpentine
manufacturing, manufacturing U.S. Army shoes, Baldwin Locomotive
works, Phila., interiors of Hackett Motor Car Co., Mich., workers in
Express Spark Plug Co., machine shop training in General Electric
Company, Ind., laundry equipment, workers outside Kalamazoo Laundry
Co. with equipment, workers and interiors in J.E. Smith Granite Co.,
interiors and workers in Pompeian [?] Olive Oil Co., industrial
activities in Washington including Farm Utilities Corp. equipment
demonstration, Washington, D.C., Ford Motor Co. exhibit, Washington,
industrial exposition, Washington, J.E. Hangar Co., Washington
office, men at work, workshops, Barrett Co. worker's
facilities. |
Advertising |
Call No.: LOT 12353-8 (F) |
Note: Postcards published by the
National Photo Co. for Washington businesses including automobile
sales companies, Real Estate, displays during food show in
Washington, women posing with products including eyeglasses, butter,
lamp billboard for Jordan Piano Co., Washington, display case for
Raleigh Haberdasher, Washington. |
Activities |
Call No.: LOT 12353-9 (F) |
Note: American export activities,
including foreign views of American goods being used in foreign
countries, employees of Proctor & Gamble voting for Director of
Board, business activities in Washington, D.C., including store
window displays, interiors of businesses including drug stores,
apparel shops, florists, hotels, automobile sales and repair shops,
gas stations, print shops, employees of Washington businesses
including People's Drug Stores, automobile merchandise outside
businesses, crowds outside Washington business having
sale. |
Business |
Call No.: LOT 12353-10 (F) |
Note: Interior of Washington
grocery stores, interior of Washington food establishments including
candy store, restaurants, Washington market scenes including food,
customers shopping, interiors of markets, New York market
scenes. |
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