The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  National Photo Company collection
Photographic Prints (continued)
Business and industry, 1909-1932 (continued)
Call No.: LOT 12353-7 (F)
Note: Industrial activities in United States, including manufacturing chocolate in Mass., manufacturing Stetson Hats, exteriors and interiors of N.H. cotton mill, logging in various U.S. locations, history of printing, manufacturing paper for newspaper, manufacturing toys, manufacturing sugar from corn, manufacturing rubber products, interiors and exterior of Tennessee Coal, Iron & R.R. Co., fur seal industry, activities of sugar manufacturing including exteriors and interiors of sugar manufacturing plants, workers in sugar manufacturing plants, activities of U.S. beet sugar manufacturing, turpentine manufacturing, manufacturing U.S. Army shoes, Baldwin Locomotive works, Phila., interiors of Hackett Motor Car Co., Mich., workers in Express Spark Plug Co., machine shop training in General Electric Company, Ind., laundry equipment, workers outside Kalamazoo Laundry Co. with equipment, workers and interiors in J.E. Smith Granite Co., interiors and workers in Pompeian [?] Olive Oil Co., industrial activities in Washington including Farm Utilities Corp. equipment demonstration, Washington, D.C., Ford Motor Co. exhibit, Washington, industrial exposition, Washington, J.E. Hangar Co., Washington office, men at work, workshops, Barrett Co. worker's facilities.
Call No.: LOT 12353-8 (F)
Note: Postcards published by the National Photo Co. for Washington businesses including automobile sales companies, Real Estate, displays during food show in Washington, women posing with products including eyeglasses, butter, lamp billboard for Jordan Piano Co., Washington, display case for Raleigh Haberdasher, Washington.
Business Activities
Call No.: LOT 12353-9 (F)
Note: American export activities, including foreign views of American goods being used in foreign countries, employees of Proctor & Gamble voting for Director of Board, business activities in Washington, D.C., including store window displays, interiors of businesses including drug stores, apparel shops, florists, hotels, automobile sales and repair shops, gas stations, print shops, employees of Washington businesses including People's Drug Stores, automobile merchandise outside businesses, crowds outside Washington business having sale.
Food Business
Call No.: LOT 12353-10 (F)
Note: Interior of Washington grocery stores, interior of Washington food establishments including candy store, restaurants, Washington market scenes including food, customers shopping, interiors of markets, New York market scenes.
Events in the Washington, D.C. area, 1909-1932
Call No.: LOT 12354 (F)
Extent: ca. 865 photographic prints : gelatin silver ; 20 x 25 cm. or smaller.
Note: Title from cover of French's original numbered folder.
Note: Some photos are captioned; a few have dates. Some photos mounted on paper or cardboard. Includes reproductions of illustrations.
Corresponding Negatives: Found in LC-F8, LC-F81, and LC-F82. Some are in poor condition.
Summary: Events in the Washington, D.C. area. Includes aftermath of fires, floods, storms in Washington, D.C.; Red Cross relief work in flooded Mississippi Valley. Picketers, strikers, peace demonstrations; Ku Klux Klan; Disarmament Conference; Preparedness Day, and labor union parades. Ceremonies marking construction and completion of Washington buildings and monuments; burial of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery. Funerals and weddings. Receptions for public figures, including the king and queen of Belgium, Governor Cox, and Charles Lindbergh, attended by President and Mrs. Coolidge and Franklin D. Roosevelt. Reunion of the Grand Army of the Republic; conventions of the Daughters of the American Revolution, and political, health, and labor organizations. Virginia Ship Building Corporation in Alexandria, Virginia. Some locations other than Washington, D.C.
Call No.: LOT 12354-1 (F)
Call No.: LOT 12354-2 (F)
Rites and Ceremonies
Call No.: LOT 12354-3 (F)
Parades and Processions
Call No.: LOT 12354-4 (F)
Conferences and Conventions
Call No.: LOT 12354-5 (F)
Ship Launchings
Call No.: LOT 12354-6 (F)
Occupations and services, 1909-1932
Call No.: LOT 12355 (F)
Extent: ca. 760 photographic prints : gelatin silver ; 28 x 36 cm. or smaller.
Note: Title from cover of French's original numbered folder.
Note: Some photos are captioned; some have dates. Most images mounted on cardboard or paper. Includes some copy photographs.
Corresponding Negatives: Found in LC-F8, LC-F81, and LC-F82. Some are in poor condition.
Summary: Occupations and services. Includes public health service employees at work; students from primary grades through university in classes and extracurricular activities; graduations; and conferring of honorary degree on the queen of Belgium. Red Cross posters; montages used in White House News Photographers' publication, The Fuzzy Focus. Training of policewomen. Artists and models with paintings and sculpture; labor union members; reporters with President Harding; industrial vehicles; snow removal in Washington streets; a man with a hurdy-gurdy. Religious groups, services, and pageants; clergy and evangelists, including Cardinal Mercier and Aimee Semple McPherson. Laboratories; astronomical equipment at the U.S. Naval Observatory; members of scientific expeditions, including Dr. R. L. Shantz with South African natives.
Health Care
Call No.: LOT 12355-1 (F)
Note: Health care in Washington include women bacteriologists working in laboratory, nurses in Homeopathic Hospital, Washington interiors and activities at Washington Asylum Hospital include nurses and patients, group of nurses from Garfield Memorial Hospital, office interiors with public health service employees at work, activities at public health service dispensary #32 including people in waiting room and X-ray room, Department of Health poster "Eat more fish."
See Also: LOT 12359-10 (F) Health Institutions
Call No.: LOT 12355-2 (F)
Note: Students in classrooms and on school playgrounds in Washington primary schools, classroom scenes and school activities in a number of Washington and Washington area high schools including Rockville High School, Anacostia High School, Bethesda Chevy Chase High School, Western High School, Roosevelt High School, faculty and student groups including student members of Cadet Corp, Eastern High School, extracurricular activities in Washington schools including stage productions, girls participating in auto mechanics class and girls rifle team, Central High School, student groups and activities from various Washington universities, including American University graduating class activities, George Washington University faculty-student baseball game, home economics classes at Howard University, University of Maryland and George Washington, Georgetown University Commencement Exercises including Herbert Hoover receiving Honorary Degree, Queen Elizabeth with Cardinal Gibbons and students at Trinity College during conferring of degree on the Queen, educational activities in classrooms in Wisconsin, Boston and New York City.
Fire Department
Call No.: LOT 12355-3 (F)
Note: Members of Washington Fire Department, Washington firemen in action including arriving at U.S. Capitol Building to put out fire, cleaning Senate Office Building and U.S. Capitol, firemen training at firemen's school, firemen with fire engines and rescue equipment including horse drawn firefighting equipment, exterior of fire house - "Vigilant Instituted" - Washington firemen's baseball team.
American Red Cross
Call No.: LOT 12355-4 (F)
Note: Children of the Junior Red Cross at White House, Red Cross groups working including church, hospital and college groups, Red Cross exhibits including model showing education of wounded, and window displays, Red Cross Emergency Ambulance Station and personnel including demonstration of emergency service, reproductions of Red Cross Posters including Norman Rockwell's illustration for "Join the Red Cross," exterior of two D.C. Red Cross Headquarters, Red Cross activities including mobilization, swimming, and outdoor activities.
Photography and Photographers
Call No.: LOT 12355-5 (F)
Note: Groups of photographs in Washington Government Office and outdoors (One group includes Herbert E. French), photographers in action including photographic children and "Difficulties of the Camera Man" (Photographers in precarious situations), individual Washington photographers, Montage photographs used in The Fuzzy Focus, a burlesque newspaper put out by the White House News Photographers Association, including Christmas and New Year's greeting cards from photographers' studios.
Forest Service
Call No.: LOT 12355-6 (F)
Note: U.S. Forest Service Rangers performing duties in U.S. National Parks including measuring snow, cutting timber, fighting forest fires herding livestock, lookout patrol including female fire warden, U.S. Forest Service model showing effects of fire deforestation and proper lumbering.
Police and Corrections
Call No.: LOT 12355-7 (F)
Note: Washington policewomen training and on duty, Washington policemen in classroom and on duty, Washington D.C. House of Detention facilities, personnel and inmates.
Art and Artists
Call No.: LOT 12355-8 (F)
Note: Students in art classes including Corcoran Art Gallery classes, individual Washington artists working indoors and outdoors including prominent sculptors and painters, artwork including sculpture and painting.
Laborers and Trades
Call No.: LOT 12355-9 (F)
Note: Portraits of laundrymen, women working in Mrs. Thomas E. Walsh's (garment) factory, men doing street and road work, street vendor and man with hurdy-gurdy on street, railway employees and employees of White House, group of newspaper men at White House with President Harding, members of National Press Club Group, American Federation of Labor Group, snow removal from Washington streets, coal distribution.
Call No.: LOT 12355-10 (F)
Note: Religious participating in Washington Cathedral Consecration, Sunday School Group in Washington, St. Patrick's Day procession at St. Patrick's Church, Washington, World Zionist Group in Washington, Anacostia Church interior with a religious, evangelists and religious leaders in Washington, Dominican Ceremonies at Catholic University, Washington group of Episcopal ministers at National Cathedral, Bishop Freeman overseeing building of National Washington Cathedral, Washington, Young Women's Hebrew Association group, church interiors with members of congregation, members of church choirs costumed participants for Episcopal Nationwide Campaign in New York, Cardinal Mercier of Belgium visiting New York including Cardinal Mercier with Cardinal Gibbons and other religious, ceremonies for Cardinal Mercier, Quakers and Quakes meeting house, N.J.
Office Employees
Call No.: LOT 12355-11 (F)
Note: Employees working in unidentified and identified offices in Washington including women in Frederick J. Haskin Information Bureau, Employees working in Selznick Theatre Office, Faulkner Inc. Office, National Assorting Co. Office, Allied Asphalt Product Co. Office and McKeever & Goss Realtors Office.
Call No.: LOT 12355-12 (F)
Note: Portraits of women scientists employed by the government in their work environments, scientific equipment at Naval Observatory, scientific activities at Naval Observatory, including Dr. George H. Peters, astronomer, at work, member of scientific division of the Graybar Electric Company of New York making "Survey of the Noises of the National Capital" with "Audiometer", interior views of National Academy of Sciences showing exhibits of scientific equipment, views of South African trip made by Dr. R.L. Shantz, Agricultural Explore of U.S. Department of Agriculture including pictures of South African natives employed by Dr. Shantz, views of expedition made by Shubert Garrick, portrait of Dr. Gilbert Grosvenor - President of National Geographic Society and members of McMillan Arctic Expedition, view of "The Westward" the ship of the American Nature Association's Expedition to Alaska, interior of "Corby's" laboratory in Washington, D.C., copy prints of views of interiors of wasp's nest.
United States government departments and Civil Service, 1909-1932
Call No.: LOT 12356 (F)
Extent: ca. 650 photographic prints : gelatin silver ; 20 x 25 cm. or smaller.
Note: Title from cover of French's original numbered folder.
Note: Some photos are captioned; some have dates. Some images are discolored. Most images are mounted on paper or cardboard.
Note: Accompanied by a photostat text description of the Bureau of Biological Survey.
Corresponding Negatives: Found in LC-F8, LC-F81, and LC-F82. Some are in poor condition.
Summary: U.S. government departments and the Civil Service. Employees, officials, building interiors, machinery, and activities. Includes agricultural and scientific experiments; laboratories; livestock; motion picture filming at the Department of Agriculture; Bureau of Public Roads, Weather Bureau, office, and assembly line work. Mail delivery by truck, rail, and airplane; Post Office Christmas parade float. Library of Congress units and activities, including Reading Room for the Blind, Main Reading Room, preservation efforts, and Herbert Putnam with the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.
Department of Agriculture
Call No.: LOT 12356-1 (F)
Note: Includes activities in various bureaus including the Bureau of Chemistry, Bureau of Soils, Bureau of Plant Industry, Bureau of Public Roads, Weather Bureau, activities at Beltsville and Arlington Agricultural Experimental Farms, Department of Agriculture activities including bacteriology and nutrition experiments, food and product testing, activities of children in agricultural clubs.
U.S. Treasury Department
Call No.: LOT 12356-2 (F)
Note: Interiors of U.S. Treasury Divisions and activities of employees including office of U.S. Treasurer, Internal Revenue Bureau, office of comptroller, U.S. Treasury Vaults, Redemption Division, Division of Customs, Bureau of Printing and Engraving.
U.S. Bureau of Standards
Call No.: LOT 12356-3 (F)
Note: U.S. Bureau of Standards scientific equipment, laboratories and testing rooms, U.S. Bureau of Standards employees at work checking equipment and making tests, including the Division of Ceramics.
Postal Service
Call No.: LOT 12356-4 (F)
Note: Interiors of Washington Post Office work areas, postal service employees including employees on railway mail train, "Dead Letter Office" of Washington Post Office, employees outside Washington Post Office building in Post Office, vehicles, U.S. views of mail delivery including Alaska, airplanes used in mail delivery, mail delivery trains and trucks, postmen collecting mail, group of Post Office inspectors and Postmaster General, Post Office Christmas Parade float.
Library of Congress
Call No.: LOT 12356-5 (F)
Note: Library of Congress interiors including reading room for the blind, basement used for copyright deposit, Library of Congress activities including preservation, book transportation, Library of Congress employees including Herbert Putnam, Librarian of Congress at shrine containing U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence, employees working in laundry room, print shop, preservation, carpenter shop, manuscript division, power plant, main reading room.
U.S. Department of the Interior
Call No.: LOT 12356-6 (F)
Note: U.S. Department of the Interior employees mapmaking and conducting geological survey, employees of U.S. Bureau of Mines performing experiments with helium.
U.S. Department of Commerce
Call No.: LOT 12356-7 (F)
Note: Employees of Dept. of Commerce, group picture secretaries of Chamber of Commerce, activities of U.S. Census Bureau including interiors of Bureau in Washington with employees and director.
U.S. Government Printing Office
Call No.: LOT 12356-8 (F)
Note: Interiors of work areas in Government Printing Office with employees at work including machine shop, bindery, apprentice school.
U.S. Department of Labor
Call No.: LOT 12356-9 (F)
Note: Employees of U.S. Children's Bureau, Department of the Interior, in Washington including head of bureau, recreation expert, exhibit assistants, Department of Labor activities including training service for General Electric Co., Indiana, child welfare including work in Conn., Ohio and Ill.
U.S. Patent Office
Call No.: LOT 12356-10 (F)
Note: Interiors of U.S. Patent Office with employees and researchers including U.S. Patent Office commissioner, Thomas E. Robertson, with old patents (objects).
U.S. Veterans Bureau
Call No.: LOT 12356-11 (F)
Note: People outside U.S. Veterans Bureau, activities of U.S. Veterans Bureau including check signing and issuing, employees of U.S. Veterans Bureau at work including Director of War Risk Bureau, employees in mailing division, War Risk Information section, and working with War Risk insurance files.
White House
Call No.: LOT 12356-12 (F)
Note: White House employees in wire room of the White House, White House kennel master with White House pet dogs, White House employees receiving piano at White House.
"General Supply Committee"
Call No.: LOT 12356-13 (F)
Note: Activities of General Supply Committee including repairing typewriters, receiving furniture, employees working in repair shop, truck delivery of furniture to Wash., General Supply Committee headquarters, loaded trucks leaving, superintendent of supplies in his office.
U.S. Government Departments and Civil Service; Miscellaneous
Call No.: LOT 12356-14 (F)
Note: Portraits of unidentified government employees, employees of U.S. Government and activities of miscellaneous departments including Bureau of Public Roads, U.S. State Department, Food Administration, U.S. Capitol blacksmith, art curator of U.S. Capitol, group pictures of U.S. Government employees including doorkeepers of the House of Representatives, Emergency Fleet Corp., Foreign Service class, Delegation of the D.C. Federation of Federal Employees.
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