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New York World-Telegram and the Sun Newspaper Photograph Collection, Subject/Geographical File

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File: Subject/Geographical Awards--White, Thomas D., Genl.--United States Airforce Space Trophy
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--Whitney, John Hay, Foundation
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--Whittaker Foundation
Extent: empty
SEE: Carter, Jack--Actor
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--Widener Cup
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--Wightman Cup--Tennis
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--Wiley, Harvey W., Award
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--Wilkinson Fencing Trophy
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--William the Silent for Journalism
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--Williams, Arthur, Memorial Medal
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--Williamsburg Settlement Gold Medal
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--Wilson, Woodrow--Distinguished Service
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--Wimbledon Trophies--Tennis
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--Wimbledon Women's Trophy
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--Winged Victory
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--Winnie Award
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--Winnies
Extent: empty
SEE: Awards--American Fashion Critics
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--Wise, Stephen S., Seal
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--Woman of the Week
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--Woman of the Year
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--Woman of the Year
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--Women of Achievement
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--Women's Press Club of New York
Extent: empty
SEE: Davis, Murray--Writer
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--Women's Singles Tennis Trophy
Extent: empty
SEE: Bueno, Maria--Tennis
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--Women's Trans-Mississippi Golf Trophy
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--Woodlawn Vase
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--Woolf, George, Memorial
Extent: empty
SEE: Shoemaker, Willie--Jockey honored
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--World Brotherhood
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--World Humanitarian Award
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--World Medical Association
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--World Peace Through World Health Award
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--World Telegram--Baseball
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--World Telegram Around-Manhattan Motorboat Trophy
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--World-Telegram Headpin Trophy
Extent: empty
SEE: Newspapers--New York City--World-Telegram & Sun--Contests--Headpin Trophy
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--World Telegram Outboard Marathon
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--World Understanding
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--World War II--Victory Medal--United States
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--Wright, Mark, Trophy--Track Games
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--Wright Memorial Aviation
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--Xavier Award
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--Yale Political Union Award
Extent: empty
SEE: Bunch, Ralph J., Dr.
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--Yorick Cup
Extent: empty
SEE: Awards--America's Cup--Yachting
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--Young American for Bravery Award
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--Young, Cy, Award
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--Young Homemaker
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--Young Men's Christian Association Boy of the Year Award
Extent: empty
SEE: Awards--National YMCA Athletic Achievement Contest
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--Young, Nora E., Medal
Extent: empty
SEE: Nurses--Practical
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--Zaharias Trophy
File: Subject/Geographical Awards--Zenger Free Press Award
File: Subject/Geographical Azerbaijan
Extent: empty
SEE: Russia--Azerbaijan (Watch out: This is a province in Russia. Do not confuse with the Iranian city of Azerbaijan)
File: Subject/Geographical Azores
File: Subject/Geographical Azores--Sao Jorge
File: Subject/Geographical Aztran
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