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New York World-Telegram and the Sun Newspaper Photograph Collection, Biographical File, M to Z

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Q (continued)
Quan, V. Gracella--Or Graceila--Guatemalan diplomat (continued)
Extent: empty
SEE: Mantzoulinos, Alexandra. Greek diplomat.
File: Biographical Quandt, Otto--Goebbels brother-in-law
File: Biographical Quaney, Barbara--Actress
File: Biographical Quanjer, Jo Anna--Child
File: Biographical Quanles, Doreand
File: Biographical Quann, Brendon T., Lt.--Army
File: Biographical Quant, Leni--Student
File: Biographical Quant, Mary--Designer
File: Biographical Quanz, Carl P.--The Bridgeport Brass Co.
File: Biographical Quao Halm, William Marmon--Ambassador of Ghana to U.S.
File: Biographical Quaranta, Jerry--Or Gennaro
File: Biographical Quarantotti, Elisabetta Pellegrini--Society
File: Biographical Quaremba, Anthony G.--City Bank Farmers Trust Co.
File: Biographical Quarequio, Marie--& horse
File: Biographical Quaritius, Henry C., Jr.--Nailable Cinder Block Corp.
File: Biographical Quarles, Boyd, Mrs.
File: Biographical Quarles, Donald A.--Airforce secretary--Dead
File: Biographical Quarles, Joseph Very--Simmons Co.
File: Biographical Quaroni, Piero--Ambassador
File: Biographical Quaroni, Pietro--Of Italy
Extent: empty
SEE: Niccolo Carandini.
File: Biographical Quarrier, Helen--Actress
File: Biographical Quarry, Jerry--Boxer
File: Biographical Quarry, Venetia--Beauty
File: Biographical Quartararo, Florence
File: Biographical Quarterbosh, Nick--Former Army cook
File: Biographical Quarto, Frank--Basketball
File: Biographical Quartucoi, Frank--Grocery store owner
Extent: empty
SEE: Arthur Casper.
File: Biographical Quasarano, Rafaelle--Rackets probe
File: Biographical Quasimodo, Salvatore--Poet
File: Biographical Quasius, Leslie--Labor rackets probe
File: Biographical Quast, Ann--Showgirl
Extent: empty
SEE: McKee, Jo--Showgirl
File: Biographical Quast, Anne--Golfer
File: Biographical Quast, Stanley R.--Conscientious objector
File: Biographical Quat, Leon--Forum head
File: Biographical Quatman, George B.
File: Biographical Quatremarre, Chas.--Aviator
Extent: empty
SEE: Louis Massotte.
File: Biographical Quatse, Jess--Football
File: Biographical Quatsoe, George--Pan American pilot
Extent: empty
SEE: Chase, Aileen. Miss England.
File: Biographical Quatt, Charles
File: Biographical Quattrara, Joseph--Boy
File: Biographical Quattrocchi, Daniel
File: Biographical Quattrocchi, Edmondo
SEE: Jas. Earle Fraser.
File: Biographical Quattrocchi, Josephine--Rescued kitten from fire
File: Biographical Quattrochi, John--Niagara Falls rescue
File: Biographical Quattrociocchi, Nicky--Night club owner
File: Biographical Quattrone, Charles--Cab driver
File: Biographical Quavam, Ahmed--Former Premier of Iran
File: Biographical Quayle, Anna--Comedian
File: Biographical Quayle, Anthony--Actor
File: Biographical Quayle, C.V.--N.Y. Curb Exchange
File: Biographical Quayle, Dolores F.--Society
File: Biographical Quayle, Edward--& Mrs. Mary Jane Ward--Writer
File: Biographical Quayle, Frank J., Jr.--& Mrs. & Frank J., 3rd
File: Biographical Quayle, John F., Mrs.--Brooklyn
File: Biographical Quayle, Oliver A.
File: Biographical Quayle, Robert H.--Borg-Warner Corp.
File: Biographical Que, Charlie--Boxer
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