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New York World-Telegram and the Sun Newspaper Photograph Collection, Biographical File, M to Z

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T (continued)
File: Biographical Tysen, John C.--Previews Incorporated
File: Biographical Tyshkevich, Tamara--Russian athlete
File: Biographical Tyson, Albert "Al'--Baseball
File: Biographical Tyson, Alice--Society
Extent: empty
SEE: Robb, Jean--Society
File: Biographical Tyson, Aurelie, Mrs.--Eviction case
File: Biographical Tyson, Bette
File: Biographical Tyson, Betty--Society
Extent: empty
SEE: Ellis, Lewis, Mrs. (Same person)
File: Biographical Tyson, Billy--Society--Betty is now Mrs. J.M.R. Lyeth, Jr.
File: Biographical Tyson, Charles R.--Penn-Mutual Co.
File: Biographical Tyson, Cicely--Actress
File: Biographical Tyson, Cindy--Singer
File: Biographical Tyson, Cyril D.--Harlem youth
File: Biographical Tyson, Donovan H.
File: Biographical Tyson, Drena--Society
File: Biographical Tyson, Edith--Hitchhikers
File: Biographical Tyson, Elsie--Yachtswoman
SEE: Molly Tyson.
File: Biographical Tyson, Frank L.
File: Biographical Tyson, George--& Mrs.--Former Marguerite Skirvin-Adams
Extent: 6 photos, 1 illustration
File: Biographical Tyson, George W., Mrs.--Golfer--nee Miriam Burns Horn
Extent: 4 photos
File: Biographical Tyson, Harriet E. "Betty"
Extent: empty
SEE: Ellis, Lewis N., Major & Mrs. Her 2nd husband.
SEE ALSO: Lyeth, J.M.R. & Mrs. Her 1st husband
File: Biographical Tyson, John--Football
File: Biographical Tyson, John, Mrs.--Society
File: Biographical Tyson, John M.--Adv.
File: Biographical Tyson, Lawrence D., Sen.
Extent: 2 photos
File: Biographical Tyson, Levering
File: Biographical Tyson, Mary "Mollie"
File: Biographical Tyson, Mildred K., Mrs.--Sister of Helen Keller
Extent: 2 photos
File: Biographical Tyson, Nanette--Blind
File: Biographical Tyson, Natalie Hutchinson, Mrs.
File: Biographical Tyson, Robert C.--US Steel Corp.
File: Biographical Tyson, Samuel, Maj.--U.S. Airforce
File: Biographical Tyson, Samuel W., Maj.--Airforce
File: Biographical Tyson, Stuart L., Rev.--& Mrs. Anna Gertrude--Dead
Extent: 4 photos
File: Biographical Tyson, T. Lloyd, Dr.
File: Biographical Tyson, Tara--Actress
File: Biographical Tyson, Victor E., Fr. Capt.--Maritime Service
File: Biographical Tyson, William O.--Willed a fortune
Extent: 1 photo
File: Biographical Tytel, Bub--Toy industry
File: Biographical Tytell, Louis--Artist
File: Biographical Tytell, Martin--Typewriter detective
File: Biographical Tyulenev, I,V., Gen.--Of Russia
File: Biographical Tyus, Randell L.--Negro College Fund
File: Biographical Tyus, Wyomia--Athlete
File: Biographical Tyven, Gertrude--Ballerina
File: Biographical Tyzack, Margaret--Actress
File: Biographical Tyzner, Zofia--Reunion story
File: Biographical Tzaher, Moshe--Israel
File: Biographical Tzcohatzopoulos, Phoebus--Boy ambassador from Greece
File: Biographical Tzedenbal, Y.U.--Russian politics
Extent: empty
SEE: Gagarin, Yuri, Maj. Russian spaceman.
File: Biographical Tzincoca, Remus--Musician
File: Biographical Tzivin, Rabbit, Miss--Manicurist
File: Biographical Tzoy, Marvin--Korean boy refugee.
Extent: empty
SEE: Benson, Red--Radio
File: Biographical Tzoyias, Nikos--Greek actor
Extent: empty
SEE: Movies--Last Mission, The.
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