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New York World-Telegram and the Sun Newspaper Photograph Collection, Biographical File, M to Z

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File: Biographical Oaakes, John--Mississippi
File: Biographical Oachs, Lillian C., Mrs.--Missing child story
File: Biographical Oak, Liston--Communist
File: Biographical Oak, Meidy T., Mrs.
Extent: clipping only
SEE: Bldgs.--Lenox Hill.
File: Biographical Oakeley, Edward, Capt.--Athlete
File: Biographical Oaker, Jane--Actress
File: Biographical Oakes, A.F.--Business man
File: Biographical Oakes, Arthur, 3rd
File: Biographical Oakes, Augustine F.--Dead
File: Biographical Oakes, Bernard F. "Bunny"--Coach
File: Biographical Oakes, Betty--Model
File: Biographical Oakes, Betty--Singer
File: Biographical Oakes, Chas., Mrs.
Extent: empty
SEE: Sir Bradford Leslie.
File: Biographical Oakes, Chas. E.--Penn. Power and Light Co.
File: Biographical Oakes, Christopher--Child
File: Biographical Oakes, Daniel W.
Extent: empty
SEE: Capt. John D. Connor.
File: Biographical Oakes, Don--Football
File: Biographical Oakes, Eleanor--& Juliet
File: Biographical Oakes, Eri C., Judge--Dead
File: Biographical Oakes, Eunice--Society
Note: Do not confuse with widow of Sir Harry Oakes. Name also is Eunice Oakes.
File: Biographical Oakes, Eunice, Lady
Extent: empty
SEE: Oakes, Harry, Sir & Lady.
File: Biographical Oakes, Gary--Actor
File: Biographical Oakes, George, Mrs.
SEE: Mrs. W. Somerset Maugham.
File: Biographical Oakes, Geo. Washington Ochs--Dead
File: Biographical Oakes, Graham--Sportsman
File: Biographical Oakes, Harry, Sir--Dead
Note: Wife is Lady Eunice Oakes and has a right to use the title Lady as is the wife of Sir Sidney Oakes. The widow of the late William Pitt Oakes has no right to the title Lady.
File: Biographical Oakes, Harry, Jr.--Heir
File: Biographical Oakes, Harry Philip
Extent: empty
SEE: Shirley Lewis Oakes.
File: Biographical Oakes, J. Forrest--Shot--Dead
File: Biographical Oakes, J. Forrest, Mrs.--Or Mrs. Rae Oakes
File: Biographical Oakes, James L.--& Mrs.--Society
File: Biographical Oakes, James W.--Traffic dept.
File: Biographical Oakes, Joan Alexandria
File: Biographical Oakes, John B.--Newspaperman
File: Biographical Oakes, John B., Mrs.--Public Education Assn.
File: Biographical Oakes, John J.--Seabrook Farms
File: Biographical Oakes, Juliet Guion
File: Biographical Oakes, June--Model
File: Biographical Oakes, Katherine
Extent: empty
SEE: Gunder Hagg.
File: Biographical Oakes, Kathy--Actress
File: Biographical Oakes, Luther C.
File: Biographical Oakes, Malcolm, Mrs.--Society
Extent: empty
SEE: Drye, John W., Jr., Mrs.--Society
File: Biographical Oakes, Marion, Mrs.--Attempted suicide
File: Biographical Oakes, Mary--Actress
File: Biographical Oakes, Maud, Miss
File: Biographical Oakes, Maude Van Cortlandt--Fencer
File: Biographical Oakes, Nancy--Heiress
Extent: empty
SEE: Huene, Ernest L. Von H., Baron & Baroness.
File: Biographical Oakes, Rebel--Baseball
File: Biographical Oakes, Robert--Brooklyn
File: Biographical Oakes, Robert, Mrs.--Wife of Navy officer
File: Biographical Oakes, Ruth
File: Biographical Oakes, Shirley--Society
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