The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Dietrich Hecht collection of Bilderbogen
Prints Organized by Theme and Format (continued)
[Bulls-eye shooting targets on animals and other images; printed on picture sheets called Bilderbogen], [between 1800 and 1945], [bulk between 1860 and 1900]
Call No: LOT 15458 (H) (OH) (OSE)
Extent: 52 prints : lithographs ; sheets 166 x 69 cm or smaller.
Collector's Category: Shiess Scheiben
Includes circular targets of various sizes and settings. Several large disk targets have numbers for keeping score. Other targets feature animals including tigers, zebras, elephants, rabbits, and eagles, among others. A small group of targets show people, airplanes, and ships.
[Buffalo with target]
Call No: LOT 15458, no. 1 (H)
Creator: Oehmigke & Riemschneider
Plate No: No. 7329
Location: Neuruppin
Der Tiger
Call No: LOT 15458, no. 2 (H)
Creator: Burckardt, C.
Plate No: No. 38
Location: Weissenburg
Note(s): For bound impression see LOT 15469, no. 50 (pages 1-25).
Scheibenbild Tiger
Call No: LOT 15458, no. 3 (H)
Creator: Robrahn & Co.
Plate No: No. 2075
Location: Magdeburg
Scheibenbild Löwe
Call No: LOT 15458, no. 4 (H)
Creator: Robrahn & Co.
Plate No: No. 2076
Location: Magdeburg
Scheibenbild Leopard
Call No: LOT 15458, no. 5 (H)
Creator: Robrahn & Co.
Plate No: No. 2074
Location: Magdeburg
Der Panther
Call No: LOT 15458, no. 6 (H)
Creator: Burckardt, C.
Plate No: No. 1060
Location: Weissenburg
Note(s): For bound impression see LOT 15469, no. 50 (pages 1-25).
Der Jaguar
Call No: LOT 15458, no. 7 (H)
Creator: Burckardt, C.
Plate No: No. 1059
Location: Weissenburg
Note(s): For bound impression see LOT 15469, no. 50 (pages 1-25).
Scheibenbild Wolf
Call No: LOT 15458, no. 8 (H)
Creator: Robrahn & Co.
Plate No: No. 2073
Location: Magdeburg
Scheibenbild Hirsch
Call No: LOT 15458, no. 9 (H)
Creator: Robrahn & Co.
Plate No: No. 296
Location: Magdeburg
Die Antilope
Call No: LOT 15458, no. 10 (H)
Creator: Burckardt, C.
Plate No: No. 1056
Location: Weissenburg
Note(s): For bound impression see LOT 15469, no. 50 (pages 1-25).
Das Zebra
Call No: LOT 15458, no. 11 (H)
Creator: Burckardt, C.
Plate No: No. 1058
Location: Weissenburg
Note(s): For bound impression see LOT 15469, no. 50 (pages 1-25).
Der Elephant
Call No: LOT 15458, no. 12 (H)
Creator: Burckardt, C.
Plate No: No. 36
Location: Weissenburg
Note(s): For bound impression see LOT 15469, no. 50 (pages 1-25).
Der König der Wüste
Call No: LOT 15458, no. 13 (H)
Creator: Kuhn, Gustav
Series: Neues Scheibenbild
Plate No: No. 6081
Location: Neuruppin
Deutscher Reichsadler
Call No: LOT 15458, no. 14 (H)
Creator: Kuhn, Gustav
Plate No: No. 5470
Location: Neuruppin
Preussischer Adler
Call No: LOT 15458, no. 15 (H)
Creator: Kuhn, Gustav
Plate No: No. 9678
Location: Neuruppin
Scheibenbild Adler
Call No: LOT 15458, no. 16 (H)
Creator: Robrahn & Co.
Plate No: No. 1261
Location: Magdeburg
[Prussian eagle decorated with target with numbered circles 1-11]
Call No: LOT 15458, no. 17 (H)
Creator: Burckardt, C.
Plate No: No. 1065
Location: Weissenburg
Note(s): Duplicate or variant impression, see LOT 15469, no. 50 (pages 1-25). This impression is not as dark in yellow and black areas.
[Black eagle with a crown and iron cross and a target]
Call No: LOT 15458, no. 18 (H)
Creator: Burckardt, C.
Plate No: No. 1064
Location: Weissenburg
Note(s): For bound impression see LOT 15469, no. 50 (pages 1-25).
[Eagle with multi-colored feathers wearing a crown and holding a sceptre and a globe decorated with the iron cross and two targets]
Call No: LOT 15458, no. 19 (H)
Creator: Burckardt, C.
Plate No: No. 35
Location: Weissenburg
Note(s): Duplicate or variant impression LOT 15458, no. 20. See LOT 15439, no. 143 for oversize impression without target by Burckardt. See LOT 15458, no. 22 and LOT 15458, no. 21 for duplicate impressions by Kuhn.
[Eagle with multi-colored feathers wearing a crown and holding a sceptre and a globe decorated with the iron cross and two targets]
Call No: LOT 15458, no. 20 (H)
Creator: Burckardt, C.
Plate No: No. 35
Location: Weissenburg
Note(s): Duplicate or variant impression LOT 15458, no. 19. See LOT 15439, no. 143 for oversize impression without target by Burckardt. See LOT 15458, no. 22 and LOT 15458, no. 21 for duplicate impressions by Kuhn.
[Eagle with multi-colored feathers wearing a crown and holding a sceptre and a globe decorated with the iron cross and two targets]
Call No: LOT 15458, no. 21 (H)
Creator: Kuhn, Gustav
Plate No: No. 6303
Location: Neuruppin
Note(s): Perforated edge left margin. See LOT 15439, no. 143 for oversize impression without target by Burckardt. See LOT 15458, no. 20 for duplicate impression with target by Burckardt.
[Eagle with multi-colored feathers wearing a crown and holding a sceptre and a globe decorated with the iron cross and two targets]
Call No: LOT 15458, no. 22 (H)
Creator: Kuhn, Gustav
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