The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Dietrich Hecht collection of Bilderbogen
Prints Organized by Theme and Format (continued)
[European soldier figures to be used as cut outs and printed on picture sheets called Bilderbogen], [between 1809 and 1943] (continued)
Other countries (continued)
Garde impériale (Dragons a pied)
Call No: LOT 15459-D, no. 130 (H)
Creator: Pellerin
Plate No: 886
Location: Epinal
Zum ausschneiden und aufstellen
Call No: LOT 15459-D, no. 131 (H)
Creator: Scholz, Jos.
Plate No: No. 22
Location: Mainz
Call No: LOT 15459-D, no. 132 (H)
Creator: Winckelmann un. Sohne
Plate No: No. 152
Location: Berlin
Call No: LOT 15459-D, no. 133 (H)
Creator: Didion, P.
Plate No: 352
Location: Metz
[Three scenes of military carts, wagons and caissons]
Call No: LOT 15459-D, no. 134 (H)
Creator: Campe, Fr.
Plate No: No. 46
Location: [Nuernberg]
Armée Indienne
Call No: LOT 15459-D, no. 135 (H)
Creator: Imagerie Dehal
Plate No: 961
Location: Nancy
Tribu du fleuve des Amazones
Call No: LOT 15459-D, no. 136 (H)
Creator: Imagerie Dehal
Plate No: 959
Location: Nancy
[Four prints on one sheet: Italienisches Heer. Infanterie, Italienisches Heer. Bersaglieri, Bauernhof, and Elsasser Bauernhaus]
Call No: LOT 15459-D, no. 137 (H)
Creator: [Schreiber, J. F.]
Location: [Esslingen]
[Four prints on one sheet: Deutsches Heer. Bayrische Regimentsmusik, Ungarische Armee. Infanterie Musik, and two Ankleide-Puppen]
Call No: LOT 15459-D, no. 138 (H)
Creator: [Schreiber, J. F.]
Location: [Esslingen]
[Four prints on one sheet: Dorf, Bulgarisches Heer. Artillerie, Schloss, and Türkisches Heer]
Call No: LOT 15459-D, no. 139 (H)
Creator: [Schreiber, J. F.]
Plate No: LXIX 78, LX 368, LXIX 81, LXVII 350
Location: [Esslingen]
[Four prints on one sheet: two Ankleide-Puppen, Deutsches Heer. Bayrische Regimentsmusik, and K. K. Osterreichisches Heer. Kaiser-Jager-Musik]
Call No: LOT 15459-D, no. 140 (H)
Creator: [Schreiber, J. F.]
Plate No: XXIX 469, XXIX 467, XXIII 333, XXIII 335
Location: [Esslingen]
[Four prints on one sheet: Ankleide-Puppen, Serbisches Heer. Reiterei, Deutsches Heer. Garde-Grenadiere, and Österr.-ung. Heer. Infanterie]
Call No: LOT 15459-D, no. 141 (H)
Creator: [Schreiber, J. F.]
Plate No: XXVIII 462, LX 367, XXI 323, XIX 323
Location: [Esslingen]
[Four prints on one sheet: Serbisches Heer. Reiterei, Arabische Reiter, and two Ankleide-Puppen], February 1, 1913
Call No: LOT 15459-D, no. 142 (H)
Creator: [Schreiber, J. F.]
Location: [Esslingen]
Note(s): Date inscribed lower left margin.
[Four prints on one sheet: Schwiezer Heer. Infanterie, Italienisches Heer. Reiterei, Ankleide-Puppen, and Deutsches Heer. Matrosen]
Call No: LOT 15459-D, no. 143 (H)
Creator: [Schreiber, J. F.]
Location: [Esslingen]
Types principaux de l'Infanterie Russe
Call No: LOT 15459-D, no. 144 (OH)
Creator: Pellerin & Cie.
Location: Epinal
[Two rows of soldiers on horseback, those in the upper row face right, while those on the bottom row face left]
Call No: LOT 15459-D, no. 145 (OH)
Plate No: No. 19
Note(s): Handwritten inscription on top right of mat: [Armee russe?]
[Austrian soldier in blue and orange uniform standing with sword resting on ground between legs]
Call No: LOT 15459-D, no. 146 (OSE)
Creator: Burckardt, C.
Plate No: 167
Location: [Wissembourg]
[French Hussar on horseback, sword upraised at left], [between 1906 and 1918]
Call No: LOT 15459-D, no. 147 (OSE)
Creator: Ackermann, R.
Plate No: No. 14
Location: [Wissembourg]
[Victor Emmanuel II wearing white and blue uniform, holding helmet decorated with feathers, sword resting on the floor at right]
Call No: LOT 15459-D, no. 148 (OSE)
Creator: Burckardt, C.
Plate No: 166
Location: Weissenburg
[Turkish (Turko) soldier with turban wearing blue uniform holding rifle across chest], [between 1906 and 1918]
Call No: LOT 15459-D, no. 149 (OSE)
Creator: Ackermann, R.
Plate No: 4
Location: [Wissembourg]
Call No: LOT 15459-D, no. 150a (OSE)
Creator: Schreiber, J. F.
Plate No: Nro. 512
Location: [Esslingen]
Deutsches Heer. Husaren [und] Bayrische Regimentsmusik
Call No: LOT 15459-D, no. 150b (OSE)
Creator: [Schreiber, J. F.]
Plate No: Nro. 345
Location: [Esslingen]
Gefecht zwischen Deutschen und Russen
Call No: LOT 15459-D, no. 150c (OSE)
Creator: [Schreiber, J. F.]
Plate No: Nro. 345
Location: [Esslingen]
Englische Infanterie
Call No: LOT 15459-D, no. 150d (OSE)
Creator: [Schreiber, J. F.]
Plate No: Nro. 348
Location: [Esslingen]
Gefecht zwischen Deutschen und Franzosen
Call No: LOT 15459-D, no. 150e (OSE)
Creator: [Schreiber, J. F.]
Plate No: No. 343
Location: [Esslingen]
Note(s): Detached impression LOT 15459-D, no. 113.
Gefecht zwischen Deutschen und Franzosen
Call No: LOT 15459-D, no. 150f (OSE)
Creator: [Schreiber, J. F.]
Location: [Esslingen]
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