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McNeill Family Collection, ca. 1910-2000 (continued)
Military Photographs by Robert H. McNeill, ca. 1930-1960
Call No.: LOT 15580 (F)
Extent: 623 photographs
Photographs primarily by Robert H. McNeill show daily work life activities of military personnel including conducting drills, training, marching, office work, and socializing of members of the 300th Maintenance Division, 317th Infantry, Camp Lee, Camp Pickett, Ft. McClellan, and Ft. Monmouth. Other images depict military supplies such as parachutes, helicopters, tanks, guns, locks. Photographs of events include a pistol tournament, and an American Legion parade in Washington, D.C. Additional photographs show Robert H. McNeill during his time in the military in Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands.
Prints maintain original order and are arranged in alphabetical order by original title. Due to the nature of the groupings of material, select photographic prints will appear in multiple folders and have been left as they were found by staff throughout the collection. Not all material has corresponding negatives.
BOX 1 FOLDER 1 300th Maintenance Division
Call No.: LOT 15580, no. 1 to 8 (F)
Extent: 8 photographs
BOX 1 FOLDER 2 317th Infantry - Col. Belville and others, 1959
Call No.: LOT 15580, no. 9 to 25 (F)
Extent: 17 photographs
BOX 1 FOLDER 3 317th Infantry [Indiantown Gap Military Reservation] (1 of 3), 1956-1958
Call No.: LOT 15580, no. 26 to 84 (F)
Extent: 59 photographs
Location: Ft. Meade, MD; Indiantown Gap, PA
BOX 1 FOLDER 4 317th Infantry [Indiantown Gap Military Reservation] (2 of 3), 1956-1958
Call No.: LOT 15580, no. 85 to 106 (F)
Extent: 22 photographs
Location: Ft. Meade, MD; Indiantown Gap, PA
BOX 1 FOLDER 5 317th Infantry [Indiantown Gap Military Reservation] (3 of 3), 1956-1958
Call No.: LOT 15580, no. 107 to 154 (F)
Extent: 48 photographs
Location: Ft. Meade, MD; Indiantown Gap, PA
BOX 1 FOLDER 6 428th Infantry aviation ceremonies
Call No.: LOT 15580, no. 155 to 162 (F)
Extent: 8 photographs
BOX 1 FOLDER 7 African Americans in World War II, ca. 1939-1945
Call No.: LOT 15580, no. 163 to 182 (F)
Extent: 20 photographs
BOX 1 FOLDER 8 Camp Lee visit, 1940
Call No.: LOT 15580, no. 183 to 213 (F)
Extent: 31 photographs
Location: Camp Lee, VA
BOX 1 FOLDER 9 Camp Pickett (1 of 2), 1940
Call No.: LOT 15580, no. 214 to 233 (F)
Extent: 20 photographs
Location: Camp Pickett, VA
BOX 1 FOLDER 10 Camp Pickett (2 of 2), 1940
Call No.: LOT 15580, no. 234 to 256 (F)
Extent: 23 photographs
Location: Camp Pickett, VA
BOX 1 FOLDER 11 [Communication] Personnel with Maj. Kirkpatrick, Lowe, Gunther, Close
Call No.: LOT 15580, no. 257 (F)
Extent: 1 photograph
BOX 1 FOLDER 12 D.C. American Legion parade
Call No.: LOT 15580, no. 258 to 302 (F)
Extent: 45 photographs
Location: Washington, D.C.
BOX 1 FOLDER 13 Ft. McClellan (1 of 2), 1942-1945
Call No.: LOT 15580, no. 303 to 331 (F)
Extent: 29 photographs
Location: Ft. McClellan, AL
BOX 1 FOLDER 14 Ft. McClellan (2 of 2), 1942-1945
Call No.: LOT 15580, no. 332 to 367 (F)
Extent: 36 photographs
Location: Ft. McClellan, AL
BOX 2 FOLDER 1 Guadalcanal (1 of 2)
Call No.: LOT 15580, no. 368 to 410 (F)
Extent: 44 photographs
Location: Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
BOX 2 FOLDER 2 Guadalcanal (2 of 2)
Call No.: LOT 15580, no. 411 to 450 (F)
Extent: 40 photographs
Location: Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
BOX 2 FOLDER 3 Guns and locks
Call No.: LOT 15580, no. 451 to 474 (F)
Extent: 24 photographs
BOX 2 FOLDER 4 [Indiantown Gap Military Reservation] pistol tournament, 1958
Call No.: LOT 15580, no. 475 to 487 (F)
Extent: 13 photographs
BOX 2 FOLDER 5 Robert H. McNeill Sr. in military (1 of 2), ca. 1940-1950
Call No.: LOT 15580, no. 488 to 528 (F)
Extent: 41 photographs
BOX 2 FOLDER 6 Robert H. McNeill Sr. in military (2 of 2), ca. 1940-1950
Call No.: LOT 15580, no. 529 to 545 (F)
Extent: 17 photographs
BOX 2 FOLDER 7 [Signal Corps] photos, ca. 1950-1960
Call No.: LOT 15580, no. 546 to 565 (F)
Extent: 20 photographs
BOX 2 FOLDER 8 [Miscellaneous military events, gatherings, portraits and work (1 of 2)]
Call No.: LOT 15580, no. 566 to 591 (F)
Extent: 26 photographs
BOX 2 FOLDER 9 [Miscellaneous military events, gatherings, portraits, and work (2 of 2)]
Call No.: LOT 15580, no. 592 to 622 (F)
Extent: 31 photographs
Photographs of Washington, D.C. by Robert H. McNeill, ca. 1930-1950
Call No.: LOT 15581 (F) (H)
Extent: 4,763 photographs
Photographs show images taken in Washington, D.C. where Robert H. McNeill lived and worked. Subjects include anniversaries, birthdays, commercial work, churches, choirs, events, funerals, news, places, rehearsals and plays, religion, reunions, schools, universities and weddings. Other images include graduation, family and nurse portraits filed under the sitter's first or last name.
Prints are arranged in alphabetical order by subject, then by title or name. Due to the nature of the groupings of material, select photographic prints will appear in multiple folders and have been left as they were found by staff throughout the collection. Not all material has corresponding negatives.
BOX 6 FOLDER 12 Burton Celebration, 1937
Call No.: LOT 15581, no. 1441 (F)
Extent: 1 photograph
BOX 6 FOLDER 13 Cheney College 100th Anniversary, August 1947
Call No.: LOT 15581, no. 1442 to 1443 (F)
Extent: 2 photographs
Location: Washington, D.C.
BOX 6 FOLDER 14 Douglas Co-op
Call No.: LOT 15581, no. 1444 to 1446 (F)
Extent: 3 photographs
BOX 6 FOLDER 15 Jackson and Sweeny, April 1942
Call No.: LOT 15581, no. 1447 (F)
Extent: 1 photograph
BOX 6 FOLDER 16 Jones, Mr. and Mrs., 25th Anniversary
Call No.: LOT 15581, no. 1448 (F)
Extent: 1 photograph
BOX 6 FOLDER 17 Lee, Mr. and Mrs. James, 50th Anniversary, May 9, 1948
Call No.: LOT 15581, no. 1449 (F)
Extent: 1 photograph
Location: Washington, D.C.
BOX 6 FOLDER 18 Ross, Mr. John F., 50th Anniversary, May 1949
Call No.: LOT 15581, no. 1450 (F)
Extent: 1 photograph
Location: Washington, D.C.
BOX 6 FOLDER 19 Sanders, Reverend, June 29, 1942
Call No.: LOT 15581, no. 1451 (F)
Extent: 1 photograph
BOX 6 FOLDER 20 Trigg, Mr. and Mrs., 50th Anniversary
Call No.: LOT 15581, no. 1452 (F)
Extent: 1 photograph
BOX 6 FOLDER 21 Woodson
Call No.: LOT 15581, no. 1453 (F)
Extent: 1 photograph
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