The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Visual materials from the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People records (Library of Congress)
Schools and Activities to Eliminate Segregation in Public Education at the College and Secondary Levels, 1921-1961, bulk 1942-1957. (continued)
University of Maryland, College Park, Md. (continued)
Call No.: LOT 13088, nos. 166-168 (F)
Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee Institute, Ala. (no. 169, no. 171, and no. 172 are in color)
Call No.: LOT 13088, nos. 169-176 (F)
Virginia Union University, Richmond, Va.
Call No.: LOT 13088, nos. 177-178 (F)
Wayne State University, Detroit, Mich.
Call No.: LOT 13088, nos. 179-187 (F)
West Virginia State College, Institute, W.Va.
Call No.: LOT 13088, nos. 188-189 (F)
Wilberforce University, Wilberforce, Ohio
Call No.: LOT 13088, nos. 190-211 (F)
Call No.: LOT 13088, nos. 212-229 (F)
African Americans in Business, Government, Public Service, and Labor, 1938-1964, bulk 1940-1948.
Call No.: LOT 13089 (F)
Photos show African American workers posed for group portraits, receiving awards, and in work related activities. Occupations represented include nurses, doctors, laborers, clerks, and retail management trainees. Includes Fair Employment Practices Commission (FEPC) photos documenting integration of African Americans into the work force; National Youth Administration photos show youth learning various trades; many publicity photos of scientists and administrators employed by the Department of Agriculture; some photos of tobacco workers striking; a few photos of workers in San Francisco, Calif., and Pontiac, Mich., protesting employment discrimination. NAACP staff represented in a few photos: Clarence Mitchell, Walter White, and Roy Wilkins. 95 photographic prints; 1 print. Organized into eight subject categories: African Americans employed at the Department of Agriculture; African Americans in professional occupations; Discrimination; Fair Employment Practices Commission (FEPC); Fair Employment Practices Commission (FEPC) in New York, N.Y.; National Youth Administration, vocational training program; Protests; Strikes.
African Americans employed at the Department of Agriculture, ca. 1940-ca. 1950
Call No.: LOT 13089, nos. 1-18 (F)
African Americans in professional occupations
ca. 1943-1950
Call No.: LOT 13089, nos. 19-48 (F)
CCNY Mid-town Business Center
Call No.: LOT 13089, nos. 49-54 (F)
Discrimination, 1946-1947
Call No.: LOT 13089, nos. 55-57 (F)
Fair Employment Practices Commission (FEPC)
Call No.: LOT 13089, nos. 58-65 (F)
Fair Employment Practices Commission (FEPC) in New York, N.Y.
Call No.: LOT 13089, nos. 66-72 (F)
National Youth Administration, vocational training program
Call No.: LOT 13089, nos. 73-80 (F)
Call No.: LOT 13089, nos. 81-89 (F)
Call No.: LOT 13089, nos. 90-95 (F)
Health Services and Public Health Facilities Available to African Americans, 1946- ca. 1950.
Call No.: LOT 13090 (F)
Includes photos of tuberculosis screening at a Harlem Health Center; photos and text about a proposed public health and rehabilitation center dedicated as a living war memorial; fundraising activities for Sydenham Hospital in New York, a proposed "interracial volunteer hospital." Includes one photo of a child with sores or scars on her face and a one photo of assembly workers in a pharmaceutical plant. 15 photographic prints; 3 photomechanical prints. Organized into three subject categories: General; Hall of Health, War, and Peace; Sydenham Hospital.
General, 1948-ca. 1950
Call No.: LOT 13090, nos. 1-7 (F)
Hall of Health, War, and Peace
Call No.: LOT 13090, nos. 8-14A (F)
Sydenham Hospital
Call No.: LOT 13090, nos. 15-20 (F)
Urban and Rural Housing for African Americans, ca. 1911-1960.
Call No.: LOT 13091 (F) (PR12)
Emphasis is on single-family houses and integrated developments in cities and rural areas in the Southern and Northeastern United States. Includes low-income housing projects in Brooklyn, N.Y.; Boston, Mass.; Chicago, Ill.; Cleveland, Ohio; Greenbelt, Md.; New York, N.Y., and Watts (Los Angeles, Calif.). Some photos show white resistance to integration in their neighborhoods, including a photo of a house with a sign declaring "This house is not for sale." Includes miscellaneous unidentified rowhouses and a few home interiors. 63 photographic prints; 4 prints. Organized into four subject categories: Demonstrations against integrated housing; Poor housing conditions; Public housing; Miscellaneous oversize.
Demonstrations against integrated housing, 1951-1958
Call No.: LOT 13091, nos. 1-10 (F)
Poor housing conditions, ca. 1937-1960
Call No.: LOT 13091, nos. 11-26 (F)
Public and single family housing, ca. 1928-1960
Call No.: LOT 13091, nos. 27-58 (F)
Miscellaneous oversize
Call No.: LOT 13091, nos. 59-63 (PR12)
Ku Klux Klan Activities, 1926-ca. 1957.
Call No.: LOT 13092 (F)
Photos show destruction and defacing of personal property, cross burnings, church and house bombings by Ku Klux Klan in Montgomery, Ala.; Shreveport, La.; Groveland, Fla.; and Egg Harbor City, N.J. One postcard photo showing storm damage to a KKK building in Miami, Fla., taken ca. 1926. Ku Klux Klan May Day parade in Prague; Klan rallies in Swainsboro, Ga., and Visalia, Calif., and other unidentified locations. One photo depicting a Nazi party rally in an unidentified location; two snapshots of a Klan "motorcade" to Stone Mountain, Ga., taken in 1956 at Union City, Ga. 18 photographic prints.
Bombings, rallies, motorcades, etc.
Call No.: LOT 13092, nos. 1-18 (F)
Anti-lynching Campaign Activities and Victims of Beatings and Lynchings, 1916-1964.
Call No.: LOT 13093 (F) (H)
Students and branch members demonstrating against lynching; snapshots of William Hastie and Walter White with Congressmen Joseph Gavagan and Raymond McKeough lobbying for anti-lynching legislation in Washington, D.C.; a flag displayed from NAACP headquarters window with the words "A MAN WAS LYNCHED YESTERDAY"; portraits of lynch victims and lynch mobs; some photos of victims' families, including Emmett Till and his mother, Mamie Bradley; one group portrait of the mothers of slain civil rights workers James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner. Includes reproductions of sculptures and artwork depicting lynch victims. One photo of a Virginia highway sign with text explaining the origin of the lynch law. Additional NAACP staff depicted include Medgar Evers, Daisy Lampkin, and Roy Wilkins. 98 photographic prints; 3 photomechanical prints. Organized into four subject categories: Anti-lynching legislation/demonstrations; Lynching victims and families; Victims of brutality; Miscellaneous.
Anti-lynching legislation/demonstrations, 1934-1950
Call No.: LOT 13093, nos. 1-27 (F)
Lynching victims and families, 1916-1964
Call No.: LOT 13093, nos. 28-69 (F)
Victims of brutality, 1945-ca. 1950
Call No.: LOT 13093, nos. 70-95 (F)
Call No.: LOT 13093, nos. 96-100 (F)
Miscellaneous oversize
Call No.: LOT 13093, no. 101 (H)
Segregated and Integrated Public Facilities, 1920-1964, bulk 1944-1950.
Call No.: LOT 13094 (F)
Includes activities at segregated recreation facilities; social welfare centers for minority children in Harlem; one photo of an integrated church service; miscellaneous buildings, churches, and businesses, including views of the African American-owned Golden State Mutual Life Insurance Company, Los Angeles, Calif. Picketing of segregated theaters, commercial businesses, amusement parks; several photos of a man sitting in a segregated library watched closely by police officers; several photos of vice-presidential candidate, Henry Wallace, on a campaign tour through Birmingham, Ala., that was cut short when he refused to speak before a segregated audience. Some photos show railroad dining car interiors; a few show sections of dining car tables roped off and separated from other seating areas. 132 photographic prints; 3 prints. Organized into five subject categories: Integrated public facilities; Melrose House/Pepsi Cola, Junior Club of Harlem; Segregated facilities; Transportation facilities; and Miscellaneous buildings/facilities.
Integrated public facilities
Call No.: LOT 13094, nos. 1-4 (F)
Melrose House/Pepsi Cola, Junior Club of Harlem
Call No.: LOT 13094, nos. 5-21 (F)
Segregated facilities
Call No.: LOT 13094, nos. 22-55 (F)
Call No.: LOT 13094, nos. 56-61 (F)
Transportation facilities
Call No.: LOT 13094, nos. 62-77 (F)
Miscellaneous buildings/facilities
Golden State Mutual Life Insurance Co.
Call No.: LOT 13094, nos. 78-80 (F)
Call No.: LOT 13094, nos. 81-135 (F)
Race Riots in Columbia, Tenn., and Los Angeles, Calif., and Tulsa, Okla., 1921-1946.
Call No.: LOT 13095 (F)
Primarily views of Tulsa, Okla., before and after the riot of 1921, and street scenes during the Los Angeles, Calif., "Zoot Suit Riot" of 1943. Includes three photos of vandalism and arrests at Columbia, Tenn., after the riot of 1946. 20 photographic prints.
Race riots, participants, and aftermaths
Call No.: LOT 13095, nos. 1-20 (F)
African Americans in Advertising, Broadcasting, Film, and Theater, 1916-1958, bulk 1944-1949.
Call No.: LOT 13096 (F) (H)
Photos show celebrities in publicity portraits and film stills. Prominent African Americans represented include Joe Louis, Jackie Robinson, and Ethel Waters. Also includes stills from religious, war, educational, and feature films, including Canterbury Tale, Home of the Brave, and Pinky. One photo shows Walter White being interviewed on a television program; includes some images of African American stereotypes including "black-face" entertainers performing skits; several photos of NAACP branch members protesting the screening of the film Birth of a Nation at a Flushing, N.Y., movie theater. 130 photographic prints; 3 photomechanical prints; 3 prints. Organized into six subject categories: The Birth of a Nation picketing; Film stills; Product promotion; Stereotypes; Television and radio; Theater.
The Birth of a Nation picketing
Call No.: LOT 13096, nos. 1-3 (F)
Film stills
Call No.: LOT 13096, no. 4 (F)
Angel in Ebony
Call No.: LOT 13096, no. 5 (F)
Answer for Anne
Call No.: LOT 13096, no. 6 (F)
Birthday Party, 1931
Call No.: LOT 13096, no. 7 (F)
A Canterbury Tale
Call No.: LOT 13096, nos. 8-30 (F)
Fisk University film, CBS, 1955
Call No.: LOT 13096, nos. 31-36 (F)
Home of the Brave
Call No.: LOT 13096, nos. 37-65 (F)
Into the Good Ground
Call No.: LOT 13096, nos. 66-68 (F)
The Jackie Robinson Story
Call No.: LOT 13096, nos. 69-71 (F)
A Job for Bob
Call No.: LOT 13096, no. 72 (F)
Joe Louis, Morton Moreland, Mickey McAvoy
Call No.: LOT 13096, nos. 73-76 (F)
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