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Official Notices from Occupying Powers (1945-1947)
(continued) |
British Zone of Control
(continued) |
Military Government-Germany. British Zone of Control. Ordinance No. 40. Amendment of procedure at municipal elections ordinance ... This ordinance shall take effecton 30th May, 1946. Military Government Ordinance No. 32. [Hamburg?]: Printed by Printing and Distribution Unit, Control Commission for Germany, [1946]. |
"(B.E.)" In English and German. |
1 sheet; 29 x 44 cm. |
Military Government-Germany. British Zone of Control. Ordinance No. 44. Elections in Hamburg and Bremen ... This ordinance shall come into force on 30th May, 1946. By order of Military Government. [Hamburg?]: Printed by Printing and Distribution Unit, Control Commission for Germany, [1946]. |
"(B.E.)" In English and German. |
1 sheet; 29 x 44 cm. |
Military Government-Germany. British Zone of Control. Ordinance No. 48. Importation of literature ... This ordinance shall come into force on 25th September, 1946. By order of Military Government. [Hamburg?]: Printed by Printing and Distribution Unit, Control Commission for Germany, [1946]. |
"(B.E.)" In English and German. |
1 sheet; 29 x 42 cm. |
Militärregierung Deutschland. Britisches Kontrollgebiet. Bekanntmachung. Fremdlebende Kinder ... 30. April, 1946. Im Auftrage der Militärregierung ... [Military Government-Germany. British Zone of Control. Notice. Displaced children ... 30 April, 1946. By order of Military Government]. [Hamburg?: s.n., 1946]. |
"B/PSS/52 4.46. 40M". |
1 sheet; 38 x 50 cm. |
Military Government-Germany. British Zone of Control. Notice. Control of iron and steel stocks ... The effective date of this notice is 14 September, 1946. By order of Military Government. Schedule. Materials covered by the regulations ... [Hamburg?]: Printed by Printing and Distribution Unit, Control Commission for Germany, [1946]. |
"B.E." In English and German. |
1 sheet; 44 x 57 cm. (2 copies) |
Military Government-Germany. British Zone of Control. Notice. German Navy and Air Force forests ... This notice becomes effective on 20 July 1946. By order of Military Government. [Hamburg?]: Printed by Printing and Distribution Unit, Control Commission for Germany, [1946]. |
"B.E." In English and German. |
1 sheet; 44 x 56 cm. |
Military Government-Germany. British Zone of Control. Notice. Surrender of German police uniforms and equipment ... Date __ 15th March __ 1946. By order of Military Government. [Hamburg?]: Printed by Printing and Distribution Unit, Control Commission for Germany, [1946]. |
"B.E." In English and German. |
1 sheet; 44 x 61 cm. |
Military Government-Germany. British Zone of Control. Ordinance No. 10. (Amended (2)). Political meetings. Military Govenment Ordinance No. 10 (Amended (1)) is amended to read as follows ... This ordinance shall become effective on 1st August, 1946. By order of Military Government. [Hamburg?]: Printed by Printing and Distribution Unit, Control Commission for Germany, [1946]. |
"B.E." In English and German. |
1 sheet; 44 x 57 cm. |
Military Government-Germany. British Zone of Control. Ordinance No. 39. Consumers' co-operative societies ... This ordinance shall come into force on the 31st July, 1946. By order of Military Government. [Hamburg?]: Printed by Printing and Distribution Unit, Control Commission for Germany, [1946]. |
"(B.E.)" In English and German. Corner torn. |
1 sheet; 44 x 57 cm. |
Military Government-Germany, British Zone of Control. Ordinance No. 43. Amendment of election of councillors ordinance ... This ordinance shall take effect as from 30th May, 1946. Military Government Ordinance No. 31. [Hamburg?]: Printed by Printing and Distribution Unit, Control Commission for Germany, [1946]. |
"(B.E.)" In English and German. |
1 sheet; 44 x 57 cm. |
Military Government-Germany. British Zone of Control. Ordinance No. 50. Control of seaports, estuaries, and coastal waters of the British Zone ... This ordinance will come into force on 1st July 1946. By order of Military Government. [Hamburg?]: Printed by Printing and Distribution Unit, Control Commission for Germany, [1946]. |
"(B.E.)-1130". In English and German. Linen backed. |
1 sheet; 46 x 58 cm. |
International Military Court
Bekanntmachungen. Internationaler Militär-Gerichtshof Nr. 1. Die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, die französische Republik, das Vereinigte Königreich von Grossbritannien und Nord-Irland, und die Union der sozialistischen Sowjet-Republiken gegen Hermann Wilhelm Göring, Rudolf Hess...Für den Internationalen Militär-Gerichtshof. Harold B. Willey, Generalsekretär. Internationaler Militär-Gerichtshof Bekanntmachung. Martin Bormann ist angeklagt Verbrechen gegen den Frieden, Kriegsverbrechen und Verbrechen gegen die Menschheit begangen zu haben ... Auf Befehl des Internationalen Militär-Gerichtshofes der Generalsekretär Harold B. Willey." [Notices. International Military Tribunal no. 1. The United States of America, the Republic of France, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and North Ireland, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics vs. Hermann Wilhelm Göring, Rudolf Hess...For the International Military Tribunal. Harold B. Willey, General Secretary. International Military Tribunal notice. Martin Bormann is accused of committing crimes against the peace, war crimes, and crimes against humanity ... By order of the Internationl Military Tribunal...] [Berlin?: s.n., 1945]. |
1 sheet; 42 x 30 cm. |
Soviet Zone of Control
Der Verkauf von bezugsbeschränkten Waren an die Angehörigen der Besatzungsmacht erfolgt nur gegen Einkaufsberechtigungen, die von der Militär-Kommandantur ausgestellt sein müssen. [The sale of restricted transportable goods to members of the occupying powers is only allowed with an authorization permit that must be obtained from the military commandant]. [Berlin?: s.n., 1945]. |
In Russian and German. |
1 sheet; 21 x 29 cm. |
Order of the Inter-Allied Military Komendatura[!] of the City of Berlin. 11 July 1945 No. 1. Berlin. The Inter-Allied Komendatura has assumed control over the City of Berlin on 11 July 1945 ... Military commandants of the City of Berlin. USSR, Col. Gen Gorbatov. USA, Maj. Gen. Parks. Great Britain, Maj. Gen. Lyne ... [Berlin?: s.n., 1945]. |
In Russian, English, and German. |
1 sheet; 23 x 43 cm. |
Befehle der Militäradministration über die Verwaltung der sowjetischen Okkupationszone in Deutschland. Berlin, den 11. Juni ... [Orders of the Military Administration about the administration of the Soviet occupied areas in Germany, Berlin, June 11th] ... Das Oberhaupt der sowjetischen Militäradministration Marschall der Sowjetunon G.K. Shukow, Der Stabschef der sowjetischen Militäradministration Generaloberst W.W. Kurassow. [Berlin?: s.n., 1945]. |
1 sheet; 48 x 36 cm. |
Befehl Nr. 2 des Obersten Chefs der Sowjetischen Militärischen Administration. 10. Juni 1945 Berlin ...G.K. Shukow .. Generalorberts W.W. Kurasow. [Order no. 2 of the Supreme Chief of the Soviet Military Administration] ... Permits Anti-Fascist political parties to operate with the Soviet occupied zone of Germany and lifts any restrictions against Anti-Fascist activities formerly in force under the Nazi regime. [Berlin?: s.n., 1945]. |
1 sheet; 60 x 42 cm. (2 copies) |
Supreme Commander's Area of Control
Military Government-Germany. Supreme Commander's Area of Control. Notice. Curfew. Effective 21:30, 19 June 1945 and until further notice, no person within the occupied territory will be permitted to circulate on the streets or outside his own house without a permit of Military Government between the hours of 21:30 and 05:00 ... By order of Military Government. [Berlin?: s.n., 1945]. |
"41250 Wt. 59024 S.H. 513 60 m. DL". In English and German. |
1 sheet; 30 x 45 cm. |
Military Government-Germany. Supreme Commander's Area of Control. Notice Movement of persons. Article I. Travel restrictions ... Article II. Penalties ... By order of Military Government. Leipzig: Otto Noack, [1945?]. |
In English and German. |
1 sheet; 30 x 43 cm. |
Military Government-Germany. Supreme Commander's Area of Control. Notice to parents and guardians ... By order of Military Government. Leipzig: Otto Noack, [1945]. |
In English and German. |
1 sheet; 61 x 43 cm. |
Military Government-Germany. Supreme Commander's Area of Control. Law no. 4. Military Government Gazette-Germany ... By order of Military Government. Leipzig: Otto Noack, [1945]. |
In English and German. |
1 sheet; 51 x 38 cm. (3 copies) |
Military Government-Germany. Supreme Commander's Area of Control. Law no. 6. Dispensation by act of Military Government with necessity of compliance witw[!] German law ... This law shall become effective upon the date of its first promulgation. By order of Military Government. Leipzig: Otto Noack, [1945]. |
In English and German. |
1 sheet; 58 x 35 cm. (3 copies) |
Military Government-Germany. Supreme Commander's Area of Control. Law no. 51. Currency ... By order of Military Government. Leipzig: Otto Noack, [1945]. |
In English and German. |
1 sheet; 61 x 44 cm. (2 copies) |
Military Government-Germany. Supreme Commander's Area of Control. Law no. 77. Suspension of certain organisations and offices concerned with labor ... Appendix to Law no. 77 ... Leipzig: Otto Noack, [1945]. |
In English and German. |
1 sheet; 49 x 28 cm. (3 copies) |
Military Government-Germany. Supreme Commander's Area of Control. Law no. 161. Frontier control (amended) ... By order of Military Government. Leipzig: Otto Noack, [1945]. |
In English and German. |
1 sheet; 39 x 50 cm. |
Military Government-Germany. Supreme Commander's Area of Control. Ordinance no. 3. Official language. 1. The English language shall be the official language within the above area of control in all matters concerning the Military Government ... By order of Military Government. Leipzig: Otto Noack, [1945]. |
1 sheet; 60 x 43 cm. |
United States Zone of Control
Military Government-Germany. United States Zone. Procedure for filing claims against the United States Army. 1. Effective 1 May, 1946 ... Berlin-Zehlendorf: Druck Hermann Spieker and Co., 1946. |
"10.46.500". |
1 sheet; 30 x 42 cm. |
Military Government-Germany. United States Zone. Notice. Possession, sale, and barter of articles of United States origin ... This notice is effective 7 September, 1945. By order of Military Government. [Berlin: s.n.], 1945. |
"AGPD-964-9-45-10,5 M 32214. BD/FAA-1 (21 September 45) Nr. 363-5000". In English and German. |
1 sheet; 45 x 35 cm. |
United States Area of Control. Greater Berlin.
Military Government-Germany. United States Area of Control. Greater Berlin. Law no. 7. Removal from official seals of National Socialist emblems ... By order of Military Government. [Berlin: s.n.], 1945. |
"BD/FAA-1 (24. Sept 45) Nr. 365-500". In English and German. |
1 sheet; 43 x 41 cm. |
Amerikanische Militärregierung in Deutschland. US Sektor von Berlin. Anordnung der Amerikanischen Militärregierung. Rechtswidriger Besitz von amerikanischen Militär-Zahlungscertifikaten, britischen Wehrmacht-Sondergutscheinen und französischen Besetzungsfranken ... Diese Anordnung [t]ritt am 1. February 1947 in Kraft. Auf Befehl der Militärregierung US-Sektor von Berlin ... [American Military Government in Germany. US Sector of Berlin. Regulation of the American Military Government. Illegal possession of American military payment certificates, British Army special chits, and French occupied zone francs ... This regulation goes into effect on February 1, 1947. By order of Military Government]. Berlin-Neukölln: Druckerei Erwin Chmielorz, 1947. |
"2 47 200 3167". |
1 sheet; 43 x 30 cm. |
Military Government-Germany. United States Area of Control. Greater Berlin. Law no. 3. Definition of United Nations ... nations which are signatories of the United Nations Declaration dated January 1, 1942, and nations associated with them in this war ... By order of Military Government. [Berlin: s.n.], 1945. |
"BD/FAA-1 (26. Sept 45) Nr. 365-500". In English and German. |
1 sheet; 43 x 31 cm. |
Military Government-Germany. United States Area of Control. Greater Berlin. Notice to parents and guardians. Parents, guardians, or other persons having the custody or control of children under the age of eighteen years are charged with the duty of exercising reasonable efforts to prevent the commission of offenses by such children against the Military Government ... By order of Military Government. [Berlin?: s.n., 1945?]. |
In English and German. |
1 sheet; 31 x 43 cm. (2 copies) |
Allgemeine Vorschrift Nr. 1 (zur Ausführung des Gesetzt Nr. 52 der Militärregierung, Sperre und Beaufsichtigung von Vermögen)...[General command no. 1 (toward implementation of Law no. 42 of the Military Government, Blockade and control of property)] ... Im Auftrag der Militärregierung. [S.l.: s.n., 1946?]. |
2 p.; 30 x 21 cm. |
Military Government of Germany ... Information Control ... Personnel questionnaire ... Second copy. [Berlin?: s.n., 1945]. |
6 p. questionnaire. 32 x 20 cm. |
Notice. Registration of former members of the German Armed Forces and of persons formerly employed in civil aviation. 1. The following persons will register at any German police station between 7th and 21st August, 1946 ... By order of Military Governement. [Berlin?]: Printed by Printing and Distribution Unit, Control Commission for Germany, [1946]. |
"(B.E.)". In English and German. |
1 sheet; 29 x 44 cm. |
Institut für Wissenschaft und Kunst, Wien. I ... Programm für April. Wissenschaftliche Vorträge: ... Freitag, 5. April 1946 ...Arbeitsgemeinschaften: ... Ab Montag, 1. April ... Wien: W. Jacobi and Sohn, [1946]. |
1 sheet; 61 x 42 cm. |
BOX 2 |
Leipzig: Post-1945 official and public notices
Bekanntmachung. Die Allierte Militär-Regierung ordnet folgendes an: 1. Alle Lohnstopmaßnahmen und andere lohnordnenden Vorschriften gelten unverändert weiter ... 2. Alle Benachteiligungen ... sind aufgehoben. 3. Alle Lohnabzüge zugünsten der NSDAP ... haben zu unterbleiben. Lohnabzüge für Sozialversicherungen, Arbeitslosenversicherung, Unfallversicherung, usw. sowie Reichssteuern sind weiter vorzunehmen. Leipzig, am 11. Mai 1945. Der Bürgermeister von Leipzig gez. Dr. Vierling.[Notice. The Allied Military Government commands the following: 1. All wage freeze measures and other rules regulating wages are still valid until further notice ... 2. All discrimination ... is abolished. 3. All payroll deductions for the good of the Nazi Party ... shall be discontinued. Payroll deductions for social insurance, unemployment insurance, accident insurance, etc. as well as government taxes will still be taken out. Leipzig, May 11, 1945. The Mayor of Leipzig signed Dr. Vierling]. [Leipzig?: s.n., 1945]. |
1 sheet; 54 x 33 cm. (4 copies) |
Bekanntmachung. Im Interesse der Verkehrssicherheit wird darau hingewiesen, Daß der Fußgängerverkehr sich beschränkt auf die Benutzung der Gehsteige ... den Fahrzeugen der amerikanischen Militärregierung in jedem Falle das Vorfahrtsrecht einzuräumen ist, insbesondere auch gegenüber der Straßenbahn ... Leipzig, am 10. Mai 1945. Der Bürgermeister von Leipzig gez. Dr. Vierling. [Notice. In the interest of traffic safety it will be pointed out that pedestrian traffic should limit itself to the use of sidewalks ... Vehicles of the American military government shall have the right of way in every case, especially in regard to the streetcars ... Leipzig, May 10, 1945. Mayor of Leipzig signed Dr. Vierling]. [Leipzig: s.n., 1945]. |
1 sheet; 56 x 32 cm. (2 copies) |
Regulation of business
Bekanntmachung. Das Allierte Militär-Gouvernement ordnet an ... [Notice. The Allied Military Government authorizes retail stores and small shops and businesses ... a) That no deliveries of merchandise in motor vehicles to or from such establishments be permitted ... b) That the use of electric power be confined to lighting and electrical driven hand tools ... c) That liquor and wine shops be excluded from this permission, and remain closed until further notice ... Leipzig am 1. Mai 1945 [May 1, 1945]. Gez. Dr. Vierling, Bürgermeister. [Leipzig: s.n., 1945]. |
In German and English. |
1 sheet; 51 x 34 cm. |
Food supply
Lebensmittel-Bestandaufnahme. Auf Anordnug der Allierten Militär-Regierung wird folgendes bestimmt: 1. Jeder Lebensmittel-Großhändler, Lebensmittel-Einzelhändler, Bäcker und Fleischer hat nach dem Stichtag von Mittwoch, den 16. Mai, eine Bestands-erhebung seines Warenlagers durchzuführen ... 2. Der Vordruck ist gewissenshaft ausgefüllt, spätestens am Donnerstag, den 17. Mai ... an der Stelle wieder abzugeben, die den Vordruck ausgegeben hat. 3. Diese Bestandserhebung ist bis auf weiteres regelmäßig an Dienstag jeder Woche durchzuführen ... Leipzig, am 15. Mai 1945. Gez. Dr. Vierling, Bürgermeister. [Situation of foodstuffs. By command of the Allied Military Government the following has been decided: 1. Every large operation grocery dealer, small dealers, bakers, and butchers will by the deadline of Wednesday May 16th inventory his stock ... 2. The blank form is to be filled out precisely, on Thursday the 17th of May at the latest ... to be given up on the spot by those who were given the blank forms. 3. This inventory shall be carried out regularly on Tuesdays of every week until further notice ... Leipzig, May 15, 1945. Signed Dr. Vierling, Mayor]. [Leipzig: s.n., 1945]. |
1 sheet; 56 x 33 cm. (2 copies) |
Bekanntmachung. I. Lebensmittelversorgung. 1. Grundstückslisten für die Lebensmittelkarten 77 ... 2. Schweineschmalz- und Talgausgabe ... 3. Abgabe von Gefrierei ... 4. Zuteilung von Kartoffelflocken und Speisekartoffeln ... 5. Marmelade ... 6. Verfall von Bezugsscheinen und Lebensmittelkarten ... 7. Lebensmittel-Bestandserhebung ... II. Geltungsbereich der Lebensmittelkarten ... III. Ausgabe von Raucherkarten und Bezugsausweisen für Rasierseife ... Leipzig, am 31. Mai 1945. Der Bürgermeister der Stadverwaltung Leipzig (gez.) Dr. Vierling. [Notice. I. Supply of foodstuffs. 1. Lists of plots of land for food ration cards ... 2. Drippings and lard distribution ... 3. Surrender of freezers ... 4. Rationing of potato flakes and potatoes ... 5. Marmelade ... 6. Expiration of ration coupons and food supply ration cards ... 7. Food inventories ... II. Ambit for food ration cards ... III. Distribution of tobacco cards and in reference to shaving soap ... Leipzig, May 31, 1945. The Mayor of the City Administration of Leipzig signed Dr. Vierling]. [Leipzig: s.n., 1945]. |
1 sheet; 60 x 42 cm. (3 copies) |
Speisekartoffelversorgung im Stadtkreis und im Landkreis Leipzig. Versorgungsberechtigte erhalten auf den Abschnitt 76/I und 76 I/II für Kleinskinder je 2 Kg. Speisekartoffeln ... 9. Juni 1945. Der Bürgermeister der Stadtverwaltung und der Landrat zu Leipzig. [Potato supply for the City and Regional Areas for Leipzig. Those qualified for supplies from section 76/I and 76 I/II for small children shall each receive 2 kilograms of potatoes ... June 9, 1945. The Mayor of the City Administration and the Regional Parliament for Leipzig]. [Leipzig: s.n., 1945]. |
1 sheet; 60 x 42 cm. (3 copies) |
Bekanntmachung. Lebensmittelversorgung Kartoffel-Versorgung ... Kartoffel-Ausgabe ... Gemüsescheine für Betriebsküchen und Gaststätten ... Werdende und stillende Mütter ... Leipzig, am 9. Juli 1945. Der Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Leipzig. Dr. Vierling, Bürgermeister. [Notice. Food supply. Supply of potatoes ... Potato distribution ... Vegetable certificates for company kitchens and restaurants ... pregnant and nursing mothers ... Leipzig, July 9, 1945. Head Mayor of the City of Leipzig, Dr. Vierling, Mayor]. Leipzig: Druck Bär and Hermann, [1945]. |
1 sheet; 60 x 42 cm. |
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