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Serials and miscellaneous publications of the underground movements in Europe during World War II, 1936-1945

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BOX 33 and box 94 Italy: Miscellaneous Publications, 1942-1944
Italian miscellaneous materials on the topic of underground movements in Europe During World War II. Includes leaflets, letters, memos, etc.
Arranged alphabetically by publications of standard size and then by oversize.
BOX 33 Al popolo Francese. Comitato Italiano per la pace e libertà. A flyer addressed to the French people urging them to blame the 1940 invasion of their country by Italian forces upon Mussolini, and not upon the Italian people who are also under Fascist occupation
Nov. 1942.
Folder 8: Avviso. Comitato di liberazione nazionale della Lombardia. The Liberation Committee of Lombardy requires the attention of all its members to be alert to the attempts of the Fascists/Nazis to prevent popular uprisings through demagoguery and compromise. (Undated)
Folder 9: Comitati di liberazione nazionale e giunte popolari. Il Partito Comunista Italiano. Pamphlet in question/answer format about the Communist Party. (Undated).32 pages.
Folder 10: Contro i delitti del fascismo nei paesi occupati. Comitato Italiano per la pace e la libertà. A warning to the Italian people telling them that Hitler facing great losses in the war will, in frustration, increase his aggressions against them.
Sept. 1942.
Folder 11: Una corsa attraverso le Langhe liberate. Il Partito Comunista Italiano. An Italian Communist Party pamphlet detailing a tour through the liberated region of Langhe. (Undated) 16 pages.
Folder 12: I vostri alleati vi tradiscono! A pro-Axis flyer claiming that their French counterparts are betraying Italian partisans.
Sept. 21, 1944.
Folder 13: Insegnanti. La Federazione Milanese del Partito Comunista Italiano i Gruppi di Difesa della Donna il Fronte della Gioventù. A flyer addressed to teachers reminding them of how the Fascist regime has always taken advantage of them. (Undated) (2 copies)
Folder 14: Lavoratrici, Giovani Lavoratori Milanesi ... La Federazione Milanese del Partito Comunista Italiano i Gruppi di Difesa della Donna il Fronte della Gioventù. Urges young workers in Milan to resist the Nazi-Fascist regime. (Undated) (2 copies)
Folder 15: Lavoratrici Milanesi ... La Federazione Milanese del Partito Comunista Italiano i Gruppi di Difosa della Donna il Fronte della Gioventù. A flyer addressed to workers in Milan telling them that Mussolini is the cause of the terrible situation in which the country finds itself. (Undated) (2 copies)
Folder 16: Lettera aperta del P.C.I. di Partiti e alle organizzazioni di ... C.L.N.A.I.. Il Partito Comunista Italiano. An open letter from the Italian Communist Party addressed to the parties and organizations belonging to the C.L.N.A.I.
Nov. 26, 1944. 6 pages.
Folder 17: Nell'ossola e in Valsesia coi Garibaldini di Moscatelli. A pamphlet giving an account of the Garibaldi Brigade fighting Fascism in the Ossola and Valsesia regions.
Oct. 1, 1944. 30 pages. Photostat.
Folder 18: Partigiani! A voi la ccelta! A flyer urging Italians not to serve Germany as soldiers or laborers. (Undated) Photostat.
Folder 19: Partigiani! Conoscete il destino toccato ai vostri compagni della Valle Di Ala? A flyer asking partisans if they know what happened to their fellow partisans in the Valley of Ala. (Undated)
Folder 20: Questo e il fac-simile dell'ordine emanato dalle forze Francesi dell'interno per i patrioti Italiani! Forces Françaises de l’Intérieur. A facsimile of an order from the French Resistance to its Italian compatriots in the Valley of Viu.
Sept. 21, 1944. Photostat.
Folder 21: Voi aiutate ... A pro-Axis flyer accusing Italian partisans of supporting French bandits. (Undated)
BOX 94 Folder 1: Gli assassini Tedeschi sono i colpevoli. A poster with illustration of mourning women accusing the Germans of murder. (Undated)
Folder 2: Gl'Italiano aiutano i liberatori. An illustrated poster claiming that the Italian people are assisting their liberators by transporting their needed supplies. (Undated)
Folder 3: Hanno promesso. [1] An illustrated poster proclaiming that the promises of Roosevelt and Churchill are being kept. (Undated)
Folder 4: Hanno promesso. [2] An illustrated poster proclaiming that the Allied promises of aerial bombing of Germany are being kept, while the promises of Hitler and Goering are not. (Undated)
Folder 5: Libertà di religione. An illustrated poster claiming freedom of religion has been protected by the Allies. (Undated)
Folder 6: Nel nome di Dio e della libertà. A poster of Gen. Mark Clark offering a donation of 25,000 lire for the restoration of a church destroyed in battle. (Undated)
Folder 7: Parole ...Vuote! A poster depicts river crossings by the Allies. (Undated)
Folder 8: Pilote Italiani ansiosi di combattere i Tedeschi. Poster depicts Italian pilots who are eager to fly and fight with the Allied air forces. (Undated)
Folder 9: Il Proletario il Partito Comunista Italiano. An Italian Communist Party broadside relates the success of the Allies in Tunisia. (Undated)
Folder 10: Soldati alleati ascoltano la Santa Messa in Italia. Poster depicts Allied soldiers attending religious services in Italy. (Undated)
Folder 11: Verso la vittoria. Poster shows images of war’s destruction in Raviscanina and Cassino. (Undated)
BOX 34 Latvia: Serial Publications, 1944
Latvian serials on the topic of the underground movements in Europe During World War II.
Arranged alphabetically by serial title and sub-arranged by date of publication.
BOX 34 Folder 1: Jaunā Latvija
Nr. 1, Mar. 10, 1944
Folder 2: Lāčplēsis
Feb. 1944
Folder 3: Unidentified items.
Latvijas nākotne - Latvian future. Photocopy.
Tautas vienotība - National unity. Photostat.
BOX 35 and 36 Lithuania: Serial Publications, 1941-1944
Lithuanian serials on the topic of the underground movements in Europe During World War II.
Arranged by publications of standard size and then by oversize.
BOX 35 Folder 1 through 2: Apžvalga
Nr. 19 (Undated)
Nr. 30 (2 copies; Undated)
Nr. 31, May 23, 1943
Nrs. 34, 35, July 9, Sept. 22, 1943
Nrs. 37, 38, Sept. 29?, Nov. 9, 1943 (2 copies for Sept. 29)
Nr. 40, Feb. 1, 1944 (2 copies)
Nrs. 140, 141 (Undated)
Folder 3: Atžalynas
Nrs. 1-4, Feb.-Oct., 1943 (2 copies for Feb. and May)
Folder 4: Baltija
Nrs. 1-3, Jan., Feb., Mar., 1944
Folder 5: Europos jėgų lygsvaros politikos temomis
Nr. 135 (Undated)
Folder 6: Frontas
Nr. 10, Nov. 1943
Folder 7: Galimybių temomis
Nr. 123 (Undated)
Folder 8 through 9:Į Laisvę
Single issue for 1941.
Nr. 4, Mar. 15, 1943
Nrs. 7-9, Apr. 20-May 25, 1943
Nrs. 11-23, July 12-Dec. 18, 1943 (2 copies for Apr. 20, May 25, June 12, 26, Aug. 14, Oct. 30. Nov. 23, Dec. 18, 1943)
Nrs. 1, 2, 4, 7/8, Jan. 15, Feb. 10, Mar. 5, Apr. 29, 1944
Folder 10: Kaip Buvo Kolonizuojami Rytprūsiai
Nr. 18 (Undated)
Folder 11: Karinde ir politinė apžvalga
Nr. 139 (Undated)
Folder 12: Kovojąs lietuvis
Nr. 1 (Undated)
Nrs. 2, 3, Apr. 24, May 12, 1943
Folder 13: Laisvas žodis
Nr. 1, Mar.?, 1944 (3 copies)
Folder 14: Laisvės kovotojas
Nr. 50?, Nov.? 1942 (2 copies)
Nrs. 4-7, Feb. 15-Apr. 1, 1943 (3 copies each)
Nrs. 9-25, May 5, 1943-Apr. 9, 1944 (2 copies for May 5, 30, June 15, July 5, 25
Aug. 15, Oct. 1, Nov. 20, Dec. 5, 1943, Jan. only issue, Jan. 25, Feb. 16, Mar. 6, 20, 30, 1944)
Folder 15: Lietuva
Nr. 7 (2,711), July 30, 1943 (2 copies)
Nr. 8 (2,712), July 31, 1943
Folder 16: Lietuviai!
Nr. 28 (Undated)
Folder 17: Lietuviai, tautiečiai,....
Nr. 23 (Undated)
Folder 18: Lietuvos kelias
Nr. [1], Jan. 1944
Nr. 2, Mar. 1944 (2 copies)
Folder 19: Lietuvos laisvės trimitas*
Nrs. 1-3, Aug.-Dec. 1943 (2 copies for Aug. and Oct.) *Forwarding memo enclosed.
BOX 36 Folder 1: Moterų talka
Nr. 1, Mar. 12, 1944 (2 copies)
Folder 2 through 7: Nepriklausoma Lietuva
Nr. 11/12, Dec. 30, 1942 (2 copies)
Nrs. 1-5, Jan. 15-Mar. 15, 1943 (2 copies for Jan. 15, Feb. 15, Mar. 1, 15)
Nrs. 6-10, Apr. 15-June 15, 1943 (2 copies for Feb. 1, May 1, 15, June 1, 15)
Nrs. 11/12-14, July 15-Aug. 15, 1943 (2 copies for July 15-Aug. 15)
Nrs. 15/16-23/24, Sept. 15-Dec. 20, 1943 (2 copies for Oct. 15, Dec. 5, 20)
Nrs. 1-7, Jan. 1-Apr. 16, 1944 (2 copies for Jan. 1, Feb. 16, Mar. 1, 16, 30)
Folder 7 through 8: Nepriklausoma Lietuva Ekstra Leidinys
Mar. 23, 1943 (2 copies)
June 22, 1943 (2 copies)
Folder 9: Šauklys
Nov. 15, 1943
Folder 10: Verpetas sukasi
Nr. 27 (Undated)
Folder 11: Vieninga kova
Nr. 1, Feb. 28, 1943 (2 copies)
Nr. 5, May 15, 1943 (2 copies)
Nr. 7, Nov. 2, 1943 (2 copies)
Nr. 3 (11), Feb. 7, 1944 (2 copies)
Nr. 4 (12), Feb. 27, 1944 (2 copies)
Folder 12: Vokiečių planai Lietuvos atžvilgiu
Nr. 19 (Undated)
BOX 36 Lithuania: Miscellaneous Materials, 1944-1964
Lithuanian miscellaneous materials on the topic of underground movements in Europe During World War II. Includes leaflets, letters, memos, etc.
Arranged by publications of standard size and then by oversize.
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