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Serials and miscellaneous publications of the underground movements in Europe during World War II, 1936-1945

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Belgium: Miscellaneous Materials, 1944
Belgian miscellaneous materials on the topic of underground movements in Europe During World War II. Includes leaflets, letters, memos, etc.
Arranged by miscellany of standard size and then by oversize.
BOX 1 De Geallieerden zijn daar!: Appeal to Belgian transportation workers to engage in sabotage activities against the retreating German army. In Dutch with attached French and English translations (Undated)
BOX 2 Bulgaria: Serial Publications, 1944
Bulgarian serial publications on the topic of the underground movements in Europe During World War II.
Arranged alphabetically by publications, miscellany and by size.
BOX 2 Folder 1: Naroden Glas (Народен глас): This item is a single pamphlet, 2 copies, entitled “Naroden Glas” („Народен глас“) which contains reprints of issues listed below. Also included are supplements entitled “Informatsionen Biuletin Priturka” („Информационен Бюлетин Притурка“) listed below:
Nrs. 1-6?, June-Aug. 12?, 1944.
Nrs. 1-3, June 7-July 5, 1944
BOX 3 through 9 and box 63 Denmark: Serial Publications, 1943-1945
Danish serial publications on the topic Underground Movements in Europe During World War II.
Arranged by serial title and then by date.
BOX 3 Folder 1: Bautastenen
Nr. 18, Dec. 12, 1944
Nr. 21, Jan. 3, 1945
Nr. 28, Feb. 9, 1945 (2 copies; 1 mutilated)
Nr. 34, Mar. 4, 1945
Nr. 35, Mar. (Undated; reprint of Punch, Nr. 9, Mar. 1, 1876 on first page)
Nr. 37, Apr. 21, 1945
Nr. 38, Apr. 30, 1945
Folder 2: Budstikken
July 21, 1944
Folder 3: Budstikken Frit Jysk Tidende
Aarg., Nr. 4 July 1944
Folder 4: Budstikken Gaar
Nr. 1 July 1944
November 1944
Folder 5: Budstikken og Frit Danmarks Nyhedstjeneste
Aarg., Nr. 40 Dec. 1, 1944
Folder 6: Budstikkens Efterretningstjeneste
Aarg., Nrs. 1, 2 June 20, 27, July 21 (No issue number), 1944
Folder 7: Dagens Ekko
Aarg., Nrs. 128-136, Sept. 11, 1944
Nrs. 138-141, Sept. 22-26, 1944
Nrs. 144, 145, Sept. 29, 30, 1944
Nrs. 146-166, Oct. 1(?)-Nov. 1, 1944 (2 copies for Oct. 13, 14, 17, 18, 20, 25-28, Nov. 1, 3(?), 6, 13)
Nrs. 168(?)-176, Nov. 3(?)-13, 1944 (Nov. 3 mutilated)
Folder 8: Daggry
Nr. 20(?) Feb. 1945
Folder 9: Daggrys Nyhedstjeneste
Mar. 26, 1945
Folder 10: Dansk Maanedspost
Aarg., Nr. 1, Jan. 1944
Aarg., Nr. 1, Jan. 25, 1945 (3 copies)
Aarg., Nr. 2, Mar. 1945 (2 copies)
Folder 11: Dansk Nyhedsblad
Nr. 9, Jan. 30, 1945
Nr. 23, Mar. 20, 1945
Nr. 24, Mar. 21, 1945
Nrs. 26-28, Mar. 27-Apr. 6, 1945
Nr. 31, Apr. 13, 1945
Nr. 32, Apr. 16, 1945
Nr. 35, Apr. 23, 1945
Folder 12: Dansk Presse. See also oversize box 62, Folder 1 for other issues.
Aarg., Nr. 8, Nov. 8, 1943
Mar./Apr.-June, 1944
July/Aug. 1944
Sept. 1944 (3 copies)
Aarg., Oct. 1944 (3 copies)
Nov., 1944
Aarg., Nr. 4, Jan. 12, 1945
Nrs. 6-8, Feb. 28-Apr. 23, 1945
Folder 13: Dansk Presse Tidens Tegn. See also oversize box 62, Folder 2 for other issues.
Aarg., Nr. 5, Feb. 7, 1945
Aarg., Nr. 6, Feb. 28, 1945
Folder 14: Danske Nyheder fra en Special Korrespondent
Oct. 29, 31, 1944
Nov. 2, 1944 (3 separate issues for this date, one issue has pencilled in date)
Folder 15: Den Danske Parole
Aarg., Nr. 12, Sept. 1944
Aarg., Nr. 1, Dec. 1944
Folder 16: De Danske Studenter
Saernummer, Dec. 1943
Folder 17: Danske Tidende
Aarg., Nrs. 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, July-Dec. 1944 (2 copies for Nr. 10)
Folder 18: Danske Tjenestemaend
Nr. 6, Apr. 1944
May 1944 (No issue number)
Aarg., Nr. 1, Jan. 1945 (2 copies)
Aarg., Nr. 2, Feb. 1945 (2 copies)
Folder 19: Danskeren
Aarg., Nrs. 7-9, Aug. 7-Sept. 23, 1944
Nrs. 11-14, Nov. 13-Jan. 22, 1945
Aarg., Nrs. 1-3, Feb. 26-Apr. 9, 1945 (2 copies for Dec. 11, 1944; Jan. 22; Feb. 26; Apr. 9, 1945)
Aarg., Nr. 13 has "Julen 1944" instead of date.
Folder 20: Derudefra
Jan. 29, Feb. 5, 12, 1945
Folder 21: Døgnets Nyt
Nrs. 194, 199, 200, Apr. 18, 24, 25, 1945
Folder 22: Dybbol Posten
Dec. 13, 1944
Jan. 26, 1945 (2 copies)
Mar. 3, 1945
Aarg., Nr. 9, April 1945
Folder 23: Folk og Frihed
Nr. 13, June 8, 1944
Nr. 16, July 22, 1944
Nr. 16 (?), Aug. 18, 1944
Nr. 18, Sept. 5, 1944
Nr. 19, Sept. 20, 1944
Nr. 22, Nov. 22, 1944 (2 copies)
Nrs. 25-27, Mar. 25-May 27, 1945
BOX 4 Folder 1: Folke Viljen
Nrs. 15-19, Dec. 1944-Apr. 1945 (2 copies for Jan. 1945)
Folder 2: Folke Viljens Nyhedstjeneste
Jan. 25, 1945
Folder 3: Fri Presse
Aarg., Nr. 7, Nov. 1943
Nr. 8, Dec. 1943 (2 copies)
Aarg., Nrs. 10-12, Feb. 14 - Mar. 20, 1944 (2 copies for Feb. 14)
Aarg., Nrs.1-6, Apr. 13-Aug. 6, 1944 (2 copies for Apr. 13; June 25; and Aug. 6)
Aarg., Nrs. 8-10, Sept. 6-Oct. 4, 1944 (3 copies for Sept. 6)
Nrs. 12-16, Oct. 24-Dec. 18, 1944 (2 copies for Nov. 24; Dec. 6; 18) (Oct. 17-19 mutilated)
Aarg., Nrs. 1-4, Jan. 6- Feb. 25, 1945 (2 copies for Jan. 6, 25; 3 copies for Feb. 8)
3 Aarg., Nrs. 5-8, Mar. 9-May 2, 1945 (3 copies for Mar. 9; 4 copies for Mar. 1945/Nr. 6; 2 copies for Apr. 11; 2 copies for May 2)
Folder 8: Fri Presse Kronik-Tillæg
Nrs. 1-3, Jan.-Feb. 1945 (2 copies each for all Jan. and Feb. issues)
Nr. 6, Apr. 1945
Folder 9: Fri Ungdom
Apr. 1945
Folder 10: De Frie Danske
Nr. 2, Dec. 1943 (3 copies)
Nr. 6, Apr. 1943
Nr. 7, May 1943 (2 copies)
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