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Serials and miscellaneous publications of the underground movements in Europe during World War II, 1936-1945

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BOX 44 Netherlands: Miscellaneous Publications, 1940-1945
Dutch miscellaneous materials on the topic of underground movements in Europe During World War II. Includes leaflets, letters, memos, etc.
Arranged alphabetically by title.
BOX 44 Folder 1: Arbeidersbrieven voor Socialistische Eenheid. A leaflet claiming that the political systems of Germany, England, and the Soviet Union are not socialist and that the working classes of those counties must fight against the status quo. (Undated)
Folder 2: Bijvoegsel van - voor God ... Publication claims that 1943 was a hard year but the Dutch people have endured nobly. (Undated)
Folder 3: 31 Januari 1941. An anti-Nazi poem praising the House of Orange, and celebrating the third birthday of Princess Beatrix, who resides safely in Canada. (Undated)
Folder 4: Extra Bulletin. A short flyer describing a speech that President Roosevelt gave to the Canadian Parliament in which he claimed that the Allies have a plan to defeat Germany.
Aug. 26, 1943.
Folder 5: Extra Oranje-Bulletin. A leaflet urging Dutch citizens not to give German soldiers any winter clothing. (Undated)
Folder 6: Een Frije Aanklacht. A leaflet claiming that Dutch prisoners-of-war held by the Germans are being mistreated. (Undated)
Folder 7: De Fronten van 1939/1945. A map showing how much the Germans have retreated from their conquered territory by early 1945. (Undated)
Folder 8: Getuigenissen voor het Rijk* A pro-Nazi pamphlet presenting interviews with three Flemish youths who explain why they are serving in a Flemish SS unit. (Undated) 39 pages.
*Transferred from the custody of the European Reading Room to RBSCD in July 2001
Folder 9: Holland Hails You. by Jan Heyn, Jr. A pamphlet aimed at liberating soldiers providing “facts and figures about the people, things and country for the use of the Allied soldiers serving over here at the time”. 1945. 64 pages. In English. (3 copies)
Folder 10: Manifest van het Derde Front. Het Derde Front. A leaflet expressing the Socialist point of view of the German invasion of Russia in 1941.
June 23, 1941
Folder 11: “Mein Kampf”* By R.C.K. Ensor. A pamphlet criticizing Hitler’s famous book. (Published in London, England by the Netherland Co., Ltd.) (Undated) 32 pages.
*Transferred from the custody of the European Reading Room to RBSCD in July 2001.
Folder 12: Men Wordt Nogmaals Gewaarschuwd Deze Berichten ... An anti-Fascist leaflet describing Allied success in Italy and Russia.
Sept. 1943.
Folder 13: Nederland In den Oorlog Zooals het Werkelijk. Was Utrecht An anti-Nazi pamphlet describing the terrible conditions endured by the Dutch people during the war.
[1945?] 96 pages.
Folder 14: Ochtend-Editie. A leaflet containing news items of a BBC broadcast of Canadian advances in the Netherlands, and items about the fighting in Italy, the Eastern Front and elsewhere.
Apr. 18, 1945
Folder 15: Om Neerland’s Toekomst. An anti-Nazi pamphlet declaring that the Allies will win the war, but the Dutch people must begin to consider the country’s future after the war.
Summer 1943. 41 pages.
Folder 16: Orel Gevallen Catania Gevallen. A leaflet reporting Allied advances in Russia and Sicily, and aerial bombing of Germany.
Aug. 5, 1943
Folder 17: Schets van het Westefront Lente 1945. A map of the western front.
Spring 1945
Folder 18: Socialistische Brieven. A leaflet declaring that Hitler’s Reich is punishing the working class of Europe, including German workers. (Undated)
Folder 19: Stadgenoten ... A leaflet informing Dutch citizens still living in German-occupied Holland in the Fall of 1944 how they should behave. (Undated)
Folder 20: Vrije Boek in Onvrije Tijd. Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam. An anti-Nazi pamphlet which lists a catalog of an exhibit in Amsterdam about the literary efforts published underground during the German occupation
June/July 1945.
Folder 21: Wilhelmus Van Nassouwe. A flyer offering an anti-Nazi folk song.
Feb. 7, 1944
Folder 22: Zoo Spoedig Mogalijk Na de Bevrijding Zal Vershijnen: “Vijf Jaren Ondergrondsche Strijd” A leaflet advertising the forthcoming publication of a book that will give an account of the work of the Dutch underground during the German occupation. (Undated)
Folder 23: De Zwijger. Venray An anti-Nazi pamphlet written by an author in the liberated part of the Netherlands and hoping for the swift rescue of the rest of his country. Includes a portrait of Queen Wilhelmina on page 1.
Apr. 1945, 4 pages.
Folder 24: Miscellany, unidentified, fragments. Typescript and Photostats. (87 items)
Folder 25: Miscellany, unidentified, fragments. Mimeograph typescripts, single sheets. (12 items)
BOX 44 The Netherlands Territories; East Indies Serial Publications, 1939-1945
The Netherlands Territories; East Indies serials and miscellaneous materials on the topic of the underground movements in Europe During World War II.
Arranged by publications of standard size and then by oversize.
Folder 26: De Opdracht: Dutch East Indies serial publication.
Nr. 2, Sept. 1944
Nr. 7, Jan. 1945
Nr. 10, (Undated)
BOX 45 through box 53 Norway: Serial Publications, 1942-1945
Norwegian serials on the topic of the underground movements in Europe During World War II.
Arranged by publications of standard size and then by oversize.
BOX 45 Folder 1: Alt For Norge Den Nasjonale Front
Årg., Nrs. 2, 8-10, 19-22, Feb., Apr., May, Nov., Dec. 1944
[4. Årg.], Nr. 3, Jan. 1945 (2 copies)
Folder 2: Änd og Handling
Nrs. 8-11, Oct., Nov. 1944 (2 copies for Nrs. 10 and 11)
Folder 3 and 4: Avantgarden
4. Årg., Nr. 13, Dec. 1, 1944 (2 copies)
5. Årg., Nr. 1 (Undated), 1945 (2 copies)
Mar. 11, Apr. 8, 29, May, June 10, July 2, Aug. 1943
Folder 5: Bonden
July, Aug. 1943
Folder 6: Budstikken
June 4, July 17, 1943
Folder 7 through 9: Bulletinen
Oct. 24, Nov. 17, 28, Dec. 12, 1944
Julen 1944 (2 copies)
Jan. 11, 30, Feb. 16, 28, 1945 (3 copies for Jan. 30; 2 copies for Jan. 11, Feb. 16)
Mar. 13, 27, Apr. 1, 1945 (2 copies for each issue)
Folder 10: Fast Front
Aug. 17, Nov. 8, 22, 29, Dec. 8, 15, 1944 (2 copies for Nov. 22, 29, Dec. 15)
Apr. 30, 1945
Folder 11: 5 Pa 12/Femte på Tolvte
1. Årg., Nrs. 2, 4, 5, 9, Dec. 9, 14, 18, 30, 1943
2. Årg., Nrs. 3, 11-13
Folder 12: For Konge Og Fedreland
Jan. 28, 31, Feb. 18, 21, 23, 25, 28, May 8, 1944
Folder 13: For Norske Kvinner
Nr. 10 (Undated/1 copy mutilated) (2 copies)
Folder 14 through 19: Fri Fagbevegelse
2. Årg., Nr. 8, Feb. 21, 1942
3. Årg., Nrs. 16, 18, 22, 27-30, May 1, 5?, 12, Aug. 7-28, 1943 (2 copies for Aug. 14)
2. Årg., Nr. 8, Feb. 21, 1942
3. Årg., Nrs. 31-35, Sept. 4-Oct. 2, 1943 Nrs. 37, 39, Oct. 23, 30, 1943 (2 copies for Oct. 30)
3. Årg., Nrs. 40-43, 45, Nov. 5-27, Dec. 11, 1943
4. Årg., Nrs. 2*, 4-6, Jan. 15, 29, Feb. 5, 12, 1944 *Includes Supplement for Nr. 2, 1944
4. Årg., Nrs. ?, Aug. 5, Sept. 7, 9, 15, 23, 30, Oct. 14, 28, Nov. 4, 11, 14, 18, 24, Dec. 2, 9, 15, 1944 (2 copies for Oct. 28, Nov. 11, 24, Dec. 15)
5. Årg., Nrs. 2-9, Jan. 12-Mar. 2, 1945 (3 copies for Feb. 2, 9; 2 copies for Jan. 12, 19, 26)
5. Årg., Nrs. 12-16, Mar. 23-Apr. 20, 1945 (3 copies for Mar. 23, Apr. 6; 2 copies for Apr. 13)
Folder 20: Fri Fagbevegelse (Særutgave)
Nr. 11, 1944 (Undated)
BOX 46 Folder 1: Fridom
1. Årg., Nr. 1 (Undated)
Folder 2 through 7: Det Frie Norge. NB: Many of the issues of Det Frie Norge have special illustrated covers with innocuous special titles that have nothing to do with the content of the issue.
2 Årg., Nr. 2 (4), Feb. 1942
3 Årg., Nrs. 1 (15)-4 (18), Jan.-Apr. 1943 (2 copies for Jan., Feb., Apr.) Special cover for Feb. 1943: Gode råd for lagring av poteter [Good advice for storing potatoes] Special cover for Mar. 1943: Hvorfor og hvordan man må forsikre [How and why one must be insured] Special cover for Apr. 1943: 200 Oppskriften på fiskeretter [200 recipes for fish dishes]
3. Årg., Nrs. 5 (19)-7 (22), May-Aug./Sept. 1943 (2 copies for May-Aug./Sept.) Special cover for May 1943: Hva arbeidsinnsatsen gjelder [How work contributions are valuable] Special cover for Jun. 1943: Hvorfor vi bør livsforsikre [Why we need life insurance] Special cover for July 1943: Til fots og med sykkel [On foot or by bicycle] Special cover for Aug./Sept.: Studie-forsikring trygg din framtid [Study-insurance, secure your future]
3. Årg., Nrs. 9 (23)-11 (25), Oct.-Dec. 1943 (2 copies for Oct., Nov.) Special cover for Oct. 1943: Spar! Nytten av å spare [Save! Benefits of saving] Special cover for Nov. 1943: Tegn en livrente, trygg din alderdom [Planning in annuity security in your old age]
4. Årg., Nrs. 1 (26), 2(27), Jan., Feb. 1944 (2 copies for Jan.; 5 copies for Feb.)
4. Årg., Nrs. 3 (28)-9(34), Mar.-Nov./Dec. 1944 (2 copies for Apr.) Special cover for Jan. 1944: Hva nu? [What’s new?] Special cover for Feb. 1944: Ski og skøter er en lyst å bruke [Skis and skates are a pleasure to use]
5. Årg., Nrs. 1 (35)-6 (40), Jan.-June 1945
Folder 8 through 11: Frihet Og Fred
Nrs. 3-5, 1944 (Undated)
Nrs. 7, 10-16, 1944 (Undated) (2 copies for Nr. 10, 12, 13, 16)
2. Årg., Nrs. 4 (21)-9 (26), 1945 (Undated)
2. Årg., Nrs. 10 (27)-14 (31), 1945 (Undated) (2 copies for Nr. 12)
Nrs. 19, 20, 1945
BOX 47 Folder 1 through 3: Friheten
Nr. 1, 1943 (2 copies; Undated)
Nrs. 6, 8-15, 1943 (2 separate issues for Nr. 14)
Nrs. 17, 19-32, 34, 35, 37-40, 1943 (2 copies for Nr. 34)
Nrs. 1, 2, 10, 15, 16, 1944
Nrs. 2-7, 1945 (2 copies for Nr. 5, 6, 7)
Folder 4 through 12: Fritt Land
1. Årg., Nrs. 54, 55, 60-65, 67, 68, Aug. 2, 4, 17-28, 1944 (2 copies for Sept. 1, 4)
1. Årg., Nrs. 71-79, Sept. 11-29, 1944 (3 copies for Sept. 11, 25; 4 copies for Sept. 13; 2 copies Sept. 15, Sept. 22)
1. Årg., Nrs. 80-92, Oct. 2-30, 1944 (2 copies for Oct. 4, 9, 18, 25, 27, 30)
1. Årg., Nrs. 93-105, Nov. 1-29, 1944 (2 copies for Nov. 1-22, 27)
1. Årg., Nrs. 108-115, Dec. 1, 4, 6-22, 1944 (2 copies for Dec. 6, 8, 13, 15, 22)
2. Årg., Nrs. 1-13, Jan. 3-31, 1945 (2 copies for Jan. 8, 10, 12, 15, 31; 3 copies for Jan. 5, 17; 4 copies for Jan. 19; 5 copies for Jan. 22; 6 copies for Jan. 24) (1 copy of Jan. 5 mutilated)
2. Årg., Nrs. 14-25, Feb. 2-28, 1945 (5 copies for Feb. 2; 4 copies for Feb. 5; 3 copies for Feb. 7, 9; 2 copies for Feb. 9, 12, 14)
2. Årg., Nrs. 26--29, 31-35*, Mar. 2-9, 14-23, 1945 (2 copies for Mar. 21, 23; 3 copies for Mar. 14) *Includes "Spesialnummer" for Mar. 20.
2. Årg., Nrs. 36-48, Apr. 4-May 1, 1945 (2 copies for Apr. 11; 3 copies for Apr. 6, 11, 16, 18, 20; 4 copies for Apr. 9)
Folder 13: Fritt Norge 2. Årg., Nr. 22, Oct. 26, 1943 Nrs. 25, 26, Nov. 19, 26, 1943
Feb. 25, 1944
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