| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Netherlands: Miscellaneous Publications, 1940-1945
(continued) |
Folder 21: Wilhelmus Van Nassouwe. A flyer offering an anti-Nazi folk song. |
Feb. 7, 1944 |
Folder 22: Zoo Spoedig Mogalijk Na de Bevrijding Zal Vershijnen: “Vijf Jaren Ondergrondsche Strijd” A leaflet advertising the forthcoming publication of a book that will give an account of the work of the Dutch underground during the German occupation. (Undated) |
Folder 23: De Zwijger. Venray An anti-Nazi pamphlet written by an author in the liberated part of the Netherlands and hoping for the swift rescue of the rest of his country. Includes a portrait of Queen Wilhelmina on page 1. |
Apr. 1945, 4 pages. |
Folder 24: Miscellany, unidentified, fragments. Typescript and Photostats. (87 items) |
Folder 25: Miscellany, unidentified, fragments. Mimeograph typescripts, single sheets. (12 items) |
BOX 44 |
The Netherlands Territories; East Indies Serial Publications, 1939-1945
The Netherlands Territories; East Indies serials and miscellaneous materials on the topic of the underground movements in Europe During World War II. |
Arranged by publications of standard size and then by oversize. |
Folder 26: De Opdracht: Dutch East Indies serial publication. |
Nr. 2, Sept. 1944 |
Nr. 7, Jan. 1945 |
Nr. 10, (Undated) |
BOX 45 through box 53 |
Norway: Serial Publications, 1942-1945
Norwegian serials on the topic of the underground movements in Europe During World War II. |
Arranged by publications of standard size and then by oversize. |
BOX 45 |
Folder 1: Alt For Norge Den Nasjonale Front |
Årg., Nrs. 2, 8-10, 19-22, Feb., Apr., May, Nov., Dec. 1944 |
[4. Årg.], Nr. 3, Jan. 1945 (2 copies) |
Folder 2: Änd og Handling |
Nrs. 8-11, Oct., Nov. 1944 (2 copies for Nrs. 10 and 11) |
Folder 3 and 4: Avantgarden |
4. Årg., Nr. 13, Dec. 1, 1944 (2 copies) |
5. Årg., Nr. 1 (Undated), 1945 (2 copies) |
Mar. 11, Apr. 8, 29, May, June 10, July 2, Aug. 1943 |
Folder 5: Bonden |
July, Aug. 1943 |
Folder 6: Budstikken |
June 4, July 17, 1943 |
Folder 7 through 9: Bulletinen |
Oct. 24, Nov. 17, 28, Dec. 12, 1944 |
Julen 1944 (2 copies) |
Jan. 11, 30, Feb. 16, 28, 1945 (3 copies for Jan. 30; 2 copies for Jan. 11, Feb. 16) |
Mar. 13, 27, Apr. 1, 1945 (2 copies for each issue) |
Folder 10: Fast Front |
Aug. 17, Nov. 8, 22, 29, Dec. 8, 15, 1944 (2 copies for Nov. 22, 29, Dec. 15) |
Apr. 30, 1945 |
Folder 11: 5 Pa 12/Femte på Tolvte |
1. Årg., Nrs. 2, 4, 5, 9, Dec. 9, 14, 18, 30, 1943 |
2. Årg., Nrs. 3, 11-13 |
Folder 12: For Konge Og Fedreland |
Jan. 28, 31, Feb. 18, 21, 23, 25, 28, May 8, 1944 |
Folder 13: For Norske Kvinner |
Nr. 10 (Undated/1 copy mutilated) (2 copies) |
Folder 14 through 19: Fri Fagbevegelse |
2. Årg., Nr. 8, Feb. 21, 1942 |
3. Årg., Nrs. 16, 18, 22, 27-30, May 1, 5?, 12, Aug. 7-28, 1943 (2 copies for Aug. 14) |
2. Årg., Nr. 8, Feb. 21, 1942 |
3. Årg., Nrs. 31-35, Sept. 4-Oct. 2, 1943 Nrs. 37, 39, Oct. 23, 30, 1943 (2 copies for Oct. 30) |
3. Årg., Nrs. 40-43, 45, Nov. 5-27, Dec. 11, 1943 |
4. Årg., Nrs. 2*, 4-6, Jan. 15, 29, Feb. 5, 12, 1944 *Includes Supplement for Nr. 2, 1944 |
4. Årg., Nrs. ?, Aug. 5, Sept. 7, 9, 15, 23, 30, Oct. 14, 28, Nov. 4, 11, 14, 18, 24, Dec. 2, 9, 15, 1944 (2 copies for Oct. 28, Nov. 11, 24, Dec. 15) |
5. Årg., Nrs. 2-9, Jan. 12-Mar. 2, 1945 (3 copies for Feb. 2, 9; 2 copies for Jan. 12, 19, 26) |
5. Årg., Nrs. 12-16, Mar. 23-Apr. 20, 1945 (3 copies for Mar. 23, Apr. 6; 2 copies for Apr. 13) |
Folder 20: Fri Fagbevegelse (Særutgave) |
Nr. 11, 1944 (Undated) |
BOX 46 |
Folder 1: Fridom |
1. Årg., Nr. 1 (Undated) |
Folder 2 through 7: Det Frie Norge. NB: Many of the issues of Det Frie Norge have special illustrated covers with innocuous special titles that have nothing to do with the content of the issue. |
2 Årg., Nr. 2 (4), Feb. 1942 |
3 Årg., Nrs. 1 (15)-4 (18), Jan.-Apr. 1943 (2 copies for Jan., Feb., Apr.) Special cover for Feb. 1943: Gode råd for lagring av poteter [Good advice for storing potatoes] Special cover for Mar. 1943: Hvorfor og hvordan man må forsikre [How and why one must be insured] Special cover for Apr. 1943: 200 Oppskriften på fiskeretter [200 recipes for fish dishes] |
3. Årg., Nrs. 5 (19)-7 (22), May-Aug./Sept. 1943 (2 copies for May-Aug./Sept.) Special cover for May 1943: Hva arbeidsinnsatsen gjelder [How work contributions are valuable] Special cover for Jun. 1943: Hvorfor vi bør livsforsikre [Why we need life insurance] Special cover for July 1943: Til fots og med sykkel [On foot or by bicycle] Special cover for Aug./Sept.: Studie-forsikring trygg din framtid [Study-insurance, secure your future] |
3. Årg., Nrs. 9 (23)-11 (25), Oct.-Dec. 1943 (2 copies for Oct., Nov.) Special cover for Oct. 1943: Spar! Nytten av å spare [Save! Benefits of saving] Special cover for Nov. 1943: Tegn en livrente, trygg din alderdom [Planning in annuity security in your old age] |
4. Årg., Nrs. 1 (26), 2(27), Jan., Feb. 1944 (2 copies for Jan.; 5 copies for Feb.) |
4. Årg., Nrs. 3 (28)-9(34), Mar.-Nov./Dec. 1944 (2 copies for Apr.) Special cover for Jan. 1944: Hva nu? [What’s new?] Special cover for Feb. 1944: Ski og skøter er en lyst å bruke [Skis and skates are a pleasure to use] |
5. Årg., Nrs. 1 (35)-6 (40), Jan.-June 1945 |
Folder 8 through 11: Frihet Og Fred |
Nrs. 3-5, 1944 (Undated) |
Nrs. 7, 10-16, 1944 (Undated) (2 copies for Nr. 10, 12, 13, 16) |
2. Årg., Nrs. 4 (21)-9 (26), 1945 (Undated) |
2. Årg., Nrs. 10 (27)-14 (31), 1945 (Undated) (2 copies for Nr. 12) |
Nrs. 19, 20, 1945 |
BOX 47 |
Folder 1 through 3: Friheten |
Nr. 1, 1943 (2 copies; Undated) |
Nrs. 6, 8-15, 1943 (2 separate issues for Nr. 14) |
Nrs. 17, 19-32, 34, 35, 37-40, 1943 (2 copies for Nr. 34) |
Nrs. 1, 2, 10, 15, 16, 1944 |
Nrs. 2-7, 1945 (2 copies for Nr. 5, 6, 7) |
Folder 4 through 12: Fritt Land |
1. Årg., Nrs. 54, 55, 60-65, 67, 68, Aug. 2, 4, 17-28, 1944 (2 copies for Sept. 1, 4) |
1. Årg., Nrs. 71-79, Sept. 11-29, 1944 (3 copies for Sept. 11, 25; 4 copies for Sept. 13; 2 copies Sept. 15, Sept. 22) |
1. Årg., Nrs. 80-92, Oct. 2-30, 1944 (2 copies for Oct. 4, 9, 18, 25, 27, 30) |
1. Årg., Nrs. 93-105, Nov. 1-29, 1944 (2 copies for Nov. 1-22, 27) |
1. Årg., Nrs. 108-115, Dec. 1, 4, 6-22, 1944 (2 copies for Dec. 6, 8, 13, 15, 22) |
2. Årg., Nrs. 1-13, Jan. 3-31, 1945 (2 copies for Jan. 8, 10, 12, 15, 31; 3 copies for Jan. 5, 17; 4 copies for Jan. 19; 5 copies for Jan. 22; 6 copies for Jan. 24) (1 copy of Jan. 5 mutilated) |
2. Årg., Nrs. 14-25, Feb. 2-28, 1945 (5 copies for Feb. 2; 4 copies for Feb. 5; 3 copies for Feb. 7, 9; 2 copies for Feb. 9, 12, 14) |
2. Årg., Nrs. 26--29, 31-35*, Mar. 2-9, 14-23, 1945 (2 copies for Mar. 21, 23; 3 copies for Mar. 14) *Includes "Spesialnummer" for Mar. 20. |
2. Årg., Nrs. 36-48, Apr. 4-May 1, 1945 (2 copies for Apr. 11; 3 copies for Apr. 6, 11, 16, 18, 20; 4 copies for Apr. 9) |
Folder 13: Fritt Norge 2. Årg., Nr. 22, Oct. 26, 1943 Nrs. 25, 26, Nov. 19, 26, 1943 |
Feb. 25, 1944 |
4. Årg., Nrs. 2, 3, Jan. 16, 23, 1945 |
Nrs. 5-7, Feb. 6-20, 1945 |
Nrs. 12, 13, Apr. 6, 13, 1945 (2 copies for Jan. 16, 23, 1945) |
Folder 14: Gjengangeren |
4. Årg., Oct. 5, Nov. 17, 21, 24, 28*, 1944 *Additional issue "Særtrykk" for Nov. 28. |
5. Årg., Jan. 22, Feb. 1, 22, 26, Mar. 12, 1945 |
BOX 48 |
Folder 1 through 2: Hjemmefronten |
2. Årg., Nrs. 1-3, Jan. 1-31, 1944 |
Nr. 6, Feb. 20, 1944 |
Nr. 9, Apr. 17, 1944 |
Sept. 4, 1944 |
Oct. 1944 |
3. Årg., Nrs. 5, 6, Dec. 1944, Jan. 1945 |
Hjemmefronten |
Jan. 12, 19, 23, 1945 (2 copies for Jan. 19, 23) |
Feb. 15, 26, Apr. 15, 1945 (2 copies for Apr. 15) |
Folder 3: Hjemmefrontens Nyhedstjeneste |
Nr. 25, Nov. 21, 1944 (Mutilated) |
Folder 4: Innspurten |
Nrs. 41-44, Nov. 2-9, 1944 (2 copies) |
Nrs. 54, 56, 58, 60, Dec. 2, 7, 12, 21, 1944 (2 copies for Dec. 12, 21) |
Nrs. 62, 72, 74, 90, 96, Jan. 11, Feb. 3, 8, Mar. 24, Apr. 12, 1945 (2 copies for Jan. 11) |
Folder 5: Ja, Vi Elsker.... |
4. Årg., no number, Dec. 4, 1944 |
5. Årg., Nrs. 8-12, 17, Feb. 13-Mar. 9, Apr. 5, 1945 |
Folder 6: Jernhasten |
Sept. 17, 1944 |
Nov. 12, 1944 (2 copies) |
Folder 7: Kirken Idag |
Sept. 1, 1944 |
Folder 8: Kirkens Front Nyhedstjeneste |
Nr. 10, Medio April, 194? |
Folder 9: Kommunal-Nytt |
[1. Årg.], Nr. 5, Sept. 2, 1944 |
Next Page » |