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Serials and miscellaneous publications of the underground movements in Europe during World War II, 1936-1945

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Norway: Miscellaneous Publications, 1944-1945
Norwegian miscellaneous materials on the topic of underground movements in Europe During World War II. Includes leaflets, letters, memos, etc.
Arranged alphabetically by title.
BOX 53 Folder 9: Alt for Norge. A leaflet describing a secret meeting of Norwegian resistance groups which called for strengthening the government-in-exile in London, a joint effort by all groups to fight the German occupation, and the establishment of a post-war tribunal to judge traitors. (Undated)
Folder 10: Arbeiderklassens Plass i Norges Nasjonale Fridomskrig A call for a united resistance effort by workers and the bourgeosie against the German occupation by the Domestic Affairs Dept. of the Norwegian Working Class. (Undated)
Folder 11: Direktiver til Nordmenn, Utgitt av den Norske Overkommando i Samråd Med den Allierte Overkommando Instructions issued by both the Norwegian High Command and the Allied Supreme Command on how the Norwegian people can assist the liberating Norwegian and Allied troops. (Undated)
Folder 12: Fra Hjemmefrontens Ledelse A leaflet proclaiming the principles of the Home Front Leadership, and a promise of punishment for collaboraters. (Undated)
Folder 13: Fri Fagbevegelse A leaflet giving an account of bombing of the German U- Boat near Bergen, and also, coal industry and labor salaries concerns. (Early 1945?)
Folder 14: Fri Fagbevegelse Særtrykk A leaflet from the Norwegian High Command and the Allied Supreme Command emphasizing the importance of a free press after liberation and the prohibition of strikes without prior approval of both commands. (2 copies) (Undated)
Folder 15: Krigens Gang A pamphlet containing the King's Christmas Speech, a speech by the Prime Minister, New Year's greetings from the Home Front Leadership, and some poetry. (2 copies)
Winter 1944/1945
Folder 16: Krigsforbryterne Igjen A pamphlet urging that the punishment of war criminals should be conducted fairly and according to law. (Undated)
Folder 17: Kristen A pamphlet discussing the war time situation in Poland and how a free should be created after the war. 4pp. (Undated)
Folder 18: Norges Nye Hær A pamphlet with photographs of the Norwegian Army-in-exile training in Britain. (Undated)
Folder 19: Sammendrag av Nyhetene For Fredag og Torsdag A leaflet describing Allied advances in Europe and the Pacific, and a listing of German atrocities in Norway. (Early 1945)
Folder 20: Tyskland Efter Krigen A leaflet offering suggestions for the treatment of post-war Germany. (Undated)
Folder 21: Ved Årsskiftet A pamphlet published about the beginning of 1945 which offers a review of resistance activities throughout Europe. 13 pp. (2 copies) (Undated)
Folder 22: Miscellany. (6 items, 14 pieces) Miscellaneous unidentified, incomplete items. Typescript and photostats.
BOX 54 through box 59 and Box 98 through 103 Poland: Serial Publications, 1940-1944
Polish serials on the topic of the underground movements in Europe During World War II.
Arranged by publications of standard size and then by oversize.
BOX 54 Folder 1: Akcja
Aug. 1, 1940
Folder 2: Agencja Prasowa. See also Box 98, Folder 1 for other copy. (2 copies; Both mutilated)
Rok 4, Nr. 11, Mar. 17, 1943
Folder 3 through 7: Biuletyn Informacyjny Warsaw. See also Box 98, Folders 6-10 for other issues.
Nr. 1 (1942?)
Aug. 2, 23, Oct. 4, 11, Nov. 8, Dec. 5 1940 (2 copies for Oct. 4/Aug. 2 mutilated)
July 31, Aug. 7, 14, 28, Sept. 4, 11, Oct. 2, Nov. 27 (2 copies for Nov. 27; 3 copies for Dec. 4)
Aug. 2, 23, Oct. 4, 11, Nov. 8, Dec. 5 1940 (2 copies for Oct. 4/Aug. 2 mutilated)
Rok 4, Nrs. 4, 9, 18, 19, 21, 39, 45, 46, 51, Jan. 29, Mar. 5, May 7, 14, 28, Oct. 8, Nov. 19, 26, Dec. 31, 1942 (May 7 mutilated)
Rok 5, Nrs. 2, 8-11, 16, 26, 27, Jan. 14, Feb. 25, Mar. 4, 11, 18, Apr. 20, May 6, July 1, 8, 1943 (2 copies for Mar. 4, 11, 18, May 6)
Rok 6, Nr. 41, Aug. 4, 1944* *Dodatek nadzwyczajny Nr. 4
Folder 8: Dodatek Prawdy
Aug. 1942
Folder 9: Dzień Warszawy. See also Box 99, Folder 3 for other issues.
Rok 4, Nrs. 1,008, 1,019, 1,021, 1,022-1,026, 1,041, 1,043, Aug. 8, 14, 16-21, 29, 30, 1944
Folder 10: Dziennik Radiowy
Komunikat Nr. 205, Oct. 1, 1944
Folder 11: Dziennik Ustaw Warsaw
Nr. 1, July 20, 1944
Folder 12: Echo. See also Box 99, Folder 4 for other copies.
Rok 4, Mar. 17, 18, 1943 (2 copies for Mar. 18/both mutilated)
Folder 13: Granat
Nrs. 2, 3, Aug. 18, 19, 1944 (2 copies for Aug. 19)
Folder 14: Głos Polski. See also Box 99, Folder 5 for other issues.
Nr. 15, July 25, 1940
Rok 5, Nr. 13, July 30, 1943
Folder 15: Głos Prawdy
Nr. 59, July 22, 1940
Folder 16 through 17: Gwardia Ludowa. See alsoBox 99, Folder 7 for other copy.
Sept. 1941
Rok 2, Nrs. 1, 3, 4, Jan., Apr., June, 1942 (Jan. mutilated)
Ror 3, Nrs. 1, 6-8, Jan., Aug.-Nov., 1943
Folder 18: Informacja Stołeczna
Nr. 2, Sept. 30, 1944
Folder 19: Jutro. See also Box 99, Folder 9 for other issue.
Nr. 63, July 28, 1940
Rok 4, Nr. 3, Jan. 1, 1942
Folder 20: Komunikat Radiofoniczny
Nr. 165, Oct. 1?, 1944
Folder 21: Kultura Jutra
Rok 1, Nr. 6/7, June/July, 1943
Folder 22: Kurier Stołeczny. See also Box 99, Folder 22 for other issues.
Nr. 1, Aug. 26, 1944
Folder 23: Młodzież
Rok 4, Nr. 7, June 20, 1943
Folder 24: Młodzież Socjalistyczna. See also Box 99, Folder 14 for other copy.
Nr. 3, Mar. 1944
Folder 25: Myśl Robotnicza Z.R.P.
Rok 2, Nrs. 1/4, June 10, 1944
BOX 55 Folder 1: Nasze Ziemie Wschodnie
Rok 1, Nrs. 3, 6, May, Nov. 1943
Folder 2: Nowa Mucha
Nr. 2, Sept. 21, 1940? (Mutilated)
Folder 3: Nowe Drogi. See also Box 100, Folder 1 for other copy.
Rok 3, Nr. 2, Jan. 21, 1944 (Mutilated)
Folder 4: Nowiny Radiowe
Aug. 10, 12, 15-17, 1944
Folder 5: Nowy Dzień
Rok 4, Nrs. 911, 913, Aug. 23, 25, 1944
Folder 6: Orka
Rok 3, Nrs. 3, 6, Mar., June, 1943
Rok 4, Nr. 3, Mar. 1944
Folder 7: Polak. See also Box 100, Folder 6 for other copy.
Rok 5, Nrs. 16-20, Sept. 8-Nov. 3, 1943
Folder 8: Polska Ludowa
Rok 4, Nrs. 5, 7, Aug., Oct., 1943
Rok 5, Nr. 1, Jan. 1944 (2 copies)
Folder 9: Polska Walczy. See also Box 100, Folder 8 for other issue.
Rok 4, Nr. 1, Jan. 7, 1943
Folder 10: Polska Zwycięży
Rok 2, Nrs. 8, 17, June 15, Oct. 15, 1943
Folder 11: Polska Żyje!
Nr. 62, July 27, 1940
Folder 12: Powstaniec
Aug. 1942
Folder 13 through 14: Prawda
Apr., July, Aug., Oct., Dec. 1942
Apr., Aug./Sept., Oct./Nov., 1943
Folder 15: Prawda Młodych. See also Box 100, Folder 9 for other issue.
Dec. 1942
Folder 16: Prezbudowa
Rok 2, Nr. 8, Oct./Nov., 1942
Rok 3, Nr. 1, Dec./Jan., 1942/1943
Folder 17: Przegląd. See also Box 100, Folder 10 for other copies.
Sept., Oct., Nov., 1940 (2 copies for Oct.)
Folder 18 through 20: Przez Walkę do Zwyciestwa
Rok 3, Nrs. 24-26, 29, 30, Oct. 16, 20, 30, Nov. 30, Dec. 10, 1942
Rok 4, Nrs. 1, 2/3, 9, 10, 20, 22, 25, 26, Jan. 10, 20/30, Apr. 20, Sept. 10, 20, Oct. 10, Nov. 10, 20, Dec. 20, 1943 (2 copies for Dec. 20)
Rok 5, Nrs. 7-10, Mar. 10-Apr. 20, 1944
BOX 56 Folder 1: R.S./OPW
Nr. 218, Aug. 4, 1944
Folder 2: Rech Soiuz Bor'by Protiv Bol'shevizma
G. 4, Nr. 93, Oct. 6, 1944
Folder 3 through 4: Reforma Warsaw
Rok 2, Nrs. 3, 5-8, Dec. 24, 1942-June 30, 1943
Rok 2, Nrs. 9-11, Aug. 15-Oct. 20, 1943
Rok 3, Nr. 5, June 25, 1944
Folder 5: Robotnik Kraków
June 20, 1943 (No nrs./mutilated)
Nrs. 1, 6, 8, Sept. 5, Nov. 21, Dec. 19, 1943
Rok 51, Nr. 16, Aug. 9, 1944 Also: Dodatek Nadzwyczajny (Special ed.) for Aug. 10, 1944
Folder 6 through 13: Rzeczpospolita Polska Warsaw. See also Box 101, Folders 1-4 for other issues.
Rok 1, Nrs. 2-4, Apr. 5-May 10, 1941 (2 copies for Apr. 5, 25/Apr. 25; both copies mutilated)
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