| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Poland: Serial Publications, 1940-1944
(continued) |
Rok 1, Nrs. 11, 13/14, 16-19/20, Aug. 20, Oct. 2, 31-Dec. 11, 1941 |
Rok 2, Nrs. 3, 4, 6, 11/12-14/15, Feb. 5, Mar. ?, Apr. 17, July 2-Aug. 24, 1942 (2 copies for Apr. 17/Mar. ? mutilated) |
Rok 2, Nrs. 17, 20-22, Sept. 30, Nov. 20-Dec. 17, 1942 (Sept. 30 mutilated) |
Rok 3, Nrs. 1, 4/5, 7,8, Jan. 12, Mar. 11, Apr. 15, May 6, 1943 (2 copies for Mar. 11/Jan. 12 mutilated) |
Rok 3, Special nr., Nrs. 10-12, June, June 21- July 8, 1943 (2 copies for June/Spec. nr., June 21) |
Rok 3, Nrs. 16, 18, 19, 21, Sept. 15. Nov. 1, 20, Dec. 22, 1943 |
Rok 4, Nr. 1, Special nr., Nr. 7, Jan. 15, Mar. ?., May 3, 1944 |
BOX 57 |
Folder 1: Szaniec. See also Box 101, Folders 6-7 for other issues. |
Nrs. 14, 15, Apr. 1, 9, 1940 |
Nr. 23, June 6, 1940 |
Rok 2, Nr. 31/32, Aug. 15, 1940 |
Rok 4, Nr. 3, Jan. 31, 1942 |
Rok 6, Nrs. 12, 17, 19, Aug. 16, 21, 23, 1944 |
Folder 2: Szpilka |
Dec. 1940 |
Folder 3: Sztuka i Naród |
Nr. 13, Nov. 1943 (Mutilated) |
Folder 4 through 8: W R N. See also Box 101, Folders 8-9 for other issues. |
Aug. 29/Sept. 5, Sept. 11/19, Nov. 1/10, 1940 |
Aug. 10/23-Sept. 21/Oct.4, 1941 Rok 3, Nrs. 76, 77, 81, Oct. 5/18, Oct. 19/Nov. 1, Dec. 14/27, 1941 |
W R N. See also oversize Box 4, Folders 8-9 for other issues. |
Rok 4, Nrs. 2, 3, 5, 6, 9-11, 21, 23, Jan. 11?/24, Jan. 25/Feb. 7, Mar. 9/23, Mar. 24/Apr. 11, Apr. 27/, June 8?, June 22, Nov. 9?, Dec. 4, 1942 (Jan. 11?/24, June 8?, Nov. 9? mutilated) |
Rok 5, Nrs. 1, 12-16, 19, 20?, Jan. 8, June 18-Aug. 15?, Sept .24, Oct. 8?, 1943 (2 copies for July 30/July 13?, Oct. 8 mutilated) |
Rok 6, Nr. 6, Mar. 24, 1944 |
Folder 9: Walka. See also Box 102, Folder 2 for other issues. |
Rok 1, Nrs. 18, 21, Aug. 9, 30, 1940 |
Rok 3, Nrs. 8, 14, 28, Mar. 4, Apr. 22, July 29, 1942 (Aug. 9, 1940 mutilated) |
Rok 4, Nrs. 48, 49, Dec. 17, 25, 1942? |
Rok 4, Nrs. 48, 49, Dec. 17, 25, 1942? |
Rok 5?, Nr. 51, 59, Jan. 12, Mar. 10, 1943 |
Rok 5, Nrs. 18, 24, 26/27, May 12, June 23, July 15, 1943 |
Rok 5, Nrs. 33-35, 37, 38, 43, Sept. 1, 8, 15, 29, Oct. 6, Nov. 11, 1943 |
Rok 6, Nr. 1, Jan. 6, 1944 |
Folder 13: Walka Warszawska |
Rok 6, Nr. 51, Oct. 1, 1944* *This issue also includes for the same date: |
Rok 3, Nr. 51 of Warszawski Głos Narodowy. See also Box 102, Folder 7 for other issues. |
Folder 14: Warszawa Walczy Warsaw. See also oversize Box 5, Folder 6 for other issues. |
Nr. 12, Aug. 5, 1944 |
Folder 15: Warta |
Nrs. 33/34, July 21, 1940 |
Folder 16: Werble Wolności Warsaw |
Aug. 1943 |
Folder 17: Wolności Polskie Warsaw. See also Box 102, Folder 9 for other issues. |
Nr. 26, Aug. 10, 1940 |
Nr. 9, May 27, 1942 |
Nr. 6, Mar. 24, 1943 |
Nr. 2, Jan. 26, 1944 |
Folder 18: Wiadomości Radiowe z Frontów |
Aug. 26, Sept. 1, 1944 |
Folder 19 through 21: Wiadomości z Miasta I Wiadomosci Radiowe* |
Nrs. 10-16, Aug. 7-10, 1944 *Some days for this publication have more than one issue. |
Nrs. 18-22, 24-27, Aug. 11-15, 1944 |
Nrs. 29-31, 33, 35-37, Aug. 16-20, 1944 |
Nrs. 40, 44, 45, 47, 48, Aug. 22, 24-26, 1944 |
BOX 58 |
Folder 1: Wieś |
Rok 2, Nrs. 13, 14, 16, 18, Apr. 20, 27, May 11, 15, 1944 (Apr. 20 mutilated) |
Folder 2: Wieś i Miasto |
Rok 4, Nr. 4, July 1943 |
Folder 3: Wolność Krakow |
Rok 4, Nr. 33, June 11, 1943 |
Rok 5, Nr. 3, May 1944 |
Folder 4: Wschód |
Rok 2, Nr. 8, July 22, 1943 |
Folder 5: Wzlot |
May, Oct., Nov./Dec. 1943 |
Folder 6: Zadra |
Rok 1, Nr. 1, Jan. 1943? (2 copies) |
Folder 7: Ziemie Zachodnie Rzeczypospolitej |
Rok 1, Nrs. 1, 2, Nov., Dec. 1942 |
Rok 2, Nrs. 1, 2, 4, Jan./Feb., May/June, July/Aug./Sept. 1943 |
Rok 3, Nr. 1, Jan. 1944? (2 copies for May/June, 1943/Dec. 1942, Jan./Feb., 1943, Jan. 1944? mutilated) |
Folder 8: Znak |
Nr. 15, July 25, 1940 |
Folder 9: Żołnierz Polskik. See also Box 102, Folder 15 for other issue. |
Rok 1, Nr. 2, Mar. 1941 |
Nr. 9, Nov. 1942 |
Nrs. 10, 11, Oct., Nov. 1943 |
Nr. 6, June 1943 |
Folder 10 through 11: Żołnierz Polski w Kampanji Wrześniowej |
Nr. 7, Aug. 20, Sept. 10, Oct. 5, 1940 |
Nrs. 17-19, 24, 30, Jan. 15, Feb. 1, 15, July 20, Oct. 9, 1941 |
Folder 12 through 13: Zryw |
Rok 1, Nrs. 1, 8, 11, Apr. 24, Sept. 2, Nov. 23, 1942 |
Rok 2, Nrs. 13, 14, 17, 18, 21, 23, Jan. 1, 15, Mar. 3, 18, May 10, June 1, 1943 (2 copies for Jan. 1/Mar. 18, June 1 mutilated) |
Folder 14 through 15: Żywią: Pismo Kobiet |
July-Dec. 1942 (Aug. mutilated) |
Feb., 1943 |
Nrs. 9-12, 14 May-Sept., Nov., 1943 |
Folder 16: Żywią i Bronią |
Rok 3, Nrs. 14, 15, Oct., Nov. 1942 (Oct. mutilated) |
BOX 98 |
Folder 1: Agencia Prasowa. See also Box 54, Folder 2 for other copies. |
Rok 4, Nr. 11, Mar. 17, 1943 |
Folder 2: Armia Ludowa Warsaw |
Rok 1, Nrs. 21, 27, Aug. 23, 29, 1944 |
Rok 1, Nrs. 21, 27, Aug. 23, 29, 1944 |
Folder 3: Barykada Warsaw |
Nrs. 11, 13-17, 21, Aug. 22, 24-28, Sept. 1, 1944 (2 copies for Aug. 25, 28) |
Folder 4: Barykada Wolności |
Rok 4, Nr. 144, Aug. 30, 1944 |
Folder 5: Biuletyn Centralnego Komitetu Ludowego |
Rok 1, Nrs. 2, 3, Aug. 24, 25, 1944 |
Folder 6 through 10: Biuletyn Informacyjny Warsaw. See also Box 54, Folders 3-7 for other issues. |
Aug. 2, 23, Oct. 11, 25, Nov. 8, Dec. 5, 12, 19, 1940 |
Rok 4, Nr. 4, Jan. 29, 1942 |
Rok 5, Nrs. 11, 16, Mar. 18, Apr. 20, 1943 |
Rok 6, Nrs. 4, 35, 36, 40, 42-45, 48-52, Jan. 27, Aug. 2*, 4-8, 11-15, 1944 *Two issues published on Aug. 2. |
Rok 6, Nrs. 54-64, Aug. 17-27, 1944 (Aug. 17, 18, 23 mutilated) |
Rok 6, Nrs. 67-70, Aug. 30-Sept. 2, 1944 (Aug. 30, Sept. 2 mutilated) |
Folder 11: Brzask Pismo Młodych |
Nr. 8, June 20, 1944 |
BOX 99 |
Folder 1: Demokrata Warsaw |
Rok 2, Nrs. 181, 182, Aug. 29, 30, 1944 |
Folder 2: Droga Wolności |
Rok 1, Nrs. 1, 3, 6, Aug., Oct., Dec. 15, 1940 (Oct., Dec. 15 mutilated) |
Folder 3: Dzień Warszawy Warsaw. See also Box 1, Folder 9 for other issues. |
Rok 4, Nrs. 1,028, 1,030, 1,034, 1,042, 1,044, 1,046, Sept. 23, 24, 26, 27, 30, 31, Sept 1, 1944 |
Folder 4: Echo. See also Box 1, Folder 12 for other copies. |
Rok 4, Mar. 17, 18, 1943 |
Rok 4, Mar. 17, 18, 1943 |
Folder 5: Głos Polski. See also Box 1, Folder 14 for other issues. |
Rok 1, Nrs. 16, 21/22, 23/24, 27, Aug. 15, Oct. 25, Nov. 10, Dec. 24, 1940 |
Folder 6: Gwardia |
Rok 2, Nr.10, Feb. 1941 |
Folder 7: Gwardia Ludowa. See also Box 1, Folders 16-17 for other issues. |
Rok 3, Nr. 8, Nov. 1943 |
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