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Serials and miscellaneous publications of the underground movements in Europe during World War II, 1936-1945

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Poland: Serial Publications, 1940-1944 (continued)
Rok 1, Nrs. 11, 13/14, 16-19/20, Aug. 20, Oct. 2, 31-Dec. 11, 1941
Rok 2, Nrs. 3, 4, 6, 11/12-14/15, Feb. 5, Mar. ?, Apr. 17, July 2-Aug. 24, 1942 (2 copies for Apr. 17/Mar. ? mutilated)
Rok 2, Nrs. 17, 20-22, Sept. 30, Nov. 20-Dec. 17, 1942 (Sept. 30 mutilated)
Rok 3, Nrs. 1, 4/5, 7,8, Jan. 12, Mar. 11, Apr. 15, May 6, 1943 (2 copies for Mar. 11/Jan. 12 mutilated)
Rok 3, Special nr., Nrs. 10-12, June, June 21- July 8, 1943 (2 copies for June/Spec. nr., June 21)
Rok 3, Nrs. 16, 18, 19, 21, Sept. 15. Nov. 1, 20, Dec. 22, 1943
Rok 4, Nr. 1, Special nr., Nr. 7, Jan. 15, Mar. ?., May 3, 1944
BOX 57 Folder 1: Szaniec. See also Box 101, Folders 6-7 for other issues.
Nrs. 14, 15, Apr. 1, 9, 1940
Nr. 23, June 6, 1940
Rok 2, Nr. 31/32, Aug. 15, 1940
Rok 4, Nr. 3, Jan. 31, 1942
Rok 6, Nrs. 12, 17, 19, Aug. 16, 21, 23, 1944
Folder 2: Szpilka
Dec. 1940
Folder 3: Sztuka i Naród
Nr. 13, Nov. 1943 (Mutilated)
Folder 4 through 8: W R N. See also Box 101, Folders 8-9 for other issues.
Aug. 29/Sept. 5, Sept. 11/19, Nov. 1/10, 1940
Aug. 10/23-Sept. 21/Oct.4, 1941 Rok 3, Nrs. 76, 77, 81, Oct. 5/18, Oct. 19/Nov. 1, Dec. 14/27, 1941
W R N. See also oversize Box 4, Folders 8-9 for other issues.
Rok 4, Nrs. 2, 3, 5, 6, 9-11, 21, 23, Jan. 11?/24, Jan. 25/Feb. 7, Mar. 9/23, Mar. 24/Apr. 11, Apr. 27/, June 8?, June 22, Nov. 9?, Dec. 4, 1942 (Jan. 11?/24, June 8?, Nov. 9? mutilated)
Rok 5, Nrs. 1, 12-16, 19, 20?, Jan. 8, June 18-Aug. 15?, Sept .24, Oct. 8?, 1943 (2 copies for July 30/July 13?, Oct. 8 mutilated)
Rok 6, Nr. 6, Mar. 24, 1944
Folder 9: Walka. See also Box 102, Folder 2 for other issues.
Rok 1, Nrs. 18, 21, Aug. 9, 30, 1940
Rok 3, Nrs. 8, 14, 28, Mar. 4, Apr. 22, July 29, 1942 (Aug. 9, 1940 mutilated)
Rok 4, Nrs. 48, 49, Dec. 17, 25, 1942?
Rok 4, Nrs. 48, 49, Dec. 17, 25, 1942?
Rok 5?, Nr. 51, 59, Jan. 12, Mar. 10, 1943
Rok 5, Nrs. 18, 24, 26/27, May 12, June 23, July 15, 1943
Rok 5, Nrs. 33-35, 37, 38, 43, Sept. 1, 8, 15, 29, Oct. 6, Nov. 11, 1943
Rok 6, Nr. 1, Jan. 6, 1944
Folder 13: Walka Warszawska
Rok 6, Nr. 51, Oct. 1, 1944* *This issue also includes for the same date:
Rok 3, Nr. 51 of Warszawski Głos Narodowy. See also Box 102, Folder 7 for other issues.
Folder 14: Warszawa Walczy Warsaw. See also oversize Box 5, Folder 6 for other issues.
Nr. 12, Aug. 5, 1944
Folder 15: Warta
Nrs. 33/34, July 21, 1940
Folder 16: Werble Wolności Warsaw
Aug. 1943
Folder 17: Wolności Polskie Warsaw. See also Box 102, Folder 9 for other issues.
Nr. 26, Aug. 10, 1940
Nr. 9, May 27, 1942
Nr. 6, Mar. 24, 1943
Nr. 2, Jan. 26, 1944
Folder 18: Wiadomości Radiowe z Frontów
Aug. 26, Sept. 1, 1944
Folder 19 through 21: Wiadomości z Miasta I Wiadomosci Radiowe*
Nrs. 10-16, Aug. 7-10, 1944 *Some days for this publication have more than one issue.
Nrs. 18-22, 24-27, Aug. 11-15, 1944
Nrs. 29-31, 33, 35-37, Aug. 16-20, 1944
Nrs. 40, 44, 45, 47, 48, Aug. 22, 24-26, 1944
BOX 58 Folder 1: Wieś
Rok 2, Nrs. 13, 14, 16, 18, Apr. 20, 27, May 11, 15, 1944 (Apr. 20 mutilated)
Folder 2: Wieś i Miasto
Rok 4, Nr. 4, July 1943
Folder 3: Wolność Krakow
Rok 4, Nr. 33, June 11, 1943
Rok 5, Nr. 3, May 1944
Folder 4: Wschód
Rok 2, Nr. 8, July 22, 1943
Folder 5: Wzlot
May, Oct., Nov./Dec. 1943
Folder 6: Zadra
Rok 1, Nr. 1, Jan. 1943? (2 copies)
Folder 7: Ziemie Zachodnie Rzeczypospolitej
Rok 1, Nrs. 1, 2, Nov., Dec. 1942
Rok 2, Nrs. 1, 2, 4, Jan./Feb., May/June, July/Aug./Sept. 1943
Rok 3, Nr. 1, Jan. 1944? (2 copies for May/June, 1943/Dec. 1942, Jan./Feb., 1943, Jan. 1944? mutilated)
Folder 8: Znak
Nr. 15, July 25, 1940
Folder 9: Żołnierz Polskik. See also Box 102, Folder 15 for other issue.
Rok 1, Nr. 2, Mar. 1941
Nr. 9, Nov. 1942
Nrs. 10, 11, Oct., Nov. 1943
Nr. 6, June 1943
Folder 10 through 11: Żołnierz Polski w Kampanji Wrześniowej
Nr. 7, Aug. 20, Sept. 10, Oct. 5, 1940
Nrs. 17-19, 24, 30, Jan. 15, Feb. 1, 15, July 20, Oct. 9, 1941
Folder 12 through 13: Zryw
Rok 1, Nrs. 1, 8, 11, Apr. 24, Sept. 2, Nov. 23, 1942
Rok 2, Nrs. 13, 14, 17, 18, 21, 23, Jan. 1, 15, Mar. 3, 18, May 10, June 1, 1943 (2 copies for Jan. 1/Mar. 18, June 1 mutilated)
Folder 14 through 15: Żywią: Pismo Kobiet
July-Dec. 1942 (Aug. mutilated)
Feb., 1943
Nrs. 9-12, 14 May-Sept., Nov., 1943
Folder 16: Żywią i Bronią
Rok 3, Nrs. 14, 15, Oct., Nov. 1942 (Oct. mutilated)
BOX 98 Folder 1: Agencia Prasowa. See also Box 54, Folder 2 for other copies.
Rok 4, Nr. 11, Mar. 17, 1943
Folder 2: Armia Ludowa Warsaw
Rok 1, Nrs. 21, 27, Aug. 23, 29, 1944
Rok 1, Nrs. 21, 27, Aug. 23, 29, 1944
Folder 3: Barykada Warsaw
Nrs. 11, 13-17, 21, Aug. 22, 24-28, Sept. 1, 1944 (2 copies for Aug. 25, 28)
Folder 4: Barykada Wolności
Rok 4, Nr. 144, Aug. 30, 1944
Folder 5: Biuletyn Centralnego Komitetu Ludowego
Rok 1, Nrs. 2, 3, Aug. 24, 25, 1944
Folder 6 through 10: Biuletyn Informacyjny Warsaw. See also Box 54, Folders 3-7 for other issues.
Aug. 2, 23, Oct. 11, 25, Nov. 8, Dec. 5, 12, 19, 1940
Rok 4, Nr. 4, Jan. 29, 1942
Rok 5, Nrs. 11, 16, Mar. 18, Apr. 20, 1943
Rok 6, Nrs. 4, 35, 36, 40, 42-45, 48-52, Jan. 27, Aug. 2*, 4-8, 11-15, 1944 *Two issues published on Aug. 2.
Rok 6, Nrs. 54-64, Aug. 17-27, 1944 (Aug. 17, 18, 23 mutilated)
Rok 6, Nrs. 67-70, Aug. 30-Sept. 2, 1944 (Aug. 30, Sept. 2 mutilated)
Folder 11: Brzask Pismo Młodych
Nr. 8, June 20, 1944
BOX 99 Folder 1: Demokrata Warsaw
Rok 2, Nrs. 181, 182, Aug. 29, 30, 1944
Folder 2: Droga Wolności
Rok 1, Nrs. 1, 3, 6, Aug., Oct., Dec. 15, 1940 (Oct., Dec. 15 mutilated)
Folder 3: Dzień Warszawy Warsaw. See also Box 1, Folder 9 for other issues.
Rok 4, Nrs. 1,028, 1,030, 1,034, 1,042, 1,044, 1,046, Sept. 23, 24, 26, 27, 30, 31, Sept 1, 1944
Folder 4: Echo. See also Box 1, Folder 12 for other copies.
Rok 4, Mar. 17, 18, 1943
Rok 4, Mar. 17, 18, 1943
Folder 5: Głos Polski. See also Box 1, Folder 14 for other issues.
Rok 1, Nrs. 16, 21/22, 23/24, 27, Aug. 15, Oct. 25, Nov. 10, Dec. 24, 1940
Folder 6: Gwardia
Rok 2, Nr.10, Feb. 1941
Folder 7: Gwardia Ludowa. See also Box 1, Folders 16-17 for other issues.
Rok 3, Nr. 8, Nov. 1943
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