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Serials and miscellaneous publications of the underground movements in Europe during World War II, 1936-1945

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Poland: Serial Publications, 1940-1944 (continued)
Rok 51, Nrs. 1-3, June 18-July 2, 1944 (July 2 mutilated)
Rok 51, Nrs. 10-14, Aug. 3-7, 1944
Rok 51, Nrs. 17, 19-26, Aug. 10, 12-19, 1944 (2 copies for Aug. 10)
Rok 51, Nrs. 27-38*, Aug. 20-31, 1944 *"Dodatek Specjalny" special issue for Aug. 24 included.
Rok 51, Nrs. 39, 40, Sept. 1, 2, 1944 (Sept. 1 mutilated)
Folder 16: Robotnik w Walce
Nrs. 1-5, 7, Sept. 5, 11, 17, Oct. 1, Nov. 7, Dec. 3, 1943
Nrs. 4-6, 9, Feb. 20-Apr. 2, May 21, 1944 (Sept. 5, 11, 17, Nov. 7, Dec. 3, 1943 mutilated)
BOX 101 Folder 1 through 4: Rzeczpospolita Polska Warsaw. See also Box 56, Folders 6-13 for other issues.
Rok 1, Nrs. 1-3, Mar. 15-Apr. 25, 1941 (Mar. 15, Apr. 25 mutilated)
Rok 1, Nrs. 16-19/20, Oct. 31-Dec. 11, 1941 (2 copies for Oct. 31, Nov. 13, 28, Dec. 11/Oct. 31, Nov. 13, 28, Dec. 11)
Rok 3, Nrs. 4/5, Mar. 11, 1943 Rok 4, Nrs. 19-20, 23-26, Aug. 8-15, 1944
Rok 4, Nrs. 27, 30, 31, 33, 34, 36, 37, 40, 41, Aug. 16, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 29, 30, 1944
Folder 5: Sprawa
Rok 3, Nrs. 36, Jan. 30, 1942 (2 copies; both mutilated)
Folder 6 through 7: Szaniec. See also Box 57, Folder 1 for other issues.
Rok 2, Nrs. 14, 15, 23, 31/32, 39, 41, 49, Apr. 1, 9, June 6, Aug. 15, Oct. 11, 25, Dec. 20, 1940
Rok 6, Nrs. 21-23, 25, 27, 28, Aug. 25-Sept. 1, 1944 (Aug. 31 mutilated)
Folder 8 through 9: W R N. See also Box 57, Folders 4-8 for other issues.
Sept. 11/19, 1940 (2 copies; both mutilated)
Rok 5, Nrs. 17, 22?, 23, 25, Aug. 27, Nov. 12, 26, Dec. 30, 1943 (All issues mutilated)
Rok 6, Nrs. 1-5, Jan. 14-Mar. 10, 1944 (Jan. 14 mutilated)
BOX 102 Folder 1: Walcyzymy o Prawde i Polske
Nr. 7, Sept. 14, 1940 (photostat)
Folder 2 through 4: Walka. See also Box 57, Folders 9-12 for other issues.
Rok 5, Nrs. 18, 38, May 12, Oct. 6, 1943 (photostats)
Rok 6, Nrs. 64-72, Aug. 15-24, 1944
Rok 6, Nrs. 73-80, Aug. 25-Sept. 2, 1944
Folder 5: Walka i Wolność
Nrs. 9, 16, Aug. 1, Nov. 16, 1940 (Both mutilated)
Folder 6: Warszawa Walczy. See also Box 57, Folder 14 for other issue.
Nrs. 40, 45, 46, Aug. 19, 24, 25, 1944 (2 copies for Aug. 25/Aug. 24 mutilated)
Folder 7: Warszawski Głos Narodowy Warsaw. See also Box 57, Folder 13 for other issues.
Rok 3, Nrs. 25-28, Aug. 23-30, 1944
Folder 8: Wiadmości Codzienne
Rok 4, Nr. 158, Aug. 1, 1944
Folder 9: Wiadomości Polskie. See also Box 57, Folder 17 for other issues.
Nrs. 24, 26, Aug.1, 20, 1940
Nrs. 3, 9, Jan. 29, May 27, 1942 (2 copies for Jan. 29/Aug 20, 1940 and May 27, 1942 mutilated)
Folder 10: Wiadomości Powstańcze
Nr. 46, Oct. 4, 1944
Folder 11: Wielka Polska
Rok 4, Nrs. 21, 25 Aug. 23, Sept. 1, 1944
Folder 12: Wolna Polska
Rok 3, Nr. 4, Aug. 28, 1942 (2 copies) (photostats)
Folder 13: Wolność
Rok 2, Nr. 1, Feb. 1, 1941
Rok 4, Nr. 33, June 11, 1943
Rok 5, Nr. 3, May 1944 (photostats)
Folder 14: Znak
Nrs. 21/22, Oct. 8, 1940 (mutilated) (photostat)
Folder 15: Żolnierz Polski. See also Box 58, Folder 9 for other issues.
Nr. 5, Aug. 1, 1940
Nr. 11, Oct. 5, 1940 (original and photostat copies)
Folder 16: Żywią i Bronią
Apr., June 1942
Nr. 10, June 1943 (Apr., June 1942 mutilated)
BOX 103 Poland: Miscellaneous Publications, 1940-1944
Miscellaneous materials on the topic of underground movements in Europe During World War II. Includes leaflets, letters, memos, etc.
Arranged alphabetically by title, sub-arranged by date of publication as necessary.
BOX 59 Folder 1: Do Kobiet. A pamphlet urging Poles to behave with dignity during the German occupation with emphasis on the special role of women as mothers, wives, and educators. 4 pp. 4 pages. (photostat) (Undated)
Folder 2: Droga i Drogowskazy Roch. A pamphlet urging Poles not to give up hope for victory over the Nazis and a new democratic Poland to be built after the war. 9 pp. (photostat)
Nov. 1940
Folder 3: Dział Informa.... A leaflet providing a list of persons in Warsaw seeking information about missing loved ones. 2 pp. (Undated)
Folder 4: O Formę i treść przyszłej Polski. A pamphlet claiming that the history of Germany is one of the conquest of Slavic and other peoples, but after the war social justice for Poland will be achieved. 14 pp.
Aug. 1940 (photostat)
Folder 5: Golgota Front for the Rebirth of Poland A pamphlet that compares Poland’s suffering in the current war to the suffering Christ endured in this world. 46 pp. (photostat) (Undated)
Folder 6: Hitler, Mussolini i Nietzsche A pamphlet discussing the theory of “Übermensch” in the work of Nietzsche and its influence on Hitler and Mussolini. 15 pp. (photostat) (Undated)
Folder 7: Instrukcja Bojowa School of Officer Cadets A pamphlet that discusses the advantages of sabotage and guerilla warfare, and, also, the obstruction of enemy movements. 16 pp. (photostat)
Folder 8: Instrukcja Zwalczania Bomb Zapalających A leaflet giving instructions for protection against unexploded German bombs. (Undated)
Folder 9: Każdy Dom Winien się Stać Twierdzą A leaflet calling upon the people to follow instructions of the Home Army in organizing a defense of Warsaw. (Undated)
Folder 10: Komunikat. A leaflet warning to the people of Warsaw to evacuate the city.
Oct. 1, 1944
Folder 11: Koniec Trzeciej i Ostatniej Rzeszy Front for the Rebirth of Poland A pamphlet that criticizes Nazi writers and their pronouncements about German “character”. 27 pp. (Undated)
Folder 12: Mowa Hitlera. A pamphlet which reviews the events of July 17 to 25, 1940 and and a recent speech of Hitler. 8 pp.
July 25, 1940
Folder 13: Na Dzień 26 Sierpnia Home Army A pamphlet that tries to boost the morale of the residents of Warsaw during the uprising. 4 pp.
Aug. 26, 1944
Folder 14: Naród i Wojsko A pamphlet which claims the need for Poland to create a strong army after the present war because there are no mountains or seas on her borders. 22 pp.
May 1943
Folder 15: Naprzód do Boju Żołnierze A leaflet presenting a song “Forward to Battle Soldiers!” that has been chosen as the official anthem of the resistance movement. 2 pp. (photostat) (Undated)
Folder 16: Nieuleczalni Front of Polish Rebirth A pamphlet issued that claims that atheism is anti-patriotic. 18 pp. (photostat) (Undated)
Folder 17: Niszczyciele Front of Polish Rebirth A pamphlet that claims that when Germans attempt to destroy the culture of their Slavic neighbors they are subverting their own. 16 pp. (photostat) (Undated)
Folder 18: Nowy York i Londyn A leaflet presenting a digest of American and British press accounts of the Warsaw uprising. 2 pp.
Aug. 4, 1944
Folder 19: Obywatele! Dowódca Polskiej Armji w Rosji A leaflet issued by the Polish Army raised in the Soviet Union and signed by General Berling, its chief, which extols the efforts of the Red Army in driving the Germans from Poland. (Undated)
Folder 20: Pamięci Gen. Wł. Sikorskiego A pamphlet describing with photographs the funeral service held for Gen. Sikorski in Newark, NJ. 4 pp. (photostat)
Folder 21: Polacy! A leaflet announcing the beginning of the Warsaw uprising, urging peasants, workers, and intellectuals to join, and signed by the Dep. Prime Minister of the Polish government-in-exile in London and the chief of the Home Army. (Undated)
Folder 22: Prawda Dnia A news pamphlet (unnumbered) with accounts of Mussolini, and about Poles living abroad. 24 pp. (photostat) (Undated)
Folder 23: Program Polski Ludowej WAN A pamphlet that declares the principles upon which the post-war Polish government shall be based. 8 pp.
Folder 24: Sprawiedliwie Front of Polish Rebirth A pamphlet that claims that Germans, and even German Catholics, are responsible for Hitler’s rise to power and the subsequent horrors of the present war. 20 pp. (photostat) (Undated)
Folder 25: Te Tygrysy..... A leaflet bearing only a humorous and vulgar slogan which ridicules the Germans. (Undated)
Folder 26: Ultimatum do Ludności Miasta Warszawy! A leaflet issued by the chief of German forces occupying Warsaw ordering all residents to evacuate the city and promising assistance and humane treatment.
Aug. 1944?
Folder 27: Warsawa Rzym 1939-[19]41 A pamphlet discussing how the relationship between the Catholic Church and the post-war Polish government should evolve. 102 pp.(photostat) (Undated)
Folder 28: Wiązanka Cierni A pamphlet containing war poems. 23 pp. (photostat)
Folder 29: Współpracownicy BIP! Obywatele Walczącej Polski! A leaflet blaming the failure of the Warsaw uprising on the inactivity of the Red Army.
Folder 30: Z Pierwszej Linii Frontu A leaflet detailing life during the Warsaw uprising. 2 pp.
Aug. 13, 1944
Folder 31: Miscellaneous fragments, single sheets (photostats) (6 items)
BOX 103 Folder 1: Do Pana Commission for Internal Affairs (London) A report (No. 1/41B) that describes the hardships endured by the Poles including Gestapo arrests, executions, and the horros of the concentration camps. 4 pp.
(Undated; mutilated) (photostat)
Folder 2: O formę i Treść Przyszłej Polski A pamphlet claiming that since Poland was the first casualty of Nazi aggression, her views on creating a new moral order among nations should be given priority. 6 pp. (Undated) 6 pages. (mutilated) (photostat)
Kodeks Polaka A pamphlet (Nazi?) instructing Poles on how to behave during the present war, especially in regard with education and job training. 22 pp. Sept. 1940 (Mutilated)
Folder 4: My - Wobec Jutra. A pamphlet claiming that the Polish defeat in September 1939 was a result of Marxism the Church of Rome.
November 1940. 12 pages. (mutilated) (photostat)
Folder 5: Po Wrześniowej Tragedii. A pamphlet describing German behavior during the war in Poland.
Nov. 1940. 16 pages. (mutilated) (photostat)
Folder 6: Polacy! A pamphlet calling Poles to commemorate the first anniversary of German aggression by staying at home. 9 pp. Aug. 1940 (Mutilated) (photostat)
Folder 7: Raport.... A pamphlet describing the establishment of German rule in Poland following the invasion and conquest. 64 pp. 1941 (Mutilated)
Folder 8: W Rocznicę Czynu Wrześniowego A pamphlet claiming that Britain and France did not learn from the Polish defeat in 1939 and continued to pursue “peace at any price” which lead to disaster in 1940. 8 pp.
Fall 1940? 8 pages. (photostat)
Folder 9: Sprawozdanie, A pamphlet claiming that only elementary level and vocational education programs are to be allowed to the Poles by the Nazis. 8 pp. Nov. 15, 1941 (Undated/mutilated) (photostat)
Folder 10:Sytuacja..... A pamphlet claiming that German authorities attend the needs of Polish agriculture solely because the crops feed their soldiers. 5 pp. (Mutilated)(photostat)
Folder 11: Walka Trwa A pamphlet containing poems and songs about Polish martyrs of the present war. 8 pp. (Undated/mutilated) (photostat)
Folder 12: Wskazówki dla Uczestników.... A pamphlet raising questions about the creation of an new political system based on equality and justice.
Sept. 1938 8 pages. (photostat)
Folder 13: Wszyscy.... A Warsaw poster calling on healthy young men of ages 14 - 20 to join in the defense of the city, and gives the address of the recruitment office.
Aug. 20, 1944
Folder 14: Miscellaneous leaves and fragments. Photostats (5 items)
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