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Ralph Ellison personal library and ephemera, 1937-2010

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Books, 1955-2010 (continued)
Deck E Lazarus. By Andre Malraux. Translated by Terence Kilmartin. New York : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1977.
Deck E Le hibou et la poussiquette. By Francis Steegmuller. Freely translated into French from the English of Edward Lear's "The owl and the pussy-cat." Illustrated by Barbara Cooney. Boston : Little, Brown and Company, 1961.
A/VI/1 Leadership, love and aggression. By Allison Davis. New York : Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, [c1983].
B/VII/3 The league of frightened philistines and other papers. By James T. Farrell. New York : Vanguard Press, [c1945].
Deck E Leah. By Seymour Epstein. Boston : Little, Brown and Company, 1964.
Deck E Leap year choice: Selected poems. By John Lucas. Northfield, MN : Carleton College, 1976.
A/VII/1 The learning tree. By Gordon Parks. New York : Harper and Row, [c1963].
B/VII/4 The leatherstocking saga. By James Fenimore Cooper. Edited by Ellen Nevins. Illustrated by Reginald Marsh. New York : Pantheon Books, [c1954].
Deck E Leaves of decency. By John Lucas. Winona, MN : Winona Printing Company, 1984.
Deck E The left hand is the dreamer. By Nancy Wilson Ross. New York : William Sloane Associates, Inc., 1947.
Deck E Legacy from the past: A portfolio of eighty-eight original Williamsburg buildings. Williamsburg, VA : The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, 1971.
A/VII/3 The legacy of Kenneth Burke. Edited by Herbert W. Simons and Trevor Melia. Madison : University of Wisconsin Press, [c1989].
B/III/1 The legacy of the Civil war: meditations on the centennial. By Robert Penn Warren. New York : Random House, [c1961].
Deck E The legend of John Brown: A biography and a history. By Richard O. Boyer. New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 1973.
A/VI/3 The legend of John Brown: a biography and a history. By Richard O. Boyer. New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 1973.
B/VII/5 The Leica way: the Leica photographer's companion. By Andrew Matheson. 3rd edition. New York : Focal Press, [1955].
Deck E A length of rope. By Monroe Engel. New York : Random House, 1952.
Deck E Les Etats-Unis d'aujourd'hui par les textes. By H. Cixous. Edited with Marianne Debouzy and Pierre Dommergues. Paris : Armand Colin, 1969.
A/II/3 Les U.S.A. à la Recherche de Leur Identité: Rencontres avec 40 ecrivains americans. By Pierre Dommergues. Paris : Editions Bernard Grasset, [1987, c1967].
A/II/1 Les U.S.A. à la Recherche de Leur Identite. By Pierre Dommergues. Paris : Bernard Grasset, [1987, c1967].
Deck E Let it come down. By Paul Bowles. New York : Random House, 1952.
A/VI/5 Let me breathe thunder. By William Attaway. New York : Doubleday, Doran and Co., Inc., 1939.
A/VI/2 Let me live. By Angelo Herndon. New York : Random House, [c1937].
Deck E Let not your heart. By James Seay. Middletown, CT : Wesleyan University Press, 1970.
Deck E Let the dead bury their dead and other stories. By Randall Kenan. New York : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1992.
A/VIII/1 Let us now praise famous men: three tenant families. By James Agee and Walker Evans. Boston : Houghton Mifflin Co., 1941.
A/VII/3 Letters from Iceland. By W.H. Auden and Louis MacNeice. New York : Random House, [c1937].
B/V/2 The letters of D.H. By D.H. Lawrence. Lawrence. Second Volume, 1916-1923. Edited and with an introduction by Aldous Huxley. Liepzig : Albatross, [c1939].
Deck E The letters of Edith Wharton. By Edith Wharton. Edited by R.W.B. Lewis and Nancy Lewis. New York : Charles Scribner's Sons, 1988.
B/V/4 The letters of Ezra Pound, 1907-1941. By Ezra Pound. Edited by D. D. Paige. New York : Harcourt, Brace, and Co., [c1950].
B/I/1 Letters of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky to his family and friends. By Fyodor Dostoevksy. Translated by Ethel Colburn Mayne. New York : Macmillan, [n.d.].
Deck E The letters of Lenin. By Vladimir Lenin. Translated and edited by Elizabeth Hill and Doris Mudie. New York : Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1937.
Deck E The letters of Lincoln Steffens: Volume 1: 1889-1919. By Lincoln Steffens. With a memorandum by Carl Sandburg. Edited with introductory notes by Ella Winter and Granville Hicks. New York : Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1938.
Deck E The letters of Lincoln Steffens: Volume 2: 1920-1936. By Lincoln Steffens. With a memorandum by Carl Sandburg. Edited with introductory notes by Ella Winter and Granville Hicks. New York : Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1938.
B/III/2 Letters of Nickolai Gogol. By Nickolai Gogol. Selected and edited by Carl R. Proffer. Translated by Carl R. Proffer in collaboration with Vera Krivoshein. Ann Arbor, MI : University of Michigan Press, [c1967].
Deck E Letters of Noah Webster. By Noah Webster. Edited with an introduction by Harry R. Warfel. New York : Library Publishers, 1953.
Deck E The letters of William Cullen Bryant: Volume 1 (1809-1836). By William Cullen Bryant. Edited by William Cullen Bryant II and Thomas G. Voss. New York : Fordham University Press, 1975.
B/V/3 Letters to Anais Nin. By Henry Miller. Edited and with an introduction by Gunther Stuhlmann. New York : G.P. Putnam Sons, [c1965].
A/VIII/4 The letters. By Henry James. Selected and edited by Percy Lubbock. In two volumes. New York : Charles Scribner's Sons, 1920.
A/VIII/4 Letters. By James Joyce. Edited by Stuart Gilbert. New York : Viking Press, 1957.
Deck E Letting go. By Philip Roth. New York : Random House, 1962.
Deck E Letty Fox: Her luck. By Christina Stead. New York : Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1946.
B/V/4 The liberal imagination: essays on literature and society. By Lionel Trilling. New York : Viking Press, 1950.
Deck E The liberal imagination: Essays on literature and society. By Lionel Trilling. New York : The Viking Press, 1950.
Deck E Liberte. By Paul Eluard. Translated by Teo Savory. Greensboro, NC : Unicorn Press, 1977.
A/VII/1 Libretto for the republic of Liberia. By Melvin B. Tolson. New York : Twayne Publishers, [c1953].
A/IV/3 Lie down in darkness. By William Styron. Indianapolis, NY : Bobbs-Merrill Co., [c1951].
B/VI/1 Life against death: the psychoanalytic meaning of history. By Norman O. Brown. New York : Random House, [c1959].
Deck E Life among the savages. By Shirley Jackson. New York : Farrar, Straus and Young, 1953.
Deck E Life among the Surrealists: A memoir. By Matthew Josephson. New York : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1962.
Deck E The life and death of a Spanish town. By Elliot Paul. New York : Random House, Inc., 1937.
B/VI/1 Life and letters of Henry Lee Higginson. By Bliss Perry. Boston : Atlantic Monthly Press, [c1921].
A/VI/3 Life and times of Frederick Douglas, written by himself. By Frederick Douglas. New York : Pathway Press, [c1941].
Deck E Life in the slow lane: Observations on art, architecture, manners, and other such spectator sports. By Russell Lynes. New York : Cornelia & Michael Bessie Books / HarperCollins, 1991.
Deck E The life of a Burma surgeon. By Gordon S. Seagrave. Introduction by Chester Bowles. New York : Ballantine Books, 1963.
A/V/2 A Life of Francis Parkman. By Charles Haight Farnham. Boston : Little, Brown, and Co., 1910.
Deck E The life of George Borrow. By Clement K. Shorter. New York : E.P. Dutton & Co., n.d.
Deck E The life of Langston Hughes. Volume I: 1902-1941: I, too, sing America. By Arnold Rampersad. New York : Oxford University Press, 1986.
Deck E The life of Richard Wagner. Volume one: 1813-1848. By Ernest Newman. New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 1933.
Deck E The life of riot and other stories. By Judith Johnson Sherwin. New York : Atheneum, 1970.
Deck E The life of Samuel Johnson. By James Boswell. Illustrations by Gordon Ross. Garden City, NY : Doubleday and Company, Inc., 1946.
B/IV/2 The life of the drama. By Eric Russell Bentley. New York : Atheneum, 1964.
B/III/1 Life on the Mississippi. By Mark Twain. With introduction by Dixon Wecter. New York : Harper and Bros., [c1950].
Deck E Life sketches. By John Hersey. New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 1989.
Deck E Life studies: New poems and an autobiographical fragment by the author. By Robert Lowell. New York : Vintage Books / Random House, 1959.
B/VI/2 The life-giving myth and other essays. By A.M. Hocart. Edited, with an introduction, by Lord Raglan. New York : Grove Press, [n.d.].
Deck E Life-show: How to see theater in life and life in theater. By John Lahr and Jonathan Price. Designed by Stephanie Tevonian. New York : The Viking Press, 1973.
Deck E A life. By Wright Morris. New York : Harper & Row, 1973.
Deck E Light in August. By William Faulkner. New York : Harrison Smith & Robert Haas, 1932.
A/VIII/3 Light in August. By William Faulkner. Introduction by Richard H. Rovere. New York : Modern Library, [1950].
A/IV/4 Limbo. By Bernard Wolfe. New York : Random House, [c1952].
Deck E The lime twig. By John Hawkes. Introduction by Leslie A. Fiedler. Norfolk, CT : New Directions Books, 1961.
Deck E Limericks: Too gross; or, Two dozen dirty dozen stanzas. By Isaac Asimov and John Ciardi. New York : W.W. Norton & Company, 1973.
Deck E Lincoln and the American political tradition: An exhibit in honor of the 175th anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln. Preface to this catalogue by Jennifer B. Lee. Introduction by Mark E. Neely, Jr. Providence, RI : Brown University, 1984.
B/IV/1 The lion and the fox: the role of the hero in the plays of Shakespeare. By Wyndham Lewis. London : Grant Richards., 1927.
B/IV/2 The Lion and the Honeycomb: essays in solitude and critique. By R.P. Blackmur. New York : Harcourt, Brace, and Co., [c1955].
Deck E Lion in the garden: Interviews with William Faulkner 1926-1962. Edited by James B. Merriwether and Michael Millgate. New York : Random House, 1968.
B/I/1 Listen to the blues. By Bruce Cook. New York : Charles Scribner's Sons, [c1973].
Deck E Listening with the third ear: The inner experience of a psychoanalyst. By Theodor Reik. New York : Farrar, Straus and Company, 1949.
B/VI/4 Literary essays. By John-Paul Sartre. New York : Philosophical Library, [1957].
B/IV/4 The literary fallacy. By Bernard DeVoto. Boston : Little, Brown and Co., 1944.
Deck E Literary Lectures presented at the Library of Congress. Washington, D.C. : Library of Congress, 1973.
B/VI/4 Literary opinion in America. By Morton Dauwen Zabel. Revised edition. New York : Harper and Brothers, [c1951].
B/III/2 Literary reminiscences and autobiographical fragments. By Ivan Turgenev. Translated with an introduction by David Magarshack; an essay on Turgenev by Edmund Wilson. New York : Farrar, Strauss, and Cudahy, [c1958].
A/III/2 The literary situation. By Malcolm Cowley. New York : Viking Press, 1954.
B/VI/4 Literature and dialectical materialism. By John Strachey. New York : Covici, Friede Publishers, [c1934].
Deck E Literature and society. By Albert Guerard. Boston : Lothrop, Lee and Shepard Company, 1935.
B/VII/2 The literature of the United States. By Marcus Cunliffe. London : Penguin Books, [1954].
Deck E Little big man. By Thomas Berger. New York : The Dial Press, 1964.
B/VII/5 The little disturbances of man. By Grace Paley. Garden City, NY : Doubleday and Co., 1959.
B/VII/4 The little sister. By Raymond Chandler. Boston : Houghton Mifflin Co., 1949.
Deck E The little time-keeper. By Jon Silkin. New York : W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1977.
A/V/4 Little women. By Louisa May Alcott. Franklin Center, PA : Franklin Library, [c1982].
Deck E The live goat. By Cecil Dawkins. New York : Harper & Row, 1971.
Deck E The liveliest art: A panoramic history of the movies. By Arthur Knight. New York : The New American Library of World Literature, Inc., 1959.
Deck E The lively audience: A social history of the visual and performing arts in America 1890-1950. By Russell Lynes. New York : Harper & Row, 1985.
A/II/1 The living novel: a symposium. Edited by Granville Hicks. New York : Macmillan, 1957.
A/II/1 The living novel: a symposium. Edited by Granville Hicks. New York : Macmillan, 1957.
B/V/5 The living thoughts of Pascal. By Francois Mauriac. Presented by Francois Mauriac. New York : Longmans, Green, and Co., 1940.
Deck E Living time and the integration of the life. By Maurice Nicoll. London : Vincent Stuart, 1959.
Deck E Lizzie Borden: A dance of death. By Agnes de Mille. Boston : Little, Brown and Company, 1968.
Deck E Local color: A sense of place in folk art. By William Ferris. Edited by Brenda McCallum. Foreword by Robert Penn Warren. Developed by the Center for Southern Folklore. New York : McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1983.
Deck E The Lockwood concern. By John O'Hara. New York : Random House, 1965.
A/III/3 Lonely crusade. By Chester Himes. New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 1947.
Deck E The lonely ones. By William Steig. Foreword by Wolcott Gibbs. New York : Duell Sloan and Pearce, 1942.
A/IV/5 The lonely quest of Richard Wright. By Michael Fabre. Translated from the French by Isabel Barzun. New York : William Morrow and Co., 1973.
Deck E A long and happy life. By Reynolds Price. New York : Atheneum, 1962.
Deck E A long day's dying. By Frederick Buechner. New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 1950.
Deck E Long distance. By Penelope Mortimer. Garden City, NY : Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1974.
A/IV/5 The long dream. By Richard Wright. Garden City, NY : Doubleday and Co., [c1958].
Deck E The long good-bye. By Raymond Chandler. London : Hamish Hamilton, 1953.
Deck E A long madness. By Antonio Barolini. Translated from the Italian by Helen Barolini. New York : Pantheon Books, 1964.
A/VII/2 The long night. By Julian Mayfield. New York : Vanguard Press, Inc., [c1958].
A/III/1 Long old road. By Horace R. Cayton. New York : Trident Press, 1965.
A/IV/3 Long view. By Genevieve Taggard. New York : Harper and Brothers, 1942.
Deck E Looking backward: 2000-1887. By Edward Bellamy. London : William Reeves, n.d.
Deck E Looking...seeing. By Harry Chapin. Drawings by Rob White. Ridgefield, CT : Story Songs Ltd., 1975.
B/IV/5 Lorca: an appreciation of his poetry. By Roy Campbell. Cambridge : Bowes and Bowes, [1952].
B/IV/5 Lorca: the poet and his people. By Arturo Barea. Translated from Spanish by Ilsa Barea. New York : Grove Press, [c1949].
B/IV/5 Lorca. By Frederico Garcia Lorca. Introduced and edited J.L. Gile. With plain prose translation of each poem. Baltimore : Penguin Books, [1960].
A/V/5 Lord Jim: a tale. By Joseph Conrad. Illustrated by Walt Spitzmiller. Franklin Center, PA : Franklin Library, [c1980].Hardcover.
B/I/5 Lord of dark places. By Hal Bennett. New York : W.W. Norton and Co., [c1970].
Deck E Lord Rochester's monkey: Being the life of John Wilmot, Second Earl of Rochester. By Graham Greene. New York : The Viking Press, 1974.
B/VII/3 Lord Weary's castle and the mills of the Kavanaughs: two volumes of poems. By Robert Lowell. New York : Meridian Books, [1961].
Deck E Losing battles. By Eudora Welty. New York : Random House, 1970.
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