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Scrapbook, 1883-1884
Scrapbook compiled by George Thompson and F.W. Chesson. 23 cm. Approximately 109 items, 226 pages. Articles are pasted in a copy of a bound volume: Annual Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs Transmitted with the Message of the President at the Opening of the First Session of the Thirty-Fourth Congress, 1855. Printed for the Office of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washington: Printed by A.O.P. Nicholson, 1856. Newspaper clippings unless otherwise noted. |
Arranged alphabetically |
["C"] ... witness, who has lately passed through Central Zululand, states that, in consequence of Zibebu’s wholesale defilement of the grain pits in that territory, it will be impossible to avert the horrors of famine from the people ... |
["D.N. Sep. 22, 1883"]. Early in the present century there was perhaps no part of the English coast more renowned for smuggling than the stretch of Kentish shore which the late Mr. G.P.R. James made the scene of his popular story, "The Smugglers." ... |
["D.N. Sep. 20, 1883"]. The Natal Legislative Council, by the votes of its non-official members, has thrown out a Bill to make provision for the due enforcement of the conditions subject to which the ex-Chief Langalibalele will be permitted to return to Natal ... |
["D.N. Sep. 25, 1883"]. We published yesterday a copy of a correspondence between Mr. William Grant of Durban and Sir Henry Bulwer, her Majesty’s Special Commissioner in Zululand, which may throw a little light on Cetewayo’s refusal to see the Resident or to reply to the message lately sent to him ... |
["D.N. Sep. 27, 1883"]. Before the Malagasy Envoys, who were recently in this country, landed on the south-west coast of Madagascar, they visited Natal, where they remained only a day or two ... |
["D.N. October 2, 1883"]. Lord Derby, in one of his recent despatches, suggested that the settlement of the questions affecting the extension of the British Empire at the antipodes would be facilitated by the federal union of the Australian colonies ... |
["D.N. Oct. 4, 1883"]. When the Judges of the High Court of Calcutta were asked to give their opinion on the Ilbert Bill, Mr. Justice Mitter, the only native member of the Court, into sharing the views of his English colleagues, drew up a separate minute ... |
["D.N. Oct. 6, 1883"]. Several days ago we published a correspondence between Mr. William Grant, of Durban, and Sir Henry Bulwer, in which the latter refused to permit Mr. Grant to join Cetewayho at Ikanhla, but without assigning any reason ... |
["D.N. Oct. 10, 1883"]. Professor Wordsworth ... Bombay, in authorising the republication of his letters to the Bombay Gazette in support of the Ilbert Bill, has written a prefatory letter which contains some further cogent remarks on that subject ... |
["D.N. Oct. 11, 1883"]. Mr. Scanlen, the Cape Premier, is now on his way to England, and may be expected to arrive here about a week before the deputation from the Transvaal ... |
["D.N. Oct. 12, 1883"]. Yesterday we published a telegram from our Correspondent at Pietermaritzburg to the effect that Zibebu is being employed to effect the subjugation of Cetewayo ... |
["D.N. Oct. 13, 1883"]. Ashantee is just now the scene of a civil war of more general interest than the sanguinary and purposeless feuds which so often distract the kingdoms of Africa ... |
["D.N. Oct. 16, 1883"]. The Cape mail which arrived yesterday brought details of the trial and conviction of Mapoch (or Niabel) and Mampoer, the two chiefs who were lately in arms against the authorities of the Transvaal ... |
["D.N. Oct. 17, 1883"]. We learn from Natal that, in compliance with the message or ultimatum of Mr. Osborn ... Cetewayo has surrendered himself to Mr. Fynn, and is now actually in the colony ... |
["D.N. Oct. 18, 1883"]. A few days ago we called attention to some of the occurrences of the civil war now raging in Ashantee, and in particular to the treacherous massacre of the followers of Koffee Calcalli by a chief named Owosucoroor, who acted in the interest of Ouacoe Duah, one of the claimants to the throne ... |
["D.N. Oct. 20, 1883"]. It will be remembered that the proposal made by several of the Australian colonies that, in order to prevent France from taking possession of the New Hebrides, England should herself annex those island, was met by a declaration from Lord Derby that both Powers had pledged themselves to abstain from any act of the kind ... |
["D.N. Oct. 23"]. We learn from our Pietermaritzburg Correspondent that Mr. William Grant, the duly-appointed adviser of Cetewayo, has not been allowed to remain with the King at Ekowe, and has therefore returned to Natal ... |
["D.N. Oct. 25, 1883"]. Lord Derby has addressed to General McIver "late of the Servian and Greek services," a letter which tells him in emphatic language that his contemplated operations in New Guinea will not be permitted ... |
["D.N. Oct. 26, 1883"]. A statement has lately been made in one of the West African papers to the effect that the French, in their efforts to extend their authority on the Gold Coast, are meeting with a certain amount of sympathy on the part of the natives ... |
["D.N. Oct. 30, 1883"]. There appears to have been considerable misapprehension as to the attitude of the Eurasian population in India towards the Ilbert Judicature Bill ... |
["D.N. November 1, 1883"]. In a few days the Transvaal Delegates will have an opportunity of making known their views to Lord Derby on the subject of the Pretoria Convention ... |
["D.N. Nov. 5"]. A very improbable piece of intelligence has reached Paris, by way of Reunion, from Madagascar ... |
["D.N. Nov. 8, 1883"]. The intelligence concerning the lamentable state of affairs in Zululand which we published yesterday is fully confirmed by the further information which we have since received ... |
["D.N. Nov. 9, 1883"]. The activity of the French in Africa is by no means confined to the regions of the Congo ... |
["D.N. Nov. 13"]. There is every indication that the affairs of Bechuanaland will form one of the most important of the group of South African questions which are now about to be discussed in Downing-street ... |
["D.N. Nov. 15, 1883"]. We lately called attention to the sanguinary revolution which took place a few weeks ago in Ashantee, and especially to the treacherous means by which Quacoe Duah succeeded in all but exterminating the forces of our old enemy Koffee Caccalli ... |
["D.N. Nov. 17, 1883"]. A correspondent on the Natal border has sent us some further details concerning the anarchy which prevails in Zululand ... |
["D.N. Nov. 21, 1883"]. The telegram from Captain Brooke, the senior naval officer on the West African Station, which we published yesterday, made the public for the first time aware that naval operations of a somewhat severe character have lately taken place on the Niger ... |
["D.N. Nov. 22, 1883"]. There is one feature of the scheme of the Metropolitan Railway for connecting the Edgeware-road and Knightsbridge districts with Westminster, which will certainly commend itself to the ratepayers of London ... |
["Nov. 22"]. The owners of the diamond mines at Kimberley have endeavoured to put in operation certain stringent regulations contained in the Diamond Ordinance of 1880, which apparently have not been enforced till now ... |
["D.N. Nov. 26"]. According to our Correspondent at Durban, Haum (or Oham), having induced the Boers to assist him in his rebellion against Cetewayo by lavish promises of land, now finds himself unable to prevent his allies from taking up their residence in his district, and appropriating what is probably the most fertile portion of his country ... |
["D.N. Nov. 29, 1883"]. The Pitso at which the proposals of the Imperial Government will be submitted to the Basutos is to be held to-day ... |
["D.N. Nov. 30, 1883"]. The telegrams from our Correspondent in Natal which we published yesterday contain information of great importance from Zululand ... |
["D.N. Dec. 4, 1883"]. A Bill has just passed the Legislative Council of Natal which calls for serious attention on the part of every one who has the least regard for public liberty. One of the charges brought against the Boers is that by means of pass laws they prevent the natives of the Transvaal from exercising any freedom of action ... |
["D.N. Dec. 6, 1883"]. A telegram from the Cape Colony which we published yesterday gave some particulars of the Basuto Pitso which has been held for the purpose of considering the proposal to transfer the administration of Basutoland from the Colonial to the Imperial Government ... |
["D.N. Dec. 8, 1883"]. Lord Ripon has taken advantage of the re-assembling of the Legislative Council at Calcutta to make known the final intentions of the Indian Government with regard to the Ilbert Bill ... |
... A Durban telegram which we publish this morning states that it is now regarded as almost certain that Cetewayo will be reinstated at Ulundi ... |
["D.N. Dec. 13"]. There unhappily seems good reason to believe that the Kaffir Chief Mampoer has been executed at Pretoria ... |
["D.N. Dec. 14, 1883"]. We think that on the whole the West African merchants who visited the Colonial Office on Wednesday will be satisfied with the answer they received from Lord Derby ... |
["D.N. Dec. 18, 1883"]. The Government, as we are this morning able to announce, have taken another step towards the complete pacification of South Africa by consenting to restore the old relations which existed between the Crown and the Basutos ... |
["D.N. Dec. 19, 1883"]. The Transvaal delegates, during their residence in England, have had ample opportunities of discussing with Lord Derby every clause of the Pretoria Convention to which they take exception ... |
["D.N. Dec. 22, 1883"]. The letter of Mr. Lawes, the missionary in New Guinea, to Mr. George Palmer, M.P., the substance of which we published yesterday, shows that ... some steps ought at once to be taken to secure justice in the relations of the English settlers with the natives ... |
["D.N. Dec. 26, 1883"]. The Transvaal Delegates, as our readers are aware, have visited this country for the purpose of obtaining concessions, political and financial, which will relieve the country they represent from many of the obligations imposed upon it by the Pretoria Convention ... |
["D.D. [i.e. D.N.?] Dec. 29, 1883"]. A few days ago we called attention to some dubious transactions in which certain speculators who have landed in New Guinea have been engaged in a district on the shores of Redscar Bay, where the soil is known to be admirably adapted for the cultivation of sugar cane ... |
["D.N. January 2, 1884"]. The Boers of the Transvaal have had recourse to a very singular mode of disposing of a portion of the recently confiscated lands of Mapoch’s tribe ... |
["D.N. Jan. 4, 1884"]. Several weeks ago we called attention to the provisions of the native jurisdiction ordinance, a piece of legislation for which the Governor and nominated Council of the Gold Coast are responsible ... |
["D.N. Jan. 7, 1884"]. We have now reached another crisis in the history of our relations with the Transvaal, and during the next few days the Government may be expected to arrive at a decision on the subject which will, if it prove final, affect the fortunes of South Africa for a long time to come ... |
["D.N. Jan. 7, 1884"]. The Government have called upon the Khedive to abandon the Soudan, and to retire to Wady Haifa or the second cataract. Our Correspondent at Cairo informs us that this important decision of the Government was embodied in a Note which Sir Eveyln Baring read to the Khedive yesterday morning ... |
["Non. Con. [Nonconformist] January 3, 1884"]. Lord Carnarvon and the Sydney Conference ... |
["Jan. 9, ?"]. Her Majesty’s Government are about to take another step towards the settlement of the Transvaal question ... |
["D.N. Jan. 12, 1884"]. We make this morning an announcement which has an important bearing on the settlement of the Transvaal question ... |
["D.N. Jan. 14, 1883" [i.e. 1884]. We recently stated that Baron Miklouho Maclay, the Russian naturalist, has written a letter to Lord Derby soliciting British protection for the natives of New Guinea, many of whom ... had requested him to act on their behalf ... |
["D.N. January 15, 1884"]. The conference at the Mansion House yesterday came to certain definite conclusions with regard to the Transvaal question ... |
["D.N. January 17, 1884"]. The telegram from Calcutta which we publish this morning gives some account of the great public meeting on the Ilbert Bill which the native inhabitants of that city held on Monday last ... |
["D.N. January 18, 1884"]. A day or two ago we mentioned the important fact that in that part of South Bechanaland which Lord Derby proposes to place under British protection there are not more than fifty land claims set up by the freebooters who have established what are called the Republics of Stellaland and Goshen ... |
["D.N. January 19, 1884"]. We publish this morning an account of the banquet given to the Transvaal Delegates by the Dutch colony in London ... |
["D.N. Jan. 24, 1884"]. It is satisfactory to learn from the South African mail which arrived yesterday that the Government have sent Mr. Fynn, who, it will be remembered was one of the interpreters attached to Cetewayo during his visit to England, to ascertain, by investigation on the spot, what is the actual state of affairs in that part of Zululand where a considerable number of Boers have taken possession of land belonging to the natives ... |
["D.N. January 28, 1884"]. After prolonged discussion, there is reason to believe that an understanding will shortly be arrived at between Lord Derby and the Transvaal Delegates on the main questions which have brought them to this country ... |
["Jan. 31, D.N. 1884"]. We published a telegram yesterday from our Correspondent in Natal to the effect that Cetewayo on Sunday left Ekowe with a number of his followers surreptitiously ... |
["D.N. February 5, 1884"]. We make this morning an announcement of considerable interest to those who are anxious for a satisfactory settlement of the border questions which have too long perplexed the British Government in South Africa ... |
["D.N. Feb. 5, 1884"]. The present state of affairs in the immediate neighbourhood of Walwich Bay, on the south-west coast of Africa, is revolting in the extreme ... Paul Vister, a Hottentot, or Bastaard headman ... has, it appears, invented methods of cruelty more barbarous than probably ever existed among the uncivilized tribes of South Africa ...... |
["D.N. Feb. 9, 1884"]. We are now in receipt of accurate information as to what has lately taken place in Northern Zululand, where the frontier is conterminous with that of the Transvaal ... |
["D.N. February 5, 1884"]. We make this morning an announcement of considerable interest to those who are anxious for a satisfactory settlement of the border questions which have too long perplexed the British Government in South Africa ... |
["D.N. Feb. 11, 1884"]. The death of Cetewayo is announced by our Correspondent at Pietermaritzburg, who says it is confirmed by official advices received by the Governor ... |
["D.N. February 21, 1884"]. The see of Natal is still vacant, and, as Mr. Evelyn Ashley, in answering a question put to him by Sir William M’Arthur, intimated, her Majesty’s Government are not in the least likely to appoint a successor to the late Bishop Colenso ... |
... The official correspondence relative to Basutoland which has just been published amply vindicates, if vindication were necessary, the policy of the Government on that question ... |
["D.N. February 23, 1884"]. The conferences between the Transvaal Delegates and Lord Derby are now approaching a termination ... |
["D.N. February 28, 1884"]. The new Transvaal Convention was signed at the Colonial Office yesterday by Sir Hercules Robinson, representing her Majesty, and by the Delegates acting for what must now be called the "South African Republic" ... |
["D.N. March 4, 1884"]. The banquet which the Empire Club held last night in honour of Sir Hercules Robinson, and at which Lord Derby was present, was a well-earned tribute of respect to an eminent colonial adminstrator, who has hitherto been known to the nation more by deeds than by words ... |
["D.N. March 4, 1884"]. The Treaty which has been concluded between this country and Portugal for the settlement of the affairs of the Congo has been prepared with a manifest desire to reconcile conflicting interests ... |
["D.N. March 7, 1884"]. Sir Hercules Robinson sails for South Africa to-day ... |
["D.N. March 8, 1884"]. Dr. Cameron’s motion for the appointment of a Select Committee to inquire into the working of the commissariat and transport services of the British and Indian armies in the recent Afghan and Egyptian campaigns was supported by an array of facts of a very painful character ... |
["D.N. March 11, 1884"]. The second reading of the Parks Railway Bill, which is down for this evening, is threatened with opposition, although it is not likely to be of a very formidable character ... |
["D.N. March 14, 1884"]. We are glad to learn from a reply which Mr. Ashley made to Sir Henry Holland last evening that, in the judgment of the Colonial Office, the news of the threatened attacks of the Stellaland freebooters upon Mankoroane, which has lately reached this country, is probably exaggerated ... |
["D.N. March 19, 1884"]. A day or two ago Mr. Ashley informed the House of Commons that Lord Derby had under consideration a plan for the settlement of Zululand ... |
["D.N. March 20, 1884"]. The public in Malta seem to be a good deal exercised by the discussion on the language question which has raged for some time past in the local Council ... |
["D.N. March 27, 1884"]. The debates on the affairs of Madagascar which are now taking place in the French Chamber show that the colonial and Ultramontane parties are straining every nerve to induce the Government to engage in a war of conquest on the great African island ... |
["D.N. April 10, 1884"]. In a speech which Sir Evelyn Baring lately made at Cairo, he informed his audience that during the last five years no fewer than 9,000 slaves in Egypt had obtained their freedom through the various bureaux of manumission ... |
["D.N. April 11"]. A singular incident has just occurred on the Gold Coast. It appears that a German ship-of-war, the Sophie, lateley visited Little Popo, a place within the nominal jurisdiction of Dahomey, but in which authority is exercised by a so-called "Regent" named Lawson ... |
["D.N. April 21, 1884"]. The Cape Coast Courts have lately been called upon to decide the vexed question as to whether marriages celebrated in the Wesleyan chapels on that coast have been legally solemnized or not ... |
["D.N. April 22, 1884"]. We make an announcement this morning which will be eminently satisfactory to those who have long endeavoured to separate the military government of Malta from its civil administration ... |
["D.N. April 24, 1884"]. At the meeting at the Mansion House on Tuesday, Mr. Forster put the case of the proposed Home for Freed Women Slaves at Cairo in a strong but true light ... |
["Athenaeum, April 19, 1884"]. "South Africa: a Sketch-Book of Men, Manners, and Facts. By James Stanley Little. 2 vols. (Sonnenschein and Co.) ... [review]. |
["D.N. May 3, 1884"]. It appears that when Cetewayo felt that he was dying he assembled several of his chiefs in his hut, and informed them of his approaching end, and, at the same time, nominated his son Dinuzulu as his successor ... |
["D.N. May 13, 1884"]. Mr. P.A. Taylor has lately put a question to the Under-Secretary for the Colonies concerning the infliction of excessive punishments in the colony of Mauritius ... |
["D.N. June 2, 1884"]. The installation of Dinizulu, the eldest son and legitimate heir of Cetewayo, as King of Zululand, by the Boers, has been followed by the restoration of peace between the two parties into which the country has so long been divided ... |
["D.N. June 9, 1884"]. Mr. Mackenzie, the newly-appointed Resident Commisioner in Bechuanaland, has thus far achieved no small degree of success in pacifying the turbulent elements with which he had to deal in the distant part of South Africa ... |
["D.N. June 16"]. Lord Derby in a letter to Mr. Dillwyn which we published on Saturday, referred to telegraphic rumours of a probable settlement of the affairs of Zululand which would prove acceptable to the Zulus ... |
["D.N. July 3, 1884"]. Although no successor to the late Bishop Colenso has yet been appointed, it is understood that the leading members of the Church of England in Natal are determined that the see shall not continue vacant ... |
["D.N. July 7, 1884"]. The last mail from South Africa brought details of the crowning of Dinizulu, the youthful son of Cetewayo, as King of Zululand, by a large party of Boers, under Mr. Lewis Meyer, late Landdrost of Utrecht ... |
["D.N. July 19, 1884"]. The Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the condition of the dwellings of the poor have been sedulously engaged for several months past in the performance of their arduous task ... |
["D.N. July 24, 1884"]. Lord Derby in addressing the Maories and their friends at the Colonial Office on Tuesday did not exaggerate when he described the deputation as the most interesting and the most important he had ever seen at the Colonial Office ... |
["D.N. July 31, 1884"]. The debate on the affairs of Zululand, which occupied nearly the entire sitting of the House of Commons yesterday afternoon, was hardly equal to the importance of the subject ... |
["D.N. August 14, 1884"]. The Government, as we stated yesterday, have decided to establish a British Protectorate on the south-east coast of New Guinea ... |
["D.N. August 8, 1884"]. The Indian breakfast held at the Westminster Palace Hotel yesterday was a novel and interesting experiment ... |
["D.N. August 20, 1884"]. The Maori King and chiefs brought their visit to this country to a close yesterday by taking part in certain farewell proceedings at the Mansion House ... |
["D.N. August 25, 1884"]. A despatch which has been addressed during the present year by Sir John Pope Hennessy to Lord Derby, and lately laid before the Legislative Council of Mauritius, shows how necessary it is that the legislation of Crown Colonies should be revised by some independent and responsible authority ... |
["Sept. 3rd, 1884"]. The Polynesian labour traffic, the real character of which has lately been so severely exposed by Deputy-Commissioner Romilly, will receive another blow from the Report of the Acting Agent-General of Immigraton in Fiji ... |
["Sept. 5, 1884"]. It is perhaps as well that the public judgment as to the events which have lately taken place on the western borders of the Transvaal should be suspended until we are in possession of fuller information ... |
["Sept. 6, 1884"]. The British subjects in Morocco are wisely taking steps to protect their interests in that misgoverned Empire ... |
["Sept. 9, 1884"]. The recent appointment of M. Buonfanti by the King of the Belgians to carry on the work of exploration in the region of the Congo is fully justified by the details, lately published at Brussels, of the journey which the same adventurous traveller has made from Tripoli to the Gulf of Guinea ... |
["Sept. 19th"]. There died at Dunkirk a few days ago M. Malo, a local celebrity, whose career furnishes more than one passage of romantic interest ... |
["Sept. 21, 1884"]. We are now in possession of some further details of the events that have lately taken place in Bechuanaland ... |
["Sept. 24, 1884"]. In a despatch addressed to Lord Derby in May last, Sir H. Bulwer expressed the opinion that the Boers would eventually become the masters of Zululand unless that country was proclaimed part of her Majesty’s dominions ... |
["Athenaeum, Sept. 20, 1884"]. "The Promised Land, or, Nine Years (Gold Mining, Hunting and Volunteering) in the Transvaal." By E.V. C. (Blades, East and Blades) ... [review]。 |
["Sept. 26, 1884"]. The affairs of Ashantee are again causing anxiety to British subjects on the Gold Coast ... |
["Sept. 27, 1884"]. At the present moment it would appear that any independent native tribe in South Africa is at the mercy of the lawless bands of adventurers who, since the Zulu and Transvaal wars, have been always ready for deeds of pillage and murder ... |
Scrapbook, 1883-1886
Scrapbook compiled by George Thompson and F.W. Chesson. 24 cm. Approximately 153 items, 386 pages. Articles are pasted in a copy of a bound volume Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs for the Year 1862.Printed for the Office of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washington: Government Printing Office, 1863. Newspaper clippings unless otherwise noted. |
Arranged alphabetically |
The Transvaal: Earl Grey has written the following letter to Mr. Chesson, secretary of the Aborigines Protection Society; "Howick, Nov. 19, 1883... Grey" |
["Times. December 6, 1883"]. Banquet to the Cape Premier. Last evening the Lord Mayor, M.P. entertained a select company at the Mansion-house to meet the Hon. T.C. Scanlen, the Premier and Colonial Secretary in the Government of the Cape Colony ... |
["Times. December 29, 1883"]. The case of Mampoer. To the Editor of the Times. Sir: ... F.W. Chesson, Aborigines’ Protection Society, 3, Broadway-chambers, Westminster, Dec. 28. |
["Times. Jan. 4, 1884"]. The treatment of natives in the Transvaal. To the Editor of the Times. Sir: ... J.E. Mears, of Sunnyside, Pretoria. London, Dec. 31, 1883. |
["Times"]. London, Saturday, January 5, 1884. When the Transvaal Deputation arrived in this country, we explained at length the views they had come to advocate, and also the reception they were likely to meet with at the Colonial Office ... |
["Times January 8, 1884"]. The treatment of natives in the Transvaal. To the Editor of the Times. Sir: ... F.W. Chesson, Aborigines’ Protection Society, 3, Broadway-chambers, Westminster, Jan. 5. |
["Times Jan. 9, 1884"]. The South African Committee. A meeting of the South African Committee was held yesterday to consider the present state of the Transvaal question ... |
["Times"]. The native tribes in the Transvaal. Yesterday afternoon a conference, principally of representatives of various societies who take an interest in the welfare of the native tribes of South Africa, was held in the saloon at the Mansion-house ... gentlemen present ... Mr. F. W. Chesson (Secretary of the Aborigines’ Protection Society) ... |
["D.N. [Daily News] Feb. 11, 1884"]. Cetewayo and Zululand. To the Editor of the Daily News. Sir: ... F.W. Chesson, Aborigines Protection Society, London, Feb. 10. |
["Pall Mall, Feb. 11, 1884"]. Cetewayo is dead apparently of a broken heart ... Mr. Chesson, we see, protests this morning against the recognition of Usibepu ... |
["Globe. Feb. 11, 1884"]. Wanted, a fetish. Before many weeks elapse the British public will probably come across an advertisment running somewhat as follows, "Wanted, a brand-new idol, the blacker the better. |
Apply to the Aborigines Protection Society ... |
["Pall Mall March 15, 1884"]. Our first resident in Bechuanaland. To the Editor of the Pall Mall Gazette. Sir: ... F.W. Chesson. 3, Broadway-chambers, Westminster, March 13. |
["? Argus. January 2, 1884"]. Pro Patria. The South African problem ... |
["Times, March 29, 1884"]. The burial of Cetywayo. To the Editor of the Times. Sir: ... F.W. Chesson. Aborigines’ Protection Society, 3, Broadway-chambers, S.W., March 22. |
["Times May 14, 1884"]. Flogging in the prisons of Mauritius. To the Editor of the Times. Sir: ... F.W. Chesson. Aborigines’ Protection Society, 3, Broadway-chambers, Westminster. |
Home for freed women slaves. To the Editor of the Times. Sir: ... Charles H. Allen, Hon. Sec., Home for Freed Women Slaves, Cairo. 55 New Broad-street, April 10. |
["Times. April 23, 1884"]. Cairo Home for Freed Women Slaves. Yesterday, at the Mansion-house, a meeting was held to give support to the benevolent scheme of founding a home in Cairo for freed women slaves ... Mr. Chesson stated ... |
["Times May 22, 1884"]. The Aborigines Protection Society. Last night the 47th annual meeting of this society was held at the Devonshire house Hotel ... |
["Daily Telegram, June 4, 1884"]. The Maori King in London. Yesterday, Tawhiao, the Maori king, and the chiefs who accompany him on his present visit to England, made their first appearance in the streets of London |
["D.N. June 9, 1884"]. The Maori chiefs in England. To the Editor of the Daily News. Sir: ... F.W. Chesson, Aborigines’ Protection Society, Westminster, S.W., June 7. |
["Indian Spectator. May 14, 1884"]. Prof. Max Muller recently addressed this not to our good friend Mr. Chesson ... |
["Indian Spectator, May 25, 1884"]. A valued English friend sends us this fiery protest and challenges its publication. We print it verbatim ... |
["Christian Work. June 12, 1884"]. King Tawhiao, the Maori, is causing a mild sensation ... Mr. F.W. Chesson, the Society’s secretary writes ... |
["Glasgow Herald. June 13, 1884"]. His Majesty King Tawhiao, whose printed name, by the way gives but a very inadequate idea of its sound ... |
["Times. June 23, 1884"]. Zululand. To the Editor of the Times. Sir: ... F.W. Chesson ... |
["Times. July 2, 1884"]. The Maori King. Mr. F.W. Chesson writes to say that Tawhaio, in conversation with him, emphatically repudiated any desire to assume the title of "King of New Zealand"... |
["D.N. July 8, 1884"]. King Tawhiao. The Maori King and chiefs were entertained at dinner last evening at the Salisbury Hotel, Fleet-street ... The attendance included ... Mr. Chesson ... |
["D.N. July 14, 1884"]. The Maori King. King Tawhaio and two of his chiefs were present at a garden party given by Mrs. Alexander McArthur at Raleigh Hall, Briston-rise on Saturday afternoon ... |
["Pall Mall Gazette, July 16, 1884 ..."]. The Maori King in London. An interview with King Tawhaio ... |
King Tawhiao. To the Editor of the Daily News. Sir: ... Tawhiao. 13, Montague-place, Russell-square, July 17. |
["Times July 20, 1884"]. The government and the Maori chiefs ... The deputation consisted of Tawhiao ... Mr. F.W. Chesson ... |
The London correspondent of an Indian paper writes: The Aborigines Protection Society is on the war path just now ... |
["Times, August 6, 1884"]. Cetewayo and his friends. To the Editor of the Times. Sir: ... L.L. Dillwyn, R.N. Fowler, F.W. Chesson. 3, Broadway-chambers, Westminster, Aug. 4. |
["Times, August 8, 1884"]. Conference on Indian questions ... |
["D.N. August 14, 1884"]. Samuel Moroka. It will be remembered that a few months ago Samuel Moroka, a Barolong chief, visited England for the purpose of asking her Majesty’s Government to assist him to obtain possession of the territory of Thaba Nchu, of which he claimed to be the rightful ruler ... |
["Times. August 15, 1884"]. The native question in Western Australia. To the Editor of the Times. Sir: ... F.W. Chesson, Aborigines’ Protection Society ... Aug. 15. |
["Times. August 20, 1884"]. Farewell of the Maori chiefs ... |
["August 21, 1884]. Departure of the Maori King and chiefs ... |
["New Zealand Herald. July 19, 1884"]. Tawhiao’s visit to England. The action of the Aborigines’ Protection Society. Interview with the secretary. English views and notions. (from our special reporter). London, Tuesday, May 28 ... |
The destruction of Bishopstowe, Natal. To the Editor of the Times. Sir: ... |
Page 113" [found loose]: Major-General Scratchley, C.M.G., is no sooner appointed Special Commissioner to New Guinea, than Mr. Chesson, with his Aborigines Protection Society appears on the scene ... |
The Orange Free State. To the Editor of the Standard. Sir ... E.D. Bourdillon, Poundisford, Taunton, September 3. |
A terribly sad thing has happened at Thaba’nchu. As you know, after the death of Moroka, Sepnare and Samuel, two of his nominal sons, disputed the vacant chieftanship ... Francis E. Colenso, Norwich, September 5. |
["D.N. Sep. 16, 1884"]. Letter from the Malagasy Prime Minister ... Rainilaiarivony, Prime Minister. |
The Orange Free State. To the Editor of the Standard. Sir: ... F.W. Chesson, Aborigines’ Protection Society ... September 6. |
Samuel and Sepinare. To the Editor of the Standard. Sir: In his effort to support the claim of "Samuel versus Sepinare" to the chieftianship of the Baralongs of the Free State, Mr. F.W. Chesson has failed to touch on the points essential to a fair and full understanding of the dispute ... Ex-Mayor of Bloemfontein, London, September 10. |
To the Editor of the Times. Sir: Your Durban Correspondent, in a telegram dated September 13, says: "Usibepu is likely to be located near the Natal border, about Inkandhla, where the Usutu malcontents seem disposed one by one to give in ... F.W. Chesson, Aborigines’ Protection Society ... Sept. 16. |
["Non. Con. Sep. 18, 1884"]. The claims of Madagascar. To the Editor of the Nonconformist and Independent. Sir ... J. Thomas, Mile-end, E., September 15. |
To the Editor of the Nonconformist and Independent. Sir: Something is urgently required to be done, either in the form suggested by your correspondent, Mr. Dickerson Davies, or in some other way, to put the case betwixt the Malagasy and French in a true light before the whole French nation ...Yours, Mediator ... |
["D.N. Sep. 24"]. Sir Henry Bulwer and the Zulus. To the Editor of the Daily News. Sir: ... F.W. Chesson, Aborigines Protection Society, Sept. 23. |
["D.N. Sep. 25"]. Mr. William Grant and the Zulus. To the Editor of the Daily News. Sir: ... Folkstone, Sept. 24, F.W. Chesson. |
Zululand. To the Editor of the Times. Sir: ... F.W. Chesson, Aborigines Protection Society. |
["New Zealand Herald. July 19, 1884"]. Tawhiao’s visit to England. The action of the Aborigines’ Protection Society. Interview with the secretary. English views and notions. (from our special reporter). London, Tuesday, May 28 ... |
["New Zealand Herald. July 19, 1884"]. Tawhiao’s visit to England. The action of the Aborigines’ Protection Society. Interview with the secretary. English views and notions. (from our special reporter). London, Tuesday, May 28 ... |
["Times. Oct. 10, 1884"]. Mr. Forster on South Africa ... |
["Kensington Times, April 12, 1884"]. England and India. A public meeting was held at the Kensington Town Hall on Friday, April 4th, to consider the Indian view of Lord Ripon’s policy ... Among those present ... Mr. F.W. Chesson ... |
["Times. Oct. 11, 1884"]. The Transvaal and Bechuanaland. To the Editor of the Times. Sir: ... G.B. Clark, West Dulwich, Oct. 8. |
["Times. Oct. 13, 1884"]. To the Editor of the Times. Sir: Dr. Clark, in the letter which you publish in The Times of this morning, repeats a number of statements which the South African Committee fully answered when the Transvaal delegates were in this country ... F.W. Chesson, Hon. Sec. of the South African Committee ... Oct. 11. |
["Times. Oct. 11, 1884"]. The destruction of Bishopstowe. To the Editor of the Times. Sir: ... Francis E. Colenso. Norwich, Oct. 9. |
The sitauation in South Africa. To the Editor of the Times. Sir: In reply to Mr. Chesson’s letter in the Times of this morning ... G.B. Clarke, West Dulwich, Oct. 13. |
To the Editor of the Times. Sir: Many will feel grateful to you for giving publicity to the letters which have recently appeared in The Times on the situation in South Africa ... An Old Cape Colonist, October 14. |
["Times, Oct. 21, 1884"]. The situation in South Africa. To the Editor of the Times. Sir: ... F.W. Chesson, Hon. Secretary of the South African Committee ... Oct. 15 ... |
To the Editor of the Times. In the Times of the 16th inst. Dr. Clark makes the following statement, viz: "All the anarchy and bloodshed in Bechuanaland have arisen in consequence of the struggle between Montsioa and Moshette for the paramount chieftainship of the Baralongs, and of Moshette having been set up by President Burgers on false pretences for the purpose of introducing elements of strife into the country" ... J.W. Harrel, Junior United Service Club, 18 Oct. |
["D.N. Oct. 29, 1884"]. Mr. Lalmohun Ghose. To the Editor of the Daily News ... J.B. Firth, London, Oct. 27. |
["? Mercury, Oct. 21, 1884"]. Current topics. Mr. Merriman is credited in the Cape and some other papers with being the wire-puller-in-chief in London just now ... For whatever we may think of Mr. Chesson’s method, it must be admitted that for the last twenty years he has been the inspiring genius and motor of the philanthropic party ... |
["D.N. Oct. 24, 1884"]. Mr. Lalmohun Ghose. At the National Liberal Club yesterday morning, Mr. Lalmohun Ghose entertained at breakfast a number of his friends who are favourable to his candidature as a Liberal candidate for an English constituency ... |
["Greenwich and Deptford Chronicle, Oct. 31, 1884"]. Mr. Lalmohun Ghose also supported the resolution ... |
["D.N. Nov. 12, 1884"]. We regret to record the death, in his 70th year, of Mr. William Peploe, an old inhabitant of Blackheath ... |
["D.N. Nov. 13"]. At a meeting of the Committee of the Aborigines Protection Society yesterday ... the following resolution was adopted ... "That this meeting deeply laments the death of the Right Honourable Henry Fawcett ... |
["D.N. Nov. 13, 1884"]. The Representation of Greenwich. A meeting of the Liberal Five Hundred was held at the Lecture Hall, Greenwich, last evening to hear an address by Mr. Lalmohun Ghose in connection with the representation of the borough ... |
["Nov. 6, 1884"]. Mischievous philanthropy. To the Editor of the Standard. Sir: At such a distance I am naturally at a disadvantage, but I must ask a small space in order to reply to a letter from Mr. Chesson in your issue of September 9 ... E. Bourdillon, Bloemfontein, October 8. |
The Scotsman, Saturday, October 25, 1884. A native of India and the House of Commons. There was a meeting of about thirty gentlemen on Thursday at a breakfast at the National Liberal Club, Trafalgar Square, London, to confer respecting the candidature of Mr. Lalmohun Ghose ... |
["D.N. Dec. 2, 1884"]. Lambeth. A crowded meeting of the St. Paul’s Ward Branch of the Lambeth Liberal Five Hundred was held last night at 226, Walworth-road "to promote the organization of the Liberal party" ... |
["D.N. Dec. 4, 1884"]. Lord Ripon and the natives of India. Great demonstration in Calcutta. (from a correspondent) ... |
["D.N. Nov. 20, 1884"]. The Aborigines’ Society and General Scratchley. Yesterday a deputation from the Aborigines Protection Society waited at the Grosvenor Hotel on General Scratchley, Special Commisioner in New Guinea, for the purpose of congratulating him on his appointment to that office ... |
["D.N. November 11, 1884"]. Funeral of Mr. Fawcett (from our special correspondent) ... |
["Times Dec. 5, 1884"]. Native labour in Fiji. To the Editor of the Times. Sir: ... F.W. Chesson, Aborigines Protection Society, 3, Broadway-chambers, S.W., Dec. 2. |
["Times Dec. 4, 1884"]. Bechuanaland. To the Editor of the Times. Sir: In The Times of October 11 I notice a letter from Dr. Clarke ... on the subject of the Transvaal and Bechuanaland. I also saw Mr. Chesson’s answer on the 13th ... Alfred J. Bethell, Lieutenant 82d Regiment (Prince of Wales’s Volunteers), The Castle, Cape Town, Nov. 7. |
["Times Dec. 26, 1884"]. The Maori chiefs. To the Editor of the Times. Sir: ... F.W. Chesson, Aborigines’ Protection Society, 3, Broadway-chambers, S.W., Dec. 23. |
["Times. Jan. 2, 1885"]. St. Lucia Bay. To the Editor of the Times. Sir: ... F.W. Chesson, Aborigines’ Protection Society, 3, Broadway-chambers, S.W., Jan. 1. |
["Times Jan. 2, 1885"]. The Prime Minister returned to London yesterday in order to be present at the Cabinet Council which is summoned for to-day ... |
The Boers and Zululand. To the Editor of the Times. Sir: ... F.W. Chesson ... Jan. 8.. |
["Manchester Times, Jan. 15, 1885"]. The West African conference by F.W. Chesson ... |
["D.N. Jan. 16, 1885"]. A singular movement in Basutoland ... |
["D.N. January 28, 1885"]. African exploration. At the Royal Victoria Hall last evening Commander Cameron, C.B. delivered a lecture entitled "How I got from the East to the West Coast of Africa" ... |
["Times Feb. 19, 1885"]. St. Lucia Bay and Zululand. To the Editor of the Times. Sir: ... F.W. Chesson, 33, Broadway-chambers, S.W., Feb. 18. |
The government of Fiji. A deputation representing the Aborigines’ Protection Society, and consisting of Sir Foxwell Buxton, ... Mr. Chesson (secretary), waited yesterday in London upon the Hon. J.B. Thurston, Colonial Secretary of Fiji ... |
["Liverpool D[aily] Post. March 13, 1885"]. Sad death of a lady at Crosby ... Poisoned by laudanum. The county coroner (Mr. Brighthouse) held an inquest yesterday, at the Blundellsands Hotel, on the body of Eliza Louisa Spry, fifty-two years of age, wife of Mr. Frederick Arthur Nosworthy, a Liverpool merchant, and eldest daughter of the late Mr. G. Thompson, formerly M.P. for the Tower Hamlets ... |
["Times. March 31, 1885"]. The Maori chiefs. To the Editor of the Times. Sir: ... F.W. Chesson, Aborigines Protection Society, 3, Broadway-chambers, S.W., March 28. |
["Alliance News, April 4, 1885"]. The London correspondent of the Liverpool Mercury reports that Tawhiao has declared that the Maoris are a Christian people ... The Daily News says: We learn from New Zealand that Tawhiao, the Maori King, has definately recommended his people to embrace Christianity ... Mr. F.W. Chesson, in the Times of Tuesday, had a letter on the Maori Chiefs, giving fuller information ... |
["May 21, 1885"]. Aborgines Protection Society. The forty-eight[h] annual meeting of this society was held on Wednesday evening in Devonshire House Hotel. Sir T. Fowell Buxton presiding. Mr. F.W. Chesson read the report ... |
["Times. May 11, 1885"]. To the Editor of the Times. Sir: I observed in The Times of to-day that your correspondent at Durban states, on what he describes as "trustworthy authority," that the Boers in Zululand "would gladly join Natal were their land grants recognized, subject to a military servitude" ... F.W. Chesson, Aborigines’ Protection Society, 3, Broadway-chambers, S.W., May 9. |
["May 24, 1885"]. Aborigines’ Protection Society. To the Editor of the Daily Chronicle. Sir: ... F.W. Chesson, 3 Broadway-chambers, S.W., May 21. |
["St. James’s Gazette, January 9, 1885"]. Mr. Chesson’s letter on Zululand in the Times this morning is worth noting ... |
["Fiji. Times, Feb. 25, 1885"]. Mr. A.B. Gordon certainly has the satisfaction of knowing that in writing his letter which appeared in The Times of Aug. 13th, his labor was not thrown away ... |
["Times. June 12, 1885"]. The Maories. To the Editor of the Times. Sir: ...F.W. Chesson, Aborigines’ Protection Society, 3, Broadway-chambers, S.W., June 6. |
["Aberdeen Free Press, June 27, 1885"]. Literature. The True Story of the French Dispute in Madagascar. With a Map. By Captain S. Pasfield Oliver, F.S.A, F.R.G.S, late Royal Artillery. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1885 ... [review]. |
["Daily Chronicle. July 2, 1885"]. An Indian chief at the Mansion House. Yesterday afternoon the Lord Mayor received at luncheon the Rev. Henry Pahtahquohong Chase, an hereditary chief of the Ojibway Indians, there being also present Mr. F.W. Chesson ... |
["D.N. Dec. 15, 1884"]. Dr. Johnson’s centenerary ... |
["D.N. Dec. 15, 1884"]. Dr. Johnson’s centenerary ... |
["D.N. Dec. 15, 1884"]. Dr. Johnson’s centenerary ... |
General Grant. (To the Editor of the Daily News). Sir: ... F.W. Chesson ... July 6. |
["D.N. July 22, 1885"]. Extraordinary occurrence. On Sunday night, as the Rev. Canon Maccoll was walking along New Bond-street, a pellet was fired from a pistol behind him, and passed through his hat ... |
["D.N. July 22, 1885"]. The Government of Bechuanaland and Zululand. At a meeting of the Aborigines’ Protection Society, held at the Mansion House yesterday ... |
["D.N. July 24, 1885"]. The Armenian Patriarchate. At a meeting of the Armenian Education Aid Assocation held yesterday ... |
["Times. August 6, 1885"]. Colonel Stanley and Mr. Forster on South African affairs. Yesterday a deputation from the Aborigines’ Protection Society, the South African Committee, and other bodies had an interview with Colonel Stanley ... |
["July 27, 1885"]. Mr. Forster on South Africa. On Saturday morning, at the Westminster Palace Hotel, Mr. Forster, M.P., presided over a large company, including members of both political parties, who were entertained at breakfast by the South African Committee and the Committee of the Aborigines’ Protection Society ... |
["New York Evening Post, May 29, 1885"]. F.W. Chesson, a well-known writer and reformer, who is now Secretary of the Society for the Protection of Aborigines, and was, during the war of the rebellion, honorary Secretary of a society in which Cobden and Mill took a prominent part, formed to organize against any official recognition by England of the Confederate States, has placed at my disposal a letter of Victor Hugo which is interesting at the present moment ... |
["July 27, 1885"]. Zululand. To the Editor of the Times. Sir: ... F.W. Chesson ... July 23. |
["D.N. August 19, 1885"]. Sir Charles Dilke and the Chelsea Liberal Association ... |
["Times. August 22, 1885"]. Basutoland. To the Editor of the Times. Sir: ... F.W. Chesson, Aborigines’ Protection Society, 6, Broadway-chambers, S.W., Aug. 21. |
["Times September 1, 1885"]. Sir Charles Warren. A meeting of the South African Committee and the Committee of the Aborigines Protection Society was held yesterday ... |
["Plymouth Mercury. Sept. 1885]. Mr. F.W. Chesson, of the Aborigines Protection Society, is to publish an article on the commercial aspects of the Bechuanaland question in the September number of the British Trade Journal ... |
["D.N. Sep. 15, 1885"]. An Indian Dinner. The friends of Mr. Mosim B. Tyabji, the first Mohammedan who has passed the Indian Civil Service Examinations, gave a dinner in his honour at the Prince’s Room, in the Criterion, last evening ... |
["Alliance News, Sep. 19, 1885"]. We may add that Mr. Chesson, on behalf of the Aborigines’ Protection Society, wrote a letter to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, on August 21st, calling attention to the deplorable condition of Basutoland ... |
Sir Charles Warren’s recall. To the Editor of the Times. Sir: ... F.W. Chesson, Hon. Secretary of the South African Committee, Folkestone, Sept. 18. |
Mr. Rhodes’s work in Bechuanaland. To the Editor of the Times. Sir: In the Times of the 22d inst. you print a letter from Mr. Chesson, of the Aborigines Protection Society, which conveys an impression that the land agreement of the 8th of September, by which Mr. Cecil Rhodes endeavoured to settle the vexed questions in Stellaland, was designed so as to despoil some of the neighboring native chiefs of a portion of the lands still remaining to them ... Ralph Ch. Williams, Beaumaris. |
["Sep. 30, 1885"]. To the Editor of the Times. Sir: I do not think it would be fair to ask you to devote your valuable space to a detailed reply to Mr. Ralph C. Williams’s letter which you publish today ... F.W. Chesson, Hon. Secretary of the South African Committee, Folkestone, Sept. 28. |
Mr. Rhodes’s work in Bechuanaland. To the Editor of the Times. Sir: I have no desire to continue a profitless discussion ... Ralph Ch. Williams, Beaumaris, Oct. 1. |
["1885 Nation, N. York"]. The Doctor Johnson Club. London, August 30. Probably few people are aware that there is in London a Doctor Johnson Club. It is of comparatively recent origin, and its membership list, which is limited to thirty persons, was immediately filled up ... Mr. T. Fisher Unwin, the well-known publisher, is the President, or Chairman, or Prior of the Club. The Vice-President, or Sub-Prior, is Mr. F.W. Chesson, the well-known Secretary to the Society for the Protection of Aborigines, and colaborer in almost every reform in London for the last quarter of a century ... "H.N." |
["Lives of Robert and M. Moffat"]. Mr. Chessson’s indefatigable efforts on behalf of the aborigines inspired Robert Moffat’s sympathy and admiration, and they frequently met to plead the cause of those interests they both had so much at heart. Mr. Chesson has kindly furnished me with some particulars of several of these occasions ... |
["Oct. 20, 1885"]. The Greek Committee. To the Editor of the Standard. Sir: ... F.W. Chesson, 5, Tite-street, Chelsea, October 19. |
["D.N. Oct. 23, 1885"]. M. Tricoupis and the English friends of Greece. M. Tricoupis has sent the following letter to Mr. Chesson ... |
["? Oct. 24, 1885"]. M. Tricoupis will at once erase the Times correspondent from his list of friends, which will make more room for Mr. Chesson ... |
["Times Oct. 29. The position of Greece. To the Editor of the Times. Sir: ...Oct. 27. A Greek. |
["D.N. Sep. 17, 1885"]. Sir C. Warren’s recall. A public meeting of Cape merchants and others interested in South Africa was held at Cannon-street Hotel yesterday to consider the recall of Sir Charles Warren, and to take such action as might be deemed desirable ... |
["? November 1885"]. King Tawhiao. By Frederick W. Chesson ... |
["Times Nov. 13? 1885"]. To the Editor of the Times. Sir: As Mr. Mackenzie is still in South Africa, I venture to ask your permission to correct one or two mistakes as to his proceedings in Bechuanaland which, it seems to me, Mr. Rhodes has made in The Times of this morning ... F.W. Chesson, Hon. Sec. of the South African Committee ... Nov. 11. |
["Times. Nov. 23, 1885"]. The Aborigines Protection Society. The following letter has been addressed to the members and friends of the Aborigines Protection Society ... We hope that you will do all in your power to urge upon the candidates who are asking for your support at the general election the duty of giving special attention to the claims of the necessarily unrepresented millions of various races and religions who reside within the limits of the British Colonial Empire ...Thomas Fowell Buxton ... F.W. Chesson ... |
[?? Gazette, Manchester, Oct. 21, 1885"]. Postal communication with Madagascar. The following is a copy of a letter which has been received by Mr. Chesson, Hon. Secy. Of the Madagascar Committee in London ... 14th September 1885 ... E.H. Lea, Assistant Secretary To F.W. Chesson, Esqre. |
["Times. December 14, 1885"]. Zululand. To the Editor of the Times. Sir: ... F.W. Chesson, Aborogines’ Protection Society, 6, Broadway-chambers, S.W., Dec. 9. |
["D.N. Dec. 14, 1885"]. The Johnson Club. The members of this club celebrated the 101st anniversary of Dr. Johnson’s death by a supper at the Cock Tavern, Fleet street, on Saturday evening. The chair was taken by Mr. Chesson, who was elected president of the club for the ensuing year ... |
["Daily Chronicle. Dec. 17, 1885"]. Breakfast to the Indian delegates. A farewell breakfast to the Indian Delegates took place at the National Liberal Club yesterday morning ... at which were present ... F.W. Chesson |
["? Dec. ? 1885"]. The Aborigines Protection Society. "I suppose this society is doing a great work in South Africa?" Mr. White laughed a sardonic laugh ... Laws would be passed but for the fear of English public opinion manufactures by the Aborgines Protection Society. For the life of me, I cannot see why the black man should rob the white with impunity. |
["Dec. 31, 1885"]. The National Liberal Club. The subject of "Political Organization" was discussed last night by a large meeting held at this club, under the chairmanship of Mr. F.W. Chesson ... |
["D.N. Jan. 5, 1886"]. Death of Judge Sheldon Amos. We regret to announce the death of Professor Sheldon Amos, who for several years has held the responsible post of English Judge of the Court of Appeal at Cairo ... |
["Times. Jan. 15, 1886"]. Damaraland. To the Editor of the Times. Sir: On behalf of the Aborigines’ Protection Society, I lately forwarded to the Secretary of State for the Colonies a copy of a letter addressed to us by Kamaheroero, paramount chief of the Damaras ... F.W. Chesson, 6, Broadway-chambers, S.W., Jan. 16. |
["Times. Jan. 19, 1886"]. The Caffres and intoxicating liquors. The following letter has been addressed to the Secretary of State for the Colonies. "Aborigines’ Protection Society, 6, Broadway-chambers, Westminster, Jan. 12. Sir: ... F.W. Chesson, Secretary". |
["Times. Jan. 20, 1886"]. It is impossible to keep pace always with the philanthropy of the Society for the Protection of Aborigines ... |
["Times. March 6, 1886"]. The condition of Zululand. The following letter has been addressed to Earl Granville, K.G., Her Majesty’s Secretary of State for the Colonies by Mr. Chesson, Secretary of the Aborigines Protection Society ... Robert G.W. Herbert, to the Secretary of the Aborigines’ Protection Society. |
["Journal of Society of Arts, March 5, 1886"]. Mr. F.W. Chesson said that there was one remark which Mr. Mackenzie had made in his wise and statesmanlike paper that had particularly impressed him ... |
The Merchants and Planters Gazette, February 3, 1886. Postal communication with Madagascar. The following letter has been addressed to Mr. Chesson, Hon. Secretary of the Madagascar Committee in London ... 20th November 1885 ... H. Buxton Forman, for the Secretary. To F.W. Chesson Esqre. The Report of Mr. Green, the Colonial Postmaster, is dated May 31st ... |
["1886"]. Chelsea Relief Society. The 24th annual dinner of this Society was held on Wednesday night at the Grosvenor Hotel, under the presidency of Leedham White, Esq., and the company present included ... Mr. F.W. Chesson ... |
Sir Charles Dilke’s defence. We take the following from the Birmingham Daily Times of last evening ... |
["1886"]. Crawford v. Crawford and Dilke. To the Editor of the Times. Sir: ... D. Crawford, Oxford and Cambridge Club, Pall-mall, S.W., Feb. 20. |
To the Editor of the Times. Sir: Quonsque tandem abutere? Silence and retirement would have been better for a while ... Plain Dealer. |
To the Editor of the Times. Sir: If what was published in the Birmingham Daily Times be Sir Charles Dilke’s real defence, why does he not give notice to the Queen’s Proctor ... Feb. 20. A Barrister. |
["March ? 1886"]. Sir Charles Dilke. To the Editor of the "Manchester Guardian". Sir: As an elector of Chelsea, my attention has been drawn to the allusions to Sir Charles Dilke which have appeared in your columns during the past two or three days ...Surely all fair-minded men, to whatever party they may belong, ought ... to be willing to suspend their judgment until the truth can be ascertained. The Liberal party in Chelsea have acted in accordance with this view, and I feel sure that they will never regret the course they have taken ... F.W. Chesson, 5, Tite-street, Chelsea, March 29, 1886. |
["Statesman"]. The Indian Delegates. To the Editor. Sir: ...J. Seymour Keay, Hyderabad, Deccan, February 25, 1886. |
["Statesman 4th March"]. Note: We publish this letter with great reluctance, but think we ought not to suppress it. The writer hardly does justice to Mr. Chesson whose influence is very considerable in London, and has uniformly been exerted in the interests of the people of India ... |
Mr. Seymour Keay and the Indian delegates. To the Editor of the "Englishman". Sir: ... Manomohan Ghose, 4 Theatre Road, Calcutta, March 8 ["1886"]. |
["Times. April 8, 1886"]. At a special meeting of the committee of the Aborigines Protection Society, held yesterday, the Hon. W.H. James, M.P., in the chair ... moved the following resolution: "That this committee desires to express its heartfelt sorrow at the death of the Right Hon. W.E. Forster, M.P. ... A deputation consisting of Sir Robert Fowler, M.P., Sir T. Fowell Buxton, Sir James Anderson, and Mr. Chesson were appointed to represent the society at the funeral service in Westminster Abbey to-morrow. |
Sir William Des Voeux. A deputation from the Aborigines’ Protection Society yesterday, at Whitehall, presented an address to Sir William Des Voeux, late Governor of Fiji, and now Governor of Newfoundland, thanking him for his eminent services to the cause of civilization and humanity as Governor of Fiji and Her Majesty’s High Commissioner in the Pacific ... |
Sir Charles Dilke, M.P., on Madagascar and Great Britain. Last evening Sir Charles Dilke delivered a lecture at the Congregational Chapel, Edith-grove, Fulham-road, on this subject to a large and attentive audience ... |
Scrapbook, 1884-1886
Scrapbook compiled by George Thompson and F.W. Chesson.
24 cm. Approximately 174 items. 560 pages. Articles are pasted in a copy of the first volume of The History of the Rise, Progress, and Accomplishment of the Abolition of the African Slave-Trade by the British Parliament by Thomas Clarkson. London: Longman, 1808. Newspaper clippings unless otherwise noted.
Arranged by order of entry |
["D.N. [Daily News] October 2, 1884"]. The public feeling which has been excited by recent events in Bechuanaland will not be allayed by the terms of the "treaty" made by the Boers with the native chief Montsioa ... |
["D.N. October 3, 1884"]. The premature and lamented death of Mr. Kristodas Pal, an eminent leader of the native community in India, has had the effect of calling public attention to the evils resulting from the system of infant marriage which still so widely prevails in that country ... |
["D.N. October 6, 1884"]. The Volks-Committee of Stellaland have lately issued a number of official documents which show that at the period of Mr. Mackenzie’s recall, he had made considerable progress in winning over the white inhabitants of that territory to the support of British rule ... |
["Oct. 6"]. The removal of the Pedlar’s window from Lambeth Church has naturally attracted the attention of the Vestry of the parish, whose funds benefit to the amount of upwards of a thousand a year by what is known as the Pedlar’s acre estate ... |
["D.N. Oct. 7, 1884"]. We publish this morning a letter from Sir William McArthur announcing his intention to retire at the close of the present Parliament from the representation of Lambeth ... |
["Oct. 7"]. If information which has reached this country from the south-east coast of New Guinea may be relied upon, there is urgent need for some decisive action on the part of her Majesty’s Acting High Commissioner in the Western Pacific ... |
["D.N. October 10, 1884"]. We have no doubt that the influential conference which was held yesterday at the Westminster Palace Hotel, under the presidency of Sir William McArthur, accurately expressed the opinion of men of all parties with reference to the affairs of South Africa ... |
["D.N. October 11, 1884"]. The result of the Chelsea Registration is an example of what can be accomplished by efficient organization, for a Liberal gain of 3,499 votes is the best evidence that could be afforded of the skill and success with which Mr. Loader has watched over the local interests of his party ... |
["D.N. October 14, 1884"]. We learn from Durban that the Transvaal Volksraad has adopted the proposal of the Executive Council at Pretoria to withdraw the Proclamation placing Montsioa’s territory under the protection of the South African Republic ... |
["D.N. October 16, 1884"]. The responsibility of devising measures for the establishment of British authority in Bechuanaland has been placed upon Sir Hercules Robinson, who, it may be presumed, will lose no time in freeing the Territory of Goshen from the presence of the filibusters, and in affording adequate means of protection and defence to Montsioa ... |
["D.N. October 20, 1884"]. We stated a few days ago that Sir Hercules Robinson had been authorised to take such steps as he considered necessary to re-establish British authority in Bechuanaland ... |
["D.N. October 23, 1884"]. In the Australian Colonies many questions which are still the subject of contention in this country have been settled in a very thorough fashion ... |
["D.N. October 25, 1884"]. The remarks which have been made in both Houses of Parliament on the South African question show that there is practical unanimity of opinion as to the steps which should now be taken to enforce the provisions of the Transvaal Convention in Bechuanaland ... |
["D.N. October 31, 1884"]. In a letter which we published yesterday Lord Derby states that the Government have decided to refuse the demand of the Chinese Authorities that eleven fugitives from the mainland who had sought refuge in the colony of Hong Kong should be surrendered under the extradition clause of the Treaty of Tientsin ... |
["D.N. Oct. 31, 1884"]. The further official Correspondence concerning the affairs of the Transvaal which was issued yesterday contains a detailed statement as to the circumstances attending the murder of Mr. Bethell, drawn up by Mr. Assistant-Commissioner Wright, whose letter was written at Zeerust, in the South African Republic on September 15 ... |
["D.N. Nov. 3, 1884"]. The Madagascar Times of August 6 contains the text of a proclamation which Admiral Miot has addressed to the Sakalavas, who are supposed to sympathise with the French in their efforts to establish a permanent footing on the north-west coast of Madagascar ... |
["D.N. Nov. 4, 1884"]. The influential deputation of South African merchants which waited upon Lord Derby yesterday found that he was in substantial agreement with them on the question of Bechuanaland ... |
["D.N. Nov. 5, 1884"]. The tactics which were employed by the Conservatives at Scarborough were novel even in the history of electioneering. Every effort was made to turn the false news of the fall of Khartoum to the damage of the Liberal candidate ... |
["D.N. November 10, 1884"]. The recent activity of the French in Western Africa has been marked by an enlightened desire to open up extensive regions by means of railways; and if the approaching Conference at Berlin should succeed in giving an impetus to such enterprises it will confer an unmixed benefit upon Africa and the world at large ... |
["D.N. Nov. 13, 1884"]. The Liberal Five Hundred at Greenwich have accepted Mr. Lalmohun Ghose as the second Liberal candidate for the representation of that constituency at the next election ... |
["D.N. Nov. 15, 1884"]. The answer which Lord Edmond Fitzmaurice made last night to the question put to him by Mr. Torrens is a pledge that the Government have not lost sight of the obligation they are under to promote measures for the abolition of slavery and the slave trade in Egypt ... |
["D.N. November 19, 1884"]. The adjourned Conference on Imperial Federation held yesterday at the Westminster Palace Hotel was important for the enthusiasm and unanimity of the meeting, as well as for the confidence which the principal speakers expressed in the practical nature of their views ... |
["D.N. Nov. 20, 1884"]. General Scratchley, who, as we stated yesterday, leaves for New Guinea to-day, has made to a deputation which waited upon him on the eve of his departure a brief but satisfactory explanation of the nature of the duties which he will be called upon to perform in his distant sphere of labour ... |
["D.N. Nov. 24, 1884"]. We stated on Saturday that the Royal Commissioners for Housing the Poor who, since the reassembling of Parliament, have held many sittings for the consideration of their report, have decided to recommend that the sites of the London prisons should be utitlised for the erection of workmen’s dwellings ... |
["D.N. Nov. 26, 1884"]. The Governor of Fiji, in connection with certain judicial proceedings in the High Commissioner’s Court in the Western Pacific, has lately published the log of Mr. W. McMurdo, a Government labour agent, who in July of last year was wrecked in the schooner Stanley on Indispensable Reef ... |
["D.N. Nov. 29, 1884"]. The oppressive treatment of the Jews in Morocco justly excites the sympathy of the foreign population resident in that country ... |
["D.N. December 1, 1884"]. The colony of Trinidad has just been the scene of a deplorable tragedy which calls for immediate official inquiry ... Hitherto the coolies taken as indentured labourers to the British colonies have been allowed to observe the religious ceremonies which they practise in their own country ... |
["D.N. Dec. 4, 1884"]. The reception of Lord Ripon in Calcutta on Tuesday, on the occasion of his return to that city, appears to have been of an unprecedented character ... |
["D.N. Dec. 5, 1884"]. As we stated on Wednesday, the Agent-General for Queensland has received a telegram from that colony to the effect that MacNeil, a recruiting labour agent, has been sentenced to death on a charge of murder in connection with acts of kidnapping ... |
["D.N. Dec. 8, 1884"]. It is not surprising that the mission of Mr. Upington and Mr. Sprigg to Bechuanaland should have failed ... |
["D.N. Dec. 11, 1884"]. Some time ago we noticed the efforts which Mr. Behramji Malabari was making to induce his fellow-countrymen to promote a reform of the Hindoo marriage customs ... |
["D.N. Dec. 16, 1884"]. In Chelsea, as in several of the other metropolitan bureaus, the general representative Liberal Council has wisely delegated the most important of the functions it has hitherto exercised to those of its members who reside in each of the five constituencies which it is proposed to establish under the Redistribution Bill ... |
["D.N. Dec. 18, 1884"]. For some time past the French have established a Protectorate at Porto Novo, on the cost of Guinea ... |
["D.N. Dec. 20, 1884"]. There have been rumours lately of intrigues taking place in Zululand with a view to the establishment of interests in that country more or less hostile to England ... |
["D.N. Dec. 25, 1884"]. Some of the sterner members of the Dutch Reformed Church in the Transvaal have become alarmed at the lax religious opinions of men in high places ... |
["D.N. Dec. 27, 1884"]. The French have set their minds upon the acquisition of the New Hebrides, and there seems good reason to believe that their wish is about to be gratified... |
["D.N. January 1, 1885"]. Some time ago we called public attention to the grievances of the Jews in Morocco ... |
["D.N. January 3, 1885"]. Our Berlin Correspondent in a telegram which we published yesterday stated that Herr Luderitz had arrived in that city with "the bill of sale" for St. Lucia Bay and the adjoining territory, and it appears that he expects the German Government to support his claim to be regarded as the owner of the portion of the Zulu coast in question ... |
["D.N. Jan. 6, 1885"]. Admiral Miot, who is now in command at Madagascar, is a man of very different temper from his predecessor, Admiral Pierre ... |
[D.N. Jan. 7, 1885"]. A telegram from Durban which we publish to-day announces that a British Protectorate has been established along the entire coast of Pondoland ... |
["January 14, 1885"]. The Government having been unexpectedly called upon to deal with a group of difficult international questions in the Western Pacific will, we believe, endeavour to effect a general settlement of these vexed controversies ... |
["January 15, 1885"]. In a certain sense, the way for the annexation of New Britain and New Ireland may be said to have been prepared by a despatch which Baron Plessen wrote from the German Embassy to Lord Granville on September 4, 1883 ... |
["D.N. January 17, 1885"]. The Boers who are endeavouring to establish a Republic in Western Zululand a short time ago sent a deputation to Natal in order to establish friendly relations with the British Government ... |
["Methodist Times, January 15, 1885"]. The West African Conference by F.W. Chesson ... |
["D.N. January 21, 1885"]. The hostilities existing between France and China have had the effect of placing the French Jesuit missionaries and their native converts in a position of great peril ... |
["D.N. January 24, 1885"]. By the publication of a batch of official correspondence, which is far from being complete, Prince Bismarck has made the world aware that he is vigorously supporting a number of old German claims in the islands of Fiji ... |
["D.N. January 29, 1885"]. The Australian mail has brought further reports of the trials for murder which have taken place in the Supreme Court at Brisbane in connection with the recruiting operations of the labour schooner Hopeful, on the coast of New Guinea ... |
["D.N. January 30, 1885"]. Since Sir Charles Warren’s arrival at the Cape he has shown all the promptitude and ability for which the public at home have given him credit ... |
["D.N. February 5, 1885"]. We learn from South Africa by the mail which arrived in London yesterday that as far back as three weeks ago the greater part of Sir Charles Warren’s expedition had reached the country north of the Orange River, and that the pioneers of the force had actually arrived at Taungs, in Bechuanaland ... |
["D.N. Feb. 9, 1885"]. Some time ago we announced that a barbarous attack had been made on nine Armenian villages in the district of Karadagh, in Persia ... |
["D.N. Feb. 11, 1885"]. The members of the India Reform Association, in their interview with Lord Ripon yesterday, not only congratulated him on his successful administration of India, but also entered very fully into various questions, like the Bengal Tenancy Bill ... |
["D.N. February 16, 1885"]. The Colonial Office at Berlin must be kept busily occupied just now with the reports of their agents, confidential as well as recognised, in various parts of the world ... |
["D.N. Feb. 19, 1885"]. While the Madagascar Times continues to publish, week by week, the Malagasy news at Antananarivo, the French now issue a paper at Tamatve called the Cloche ... |
["D.N. Feb. 23, 1885"]. One of the sections of the Redistribution Bill provides that when an elector migrates from one division of a Parliamentary borough to another in London he shall still retain his qualification to vote at an election for the House of Commons ... |
["D.N. Feb. 27, 1885"]. If the news reported from Hamburg be true, the West Coast of Africa must be suffering from an epidemic of violence ... |
["D.N. March 3, 1885"]. We have already recorded the fact that Mr. Im Thurn has made a successful ascent of Mount Roraima, in British Guiana ... |
["D.N. March 5, 1885"]. The Chefoo Convention, which, so far as its opium clauses are concerned, is now undergoing revision, was signed at Chefoo on Sept. 13, 1876. More than eight years have elapsed since Sir Thomas Wade negotiated that agreement, but the ratifications have not yet been exchanged ... |
["March 5"]. Mrs. Grant Duff, the wife of the Governor of Madras, has just delivered a series of public addresses which, without containing anything positively new, are well calculated to give an impetus to the cause of education among Indian women ... |
["D.N. March 9"]. The telegram from South Africa which we publish this morning shows that unfortunate differences have arisen between Sir Hercules Robinson, Governor of the Cape Colony, and Sir Charles Warren, Special Commissioner in Bechuanaland ... |
["March 12"]. The statement which has reached us to the effect that an epidemic of whooping cough has carried off three thousand young children in Fiji will excite the regret of all who take an interest in the good work which Sir Arthur Gordon and his successor, Sir William Des Voeux, have endeavoured to accomplish in those islands ... |
["March 16. D.N."]. There appears to be something like a general expectation in South Africa that when Sir Charles Warren has placed the affairs of Bechuanaland on a satisfactory footing he will visit Zululand ... |
["D.N. March 18, 1885"]. In reply to Mr. Barran on Monday night, Lord Edmond Fitzmaurice stated that the negotiations for a friendly understanding between England and Germany as to their respective protectorates in the Niger and Cameroons districts formed only one portion of a general scheme by which it is hoped that all the questions between the two Governments, whether in the Pacific or on the East and West Coasts of Africa, would be satisfactorily settled ... |
["D.N. March 21, 1885"]. In some quarters there are great misconceptions as to the offers of assistance which the Government of Canada are said to have made to the Imperial Government in connection with the war in the Soudan ... |
["D.N. April 3, 1885"]. The inhabitants of Penge and Anerley may be congratulated on the success of their efforts to remove an anomaly which they greatly deprecated. The Redistribution Bill, in its original form, provided that these two places should be included in the new borough of Lewisham ... |
["D.N. April 7, 1885"]. The depressed condition of our West India islands is a subject to which ... it will be necessary before long to direct the urgent attention of this country ... |
["D.N. April 9, 1885"]. The position of Sir Charles Warren in Bechuanaland entitles him to the sympathy and confidence of the British public ... |
["D.N. April 13, 1885"]. The scheme for promoting the cultivation of land by small proprietors, which will be considered at Willis’s Rooms on Friday next, cannot fail to excite the interest of the public ... |
["D.N. April 22, 1885"]. To the distant observer, Russia would appear to have chosen an inopportune moment for closing the schools in Russian Armenia ... |
["D.N. April 24, 1885"]. The intelligence received from South Africa yesterday is not satisfactory, so far as Bechuanaland is concerned ... |
["D.N. May 2, 1885"]. A considerable number of British subjects residing in Madagascar have been cut off from all regular communication with the outer world for nearly two years ... |
["D.N. May 7, 1885"]. Some time ago Mr. Gladstone stated that the question of publishing the Diaries of General Gordon would largely rest with the brother of that heroic man ... |
["D.N. May 16, 1885"]. Mr. Ashley did not throw much light upon the situation in Zululand on Thursday by his answer to the Lord Mayor ... |
["D.N. May 26, 1885"]. We published lately a brief statement concerning the serious state of affairs which exists in the neighbourhood of Sierra Leone ... |
["D.N. May 27, 1885"]. The intelligence which reaches this country from Bechuanaland comes to us in a very fragmentary form, and it is sometimes difficult to estimate its full significance ... |
["D.N. June 1, 1885"]. A short time ago we called attention to the serious condition of the West India Colonies generally, arising from the depressed state of the sugar industry ... |
[D.N. June 4, 1885"]. Attention has been called in Australia to certain aggravated cases of persecution which have lately taken place in Mare, one of the islands of the Loyalty group under the protection of the French Republic ... |
["D.N. June 9, 1885"]. The report of the assassination of the Prime Minister of Madagascar which has reached this country from Natal has not been officially confirmed, the Foreign Office having received no information on the subject ... |
["D.N. June 12, 1885"]. It will be remembered that, acting on the suggestion of Mr. Torrens, the Royal Commissioners for Housing the Poor recommended that the London prisons should be demolished ... |
["D.N. June 22, 1885"]. It is difficult at the present moment to fasten public attention upon what is now taking place in South Africa ... |
["D.N. June 26, 1885"]. We announced a few days ago that Admiral Sir William Hewett had been appointed a Lord of the Admiralty in succession to Sir Frederick Richards, who has accepted a naval command ... |
["D.N. July 2, 1885"]. The Baroness Burdett-Coutts, Cardinal Manning, and others have lately shown much interest in a scheme for promoting legitimate commerce in the upper regions of the Nile ... |
["D.N. July 4, 1885"]. The Waterworks Amendment Bill, as our readers are aware, extends to the water supply of London that common standard of valuation which the local authorities are directed periodically to provide for other purposes in every parish and district within the metropolitan area ... |
["D.N. July 9, 1885"]. The Report of the Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the circumstances under which labourers have been introduced into New Guinea and other islands has now reached this country in an official form ... |
["D.N. July 13, 1885"]. As our readers are aware, on Monday last the Waterworks Clauses Act (1847) Amendment Bill was read a second time in the House of Lords, and ordered to be referred to a Select Committee, without a division ... |
["D.N. July 20, 1885"]. The question has lately been raised in the colony of Mauritius as to whether a person of European descent can, under the local Labour laws, accept service as an indentured immigrant ... |
["D.N. July 24, 1885"]. There is reason to believe that the Government are about to arrive at decisions of considerable moment with regard to South Africa .... |
["D.N. July 30, 1885"]. We stated yesterday that the Zulus have addressed a letter to the Queen asking for her protection; and ... that the first signature affixed to this document is that of Dinuzulu, in whose name the Boers in Zululand have claimed to act ... |
["D.N. August 4, 1885"]. Although there has been a disposition in some quarters to make light of the differences between Sir Hercules Robinson and Sir Charles Warren, it is worthy of remark that Mr. Evelyn Ashley, in his recent speech on the affairs of Bechuanaland, took a grave view of that matter, and earnestly besought the Government to give its best support to the Special Commissioner ... |
["D.N. August 5, 1885"]. One of the objects of the deputation which will wait upon Colonel Stanley this afternoon is to urge upon him the desirability of establishing a British Protectorate in Zululand ... |
["D.N. August 12, 1885"]. Mr. N. Darnell Davis, who occupies an important official position in the colony of British Guiana, has written for private circulation an interesting paper on the etymology of the word "Rum" ... |
["D.N. August 17, 1885"]. If the Boers in Zululand really believed that it would be possible for them to induce Prince Bismarck to proclaim a German Protectorate over that country and to give tangible proof of his being in earnest by sending a few ironclads to St. Lucia Bay, they will be greatly disgusted when they learn that he not only has no intention of complying with their wishes, but that a perfectly good understanding exists between him and her Majesty’s Government on the Zulu question ... |
["D.N. August 19, 1885"]. The Liberal party in Chelsea have exhibited a spirit which is very praiseworthy at a moment when in some quarters there is a disposition to convict a man not only without a trial, but even without hearing the evidence either for or against him ... [divorce trial of Sir Charles Dilke]. |
["Athenaeum, August 15, 1885"]. The Complete Story of the Transvaal, from the "Great Trek" to the Convention of London. By John Nixon ... (Sampson Low and Co.). Our South African Empire. By William Greswell, M.A, F.R.C.I. (Chapman and Hall) ... [reviews]. |
["D.N. August 20, 1885"]. From time to time scraps of news concerning the French expedition to the Zambesi have reached this country, where one of the leaders of the movement, M. Coillard, is known to a numerous circle as a Protestant missionary of considerable repute ... |
["D.N. August 21, 1885"]. Mr. Forster, in the speech which he lately made at the Colonial Office, called Colonel Stanley’s serious attention to the state of affairs in Basutoland ... |
["D.N. August 27, 1885"]. We make an announcement this morning which will, we believe, excite universal regret among men of all political parties interested in the welfare of South Africa. We refer to the recall or supersession of Sir Charles Warren, her Majesty’s Special Commissoner in Bechuanaland |
["D.N. September 2"]. Two years have elapsed since the French began their attack upon the independence of Madagascar, and they have made no visible progress ... |
["British Trade Journal, September 1, 1885"]. Central Africa and its trade possibilities by Mr. F.W. Chesson ... |
["D.N. September 4, 1885"]. It will be remembered that after the English flag had been pulled down at St. Lucia Bay a board was put up containing a notification which asserted the sovereign rights of her Majesty in that quarter ... |
["D.N. September 11, 1885"]. Some time has now elapsed since we announced that the Colonial Secretary had decided to dispense with Sir Charles Warren’s services in Bechuanaland, but up to the present time the public are without any official statement which explains either the policy of her Majesty’s Government or the motives from which it has acted ... |
["D.N. September 11, 1885"]. The heavy rains of the last few days have come just in time to illustrate the beauties of local government in the metropolis, at any rate, so far as the Strand is concerned ... |
["D.N. September 14, 1885"]. The Bicentenary of the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes has been celebrated at Capetown, and at a meeting presided over by Sir J.H. De Villers, Chief Justice of the Cape Colony, and at which speeches were made by Professor Marais, Mr. Du Plessis, and other descendants of the Huguenot exiles, it was decided to erect in Capetown a monument which should be worthy of the occasion, and to offer a substantial sum of money as a prize for the best history of the Huguenots ... |
["D.N. Sep. 16, 1885"]. The appointment of Judge Shippart as Administrator has been quickly followed by the nomination of a Commission to settle, we presume, the question of land titles in Stellaland ... |
["D.N. Sep. 17, 1885"]. When Sir Charles Warren expected that, as her Majesty’s Special Commissioner in Bechuanaland, he would have the settlement of the land question in his own hands, he drew up a number of rules for the guidance of the Commission which he intended to appoint ... |
["D.N. Sep. 24, 1885"]. The Queensland Government has fulfilled to the letter its promise to return to New Guinea the natives whose kidnapping was lately the subject of inquiry by a Royal Commission ... |
["D.N. Sep. 26, 1885"]. The new gold law of the South African Republic ... finally passed the Volksraad on July 30th last ... |
["Athenaeum. September 26, 1885"]. Faithful Labour: the Lives of Robert and Mary Moffat. By their Son John S. Moffat. With Portraits and Maps (Fisher Unwin) ... [review]. |
["Athenaeum. October 3, 1885"]. The French in Madagascar. Nos Drois sur Madagascar et nos Griefs contre les Hovas Examines Impartialement. Par R. Saillens, avec un Preface de M. Frederic Passy. (Paris Monnerat). The True Story of the French Dispute in Madagascar. By Capt. S. Pasfeld Oliver, late R.A. With a Map. (Fisher Unwin) ... [reviews]. |
["D.N. October 10, 1885"]. The public in Natal have been startled by a provision in a new Post Office Bill which has lately engaged the attention of the Legislative Council ... |
["D.N. October 22, 1885"]. The speech which Sir Charles Warren made last night at the dinner given to him by the London Chamber of Commerce will confirm the public in the favourable opinion they had all along entertained of the character and services of her Majesty’s late Special Commissioner in Bechuanaland ... |
["D.N. November 7, 1885"]. Some time ago we referred to the existence of great distress in the more secluded parts of the island of Jamaica ... |
"["D.N. October 27, 1885"]. The agreement which England and Germany have entered into for the establishment of a joint policy in the Western Pacific has proved most useful in preventing misunderstandings between the two nations, and in securing the peaceful development of islands which sadly needed the protecting care of some civilized Power ... |
["D.N. November 9, 1885"]. The London Liberal and Radical Council has rendered a very useful service to the party by its efforts to settle the rival claims of Liberal candidates in the metropolitan constituencies ... |
["D.N. Nov. 19, 1885"]. Considerable progress has been made with the settlement of rival Liberal candidatures in London since we last called attention to the subject ... |
["D.N. Nov. 24, 1885"]. It will be remembered that at the first meeting of the London Liberal and Radical Council, which was held on September 17th, it was decided that wherever more than one Liberal or Radical candidate was in the field in any metropolitan constituency, the rival candidates should be invited to submit their claims to arbitration ... |
["D.N. Nov. 28, 1885"]. We have more than once adverted to the irregularities in the mail service between this country and Madagascar ... |
["D.N. Dec. 3, 1885"]. The St. James’s Gazette expresses surprise at what it calls the curious arrangement by which the Boundary Commissioners have published no map of Chelsea, so that one of its correspondents is unable to ascertain the position of Kensal New Town in relation to the main portion of that borough ... |
["D.N. December 15, 1885"]. The new Government of Bechuanaland has begun its existence by virtually annulling all the acts of Sir Charles Warren’s administration ... |
["D.N. December 17, 1885"]. A work has just been issued in Paris, from the pen of M. Louis Leger, Professor in the College de France, entitled "La Bulgarie," which cannot fail at the present moment to interest readers who are following the course of events in the Balkan Peninsula ... |
["D.N. Dec. 21, 1885"]. It will be remembered that in the early part of the present year a proclamation was issued in South Africa to the effect that the British Government claimed absolute rights of sovereignty over St. Lucia Bay, on the coast of Zululand ... |
["D.N. Dec. 23, 1885"]. The Foreign Office has, we think, acted wisely in recognising the friendliness of King John to this country by moving her Majesty to write him an autograph letter, and also by taking steps to present him with a sword of honour ... |
["D.N. January 2, 1886"]. It is satisfactory to find that the question of Liberal organization in London is exciting earnest attention, and that both the Liberal and Radical Council and the Liberal Central Association are prepared to grapple with the subject ... |
["D.N. January 5, 1886"]. The dinner given to Sir John Macdonald by the St. George’s Club last evening was a compliment justly paid to a statesman who has held the office of Prime Minister of Canada for more than 20 years, and who for twice that period has been a member of the Canadian Parliament ... |
["Echo, Jan. 19, 1886"]. The military operations which are now being prosecuted in Upper Burmah will, like the Afghan War, in all probability, give rise to a Constitutional debate of great importance ... |
["Echo, Jan. 22, 1886"]. It not unfrequently happens that the English readers of certain American journals are astonished to discover how many extraordinary events apparently take place from time to time on this side of the Atlantic which have altogether eluded the observation of the persons whom they ought most to interest ... |
["Echo, January 23, 1886"]. The debate on the Address has thus far established the claim of Ireland to occupy the first place in the attention of Parliament and the country ... |
["Echo, January 26, 1886"]. The duty of the House of Commons to lose no time in taking cognissance of the events that have suddenly added a new province to the British Empire was effectually vindicated last night ... [Burma]. |
["Echo, January 30, 1886"]. The Greek question ... |
["Echo, February 2, 1886"]. The French treaty with Madagascar ... |
["Echo, February 6, 1886"]. The present distress ... [The poor of London’s East-End]. |
["Echo, February 9, 1886"]. History repeating itself ... [Denmark constitutional crisis]. |
["Echo, February 13, 1886"]. The prospects of peace ... [Between Bulgaria and Servia]. |
["Leisure Hour, January 1886"]. Thirty-five years ago, when the Fugitive Slave Law was passed, there was apparently no institution in the world which rested on a firmer foundation than American slavery ... [Obituary essay about William Lloyd Garrison].
Digital edition through HathiTrust: " The Leisure Hour," January, 1886, pages 20-25: http://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015010946401;view=1up;seq=37 |
["Echo, February 16, 1886"]. Our last Asiatic annexation ... [Burma]. |
["Echo, February 20, 1886"]. The mantle of Hume ... [Government expenditures]. |
["Echo, Febuary 23, 1886"]. A plea for India ... |
["Echo, Feb. 27, 1886"]. The Commons and the Police ... |
["Echo, March 2, 1886"]. Annexing and poisoning the Burmese ... |
["Echo, March 6, 1886"]. An Egyptian scandal ... |
["Echo, March 10, 1886"]. A new route to the East ... [Canadian Pacific Railroad]. |
["Echo, March 13, 1886"]. State socialism and the unemployed ... |
["Echo, March 16, 1886"]. Outrages and reprisals in the Pacific. The last cruise of Her Majesty’s steam corvette Diamond among the islands of Western Polynesia was accompanied by a series of incidents ... |
["Athenaeum, March 20, 1886"]. The Ruin of Zululand, an Account of British Doings in Zululand since the Invasion of 1879. By Frances Ellen Colenso. 2 vols. (Ridgway). Natal and the Zulus. By Lieut.-Col. Tulloch, C.B., Welsh Regiment (Privately printed in Natal) ... [reviews]. |
["Echo, March 20, 1886"]. Foreign Policy and Parliamentary Control ... |
["Echo, March 23, 1886"]. The Indian inquiry ... |
["Echo, March 27, 1886"]. The control of the public purse ... |
["Echo, March 30, 1886"]. A slave story from Tangiers ... |
["Echo, April 6, 1886"]. The late Mr. Forster. The death of Mr. W.E. Forster ... |
["Echo, April 10, 1886"]. The Bulgarian settlement ... |
["Echo, April 13, 1886"]. A famine-stricken peasantry ... [West Coast of Ireland]. |
["Echo, April 17, 1886"]. The Greek crisis ... |
["Echo, April 20, 1886"]. An emigration bureau ... |
["Echo, April 24, 1886"]. Greece and Turkey ... |
["Echo, April 27, 1886"]. A new movement in India ... |
["Echo, May 1, 1886"]. "The Lost Cause." Jefferson Davis, after the lapse of many years, has broken silence, and delivered a series of speeches to Southern audiences ... |
["Echo, May 4, 1886"]. The Greek crisis ... |
["May 8, 1886"]. Greece and the powers ... |
["May 11, 1886"]. The coercion of Greece ... |
["May 15, 1886"]. The Fair Trade debate ... |
["May 18, 1886"]. France and Madagascar ... |
["May 22nd, 1886"]. Greece and her new rulers ... |
["May 25?, 1886"]. Secret service money ... |
London, Saturday, May 29, 1886. Goethe and his English admirers ... |
["June 1, 1886"]. London bridges and open spaces ... |
["June 5, 1886"]. "The Abbey" ... [Westminster Abbey]. |
["June 8, 1886"]. The French princes ... |
["June 12, 1886"]. The expulsion of the French princes ... |
["June 15, 1886"]. A Royal suicide ... [King Louis (Ludwig) of Bavaria]. |
["June 19, 1886"]. The Queen’s jubilee ... |
London, Tuesday, June 22, 1886. The cheapening of elections ... |
The Colonies and the Mother country. The Colonial and Indian Exhibition has brought to this country troops of visitors from every part of Greater Britain ... |
["Echo, July 3, 1886"]. The Church and the people ... |
["July 6, 1886, Echo"]. The cloud in the East ... |