| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(continued) |
Nomad, Max, writings |
"The Anarchist Tradition and Other Essays,"
(3 folders) |
"Carlo Tresca: Rebel Without Uniform,"
(no date)
BOX 23 |
"Post-Mortems and Postscripts,"
(2 folders) |
"Romantics of Protest,"
(no date)
Writings, general,
(1932-69, no date)
(1-2 of 6 folders) |
Writings, general, (1932-69, no date)
(3-6 of 6 folders) |
BOX 24 |
Pesotta, Rose, Memoir of Shprinzya Pauline Cohen,
(no date)
Ridge, Lola |
Correspondence |
Abbott, Leonard,
(1918-20, 1927, 1940, 1950)
A-Z, includes Emma Goldman, Alexander Berkman, Harry Kelly, (1908, 1918-27, 1941)
Rocker, Fermin "33 Dunstan Houses,"
(no date)
(2 folders) |
Rocker, Rudolf |
Correspondence, includes Valerio Isca to Paul Avrich,
(1950-58, 1975, 1980)
BOX 25 |
"Johann Most,"typescript,
(3 folders) |
Rolland, Hugo, interviews, (1972, 1974)
Rudome, Jacques and Helen |
Baker, Albert, (1928-29)
Brandstatter, Eddie, (1915-16, 1932-35)
Dick, James,
Graham, Marcus, (1933-37)
Hartmann, Sadakichi, (1915-1919, 1926, 1936)
Havel, Hippolyte, (1915, 1932-37)
Kelly, Harry, (1931-54)
Perreau, Robert, (1917-18)
Rocker, Rudolf and Milly, (1939, 1945)
Rudome, Jacques and Helen, (1922-25, 1936-40, 1952)
Scott, John, (1932-34, no date)
Wilckes, Al, (1921-27)
BOX 26 |
A-Z, includes Leonard Abbott, Alexis Ferm, (unid., 1914-64)
(6 folders) |
Miscellaneous, (1936, no date)
Seldes, George |
"Memorandum from a Libertarian Journalist,"
Shapiro, Alexander |
A-Z, includes Mollie Steimer (1942-45, unidentified)
Miscellaneous, (1942-45)
"New Trends"
Correspondence, A-Z, includes Harry Kelly, Rudolf Rocker, (unid., 1945)
BOX 27 |
Writings, (ca. 1944-45, no date)
(2 folders) |
Simpson, A. H.
Correspondence, (ca. 1925)
Spivak, Joseph
Bell, Thomas C., (1927-28)
A-Z, includes Alexander Berkman, Mollie Steimer, (1924-62, unidentified)
Miscellaneous, (1945-55, 1961)
Printed matter, (1926, 1940, 1956-67, no date)
Writings, (1953-71, no date)
(2 folders) |
Steimer, Mollie |
Clippings, printed matter, (1918-21, ca. 1930s)
Bluestein, Sheindel, (1956-80, no date)
BOX 28 |
Larsen, Clara, (1951-80)
(6 folders) |
Lipman, Samuel and Ethel to Rose Mirsky, (1922)
A-Z, includes Emma Goldman, Rudolf Rocker, Ahrne Thorne, (unid., 1940, 1952, 1979-80, no date)
Legal documents, (1939, 1948)
Pamphlets re: Abrams case, (1918-24)
Writings re: Steimer, (1971, 1980, 1985)
Stelton Colony and School, (1951-74, no date)
Sunrise Co-operative Farm Community |
Financial records, (1933-36, no date)
Miscellaneous, (1933-36, no date)
Tarasyuk, Ivan, correspondence re: Russian labor camps, (1921)
(copy) |
Thorne, Ahrne |
Avrich, Paul
Book reviews by, (1976-82, no date)
Book reviews of, (1978-80)
Other writings, (ca. 1974-84, no date)
BOX 29 |
Clippings, (1931, 1966-85, no date)
Abrams, Irving, (1957, 1976-77, no date)
Ackelsberg, Martha, (1984-85)
Archie, Anne, (1980-81, no date)
Arcos, Federico, (1981-85, no date)
Berman, Paul, (1977-85, no date)
Berthier, Pierre-Valentin, (1941, 1975-85)
Bolloten, Burnett, (1980-82)
Bortolotti, Attilio, (1975-83)
Buhle, Paul, (1975-83)
Chersi, Andrea, (1977-83)
Coughlin, Michael E., (1977-80)
Deanin, Zalman and Senya, (1975-77)
Delso, Anna, (1983-85)
Dolgoff, Sam, (1975-77)
Enckell, Marianne, (1976-84)
Everett, Martyn, (1978-81)
Gorodisky, Atte?, (1979-84, no date)
Hausberger, Brigitte, (1977-79)
BOX 30 |
Hirokawa, Routie, (1979-85)
Isca, Valerio and Ida, (1971-83, no date)
Kleinbaum, Sharon, (1980-83, no date)
Latowicz, A., (1979-85)
Mendelsohn, Crystal Ishill, (1976-83, no date)
(2 folders) |
Porter, David, (1976-83)
Prager, Marcia, (1980-82, no date)
Rocker, Fermin, (1976-85, no date)
Rodenburg, Kees, (1981-85)
Selavan, Ida Cohen, (1975, 1977, 1983-85)
Shapiro, Shelby, (1976-85)
Shenker, Israel, (1977-85)
Selavan, Ida Cohen, (1975, 1977, 1983-85)
Souchy, Augustin, (1972-82, no date)
Steimer, Mollie, (1966, 1976-80)
Van Passen, Pierre, (1936-39, 1951-53, 1963, no date)
BOX 31 |
Wexler, Alice, (1981-85)
Wolf, Diane, (1982-85)
Woodcock, George, (1976-77, no date)
Yassour, Avraham, (1976, no date)
A-D |
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