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Autographs of European notables., 1422-1879

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Series 34: Miscellaneous (continued)
FOLDER 1470 Duraus, September 19, 1795
d. s. Paris, Sept. 19, 1795,
FOLDER 1471 Fontenilles, le marquis de ( - ), a famous sailor who goes to the American war, aide-major-gènéral of the squadron
FOLDER 1472 la Gaolissonière, Roland-Michel Barris, marquis de (1692-1756), illustrious sailor who defeated the English in Canada, October 11, 1749
l. a. s. Louisbourg, Oct. 11, 1749, slightly trimmed at the margins.
FOLDER 1472 la Gaolissonière, Augustin-Félix-Elisabeth, comte de (1741-1828) nephew of Roland-Michel Barris de la Gaolissonière, marshal of camp, deputy of the nobility for the senechaussee of Anjou in the States-General, September 2, 1786
p. a. s. Valenciennes, Sept. 2, 1786.
FOLDER 1474 Hamelin, Fortunée (1776-1851), one of the most celebrated women of the Directory, a friend of Josephine, Madame Tallien, Madame Recamier, and General Bonaparte, no date
a. l. s. to Mme. Boursault, wife of the former conventionnel.
FOLDER 1475 Haudaudine, Pierre (1756-1846), politician from Nantais, "le Régulus Nantais", no date
a. l. s. Bayonne, to the maritime prefect of Brest.
FOLDER 1476 Hubert, Auguste (1755-1798), architect, September 20, 1795
a. l. s. Paris, Sept. 20, 1795.
FOLDER 1477 Klenze, Leo von (1784-1864), German architect who built the principle monuments in Munich, member of the association of l'Académie des Beaux-Arts, January 16, 1820
a. l. s. Munich, Jan. 16, 1820, to M. Delafontaine, a bronze manufacturer, in French.
FOLDER 1478 Louis Léon Théodore Gosselin (1855-1925), historian and playwright, wrote under the pen name G. Lenotre, 1906
a. l. s. 1906, to George Cain, signed G. Lenotre.
FOLDER 1479 Maillard, 27 Ventôse an 7 (March 17, 1799)
d. s. Paris, 27 Ventôse an 7, signed also by Doulhe.
FOLDER 1480 Maquet, Major-General, 2 Pluviôse an 2 (January 22, 1794)
a. l. s. Paris, 2 Pluviôse an 2,
FOLDER 1481 Mauger, Auguste ( - ), dupté extraordinaire to the National Assembly, no date
a. l. s. to Cityens administration general des postes.
FOLDER 1482 Montbarey, Alexandre Marie Léonar de Saint-Mauris, prince of (1722-1796), general and statesman, minister of war to Louis XVL, October 11, 1774
a. l. s. Versailles, Oct. 11, 1774, to Count Milly.
FOLDER 1482 Montenuovo, Guillaume Alberto, Comte de (1819-1895), son of Marie-Louise, Second wife of Napoleon I, and Adam Albert von Neipperg, November 29, [ ? ]
a. l. s. Nov. 29 [ ]
FOLDER 1484 Miscellaneous
FOLDER 1485 La Rochejaquelein, Auguste du Vergier de (1784-1868), 1er Thermidor an X (July 19, 1802); 1er Thermidor an X (July 19, 1802)
a. l. s. Niorte, 1er Thermidor an X, to the prefect of Deux-Sèvres. + a. l. s. Niorte, 1er Thermidor an X, to the prefect of Deux-Sèvres.
FOLDER 1486 Sardou, 1906
a. l. s. 1906, to M. George Cain.
FOLDER 1487 Thiers, Louis Adolphe (1797-1877), statesman and historian, First President of the French Republic, January 1, 1850
a. l. s. Paris, Jan. 1, 1850.
FOLDER 1488 Choffard, May 5, 1848
l. s. Passy, May 5, 1848, to Boucher.
FOLDER 1489 unidentified
FOLDER 1490 Vandenyver, J. B. ( - ), banker, guillotined as a conspirtaor on Dec. 7, 1792, no date
a. l. s. to M. Cretet, secretary of the committee of the St. Thomas disctrict.
FOLDER 1491 Vicq d'Azyr, Félix (1748-1794), physician
FOLDER 1492 unidentified

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