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Series 34: Miscellaneous
(continued) |
FOLDER 1470 |
Duraus, September 19, 1795
d. s. Paris, Sept. 19, 1795, |
FOLDER 1471 |
Fontenilles, le marquis de ( - ), a famous sailor who goes to the American war, aide-major-gènéral of the squadron |
FOLDER 1472 |
la Gaolissonière, Roland-Michel Barris, marquis de (1692-1756), illustrious sailor who defeated the English in Canada, October 11, 1749
l. a. s. Louisbourg, Oct. 11, 1749, slightly trimmed at the margins. |
FOLDER 1472 |
la Gaolissonière, Augustin-Félix-Elisabeth, comte de (1741-1828) nephew of Roland-Michel Barris de la Gaolissonière, marshal of camp, deputy of the nobility for the senechaussee of Anjou in the States-General, September 2, 1786
p. a. s. Valenciennes, Sept. 2, 1786. |
FOLDER 1474 |
Hamelin, Fortunée (1776-1851), one of the most celebrated women of the Directory, a friend of Josephine, Madame Tallien, Madame Recamier, and General Bonaparte, no date
a. l. s. to Mme. Boursault, wife of the former conventionnel. |
FOLDER 1475 |
Haudaudine, Pierre (1756-1846), politician from Nantais, "le Régulus Nantais", no date
a. l. s. Bayonne, to the maritime prefect of Brest. |
FOLDER 1476 |
Hubert, Auguste (1755-1798), architect, September 20, 1795
a. l. s. Paris, Sept. 20, 1795. |
FOLDER 1477 |
Klenze, Leo von (1784-1864), German architect who built the principle monuments in Munich, member of the association of l'Académie des Beaux-Arts, January 16, 1820
a. l. s. Munich, Jan. 16, 1820, to M. Delafontaine, a bronze manufacturer, in French. |
FOLDER 1478 |
Louis Léon Théodore Gosselin (1855-1925), historian and playwright, wrote under the pen name G. Lenotre, 1906
a. l. s. 1906, to George Cain, signed G. Lenotre. |
FOLDER 1479 |
Maillard, 27 Ventôse an 7 (March 17, 1799)
d. s. Paris, 27 Ventôse an 7, signed also by Doulhe. |
FOLDER 1480 |
Maquet, Major-General, 2 Pluviôse an 2 (January 22, 1794)
a. l. s. Paris, 2 Pluviôse an 2, |
FOLDER 1481 |
Mauger, Auguste ( - ), dupté extraordinaire to the National Assembly, no date
a. l. s. to Cityens administration general des postes. |
FOLDER 1482 |
Montbarey, Alexandre Marie Léonar de Saint-Mauris, prince of (1722-1796), general and statesman, minister of war to Louis XVL, October 11, 1774
a. l. s. Versailles, Oct. 11, 1774, to Count Milly. |
FOLDER 1482 |
Montenuovo, Guillaume Alberto, Comte de (1819-1895), son of Marie-Louise, Second wife of Napoleon I, and Adam Albert von Neipperg, November 29, [ ? ]
a. l. s. Nov. 29 [ ] |
FOLDER 1484 |
Miscellaneous |
FOLDER 1485 |
La Rochejaquelein, Auguste du Vergier de (1784-1868), 1er Thermidor an X (July 19, 1802); 1er Thermidor an X (July 19, 1802)
a. l. s. Niorte, 1er Thermidor an X, to the prefect of Deux-Sèvres. + a. l. s. Niorte, 1er Thermidor an X, to the prefect of Deux-Sèvres. |
FOLDER 1486 |
Sardou, 1906
a. l. s. 1906, to M. George Cain. |
FOLDER 1487 |
Thiers, Louis Adolphe (1797-1877), statesman and historian, First President of the French Republic, January 1, 1850
a. l. s. Paris, Jan. 1, 1850. |
FOLDER 1488 |
Choffard, May 5, 1848
l. s. Passy, May 5, 1848, to Boucher. |
FOLDER 1489 |
unidentified |
FOLDER 1490 |
Vandenyver, J. B. ( - ), banker, guillotined as a conspirtaor on Dec. 7, 1792, no date
a. l. s. to M. Cretet, secretary of the committee of the St. Thomas disctrict. |
FOLDER 1491 |
Vicq d'Azyr, Félix (1748-1794), physician |
FOLDER 1492 |
unidentified |