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Series 2: France
(continued) |
Charles VIII (1470, 1482-1498), November 17, 1484; May 26, 1487
(continued) |
d. s. Gien-sur-Loire, Nov. 17, 1484, remission of a fine to Perrin Varin. + l. s. Laval, May 26, 1487, to the Signory of Florence, in regard to letters accrediting to him as ambassador Antonio Squarsafico Concini (in Italian). |
FOLDER 1094 |
Louis XII (1462, 1498-1515), May 16, 1491
DeRicci Number: 1094 |
d. s. May 16, 1491, a receipt. |
FOLDER 1095 |
Marie of Cleves, Duchess of Orleans (1426-1487), mother of Louis XII, February 28, 1468
DeRicci Number: 1095 |
d. s. Chanteauneuf, Feb. 28, 1468, ordering her treasurer general to turn over seventy livres tournois to John, the Seneschal. |
FOLDER 1096 |
Francis I (1494, 1515-1547), no date
DeRicci Number: 1096 |
a. l. s. s. d., to the Emperor (Charles V), a letter accrediting as his ambassador M. de Clavimont, second president in his court of the Parlement of Bordeaux. |
FOLDER 1097 |
Eleanore of Austria, Queen of France (1498-1558), second wife of Francis I, sister of Charles V, Emperor of H. R. E., September 11, 1556
DeRicci Number: 1097 |
l. s. Flessingen, Sept. 11, 1556, to Pierre Saichet, her counselor, asking him to attend to the final settlement of her dowry and dower rights. |
FOLDER 1098 |
Francis, the first Dauphin (1518-1526), son of Francis I, August 6, 1524
DeRicci Number: 1098 |
d. s. Aug. 6, 1524, to André Blondet, receipt for the maintenance of a military corps. |
FOLDER 1099 |
Louis of Savoy, Countess of Angoulême (1476-10521), mother of Francis I, September 18, 1516
DeRicci Number: 1099 |
d. s. Amboise, Sept. 18, 1516, order for payment. |
FOLDER 1100 |
Henry II (1519, 1547-1559), August 2, 1552
DeRicci Number: 1100 |
l. s. Offemont, Aug. 2, 1552, to the Duke of Ferrara, letter of thanks for services at the request of Bishop Lodève. Three lines and autograph added. |
FOLDER 1101 |
Catherine de Medici, Queen of France (1519-1589), wife of Henry II, November 22, 1582; no date
DeRicci Number: 1101 |
a. l. s. Paris, Nov. 22, 1582, to Nicolas d'Angennes, seigneur de Rambouillet, refer to a letter to her son, the Duke of Anjoy, which she has left open so that M. d'Angennes may write in the same sense. + a. l. s. s. d., to M. de Vérac, introducing M. de Montaigu to him in Scotland. |
FOLDER 1102 |
Diane de France, Duchess of Angoulême (1528-1619), natural daughter of Henry II, August, 1566; August 19, 1579
DeRicci Number: 1102 |
l. s. Aug. 1566, concerning her marriage settlement. + a. l. s. Vincennes, Aug. 19, 1579, to M. de Rambouillet, expressing gratitude for his services. |
BOX 16 FOLDER 1102 |
Francis II (1544, 1559-1560), August 10, 1559
DeRicci Number: 1102 |
l. s. Aug. 10, 1559, to Captain Dasquin in regard to troubles in Scotland, signed also by Mary Stuart. |
FOLDER 1104 |
Mary Stuart, Queen of France and Scotland (1542-1587), wife of Francis II, King of France, [March, 1570]
DeRicci Number: 1104 |
a. l. s. [Tutbury, March 1570], to Charles IX of France, thanking him for his interest and asking further assistance in influencing Elizabeth I towards putting her affairs in order. See also No. 1102. |
FOLDER 1105 |
Charles IX (1550, 1560-1574), 1562; July 20, 1570
DeRicci Number: 1105 |
a. l. s. 1562, to his uncle, the Duke of Savoy, explaining the delay in restoring certain places in Piemont. + d. s. July 20, 1570, portion of a document concerning a financial transaction with a bailiff. |
FOLDER 1106 |
Henry III (1551, 1574-1589), 1580; November 5, 1581
DeRicci Number: 1106 |
a. l. s. 1580, to Villeroy, saying that he had written two letters, of which Villery could choose one and burn the other, closes with an affectionate message. + l. s. Nov. 5, 1581, to his treasurer, financial matter. |
FOLDER 1107 |
Henry IV (1552, 1589-1610), March, 1577
DeRicci Number: 1107 |
a. l. s. Mar. 1577, as King of Navarre to Catherine de Medici, letter of apology for supposed rudeness in not taking leave. |
FOLDER 1108 |
Marguerite de Valois, Queen of Navarre (1552-1615), first wife of Henry IV, marriage annulled in 1599, daughter of Henry II, August 12, 1608
l. s. Paris, Aug. 12, 1608, appointment of three officials. |
FOLDER 1109 |
Marie de Medici, Queen of France (1572-1642), second wife of Henry IV, regent during Louis XIII's minority, October 1, 1614; March 20, 1622
d. s. Oct. 1, 1614, to the Marquis of Rambouillet, notifying him of the King's majority and the end of the regency, instructing him to send dispatches directly to the King. + a. l. s. Paris, Mar. 20, 1622, to her cousin, archduchess of Austria, about the pleasures of the chase, mentioning incidentally the troubled situation in France. |
FOLDER 1110 |
Jean Baptiste de Bourbon, abbess of Fontevrault, natural daughter of Henry IV, May 18, 1657
a. l. s. Paris, May 18, 1657, congratulating a cardinal on his elevation. |
FOLDER 1111 |
Anthony de Bourbon, Count of Moret (1607-1622), natural son of Henry IV, June 10, 1627
d. s. June 10, 1627, receipt for 10,000 livres. |
FOLDER 1112 |
JeAnne d'Albert, Queen of Navarre (1528-1572), mother of Henry IV, [c.1560]
DeRicci Number: 1113 |
a. l. s. [c. 1560], to Calvin under the pseudonym of d'Espeville, letter of introduction of Jean de Saint Geniès, Baron de Badefol, asking his prayers for herself and her husband (who had just become Catholic). |
FOLDER 1112 |
Catherine of Navarre, Duchess of Bar (1558-1604), sister of Henry IV, December 11, 1586
DeRicci Number: 1112 |
d. s. Navarre, Dec. 11, 1586, a receipt for 2000 livres. |
FOLDER 1114 |
Louis XIII (1601, 1610-1642), October 10, 1622
a. l. s. Béziers, Oct. 10, 1622, to his sister, Queen of Spain, letter of credit for councilor Bautru, "introducteur des ambassadeurs," sent to Spain. |
FOLDER 1115 |
Anne of Austria, Queen of France (1601?-1666), wife of Louis XIII, October 21, 1641
a. l. s. St. Germain, Oct. 21, 1641, to Mme. de St. Georges, governess of her niece, the Grande Mademoiselle, saying that he approves of that suggestion of sending her to the Canrmelites, presumably for her education. |
FOLDER 1116 |
Orleans, Philippe, Duke of (1640-1701), second son of Louis XIII, March 28, 1692
d. s. Mar. 28, 1692, order to his maître d'hôtel, signed also by Villette and DeThesuty. |
FOLDER 1117 |
Orleans, Gaston, Duke of (1608-1660), brother of Louis XIII, October 20, 1650; no date
a. l. s. Paris, Oct. 20, 1650, to his mother, Anne of Austria, inquiring for her health and thanking her for the position of lieutenant general of the Kingdom. + d. s. s. d., an appointment. |
FOLDER 1118 |
Orleans, Marguerite of Lorraine, Duchess of ( -1672), wife of Gaston, brother of Louis XIII, June 12, [1646]
a. l. s. June 12 [1646], to Nicolas Goulas, secretary to her husband, thanking him for a favor and urging him to protect her husband in the wars. |
FOLDER 1119 |
Orleans, Marguerite Louise d' (1645-1721), daughter of Gaston, brother of Louis XIII, June 9, 1667
a. l. s. Florence, June 9, 1667, to Père Domat, mentioning a relic she had sent to him. |
FOLDER 1120 |
Orleans, Philippe, Duke of (1674-1722), grandson of Louis XIII, regent during Louis XV's minority, October, 1718
d. s. Oct. 1718, certificate of a sum spent in secret service for the King. |
FOLDER 1121 |
Louis XIV (1628, 1642-1715), December 22, 1688; April 22. 1699; July 8, 1720; November 12, 1702; 1710
d. Dec. 22, 1688, order of Louis XIV (by the hand of his secretary) for imprisonment "in my chateau of the Bastille," and examination of l'Abbé Jean Baptiste Patouillet, probably concerned in the poisoning affairs of La Voisin, signed Michel Le Tellier, the Secretary of State. + d. s. Versailles, Apr. 22, 1699, lettre de cachet in blank, signed also by Philippeaux. Also a lettre de cachet of 1710. + a. l. s. Versailles, July 8, 1702, to the Duke of Estrées, marshal of France, forgiving his province for minor offenses. + a. l. s. Versailles, Nov. 12, 1702, to the Duke of Estrées, concerning his activities in Brittany. + Also a lettre de cachet of 1710. |
FOLDER 1122 |
Marie Anne Christine of Bavaria, Dauphine of France ( -1690), wife of Dauphin Louis, son of Louix XIV, March 27, 1676
a. l. s. Monaco, Mar. 27, 1676, letter of courtesy (in Italian). |
FOLDER 1123 |
Condé, Louis Frances of Bourbon, Princess of [called Mlle. de Nantes] (1672-1742), daughter of Louis XIV and Mme. de Montespan, wife of Louis III, Prince of Bourbon-Condé, July 16, 1711
d. s. Paris, July 16, 1711, nomination of Zacharie of Bricour, priest of the diocese of Langres, to the curé of Saint Hilaire near Lunières in the diocese of Bourges. |
FOLDER 1124 |
Louis XV (1710, 1715-1774), July 5, 1767
a. l. s. Versailles, July 5, 1767, to the maréchal de Richelieu, concerning a difference between the maréchal and the Marquis de Lur Saluces. |
FOLDER 1125 |
Marie Leszczynska of Poland, Queen of France (1702-1768), wife of Louis XV, May 24, 1729
d. s. May 24, 1729, appointment to a household position. |
FOLDER 1126 |
Louis, Dauphin of France (1729-1765), first son of Louis XV, April 22, 1756
d. s. Apr. 22, 1756, minor military document in the handwriting of Louis and certified by the Count of Périgord. |
FOLDER 1127 |
Anne Henriette (1727-1752), daughter of Louis XV, February 29, 1747
a. l. Feb. 29, 1747, letter of courtesy in the hand of Anne. |
FOLDER 1128 |
Louis, Duke of Burgundy ( -1712), father of Louis XV, July 8, 1704
a. l. s. Versailles, July 8, 1704, to the Duke of Estrées, on the birth of his son, the Duke of Brittany. |
FOLDER 1129 |
Pompadour, JeAnne Antoinette Poisson Le Normant d'Etoiles, Marquise (later Duchesse) de (1721-1765), "maitresse en titre" of Louis XV from 1745 until her death., no date
a. l. s. s. d., recommendation. |
FOLDER 1130 |
Du Barry, Marie JeAnne Bécu, Countess (1746-1792, g.), mistress of Louis XV, September 18, 1780
a. l. s. Louveciennes, Sept. 18, 1780, request to pay a certain sum of money. |
FOLDER 1131 |
Laborde, Jean Benjamin de (1724-1794, g.), valet de chambre and favorite of Louis XV, writer and musician, no date
a. l. s. s. d., letter of courtesy to Caccia. |
FOLDER 1131a |
Marie Josephine, Louise de Savoie, Queen of France (1752-1810), consort of Louis XVIII, August 24, 1777
d. s. Aug. 24, 1777, order to her Treasurer General. + a. d. s. Nov. 12, 1790, order to her Secretary. |
FOLDER 1132 |
Charles X (1757, 1824-1820, 1826), May 26, 1818; December 2, 1825
d. s. Paris, May 26, 1818, minor military matter concerning the Corps Royal. + d. s. Paris, Dec. 2, 1825, attesting the credentials of the vice-consul of Denmark at La Havre. See also No. 5. |
FOLDER 1133 |
Louis PhilipPE (1772, 1820-1848, 1850), April 24, 1811; February 10, 1847
a. l. s. Bagheriz, Sicily, Apr. 24, 1811, to Thomas Coutts and Co., matter of personal business (in English). + l. s. Paris, Feb. 10, 1847, letter of courtesy to a cousin. |
FOLDER 1134 |
Marie Amelia of Sicily, Queen of France (1782-1866), wife of Louis Philippe, January 28, 1828
l. s. The Tuileries, Jan. 28, 1828, to Mme. Cappella Celentani at Naples, personal letter. |
FOLDER 1135 |
Ferdinand, Duke of Orleans (1810-1842), second son of Louis Philippe, no date
Unsigned and undated piece in the handwriting of Ferdinand, relative to benefits accorded his officers. Nine officers named. |
FOLDER 1136 |
Louis, Duke of Nemours (1814-1896), second son of Louis Philippe, May 14, 1829
a. l. s. Neuilly, May 14, 1829, affectionate and boyish letter to his father. |
FOLDER 1137 |
Henry, Duke of Aumâle (1822-1897), fourth son of Louis Philippe, general and historian, French Academy, June 6, 1858
a. l. s. Twickenham, June 6, 1858, letter of thanks. |
FOLDER 1138 |
Louise, Queen of Belgium (1812-1850), daughter of Louis Philippe, July 25, 1842
a. l. s. July 25, 1842, personal note. |
FOLDER 1139 |
Marie of Orleans (1812-1829), daughter of Louis Philippe, [1820]
a. l. s. [1820], comments on the situation in Paris and states that it has been announced that the city is in a state of siege. |
FOLDER 1140 |
Clementine, Duchess of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (1817-1907), daughter of Louis Philippe, April 14, 1862
a. l. s. Vienna, Apr. 14, 1862, to the Reverend René, giving him a sum of money to aid a young cleric. |
FOLDER 1141 |
Louis Phillipe Albert, Count of Paris (1828-1894), grandson of Louis Philippe, September 20, 1852
a. l. s. "Rustuk", Sept. 20, 1852, to Chevalier Meroni, letter of courtesy. |
FOLDER 1142 |
Bourdeaux, Henry Charles Ferdinand, Count of Chambord, Duke of (1820-1882), son of the Duke of Berry, and grandson of Charles X, December 12, 1859
a. l. s. Frohsdorf, Dec. 12, 1859, to Viscount Edward Walsh, letter of courtesy, alluding to "unjust attacks" in the Courrier de Nantes satisfactorily answered by La France Centrale. |
Series 3: Bonaparte Family
FOLDER 1143 |
Buonaparte, Giovanni Francesco, an ancestor of Napoleon, September 4, 1565
DeRicci Number: 1142 |
a. l. s. Pisa, Sept. 4, 1565, letter to Adam de Crapon at Salon di Crano in regard to a purchase of land, about which he promises to write again; he offers his services in this matter and in any other which may arise (in Italian). |
FOLDER 1144 |
Fesch, Joseph (1762-1829), uncle of Napoleon, step brother of Letitia Bonaparte, priest, served as commissary in army prior to the Consulate, archbishop of Lyons (1802), grand almoner (1805), cardinal (1802), August 17, 1796
a. l. s. Brescia, Aug. 17, 1796, to Colonel Oser, friendly greetings, including the remark, "Cette armée donnera la paix à l'Europe." |
FOLDER 1145 |
Bonaparte, Charles (1744-1785), father of Napoleon, August 14, 1768
d. s. Aug. 14, 1768, signature under his wife's uncle's name. |
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