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Series 4: Napoleonic Notables
(continued) |
FOLDER 1194 |
Demerville, Dominique (1767-1801), one of the accomplices of Arena and Ceracchi in their attempt on the life of Napoleon (1800), October 7, 1800
a. l. s. Paris, Oct. 7, 1800, to Mme. De Ruault, his mistress, announcing his departure for ten days. This letter was to serve to establish his alibi. It had been seized among the papers of Mme. De Ruault and had figured in his conviction. It is signed and initialed ne varietur by two police administrators. |
FOLDER 1195 |
Desaix [de Voygoux], Louis Charles Antoine (1768-1800), noble, entered army at age of fifteen, general of division (1794), saved the day at Marengo (June 14, 1800), killed in the hour of victory, January 11, 1795
a. l. s. Bodenheim, Jan. 11, 1795, to Captain Riboulet, in regard to an application for appointment. |
FOLDER 1196 |
Desgenettes, Nicholas René Dufriche (1762-1827), physician, chief of medical service for the expedition to Egypt, inspector-general of medical services of armies (1802), took part in many campaigns, December 18, 1820
d. s. Paris, Dec. 18, 1820, a recruit's record. |
FOLDER 1197 |
Drouot, Antoine (1765-1844), entered army in 1782, general of division (1802), Count of Erlon (1809), commanded a corps at Waterloo, marshal (1842), August 2, 1816
a. l. s. Fontainebleau, Aug. 2, 1816, to General Sébastiani, in regard to the temporary employment of certain officers. |
FOLDER 1198 |
Duhesme, Philippe Guillaume (1766-1815), general of division (1794), mortally wounded at Waterloo, October 21, 1802
d. s. Oct. 21, 1802, as commander of the 19th military division to the Minister of War, approving an application of an officer for a special allowance. |
FOLDER 1199 |
Duroc, Géraud Chrisophe Michel (1772-1812), aide-de-camp to Napoleon in 1796, Duke of Friouli (1808), mortally wounded at Bautzen, March 20, 1800
a. l. s. Paris, Mar. 20, 1800, in regard to the exchange of a prisoner. |
FOLDER 1200 |
Fain, Agathon Jean François (1778-1827), succeeded Méneval as Napoleon's private secretary, baron (1809), author of important works on the period, November 22, 1798
a. l. s. Paris, Nov. 22, 1798, minor of official business. |
FOLDER 1201 |
Gérard, Etienne Maurice (1772-1852), baron (1809), general of division and count (1812), marshal under Orleans monarchy, February 16, 1819
a. l. s. Paris, Feb. 16, 1819, to a commander-in-chief, minor official business. |
FOLDER 1202 |
Gouvion Saint Cyr, Laurent (1764-1820), general of division (1794), marshal (1812), marquis (1817), February 17, 1812
a. l. s. Frankfort, Feb. 17, 1812, an order for a courrier. |
FOLDER 1203 |
Grouchy, Emmanuel, Marquis of (1766-1847), noble, entered army in 1779, member of the garde-du-corps at opening of Revolution, general of division (1795), marshal (1815), in Waterloo campaign his failure to coöperate successfully caused its loss, lived in exile in America until 1821, April 20, 1817; March 28, 1820; June 28, 1822
a. l. s. Philadelphia, Apr. 20, 1817, to Le Roy, Bayard and Co., in regard to acquisition of property in Jefferson County, New York. + a. l. s. Philadelphia, March 28, 1820, to William Bayard Jr., in regard to proposed return to France. + a. l. s. Vichy, June 28, 1822, requesting nomination in chamber of peers. |
FOLDER 1204 |
Jourdan, Jean Baptiste (1762-1822), served in American War of Independence, gained victories of Wattignies (1792) and Fleurus (1794), marshal (1804), peer (1819), April 12, 1820
a. l. s. Paris, Apr. 12, 1820, to Casimir Périer, President of the Council, supporting an application for an appointment. |
BOX 18 FOLDER 1205 |
Junot, Andoche (1771-1812), aide-de-camp of Napoleon (1796), general of division (1802), in command of the Portuguese expedition (1807), Duke of Abrantès (1809), February 1, 1801; January 21, 1806
a. l. s. Paris, Feb. 1, 1801, to Frochot, prefect of the Seine, in regard to a soldier's application. + a. l. s. Parma, Jan. 21, 1806, as governor-general of Parma, Piacenza and Guastalla, asking a report upon public lands. |
FOLDER 1206 |
Junot, Mme. Laure Permon (1782-1824), married to Junot (1800), writer of extended memoirs of the period, October 29, [ ? ]
a. l. s. Versailles, Oct. 29 [ ], to her nephew about her health and family affairs. |
FOLDER 1207 |
LAnnes, Jean (1769-1809), general of division (1799), marshal (1804), Duke of Montebello (1809), mortally wounded at Aspern-Essling, December 21, 1801
l. s. Paris, Dec. 21, 1801, as commander of consular guard, to the Minister of War, in regard to promotion. |
FOLDER 1208 |
LAnnes, Mme. Née De Guéhéneue ( -1856), Duchess of Montebello, November 19, 1812
l. s. St. Cloud, Nov. 19, 1812, notifying the American Minister when he would be received. |
FOLDER 1209 |
Le Courbe, Claude Joseph (1759-1815), entered army before the Revolution, general of division (1796), count under first Restoration, November 2, 1814
a. l. s. Raffey, Nov. 2, 1814, to his brother on personal business, but refers to possible appointment to the government of Besçancon. |
FOLDER 1210 |
Leclerc, Charles Victor Emmanuel (1772-1802), first husband of Pauline Bonaparte, general of division (1798), died of yellow fever in command of expedition of San Domingo, February 9, 1801
a. l. s. Paris, Feb. 9, 1801, to the Minister of War, requesting the transfer of an officer. |
FOLDER 1211 |
Macdonald, Jacques Étienne Jacques Joseph Alexandre (1765-1840), lieutenant in Irish Legion (1784), general of division (1796), kept in retirement until 1809 by his support of Moreau, marshal and Duke of Tarente (1809) as mentor of Prince Eugène, grand chancellor of Legion of Honor under second Restoration, July 20, 1821
a. l. s. Paris, July 20, 1821, to M. Reynaud, examiner for entry into the École Royale Polytechnique, recommending a protégé. |
FOLDER 1212 |
Maret, Hugo Bernard (1762-1829), lawyer, creator of the Moniteur Universel (Nov. 1789), ministry of foreign affairs and diplomatic service after Aug. 10, 1792, state secretary (1799), count (1807), Duke of Bassano (1808), minister of foreign affairs, November 14, 1811
a. l. s. Paris, Nov. 14, 1811, as Minister of Foreign Affairs to Joel Barlow, Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States, in regard to the ceremony of presentation to the Emperor. |
FOLDER 1213 |
Marmont, Auguste Frédéric Louis Viesse de (1774-1852), noble, aide-de-camp of Napoleon at Toulon (1792), general of division (1800), Duke of Raguse (1808), marshal (1809), blamed for his abandonment of Naploeon in the operations before Paris (1814), in command of government troops in the July Revolution, went into exile with Charles X, June 20, 1827
a. l. s. Paris, June 20, 1827, to the Duc d'Aumont, in regard to promised seats at the Opéra. |
FOLDER 1214 |
Masséna, André (1758-1817), soldier in the "Royal-Italien" regiment (1775), general of division (1792), distinguished himself at Rivoli and Zürich, marshal (1804), Duke of Rivoli (1808), Prince of Essling (1810), worsted in the Torres Vedras campaign, February 28, 1797; March 22, 1800
a. l. s. Bassano, Feb. 28, 1797, to General Dugua, in regard to matters to be reported to General Bonaparte. + d. s. Geneva, Mar. 22, 1800, in regard to a requisition of wheat. |
FOLDER 1215 |
Méneval, Claude François, Baron de (1778-1850), private secretary of Napoleon, baron (1810), April 28, 1824
a. l. s. Paris, Apr. 28, 1824, to M. Le Boeuf, in regard to the payment of his allowance as officer of the Legion of Honor. |
FOLDER 1216 |
Moncey, Bon Adrien Jeannot de (1754-1842), entered army (1778), commanded Army of the Western Pyrenees (1794), marshal (1804), Duke of Conegliano (1808), commanded a corps in the invasion of Spain (1822), April 20, 1806; June 1, 1810; February 26, 1820
a. l. s. Paris, Apr. 20, 1806, accepting an invitation to a hunt with the Emperor. + a. l. s. Paris, June 1, 1810, minor military business. + a. l. s. Feb. 26, 1820, to a count, thanking him for a favor to a friend. |
FOLDER 1217 |
Mortier, Edouard Adolphe Casimir Joseph (1768-1825), general of division (1799), marshal (1804), Duke of Trevise (1808), prime minister (1824-1825), killed in Fieschi affair, March 12, 1822
a. l. s. Paris, Mar. 12, 1822, in reference to a recommendation. |
FOLDER 1218 |
Ney, Michel (1769-1815), entered army in 1788, general of division (1799), marshal (1804), Duke of Elchingen (1808), Prince of Moskowa (1818), adhered to first Restoration but went over to Napoleon after his return from Elba, executed for treason (1815), March 26, 1811
a. l. s. Cuidad Rodrigo, Mar. 26, 1811, ordering an aide-de-camp to Paris with a dispatch. |
FOLDER 1219 |
Oginski, Romain Sltyk Gabriel, January 29, 1812
a. l. s. Breczin, Jan. 29, 1812, to Baron Bignon, explaining that he had left Wilna two hours after the departure of Napoleon to avoid capture by the Russians. Without resources, appeals for aid. |
FOLDER 1220 |
Oudinot, Charles Nicolas (1767-1847), entered army in 1784, marshal (1809), Duke of Reggio (1810), made a peer by Louis XVIII, commanded a corps in the invasion of Spain (1822), July 17, 1812; no date
d. s. Drysniaty, July 17, 1812, an order during the invasion of Russia. + a. l. s. s. d., letter of thanks. |
FOLDER 1221 |
Pérignon, Dominique Catherine (1754-1818), officer under Old Régime, deputy of Haute Garonne to Legislative Assembly, general of division (1792), marshal (1804), count (1811), marquis (1817), October 28, 1804
a. l. s. Paris, Oct. 28, 1804, to minister of War, on question of appointment. |
FOLDER 1222 |
Poniatowski, Joseph Anthony (1762-1814), Polish noble, nephew of King Stanislas, marshal of France in 1812, drowned in the Elster on retreat from Leipzig, October 16, [1812?]
d. s. Walkowitz, Oct. 16, [1812?], an order to reconoiter. |
FOLDER 1223 |
Pourrée, J. B., French grenadier, [c.1818]
d. s. [c. 1818], recounting the mAnner in which on 19 Brumaire, he carried General Bonaparte in his arms out of the Orangerie and so saved his life. |
FOLDER 1224 |
Roustan [Raza] (1782-1845), Mameluke servant of Napoleon, November 18, 1822
a. l. s. Paris, Nov. 18, 1822, to the Duke of Orleans, asking a permit to hunt in the forest of Bondy. |
FOLDER 1225 |
Savary, Anne jean Marie René (1774-1822), general of division (1805), Duke of Rovigo (1808), March 26, 1808
a. l. s. St. Cloud, Mar. 26, 1808, to Camacérès, thanking him for the announcement that the Emperor had made him Duc de Rovigo. |
FOLDER 1225a |
Sébastiani, Horace François Bastien (1772-1851), entered army (1789), general of brigade (1802), ambassador to Turkey (1805), count (1807), ambassador to Great Britain (1825-40), marshal (1840), August 15, 1848
a. l. s. Aug. 15, 1848, to a friend announcing his return to Paris to assist at the anniversary service of the death of his daughter, the Duchess of Choiseul. |
FOLDER 1226 |
Sérurier, Jean Mathieu Philibert (1742-1819), served in Seven Years' War, general of division (1802), marshal (1804), count (1808), November 9, 1808
l. s. Paris, Nov. 9, 1808, as governor of Hotel des Invalides, to the intendant general of the Grand Army, in regard to sums payable to him assigned by the Emperor upon foreign countries. |
FOLDER 1227 |
Soult, Nicolas Jean de Dieu (1769-1851), entered army in 1785, marshal (18040, Duke of Dalmatia (1808), minister of war (1820-1824, 1840-1844), May 1, 1814
a. l. s. Castres, May 1, 1814, recommendation. |
FOLDER 1228 |
Stokoe, John, August 11, 1827
a. l. s. Dieppe, Aug. 11, 1827, to General Gourgaud, asking as a measure of relief, in return for services to Napoleon at Longwood to have an opportunity to sell to the Louvre a painting by Rubens given him by Joseph Bonaparte. |
FOLDER 1229 |
Suchet, Louis Gabriel (1770-1826), general of division (1799), count (1808), marshal (1811), Duke of Albufera de Valencia (1812), July 19, 1821
a. l. s. Paris, July 19, 1821, letter of courtesy. |
FOLDER 1220 |
Vandamme, Dominique René (1770-1820), soldier (1786), general of division (1799), count (1808), June 22, 1795
l. s. June 22, 1795, to Moreau, asking why he was requested to leave his army. |
FOLDER 1231 |
Victor [dit] Claude Victor Perrin (1764-1841), entered army before Revolution, general of division (1797), marshal (1807), Duke of Bellune (1808), peer (1814), minister of war (1821), June 24, 1822; June 17, 1822
d. s. June 24, 1822, apropos of a decoration of the Legion of Honour. + a. l. s. Paris, June 17, 1822, to Mme. Viscountess d'Agault, in regard to the appointment of an officer. |
FOLDER 1232 |
Vidocq, Eugène François (1775-1857), head of brigade de sureté (1809-1827), January 10, 1829
a. l. s. Paris, Jan. 10, 1829, relative to his services as detective. |
Series 5: Holy Roman Empire
FOLDER 1233 |
Maximillian I (1459, 1492-1519), 1517
DeRicci Number: 1222 |
d. s. 1517,to Casimir, margrave of Brandenburg, matter of feudal protection for the family of Wetenheim. |
FOLDER 1234 |
Charles V (1500, 1519-1556, 1558), November 20, [ ? ]
DeRicci Number: 1224 |
l. s. "del Padro," Nov. 20, [ ], to the Duke del Infantado, personal (in Spanish). |
FOLDER 1235 |
Isabella, Empress of H. R. E. (1504-1529), wife of Charles V, May 2, 1526
DeRicci Number: 1225 |
l. s. Seville, May 2, 1526, to the Duke del Infantado, thanking him for a recent letter and for certain information sent to her by him (in Spanish). |
FOLDER 1236 |
Ferdinand I (1502, 1556-1564), May, 1552
DeRicci Number: 1226 |
d. s. May 1552, matter of administrations, appointments. |
FOLDER 1237 |
Ferdinand, Archduke (1529-1595), Count of Tyrol, second son of Ferdinand I, chiefly known in German history for his romantic marriage with the beautiful Philippina Welser, January 4, 1569
DeRicci Number: 1227 |
d. s. Jan. 4, 1569, minor administrative matter. |
FOLDER 1238 |
Maximillian II (1527, 1564-1576), August 17, 1575; no date
DeRicci Number: 1228 |
l. s. Prague, Aug. 17, 1575, to Philip, Count of Hanau, notification of a meeting of the electors on the 21st of September. + d. s. s. d., in Latin, paper degenerated. |
FOLDER 1230 |
Maria, Empress H. R. E. ( -1602), wife of Maximillian II, daughter of Charles V, October 20, 1574
DeRicci Number: 1239 |
l. s. Vienna, Oct. 20, 1574, with postscript of three lines autograph, to Don Juan de Cuñiga, ambassador of Spain at Rome, asking him to recommend to the general of the Jesuit Order Dona Catherine de Mendoza, who desires to obtain a grace of the Holy See (in Spanish). |
FOLDER 1240 |
RUDOLPH II (1522, 1576-1612), November 12, 1601
l. s. Nov. 12, 1601 official appointment. |
FOLDER 1241 |
MATHIAS (1557, 1612-1619), no date
l. s. s. d., to the Burgomaster and Council of Wimpfen, minor political matter. |
FOLDER 1242 |
Ferdinand II (1578, 1619-1627), August 21, 1622
d. s. Vienna, Aug. 21, 1622, minor administrative matter. |
FOLDER 1242 |
Eleanore of Gonzaga, Empress of Germany ( -1655), second wife of Ferdinand II, September 25, 1622
a. l. s. Eberstorff, Sept. 25, 1622, to Louis XIII, letter of courtesy. |
FOLDER 1244 |
Leopold William, archduke of Austria (1614-1662), bishop of Straussburg, governor of the Netherlands, fourth son of Ferdinand II, April 14, 1628
l. s. Vienna, Apr. 14, 1628, to Louis of Anhalt, his uncle, a complaint conversing a person of a religious order, who with four musketeers had invaded a farm. |
FOLDER 1245 |
Ferdinand III (1608, 1627-1657), December 7, 1628; no date
d. s. Vienna, Dec. 7, 1628, minor legal matter of a landed gentleman. + d. s. Vienna, s. d., granting certain privileges to Vlerius Martinus. |
FOLDER 1246 |
Ferdinand IV, King of Hungary and Bohemia (1622-1654), oldest son of Emperor Ferdinand III, October 7, 1647
l. s. Eberstoff, Oct. 7, 1647, to Jadze, councilor of the city of Mautern, stressing the necessity of strengthening the recruiting and caring for the soldiers. |
FOLDER 1247 |
Leopold I (1640, 1658-1705), November 14, 1702
d. s. Vienna, Nov. 14, 1702, to the Bishop of Wersheim, Duke of Laconia, refusing the return of the bishop's corps and asking for more troops during the winter which he promises to subsist. |
FOLDER 1248 |
Maria Elizabeth, Archduchess of Austria, daughter of Leopold I (H. R. E.), governor of the Low Countries (1725), October 15, 1726
l. s. Brussels, Oct. 15, 1726, to General Simon de Bauffe, instructing him to inspect and report upon the chateau and fortifications of Ghent on his return from Audenarde. |
FOLDER 1249 |
Joseph I (1678, 1705-1711), October 24, 1710
DeRicci Number: 1249 |
l. s. Vienna, Oct. 24, 1710, to Princess Agnes, referring to a complaint of the now ruling Prince of Anhalt concerning interests of a certain magistrate which he has not received. |
FOLDER 1250 |
Charles VI (1685, 1711-1740), 1718
d. s. 1718, with thirteen autograph lines confirming the nomination of officers, to represent Hungary and Croatia in a negotiation for peace with the Ottoman Porte (in Latin). |
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