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Series 26: Tuscany
(continued) |
Christina of Lorraine, Grand duchess of Tuscany (1565-1627), wife of Ferdinand I, August 12, 1611
(continued) |
l. s. Aug. 12, 1611, regarding the help which she and the Grand Duke Ferdinand are disposed to give a Cavaliere Guigni in a certain piece of work. |
Series 27: Venice
FOLDER 1326 |
Foscari, Francesco, Doge of (1272-1457), hero of Byron's The Two Foscari, April 4, 1448
DeRicci Number: 1226 |
d. s. Venice, Apr. 4, 1448, registration and transcription for the legislation of the will of Marino Sanudo (in Latin and Italian). |
FOLDER 1327 |
Priuli, Lornzo, Doge of (1556-1599), July 21, 1595
DeRicci Number: 1227 |
l. s. Venice, July 21, 1595, to Albate Prezzato, empowering him to treat with the Pope and certain other persons concerning the affairs of the Seminario di Venetia |
Series 28: Statesmen, Clerics, and Military
FOLDER 1328 |
Aldobrandini, Giovanni (1525-1572), cardinal, April 20, 1572
DeRicci Number: 1228 |
d. s. Apr. 20, 1572, providing for the papal share of expense for the war against the Turks, ending in the Battle of Lepanto (1572), signed also by Giovanni Morone and four other cardinals. |
FOLDER 1329 |
Aldus, Manutius, Jr. (1547-1597), grandson of the great Aldus, April 20, 1586
DeRicci Number: 1229 |
a. l. s. Bologna, Apr. 20, 1586, to a friend regarding the works which he is at present producing. |
FOLDER 1330 |
Aleotti, Giovanni Battista (1546-1626), architect and engineer, August 29, 1589
DeRicci Number: 1220 |
a. l. s. Aug. 29, 1589, brief personal note. |
FOLDER 1331 |
Alfieri, Vittorio (1749-1802), poet, 1798
An autograph signature written upon the fly-leaf of a book, date Florence, 1798. |
FOLDER 1332 |
Andiffredi, J. B. (1714-1794), a learned Dominican astronomer, bibliographer, historian of Italian printing., September 12, 1788
a. l. s. Rome, Sept. 12, 1788, a brief friendly letter to Angelo Bandini in Florence, apologizing for his delay in answering a recent communication. |
FOLDER 1333 |
Ariosto, Ludovico (1474-1522), poet, no date
DeRicci Number: 1222 |
d. s. s. d., document signed by Ariosto with four others, setting forth the details of a recent condemnation and fine and asking that it be canceled. |
FOLDER 1334 |
Azeglio, Massimo Taparelli, Marqui of (1798-1866), litterateur and statesman, no date
d. s. s. d., an extract from a memorandum regarding legislation to encourage commerce and mechanical arts. |
FOLDER 1335 |
Azzolino, Decio (1626-1689), cardinal, friend of Queen Christine of Sweden, December 15, 1651
l. s. Rome, Dec. 15, 1651, letter to a friend in which he mentions that he is to leave Rome for Christmas. |
FOLDER 1336 |
Bandini, Angelo Maria (1726-1800), antiquary, writer upon musical subjects, biographer of Americus Vespuccius, October 1, 1791
a. l. s. Florence, Oct. 1, 1791, to a friend in which he discusses a collection of fifteenth century manuscripts which he has recently examined and gives and account of his own work, Annali tipografici della Toscana. |
FOLDER 1336a (Special Note--PVW) |
Barberini, Antonio (1608-1671), cardinal, December [16?], 1652
d. s. Dec. [16?], 1652, written in a secretary's hand and signed by Barberini. *Note: Not part of the Thacher collection, acquired in 1985. |
FOLDER 1337 |
Bellarmino, Roberto (1542-1621), cardinal, archbishop of Capua, historian and contoversialist, September 11, 1606
l. s. Rome, Sept. 11, 1606, to a friend offering congratulations and good wishes upon the occasion of his elevation as cardinal, with seven autograph lines. |
FOLDER 1338 |
Borghese, Marco Antonio, of Siena, father of Pope Paul V, no date; no date; October 26, 1558
DeRicci Number: 1228 |
d. s. s. d, legal doccument drawn up in the name of the Archbishop Nazarenus against Giulia dei Sabelli for the recovery of certain goods. + d. s. s. d., legal document drawn up between Domenicus Candelottarius and Zaromellos Vassallus for the recovery of certain alleged debts. + d. s. Oct. 26, 1558, brief note to his notary (in Latin). |
FOLDER 1339 |
Botta, Carlo (1766-1827), historian, member of the French legislative corps, July 4, 1824
DeRicci Number: 1240 |
a. l. s. July 4, 1824, to Baron Luiddani at Cheles, personal. |
FOLDER 1340 |
Calco, Bartolommeo (14-- ), statesman, minister of Ludovico Sforza, Duke of Milan, February 11, 1494
DeRicci Number: 1242 |
d. s. Milan, Feb. 11, 1494, to the Magistrates of Genoa, regarding the aid promised by them to Pisa, which was then engaged in a struggle with the Florentines. |
FOLDER 1341 |
Cantu, Cesare (1804-1895), historian, February 16, 1850
a. l. s. Milan, Feb. 16, 1850, letter of inquiry to a friend, regarding a notice which recently appeared in the journal. |
FOLDER 1342 |
Caprinica, Domenico (1400-1458), cardinal bishop of Fermo, diplomatist and canonist, April 29, 1445
d. s. Todi, Apr. 29, 1445, reduction of a fine for trespass within the grounds of two monasteries, with three autograph lines. |
FOLDER 1343 |
Caprara, Giambattista (1722-1810), cardinal, legate of Pius VII to Paris, crowned Napoleon King of Italy, November 27, 1806
l. s. Paris, Nov. 27, 1806, letter of good wishes to Cardinal Ersckines on the occasion of an approaching holy day. |
FOLDER 1344 |
Carignano, Tommaso Frncesco, Prince of (1596-1656), general, son of Charles Emmanuel of Savoy, May 24, 1646
l. s. In camp near Orbitello, May 24, 1646, letter of thanks. |
FOLDER 1345 |
Casa, Giovanni della (1502-1556), poet, June 4, 1542
DeRicci Number: 1245 |
d. s. Rome, June 4, 1542, concerning a matter of ecclesiastical finance. |
FOLDER 1346 |
Colonna, Marcantonio ( -1584), June 20, 1582
DeRicci Number: 1246 |
l. s. Palermo, June 20, 1582, to Captain Ottavio Sprenza, asking an account of the expense incurred by him in raising a cavalry troop. |
FOLDER 1347 |
Colonna, Prospero (1452-1522), general, 1521
DeRicci Number: 1247 |
d. s. 1521, proclamation issued by Colonna in the capacity of military commander of the district ordering that his estate of (Landa or Lunda) is to be respected and the people to remain unmolested, given at Landa or Lunda. |
FOLDER 1348 |
Colonna, Vittoria, Marquise of Pescara (1490-1548), poet, friend of Michelangelo and a correspondent of Marguerite d'Angoulême, queen of Navarre, October 21, [ ? ]
DeRicci Number: 1248 |
a. l. s. Rome, Oct. 21 [ ], personal letter to a friend. |
FOLDER 1349 |
Conslavi, Ercole (1757-1824), cardinal, minister of Pius VII and a signer of the Concordat together with Napoleon, February 11, 1817
a. l. s. Rome, Feb. 11, 1817, personal. |
FOLDER 1350 |
Crescimbeni, Giovanni Maria (1662-1728), poet, founde of the Accademia degli Arcadi of which he was custodian for thirty-eight years, January 21, 1712
l. s. Jan. 21, 1712, to Giovanni Vincenzio Lucchesini Luchese apprising him of his elecetion to full membership for the academy of Arcadians. |
FOLDER 1351 |
De Vio Tommaso, called Cajetano (1464-1524), cardinal, bishop of Gaëta, May 22, 1520
DeRicci Number: 1251 |
d. s. Rome, May 22, 1520, statement to the effect that he has not received a sum of money which is alleged to have been paid him, with three autograph lines. |
FOLDER 1352 |
Doria, Andrea (1466-1560), Genoese condottiere and admiral, October, 1520
DeRicci Number: 1252 |
l. s. Genoa, Oct. 1520, to the commissioners of Florence in Pisa, in which he complains of the confiscation of certain grain ships by the commissioner of Livorno and the imprisonment of the crew. |
FOLDER 1353 |
Du Tillot, Guillaume, Marquis of Felino (1711-1774), minister of the children Philip and Ferdinand of Parma, October 19, 1762
DeRicci Number: 1353 |
a. l. s. Parma, Oct. 19, 1762, to Philip, regarding an illness of Madame Louise. The reply of Philip, autograph but not signed or dated is written between Du Tillot's salutation and the body of the letter. |
FOLDER 1353a |
Este, Filippo d' ( -1592), member of a celebrated Ferrara family, August 19, 1569
a. l. s. Casillarano, Aug. 19, 1569, letter regarding the treatment to be accorded certain men involved in a case of homicide. |
FOLDER 1354 |
Este, Ippolito d' (1479-1520), cardinal, June 22, 1514
DeRicci Number: 1254 |
l. s. Rome, June 22, 1514, signed with a subscription to the Duke of Milan, on a question of monastery discipline. |
FOLDER 1355 |
Farnese, Giovanni Paolo, Jesuit, son of Mario Farnese, Duke of Latera and Camilla Lupi di Sorogna, August 21, 1622
a. l. s. Anagni, Aug. 21, 1622, to Francesco Gavoli in Rome, in which he discusses carious financial matters, including a new impost and a transaction involving and eight per cent interest. |
FOLDER 1356 |
Fieschi, Giuseppe Marco (1790-1826), Corsican, attempted to assassinate Louis Philippe July 28, 1825, executed, February 6, 1826
a. l. s. Prison of Luxemburg, Feb. 6, 1826, to the colonel of the municipal guard, requesting that the guard maintained over him be the same from that time until his execution. |
FOLDER 1357 |
Filiberto, Carignano Emmanuel (1628-1709), son of Tommaso Frnacesco, Prince of Savoy, December 28,1695
l. s. Turin, Dec. 28, 1695, to a friend, thanking him for his expressions of friendship. |
FOLDER 1358 |
Filcaja, Vincenzio de (1622-1707), poet, no date
a. d., autograph, sonnet, unsigned, without date. |
FOLDER 1359 |
Foscolo, Ugo (1778-1827), poet, no date
a. l. s. s. d., request to borrow for a few days a list of subscribers to his library. |
FOLDER 1360 |
Futtori, Julius Ariosti, June 27, 1572
DeRicci Number: 1260 |
l. s. June, 27, 1572, an order regarding the payment of a debt. |
FOLDER 1361 |
Galvani, Luigi (1727-1798), physician and philosopher, March 2, 1798
a. l. s. Bologna, Mar. 2, 1798, certifying that a cleric, Giuseppe Francesco Constan Francese, is in delicate health, and prescribing a course of baths as treatment. |
BOX 21 FOLDER 1362 |
Garibaldi, Giuseppe (1807-1882), hero of the Italian liberation, September 20, 1850
a. l. s. New York, Sept. 20, 1850, to Charles L. Chitt, of Cincinnati, thanking him for a recent letter of sympathy for the Italian cause (in French). + a. l. s. Capua, Sept 12 [ ], to G. Penco in Livorno, thanking him for articles which he recently sent for Garibaldi and his son. |
FOLDER 1362 |
Gavazzi, Alessandro (1809-1889), Garibald's army chaplain, originally a monk, became a Protestant, founded the Free Church of Italy, January 27, 1852
a. l. s. Jan. 27, 1852, letter of thanks for support of the Italian cause. |
FOLDER 1362a |
Girolamo, Giovanni (1642-1716), no date
a. l. s. s. d., to D. Euprasie Pignatelli a nun at the convent of Donna Regina, in which he expresses regret that on Musceltola cannot conduct the exercises and proposes another, P. Celano. |
FOLDER 1364 |
Gozzi, Gasparo de, Count (1712-1786), poet, December 2, 1842
a. d. s. d., two columns of literary notation part of which are crossed out. On the second page is written a certificate of its authenticity, dated Venice, Dec. 2, 1842. |
FOLDER 1365 |
Lancelotti, Scipione, cardinal, April 17, 1586
DeRicci Number: 1265 |
d. s. Apr. 17, 1586, document regarding the execution of a will. |
FOLDER 1366 |
Lanzi, Luigi (1722-1810), Jesuit, antiquary, and philogist, no date
a. l. s. s. d., to Giovanni Forunato Tamboni, at Rome, giving him some information about a person of whom he has inquired, and advising him regarding the payment of a debt. |
FOLDER 1367 |
Leopardi, Giacomo (1798-1827), poet, March 21, 1817
a. l. s. Reconati, Mar. 21, 1817, to Fortunato Stella at Milan regarding literary matters. |
FOLDER 1368 |
Machiavelli, Nicolo Bernardo dei (1469-1527), famous Florentine statesman, April 29, 1511
DeRicci Number: 1268 |
a. l. s. Florence, Apr. 29, 1511, a letter in which he gives advice upon the relations of Spain, Naples and the Pope, and of his correspondence with a lady. |
FOLDER 1369 |
Maffei, Scipione (1675-1755), dramatic poet, August 15, 1725
a. l. s. Paris, Aug. 15, 1725, refering to the new work upon inscriptions in which he is engaged. |
FOLDER 1370 |
Magalotti, Lorenzo (1627-1712), poet, philologist, mathematician, and theologian, May 11, 1666
a. l. s. Florence, May 11, 1666, expression of appreciation for services rendered to him. |
FOLDER 1371 |
Malipieri, Pasquale, Doge of Venice ( , 1457-1562), July 27, 1461
DeRicci Number: 1271 |
d. s. Venice, July 27, 1461, favorable judgment of the Doge of Venice in regard to a petition of Bartholomeo Lion who desired to be confirmed in possession of a piece of real estate after he had exhibited the documents supporting his claim (in Latin). |
FOLDER 1372 |
Mnin, Daniel (1804-1857), president of the short-lived Venetian republic of 1848-1849, November 8, 1856
a. l. s. Paris, Nov. 8, 1856, letter of courtesy (in French). |
FOLDER 1372 |
Mazzini, Giuseppe (1805-1882), statesman, leader of Young Italy, no date
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