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Series 28: Statesmen, Clerics, and Military
(continued) |
De Vio Tommaso, called Cajetano (1464-1524), cardinal, bishop of Gaëta, May 22, 1520
(continued) |
DeRicci Number: 1251 |
d. s. Rome, May 22, 1520, statement to the effect that he has not received a sum of money which is alleged to have been paid him, with three autograph lines. |
FOLDER 1352 |
Doria, Andrea (1466-1560), Genoese condottiere and admiral, October, 1520
DeRicci Number: 1252 |
l. s. Genoa, Oct. 1520, to the commissioners of Florence in Pisa, in which he complains of the confiscation of certain grain ships by the commissioner of Livorno and the imprisonment of the crew. |
FOLDER 1353 |
Du Tillot, Guillaume, Marquis of Felino (1711-1774), minister of the children Philip and Ferdinand of Parma, October 19, 1762
DeRicci Number: 1353 |
a. l. s. Parma, Oct. 19, 1762, to Philip, regarding an illness of Madame Louise. The reply of Philip, autograph but not signed or dated is written between Du Tillot's salutation and the body of the letter. |
FOLDER 1353a |
Este, Filippo d' ( -1592), member of a celebrated Ferrara family, August 19, 1569
a. l. s. Casillarano, Aug. 19, 1569, letter regarding the treatment to be accorded certain men involved in a case of homicide. |
FOLDER 1354 |
Este, Ippolito d' (1479-1520), cardinal, June 22, 1514
DeRicci Number: 1254 |
l. s. Rome, June 22, 1514, signed with a subscription to the Duke of Milan, on a question of monastery discipline. |
FOLDER 1355 |
Farnese, Giovanni Paolo, Jesuit, son of Mario Farnese, Duke of Latera and Camilla Lupi di Sorogna, August 21, 1622
a. l. s. Anagni, Aug. 21, 1622, to Francesco Gavoli in Rome, in which he discusses carious financial matters, including a new impost and a transaction involving and eight per cent interest. |
FOLDER 1356 |
Fieschi, Giuseppe Marco (1790-1826), Corsican, attempted to assassinate Louis Philippe July 28, 1825, executed, February 6, 1826
a. l. s. Prison of Luxemburg, Feb. 6, 1826, to the colonel of the municipal guard, requesting that the guard maintained over him be the same from that time until his execution. |
FOLDER 1357 |
Filiberto, Carignano Emmanuel (1628-1709), son of Tommaso Frnacesco, Prince of Savoy, December 28,1695
l. s. Turin, Dec. 28, 1695, to a friend, thanking him for his expressions of friendship. |
FOLDER 1358 |
Filcaja, Vincenzio de (1622-1707), poet, no date
a. d., autograph, sonnet, unsigned, without date. |
FOLDER 1359 |
Foscolo, Ugo (1778-1827), poet, no date
a. l. s. s. d., request to borrow for a few days a list of subscribers to his library. |
FOLDER 1360 |
Futtori, Julius Ariosti, June 27, 1572
DeRicci Number: 1260 |
l. s. June, 27, 1572, an order regarding the payment of a debt. |
FOLDER 1361 |
Galvani, Luigi (1727-1798), physician and philosopher, March 2, 1798
a. l. s. Bologna, Mar. 2, 1798, certifying that a cleric, Giuseppe Francesco Constan Francese, is in delicate health, and prescribing a course of baths as treatment. |
BOX 21 FOLDER 1362 |
Garibaldi, Giuseppe (1807-1882), hero of the Italian liberation, September 20, 1850
a. l. s. New York, Sept. 20, 1850, to Charles L. Chitt, of Cincinnati, thanking him for a recent letter of sympathy for the Italian cause (in French). + a. l. s. Capua, Sept 12 [ ], to G. Penco in Livorno, thanking him for articles which he recently sent for Garibaldi and his son. |
FOLDER 1362 |
Gavazzi, Alessandro (1809-1889), Garibald's army chaplain, originally a monk, became a Protestant, founded the Free Church of Italy, January 27, 1852
a. l. s. Jan. 27, 1852, letter of thanks for support of the Italian cause. |
FOLDER 1362a |
Girolamo, Giovanni (1642-1716), no date
a. l. s. s. d., to D. Euprasie Pignatelli a nun at the convent of Donna Regina, in which he expresses regret that on Musceltola cannot conduct the exercises and proposes another, P. Celano. |
FOLDER 1364 |
Gozzi, Gasparo de, Count (1712-1786), poet, December 2, 1842
a. d. s. d., two columns of literary notation part of which are crossed out. On the second page is written a certificate of its authenticity, dated Venice, Dec. 2, 1842. |
FOLDER 1365 |
Lancelotti, Scipione, cardinal, April 17, 1586
DeRicci Number: 1265 |
d. s. Apr. 17, 1586, document regarding the execution of a will. |
FOLDER 1366 |
Lanzi, Luigi (1722-1810), Jesuit, antiquary, and philogist, no date
a. l. s. s. d., to Giovanni Forunato Tamboni, at Rome, giving him some information about a person of whom he has inquired, and advising him regarding the payment of a debt. |
FOLDER 1367 |
Leopardi, Giacomo (1798-1827), poet, March 21, 1817
a. l. s. Reconati, Mar. 21, 1817, to Fortunato Stella at Milan regarding literary matters. |
FOLDER 1368 |
Machiavelli, Nicolo Bernardo dei (1469-1527), famous Florentine statesman, April 29, 1511
DeRicci Number: 1268 |
a. l. s. Florence, Apr. 29, 1511, a letter in which he gives advice upon the relations of Spain, Naples and the Pope, and of his correspondence with a lady. |
FOLDER 1369 |
Maffei, Scipione (1675-1755), dramatic poet, August 15, 1725
a. l. s. Paris, Aug. 15, 1725, refering to the new work upon inscriptions in which he is engaged. |
FOLDER 1370 |
Magalotti, Lorenzo (1627-1712), poet, philologist, mathematician, and theologian, May 11, 1666
a. l. s. Florence, May 11, 1666, expression of appreciation for services rendered to him. |
FOLDER 1371 |
Malipieri, Pasquale, Doge of Venice ( , 1457-1562), July 27, 1461
DeRicci Number: 1271 |
d. s. Venice, July 27, 1461, favorable judgment of the Doge of Venice in regard to a petition of Bartholomeo Lion who desired to be confirmed in possession of a piece of real estate after he had exhibited the documents supporting his claim (in Latin). |
FOLDER 1372 |
Mnin, Daniel (1804-1857), president of the short-lived Venetian republic of 1848-1849, November 8, 1856
a. l. s. Paris, Nov. 8, 1856, letter of courtesy (in French). |
FOLDER 1372 |
Mazzini, Giuseppe (1805-1882), statesman, leader of Young Italy, no date
a. l. s. s. d., letter of thanks, apparently to a child (in English). |
FOLDER 1374 |
Mengante or Mingante, Giovanni, captain in the service of Charles V, July 20, 1552
DeRicci Number: 1274 |
a. l. s. Naples(?), July 20, 1552, to Ferrante Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua, a general of Charles V., regarding an affair (probably a matter of ecclesiastical policy) in which Luigi Farnese, bishop of Fano, had become involved. |
FOLDER 1375 |
Michiel, Giustina Renier (1755-1822), man of letters, son of the next to last doge of Venice, June 4, 1821
a. l. s. Venice, June 4, 1821, letter of thanks. |
FOLDER 1376 |
Minghetti, Marco (1818-1886), economist and statesman, prime minister in 1876, no date
a. l. s. s. d., to the Marquis Livio Zambeccari making an appointment to see him. |
FOLDER 1377 |
Monti, Vincenzo (1754-1828), poet and dramatist, January 10, 1810
a. l. s. Milan, Jan. 10, 1810, regarding an edition of his works which now exhausted, and his plans for a new edition which he asks may be printed by the Reale Stamperia. |
FOLDER 1378 |
Morellis, Jacopo (1745-1828), bibliographer, librarian of St. Mark, February 12, 1802
a. l. s. Venice, Feb. 12, 1802, to Mr. William Roscoe, Liverpool, containing a discussion of certain books about which he has inquired. |
FOLDER 1379 |
Paoli, Pasquale (1725-1819), Corsican general and patriot, fought against the Genoese and later the French control in Corsica, April 4, 1792
d. s. Corte, Apr. 4, 1792, to the commissioners of the Convention, expressing his sympathy with their cause and offering a small force of men (in French). |
FOLDER 1380 |
Pellico, Silvio (1789-1854), dramatist, poet and patriot, long imprisoned by the Austians, August 27, 1852
a. l. s. Turin, Aug. 27, 1852, letter of thanks. |
FOLDER 1381 |
Pino, Domenico, Count (1760-1826), general, minister of war in Italy in 1804, in the service of France, July 10, 1804
a. l. s. Paris, July 10, 1804, to the Emperor, thanking him for his kindness to the Italian troops and asking that certain abuses and matters of defective equipment be remedied. |
FOLDER 1382 |
Riario, Raphael Galeotto (1451-1521), cardinal, November 28, 1491
DeRicci Number: 1282 |
d. s. Rome, Nov. 28, 1491, conceding to Burdo, prothonotary, a stipend of 2000 gold ducats and "spiritual benefits" which may be sold for a similar amount. |
FOLDER 1382 |
Rolli, Paolo (1687-1767), poet and translator, November 18, 1746
a. l. s. Todi, Nov. 18, 1746, to a friend in regard to a catalogue which he is preparing to make of his books. |
FOLDER 1384 |
Rovere, Girolamo della ( -1592), cardinal and scholar, September 8, 1582
DeRicci Number: 1284 |
d. s. Sept. 8, 1582, minor clerical matter. |
FOLDER 1385 |
Rudio, Carlo, Count di (1822- ), conspirator, concerned in the Orsini plot against the life of Napoleon III, March 2, 1858
a. l. s. Despôt de condamnés, Mar. 2, 1858, to M. Mallano, thanking him for the sympathy he has expressed at his confinement (in French). *Note-This letter was written after his condemnation to death. His sentence, however, was later commuted to imprisonment for life. |
FOLDER 1386 |
Sadoleto, Jacopo (de Modena) (1477-1547), cardinal, diplomatist and poet, August 14, 1517
DeRicci Number: 1286 |
d. s. Rome, Aug. 14, 1517, countersign on a papal provision appointing Federicus to be abbot of the Benedictine monastery of St. Andrew and St. Gregory at Rome. |
FOLDER 1387 |
Sforza, Francesco (1562-1624), Cardinal, September 12, 1606; June 4, 1616
d. s. Rome, Sept. 12, 1606, letter of congratulation to a friend upon the appointment as cardinal. + a. l. s. Naples, June 4, 1616, personal. |
FOLDER 1388 |
Siri, Vittorio (1608-1685), a Benedictine, historian, June 8, 1647
a. l. s. Venice, June 8, 1647, brief personal letter. |
FOLDER 1389 |
Strozzi, Alessandro, member of a famous Florentine family, January 25, 1499
DeRicci Number: 1289 |
a. l. s. Venice, Jan. 25, 1499, to Lodovico (di Florentia) at Villabona, apparently a baliff or steward of the Strozzi, to whom he gives directions regarding certain details of the estate. |
FOLDER 1390 |
Strozzi, Roberto ( -1566), member of a famous Florentine family, October 16, 1491
DeRicci Number: 1290 |
a. l. s. Villabona, Oct. 16, 1491, personal letter to his brother, Alessandro Strozzi, then in Venice. |
FOLDER 1391 |
Tasso, Bernardo (1492-1564), poet, father of Torquato Tasso, December 6, 1556(?)
DeRicci Number: 1291 |
a. l. s. Venice, Dec. 6, 1556(?), to Sperone Speroni in Padua, in which he gives a quotation from his poem Amadigi. |
FOLDER 1392 |
Tasso, Torquato (1544-1595), great Italian poet, no date
DeRicci Number: 1292 |
a. d. s. s. d., autograph sonnet, signed. |
FOLDER 1392 |
Testi, Fulvio (1592-1646), poet, secretary of state of Alfonso d'Este, September 20, 1629
a. l. s. Modena(?), Sept. 20, 1629, brief letter of official instructions. |
FOLDER 1394 |
Türr, Stephan (1825-1908), Hungarian general, companion of Garibaldi, cousin by marriage of Napoleon III, March 29, 1865
a. l. s. Paris, Mar. 29, 1865, polite note. |
FOLDER 1395 |
Vespucci, Guido Antonio, uncle of Americo Vespucci, ambassador of Florence to Rome and to France, September 20, 1482; 1512
DeRicci Number: 1295 |
a. l. s. Rome, Sept. 20, 1482, letter of condolence. + Also a license to carry weapons signed by brother, Antonio Vespucci, dated August 1512. |
FOLDER 1396 |
Viviani, Vincenzo (1622-1702), astronomer and mathematician, friend of Galileo, honored by Louis XIV, August 11, 1698
a. l. s. Pisa, Aug. 11, 1698, personal. |
FOLDER 1397 |
Volta, Alessandro (1745-1827), physicist, November 28, 1782
d. s. Pavia, Nov. 28, 1782, a list of charges for work performed. |
Series 29: Popes
FOLDER 1398 |
Paul II (1418, 1464-1471), Pietro Barbo, May 14, 1467
DeRicci Number: 1298 |
d. May 14, 1467, bull, conferring upon Jacobus de Baccariis, rector of the church of St. John the Evangelist in Berecto, of the diocese of Parma, the canonicate which has been left vacant by the resignation of JohAnnes de Beccariis, presbyter of the diocese (in Latin). Given in his name, with four signatures, probably cardinals. |
FOLDER 1399 |
Alexander VI (1420, 1492-1502), Roderigo Borgia, archbishop of Valencia, December 9, 1497
DeRicci Number: 1299 |
d. s. Rome, Dec. 9, 1497, a papal diploma of installation in behalf of Cardinal Alexander [Farnese]. |
FOLDER 1400 |
Leo X (1475, 1512-1521), Giovanni de Medici, April 15, 1492
DeRicci Number: 1400 |
a. l. s. Rome, Apr. 15, 1492, as cardinal to his brother, Pietro de Medici at Florence, upon the occasion of the death of their father Lorenzo de Medici (in Latin). |
FOLDER 1401 |
Clement VII ( , 1522-1524), Giulio de Medici, no date [1527]
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