The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Walter Hamady and The Perishable Press collection, 1895-2019
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Series 3: Professional Files, 1950-2018 (continued)
Subseries 3: Teaching Material, 1967-2003 and undated (continued)
BOX/FOLDER 3:38/10 Betelson, Christy - The Alphabet Boodbye 1 (I), 1979
Rara Avis Press Part of miniature book exhibition
BOX/FOLDER 3:38/11 Gardels, Susan - Summer Grapefruit & Afternoon, 1977
The Sledrag Press Part of miniature book exhibition
BOX/FOLDER 3:38/12 Tetenbaum, Barbara - Oabecdarium, 1980
Part of miniature book exhibition
BOX/FOLDER 3:38/13 Koppa, Michael - Nessie, 1991
Kopralaliac Pressure Press Part of miniature book exhibition
BOX/FOLDER 3:38/14 Wollangk, Emily - Traversing Desire, undated
Part of miniature book exhibition
BOX/FOLDER 3:38/15 Gomez, Marta - After So Many Words, 1988
Tiramisu Press Part of miniature book exhibition
BOX/FOLDER 3:38/16 Melin, Shiere - Comparative Anatomy of the Heart, 1984
Chimaera Press Two volumes Part of miniature book exhibition
BOX/FOLDER 3:38/17 Coberly, Elizabeth - The Design on the Oriole, 1977
Poem by William Stafford Heron Press Part of miniature book exhibition
BOX/FOLDER 3:38/18 Grabowski, Beth - Folding House with Blueprints, undated
Part of miniature book exhibition
BOX/FOLDER 3:38/19 Dodd, Joanna - no title, c. 1976
Book with foldout and hand-colored images based on T Mark drawing problem Part of miniature book exhibition
BOX/FOLDER 3:38/20 Chapman, Erin - Puzzle Pieces Book, 1995
Part of miniature book exhibition
BOX/FOLDER 3:38/21 Hancock, Eleanor - Envisioning Kineticism Dancing, 1995
BOX/FOLDER 3:38/22 Hollern, Heather - Pedagogical Remebrance Problem, undated
Part of miniature book exhibition
BOX/FOLDER 3:38/23 Coberly, Elizabeth - Hieroglyphic Book in Box, 1977
Part of miniature book exhibition
BOX/FOLDER 3:38/24 Stahlecker, Bonnie - Toidy Poiple Boids, 1982
Part of miniature book exhibition
BOX/FOLDER 3:38/25 Gelbart, Abraham - The Kite Book, undated
Urbach Press See also: Series 7, Subseries 1, Box 3, Folder 3
BOX/FOLDER 3:38/26 unknown - In and Out Metaphors, undated
Deluge Press
BOX/FOLDER 3:38/27 Beckett, Caroline - Ruth Demonstrates the Buck & Kick, undated
BOX/FOLDER 3:38/28 Ward, Beatrice - This is a Printing Office, undated
Iguana Press
BOX/FOLDER 3:38/29 Young, Karl - Ango Saxon Journey Charm, undated
BOX/FOLDER 3:38/30 Soppe, Joan - Extra EXTRA Care, undated
BOX/FOLDER 3:38/31 American Craft review, June 2003-July 2003
BOX/FOLDER 3:39/1 Section List, undated
See also: Series 7, Subseries 1, Box 1, Folder 27
BOX/FOLDER 3:39/2 Colet, Betsey (?) - cloth book, undated
BOX/FOLDER 3:39/3 Weier, Debra - Some Colored Connections, 1977
Emanon Press
BOX/FOLDER 3:39/4 Gibson, Robin Lee - Earthereal Visions, 1980
BOX/FOLDER 3:39/5 Shallock, Kathleen - Inner Solitude, 1975
BOX/FOLDER 3:39/6 Lee, Jim - The Deadly Sins, undated
Blue Moon Press
BOX/FOLDER 3:39/7 Morin, Jeffrey - Theo, 1986
Sailor Boy Press
BOX/FOLDER 3:39/8 Weege, Bill - Buddha Will Crush You, undated
BOX/FOLDER 3:39/9 Gardels, Susan - Melting Icicles, 1976
Silken Sledrag Press
BOX/FOLDER 3:39/10 Brown, Clara Ines - Chryssalis, 1979
BOX/FOLDER 3:39/11 Lingen, Ruth - Car Book, undated
Poote Press
BOX/FOLDER 3:39/12 Mraz, Joanna - Kinetic Evolution, 1979
BOX/FOLDER 3:39/13 Lee, Jim - The Illustrated Goose, 1980
Blue Moon Press
BOX/FOLDER 3:39/14 Tisdale, Walter - The Gentle & The Wild, 1980
Landlocked Press
BOX/FOLDER 3:39/15 Coles, Gretchen - This Desert Eden, 1983
Great Circle Press
BOX/FOLDER 3:39/16 Damrauer, Marcia - The Lion Story, 1978
Giza Meryet Press
BOX/FOLDER 3:39/17 Gosin, Susan - Prey, 1975
Dieu Donne Press
BOX/FOLDER 3:39/18 Bertelson, Christine - Birds, 1980
Rara Avis Press
BOX/FOLDER 3:39/19 Mowris, Robert - My Family, 1976
BOX/FOLDER 3:39/20 Circle, Alison and Chuck Alexander - Mother and Daughter and the Sea, 1981
Black Mesa Press
BOX/FOLDER 3:39/21 Harrison, Sinden - Different Strokes, 1976
BOX/FOLDER 3:39/22 Heft, Caren - Maps & Landmarks, 1983
BOX/FOLDER 3:39/23 Goetz, Nancy - A Collection of Poems, 1984
BOX/FOLDER 3:39/24 Morin, Jeffrey - The Priest and the Acolyte, 1986
The Sailor Boy Press
BOX/FOLDER 3:39/25 Cronin, Kate - Voice, 1996
Nee Doyle
BOX/FOLDER 3:40/1 Myers, Michael - East Bay Moon Beams, 1968
BOX/FOLDER 3:40/2 Kames, Louise - A Love Refined in Fire, 1986
BOX/FOLDER 3:40/3 Myers, Sheila - Elements of Palmistry, 1973
BOX/FOLDER 3:40/4 Omernik, Laureen - Sandwich Maker, 1972
BOX/FOLDER 3:40/5 Eberle, Matt - The Sex Jalopy, 1996
BOX/FOLDER 3:40/6 Henkes, Kevin - An Unequal Exchange, 1982
BOX/FOLDER 3:40/7 Owens, Chris - The Darkened Heart, 1977
BOX/FOLDER 3:40/8 Ruggie, Cathie - Crackerjack Harry, 1974
BOX/FOLDER 3:40/9 Dibble, Jean - Elena Lucrezia Cornaro Piscopia, 1978
BOX/FOLDER 3:40/10 Tsouras, Christopher - Coursing River, 1989
BOX/FOLDER 3:40/11 Newman, Stephanie - Thisbe! A Cook, 1980
BOX/FOLDER 3:40/12 Morin, Jeffrey - Dear Mr. Clifford, 1985-1986
The Sailor Boy Press
BOX/FOLDER 3:40/13 Kuehn, Katherine - Two Standards, 1982
Salient Seedling Press
BOX/FOLDER 3:40/14 Dodd, Joanna - A Primrose Herbal, 1976
BOX/FOLDER 3:40/15 unknown - Dark Houses Over You, 1990
BOX/FOLDER 3:40/16 Wagner, Mark - Travel by Dancing, 1994
BOX/FOLDER 3:40/17 Dodd, Joanna - Toads, undated
BOX/FOLDER 3:40/18 Coles, Gretchen Lee - Bukovina Bound, undated
BOX/FOLDER 3:40/19 Dudiak, Romi - And So, 1980
BOX/FOLDER 3:40/20 Ruggie, Cathie - Harry Grow Round the Mulberry Bush, 1975
Hosanna Press
BOX/FOLDER 3:40/21 Schneider, S.M. - A Bird in the Hand, 1986
BOX/FOLDER 3:40/22 Kuehn, Katherine - Letters & Numbers, 1979
Salient Seedling Press
BOX/FOLDER 3:40/23 Tetenbaum, Barbara - Phase Transformations, 1979
Triangular Press
BOX/FOLDER 3:40/24 Grabowski, Beth - Ellenwood, 1981
BOX/FOLDER 3:40/25 Coles, Gretchen Lee - This Desert Eden, 1983
The Great Circle Press
BOX/FOLDER 3:40/26 Coberly, Elizabeth - Big Crocodile Book, 1976
BOX/FOLDER 3:40/27 Bertelson, Christine and Christine Zawadiwsky - Preceding Name of Rara Avis, 1977
Osage Orange Press
BOX/FOLDER 3:40/28 White, Irvin - Letter Press Run, 1967
BOX/FOLDER 3:40/29 Sonnedecker, Stuart Bruce - On Aesthetics in Typography, 1968
BOX/FOLDER 3:40/30 Myers, Michael - Kali-ope, 1969
BOX/FOLDER 3:40/31 Carmago, Rosanna Milare - Stick It In Your Ear, 1990
BOX/FOLDER 3:40/32 Kuehn, Katherine - My Grandmother's Table Cloth, 1980
BOX/FOLDER 3:41/1 Stahlecker, Bonnie - Masks of the Mind, undated
See also: Series 7, Subseries 1, Box 8, Folder 3 (The Meaning of Life); Series 7, Subseries 1, Box 8, Folder 4 (The Story of No One)
BOX/FOLDER 3:41/2 Tisdale, Walter - The Walum Olum (2), 1983
Unbound copy from Landlocked Press
BOX/FOLDER 3:41/3 Mowris, Mary - Beautiful Beautiful Brown Eyes, 1975
BOX/FOLDER 3:41/4 Gomez, Marta - Carpe Diem, undated
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