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Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
Series 5: Printed Material, 1925-2014 and undated (continued) | |||||||||||||
Subseries 1: Secretary Contents, 1925-2014 and undated (continued) | |||||||||||||
BOX/FOLDER 5:5/7 | The New Yorker, April 2003 | ||||||||||||
Announcement of Grolier Club show | |||||||||||||
BOX/FOLDER 5:5/8 | ABC: The Artists' Book Conference, June 2005 | ||||||||||||
Keynote address the jenny-press New Haven | |||||||||||||
BOX/FOLDER 5:5/9 | Juxtamorphing Space: Works by Walter Hamady, 2005 | ||||||||||||
BOX/FOLDER 5:5/10 | Wisconsin Academy Review, vol. 51, no. 4, September 2005-December 2005 | ||||||||||||
Robert Cozzolino - A Walter Hamady Primer | |||||||||||||
BOX/FOLDER 5:5/11 | Mallarme's Coup d'Etat, 2007 | ||||||||||||
BOX/FOLDER 5:5/12 | American Craft, December 2006-January 2007 | ||||||||||||
BOX/FOLDER 5:5/13 | At the Turn of the Centuries: The Influence of Early 20th Century Book Arts on Contemporary Artists' Books, April 13, 2007 | ||||||||||||
jenny-press, Marcia Reed - Materials Encounters Contest | |||||||||||||
BOX/FOLDER 5:5/14 | Fine Books and Collections, September 2007-October 2007 | ||||||||||||
BOX/FOLDER 5:5/15 | Ellipsis, 2008 | ||||||||||||
Creator marked pages 30 and 105 | |||||||||||||
BOX/FOLDER 5:5/16 | Mimeo, Spring 2008, March 2008-June 2008 | ||||||||||||
BOX/FOLDER 5:5/17 | Narcissus in the Studio, 2010 | ||||||||||||
Edited by Robert Cozzolino, letter laid-in | |||||||||||||
BOX/FOLDER 5:5/18 | Walter Hamady Search Engine, 2011 | ||||||||||||
Subseries 2: Hamady's Library, 1945-2011 and undated | |||||||||||||
This subseries consists of books from Hamady’s personal library and
includes reference materials, fiction and non-fiction. Unless otherwise
noted, all texts were arranged as a group by the creator. Many texts
were scattered throughout the collection and were removed and placed in
Series 5. The original locations of these texts are noted in the finding
aid. Arranged alphabetically by author’s last name (if present) or name of subject. |
BOX 5:6 | AIGA Graphic Design USA: 3, 1981 | ||||||||||||
Pulled from Series 5, Subseries 1, Box 2 | |||||||||||||
BOX 5:6 | AIGA Graphic Design USA: 3, 1982 | ||||||||||||
Pulled from Series 5, Subseries 1, Box 2 | |||||||||||||
BOX 5:6 | AIGA Graphic Design USA, 1993 | ||||||||||||
Pulled from Series 5, Subseries 1, Box 5 | |||||||||||||
BOX 5:6 | AIGA: 23rd Annual of the American Institute of Graphic Arts, 2002 | ||||||||||||
Pulled from Series 5, Subseries 1, Box 5 | |||||||||||||
BOX 5:6 | Art in America, February 2006 | ||||||||||||
Pulled from Series 1, Box 7 | |||||||||||||
BOX 5:6 | Art Journal, vol. 53, no. 3, September 1993-November 1993 | ||||||||||||
BOX 5:6 | Visible Language: Money!, 29:3/4, 1995 | ||||||||||||
Pulled from Series 3, Subseries 1, Box 13 | |||||||||||||
BOX 5:6 | American Type Founders Company - Specimen Book and Catalogue, 1923 | ||||||||||||
Pulled from Series 1, Box 2 | |||||||||||||
BOX 5:6 | Book in Lebanese, undated | ||||||||||||
Pulled from Series 3, Subseries 1, Box 15, between folders 24 & 15 | |||||||||||||
BOX 5:6 | Chicago International Art Exposition, 1988 | ||||||||||||
Pulled from Series 5, Subseries 1, Box 4 | |||||||||||||
BOX 5:6 | Chicago International Art Exposition, 1990 | ||||||||||||
Pulled from Series 5, Subseries 1, Box 4 | |||||||||||||
BOX 5:7 | Acocella, Joan - Twenty-Eight Artists and Two Saints, 2007 | ||||||||||||
BOX 5:7 | Acocella, Joan - Willa Cather & the Politics of Criticism, 2000 | ||||||||||||
BOX 5:7 | Alamuddin, Sulayman - Oriental Carpets: A Brief Outline, 1970 | ||||||||||||
BOX 5:7 | Alexander, Christopher et al. - A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction, 1977 | ||||||||||||
BOX 5:7 | Ali, Tariq - The Book of Saladin, 1998 | ||||||||||||
BOX 5:7 | Bissier, Julius - Julius Bissier 70th Year Restrospective, 1963 | ||||||||||||
Catalog for show at the Institute of Contemporary Art | |||||||||||||
BOX 5:7 | Blumenthal, Joseph - The Printed Book in America, 1977 | ||||||||||||
Pulled from Series 5, Subseries 1, Box 1 | |||||||||||||
BOX 5:7 | Boggs, J.S.G. - A Comedy of Values, 1999 | ||||||||||||
Pulled from Series 3, Subseries 1, Box 13 | |||||||||||||
BOX 5:7 | Boggs, J.S.G. - smart money (Hard Currency), 1990 | ||||||||||||
Pulled from Series 3, Subseries 1, Box 13 | |||||||||||||
BOX 5:7 | Boswell, Peter and Maria Makela - The Photomontages of Hannah Hoch, 1997 | ||||||||||||
BOX 5:7 | Bright, Betty - No Longer Innocent: Book Art in America 1960-1980, 2005 | ||||||||||||
Pulled from Series 5, Subseries 1, Box 5 | |||||||||||||
BOX 5:7 | Burton, Jimalee - Indian Heritage, Indian Pride, 1974 | ||||||||||||
Pulled from Series 3, Subseries 1, Box 24 (with Sequoyah Syllabary) | |||||||||||||
BOX 5:7 | Butterfield, Deborah - Horses: The Art of Deborah Butterfield, 1992 | ||||||||||||
Catalog for show at the Lowe Art Museum, University of Miami | |||||||||||||
BOX 5:7 | Cave, Roderick - The Private Press, 1971 | ||||||||||||
Pulled from Series 5, Subseries 1, Box 1 | |||||||||||||
BOX 5:7 | Cave, Roderick - The Private Press, second edition, 1983 | ||||||||||||
Pulled from Series 5, Subseries 1, Box 3 | |||||||||||||
BOX 5:8 | Cartier-Bresson, Henri - The Photographs of Henri Cartier-Bresson, 1947 | ||||||||||||
Catalog for show at MoMA | |||||||||||||
BOX 5:8 | Chamberlin, Roy Bullard and Herman Feldman - The Dartmouth Bible, 1950 | ||||||||||||
BOX 5:8 | Colsescott, Warrington and Arthur Hove - Progressive Printmakers, 1999 | ||||||||||||
Pulled from Series 5, Subseries 1, Box 5 | |||||||||||||
BOX 5:8 | Conley, Robert J. - The Rattlesnake Band and Other Poems, 1984 | ||||||||||||
Pulled from Series 3, Subseries 2, Box 34, Folder 45 Creator marked page 43 | |||||||||||||
BOX 5:8 | Conroy, Frank - Stop-Time, 1965 | ||||||||||||
With Conroy obituary | |||||||||||||
BOX 5:8 | Cozzolino, Robert - With Friends: Six Magic Realists, 2005 | ||||||||||||
Pulled from Series 1, Box 7 | |||||||||||||
BOX 5:8 | Doctorow, E.L. - Billy Bathgate, 1989 | ||||||||||||
BOX 5:8 | Duncan, Robert - Fictive Certainties, 1955 | ||||||||||||
BOX 5:8 | Eckert, Alan W. - The Frontiersman, 1967 | ||||||||||||
BOX 5:8 | Ellis, Jerry - Walking the Trail, 1991 | ||||||||||||
Pulled from Series 3, Subseries 2, Box 34, Folder 45 | |||||||||||||
BOX 5:8 | Fleischmann, Glen - The Cherokee Removal, 1838, 1971 | ||||||||||||
Pulled from Series 3, Subseries 2, Box 34, Folder 45 | |||||||||||||
Pulled from Series 3, Subseries 1, Box 15: Pulled from
Series 3, Subseries 1, Box 15 BOX 5:8 |
Fouchet, Max-Pol and Fulvio Roiter - Liban: Lumiere des Siecles, 1967 | ||||||||||||
PULLED FROM SERIES 3, SUBSERIES 1, BOX 15 Pulled from Series 3, Subseries 1, Box 15 | |||||||||||||
Pulled from Series 3, Subseries 1, Box 15 French text | |||||||||||||
BOX 5:8 | Fourth Decade, 1991 | ||||||||||||
Pulled from Series 3, Subseries 1, Box 14 | |||||||||||||
BOX 5:8 | Fromm, Erich - The Art of Loving, 1956 | ||||||||||||
Creator marked pages 20, 24, 27, 31, 34, 39 and 112 | |||||||||||||
BOX 5:8 | Fromm, Erich - Pschoanalysis and Religion, 1950 | ||||||||||||
BOX 5:8 | Gans, Richard - Tipos Gans | ||||||||||||
Pulled from Series 1, Box 2 | |||||||||||||
BOX 5:8 | Giono, Jean - Joy of Man's Desiring, 1980 | ||||||||||||
BOX 5:8 | Graves, Maitland - The Art of Color and Design, 1951 | ||||||||||||
BOX 5:9 | Heller, Jules - Paper-Making, 1978 | ||||||||||||
Pulled from Series 5, Subseries 1, Box 1 | |||||||||||||
BOX 5:9 | Holmes, Ruth Bradley and Betty Sharp Smith - Beginning Cherokee, 1976 | ||||||||||||
Pulled from Series 3, Subseries 2, Box 34, Folder 45 | |||||||||||||
BOX 5:9 | Hubert, Renee Riese and Judd D. Hubert - The Cutting Edge of Reading: Artists' Books, 1999 | ||||||||||||
Pulled from Series 5, Subseries 1, Box 5 | |||||||||||||
BOX 5:9 | Hutner, Martin and Jerry Kelly - A Century for the Century: Fine Printed Books 1900-1999, 2004 | ||||||||||||
Pulled from Series 5, Subseries 1, Box 5 | |||||||||||||
BOX 5:9 | Jaspert, Berffy and Johnson - Encyclopedia of Type Faces, 1970 | ||||||||||||
Pulled from Series 1, Box 2 | |||||||||||||
BOX 5:9 | Jefferson, Thomas - Notes on the State of Virginia, 1964 | ||||||||||||
BOX 5:9 | Johnston, Alastair - Hanging Quotes, 2011 | ||||||||||||
Pulled from Series 5, Subseries 1, Box 5 | |||||||||||||
BOX 5:9 | Kent, Rockwell - N by E, 1930 | ||||||||||||
BOX 5:9 | Klee, Paul - Pedagogical Sketchbook, 1953 | ||||||||||||
BOX 5:9 | Kroeber, Theodora - Ishi in Two Worlds: A Biography of the Last Wild Indian in North America, 1968 | ||||||||||||
BOX 5:9 | Lartigue, Jacques Henri - The Photographs of Jacques Henri Lartique, 1963 | ||||||||||||
Catalog for show at MoMA | |||||||||||||
BOX 5:9 | Laughlin, James - The Man in the Wall, 1991 | ||||||||||||
Pulled from Series 3, Subseries 1, Box 18, between folders 10 & 11 Creator marked pages 3, 4, 17, 27, 29, 31, 41, 44, 49, 58, 64, 69, 88, 94, 106, 112, 114 and 115 | |||||||||||||
BOX 5:9 | Laughlin, James - The Way It Wasn't, 2006 | ||||||||||||
BOX 5:9 | Magretts, Martina (ed.) - International Crafts, 1991 | ||||||||||||
Pulled from Series 5, Subseries 1, Box 5 | |||||||||||||
BOX 5:9 | Makarem, Sami Nasib - The Druze Faith, 1974 | ||||||||||||
Pulled from Series 3, Subseries 2, Box 35, Folder 1 | |||||||||||||
BOX 5:9 | Mares, G.C. - The History of the Typewriter: Successor to the Pen, 1985 | ||||||||||||
Pulled from Series 3, Subseries 1, Box 4 (with Toby Olson material) | |||||||||||||
BOX 5:10 | McCarthy, Cormac - All the Pretty Horses, 1993 | ||||||||||||
See also: Series 7, Subseries 1, Box 7, Folder 3 (Two maps of Mexico) | |||||||||||||
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