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Henry Rowe Schoolcraft papers, 1788-1941

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Book File, circa 1817-1857 (continued)
"Pah-Hah-Undootah, or the Red Head" (continued)
Digital content available
MSS 433-436 "Leelinau, or the Lost Daughter"
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MSS 437-442 "Puck Wud Jininee, or the Little Wild Man of the Mountains"
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MSS 443-464 "Mishosha, or the Magician of the Lakes"
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MSS 465-507 "The Weendigoes" or "Saganaw's Story"
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MSS 508-511 "The Raccoon and Crawfish"
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MSS 512-517 "Wauwanishkum, or Glimpses of Ghost-land"
Digital content available
MSS 518-525 "Kwasind, or the Fearfully Strong"
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MSS 526-560 "Madjee Monedo, and the Genius of Benevolence"
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MSS 561-566 "The Pigeon Hawk and Tortoise" or "The Blue Bird and Terrapin"
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MSS 567-575 "The Charmed Arrow"
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MSS 576-581 "Addik Kum Maig, or the Origin of the White Fish"
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MSS 582-589 "Mythology of the Chippewas"
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MSS 590 "The Linnet and Eagle"
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MSS 591-594 "Weeng"
Digital content available
MSS 595-603 "Iagoo"
Digital content available
MSS 604-605 "Adventures of a Warrior's Soul"
Digital content available
MSS 606 "The Vine and Oak"
Digital content available
MSS 607-610 Fragments
Digital content available
BOX 74 REEL 58 MSS 1-2 "Indian Tales and Legends," undated Published, in part, in Schoolcraft's Indian Legends from Algic Researches, Mentor L. Williams, editor
"The Wabose and Pizhoo, or the Hare and Lynx"
Digital content available
MSS 3 "The Lynx and Wawbos, a Chippewa Fable"
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MSS 4 "Shingeliss, or the Fall Duck"
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MSS 5-13 "Baush'kwudosh, or Animal with the Hair Blown Off His Skin"
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MSS 14-17 "Wa-wá be zo win, or the Swing"
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MSS 18-23 "Mukakee Mindemoca, or the Toad-Woman"
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MSS 24-25 "Ampata Sapa, or the Cast-off Wife"
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MSS 26-27 "The Little Spirit, or Boy-Man"
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MSS 28-31 "Moowis, or the Coquette's Reward"
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MSS 32 "[Allaietaw?] the Great Jossakeed of Manitoulin"
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MSS 33-37 "The Bird-woman"
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MSS 38-39 "The Blue Jay and the Woodpecker"
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MSS 40-45 "The Charmed Trap"
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MSS 46-56 "Chebiabo, the Seer of the Manitoulin or Spirit Islands"
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MSS 57 "Chorus of Ghosts"
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MSS 58-60 "The Condor of the Mississippi Valley"
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MSS 61-62 "The Crane and Beaver"
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MSS 63-64 "The Dangerous Guest"
Digital content available
MSS 65 "The Eagle and the Wren"
Digital content available
MSS 66-70 "The Family of the Thunderers: An Iroquois Tradition"
Digital content available
MSS 71 "The Fox and the Wolf"
Digital content available
MSS 72-73 "Fraternal Affection, or the Six Hawks"
Digital content available
MSS 74 "The Ghost of the Indian Graveyard"
Digital content available
MSS 75-76 "Oblation to the Dead: The Old Indian Graveyard"
Digital content available
MSS 77-83 "Italco, or the Story of the Ghost That Returned from the Indian Paradise"
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MSS 84-95 "Iosa, Fairy Foot Prints on the Shore"
Digital content available
MSS 96 "The Indian Hunter and His Dog"
Digital content available
MSS 97-100 "Itasca, or the Origin of the Mississippi River"
Digital content available
MSS 101-103 "Iva, the Maid of Algoma"
Digital content available
MSS 104 "Kenabick, or the Serpent"
Digital content available
MSS 105-111 "The Bone Cave"
Digital content available
BOX 75 REEL 59 "The Little Red Shoes"
MSS 112-119 Digital content available
MSS 120 "The Lodge of the Eagle's Feather"
Digital content available
MSS 121-124 "The Lost Rocks"
Digital content available
MSS 125-130 "The Manito Tree"
Digital content available
MSS 131 "The Morning Star"
Digital content available
MSS 132-135 "Moshop, or the Giant of Nopee"
Digital content available
MSS 136-137 "Nebahquam's Dream: An Allegory of Civilization and Christianity"
Digital content available
MSS 138-140 "Onyatstee, or Blood and Beauty: A Wyandot Tale"
Digital content available
MSS 141-143 "Origin of the Enmity between Man and Beast"
Digital content available
MSS 144-145 "Origin of the Great Lakes"
Digital content available
MSS 146 "The Origin of the Lakes"
Digital content available
MSS 147 "The Origin of Michilimackinac"
Digital content available
MSS 148-150 "The Origin of the Miscodeed"
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