| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Book File, circa 1817-1857
(continued) |
"Pah-Hah-Undootah, or the Red
Head" (continued) |
Digital content available
MSS 433-436 |
"Leelinau, or the Lost
Daughter" |
Digital content available
MSS 437-442 |
"Puck Wud Jininee, or the Little Wild Man
of the Mountains" |
Digital content available
MSS 443-464 |
"Mishosha, or the Magician of the
Lakes" |
Digital content available
MSS 465-507 |
"The Weendigoes" or "Saganaw's
Story" |
Digital content available
MSS 508-511 |
"The Raccoon and Crawfish" |
Digital content available
MSS 512-517 |
"Wauwanishkum, or Glimpses of
Ghost-land" |
Digital content available
MSS 518-525 |
"Kwasind, or the Fearfully
Strong" |
Digital content available
MSS 526-560 |
"Madjee Monedo, and the Genius of
Benevolence" |
Digital content available
MSS 561-566 |
"The Pigeon Hawk and Tortoise" or "The
Blue Bird and Terrapin" |
Digital content available
MSS 567-575 |
"The Charmed Arrow" |
Digital content available
MSS 576-581 |
"Addik Kum Maig, or the Origin of the
White Fish" |
Digital content available
MSS 582-589 |
"Mythology of the Chippewas" |
Digital content available
MSS 590 |
"The Linnet and Eagle" |
Digital content available
MSS 591-594 |
"Weeng" |
Digital content available
MSS 595-603 |
"Iagoo" |
Digital content available
MSS 604-605 |
"Adventures of a Warrior's
Soul" |
Digital content available
MSS 606 |
"The Vine and Oak" |
Digital content available
MSS 607-610 |
Fragments |
Digital content available
BOX 74 REEL 58 MSS 1-2 |
"Indian Tales and Legends," undated Published,
in part, in Schoolcraft's Indian Legends from Algic Researches, Mentor L. Williams, editor |
"The Wabose and Pizhoo, or the Hare and
Lynx" |
Digital content available
MSS 3 |
"The Lynx and Wawbos, a Chippewa
Fable" |
Digital content available
MSS 4 |
"Shingeliss, or the Fall Duck" |
Digital content available
MSS 5-13 |
"Baush'kwudosh, or Animal with the Hair Blown
Off His Skin" |
Digital content available
MSS 14-17 |
"Wa-wá be zo win, or the Swing" |
Digital content available
MSS 18-23 |
"Mukakee Mindemoca, or the
Toad-Woman" |
Digital content available
MSS 24-25 |
"Ampata Sapa, or the Cast-off
Wife" |
Digital content available
MSS 26-27 |
"The Little Spirit, or Boy-Man" |
Digital content available
MSS 28-31 |
"Moowis, or the Coquette's
Reward" |
Digital content available
MSS 32 |
"[Allaietaw?] the Great Jossakeed of
Manitoulin" |
Digital content available
MSS 33-37 |
"The Bird-woman" |
Digital content available
MSS 38-39 |
"The Blue Jay and the Woodpecker" |
Digital content available
MSS 40-45 |
"The Charmed Trap" |
Digital content available
MSS 46-56 |
"Chebiabo, the Seer of the Manitoulin or
Spirit Islands" |
Digital content available
MSS 57 |
"Chorus of Ghosts" |
Digital content available
MSS 58-60 |
"The Condor of the Mississippi
Valley" |
Digital content available
MSS 61-62 |
"The Crane and Beaver" |
Digital content available
MSS 63-64 |
"The Dangerous Guest" |
Digital content available
MSS 65 |
"The Eagle and the Wren" |
Digital content available
MSS 66-70 |
"The Family of the Thunderers: An Iroquois
Tradition" |
Digital content available
MSS 71 |
"The Fox and the Wolf" |
Digital content available
MSS 72-73 |
"Fraternal Affection, or the Six
Hawks" |
Digital content available
MSS 74 |
"The Ghost of the Indian
Graveyard" |
Digital content available
MSS 75-76 |
"Oblation to the Dead: The Old Indian
Graveyard" |
Digital content available
MSS 77-83 |
"Italco, or the Story of the Ghost That
Returned from the Indian Paradise" |
Digital content available
MSS 84-95 |
"Iosa, Fairy Foot Prints on the
Shore" |
Digital content available
MSS 96 |
"The Indian Hunter and His Dog" |
Digital content available
MSS 97-100 |
"Itasca, or the Origin of the Mississippi
River" |
Digital content available
MSS 101-103 |
"Iva, the Maid of Algoma" |
Digital content available
MSS 104 |
"Kenabick, or the Serpent" |
Digital content available
MSS 105-111 |
"The Bone Cave" |
Digital content available
BOX 75 REEL 59 |
"The Little Red Shoes" |
MSS 112-119 |
Digital content available
MSS 120 |
"The Lodge of the Eagle's
Feather" |
Digital content available
MSS 121-124 |
"The Lost Rocks" |
Digital content available
MSS 125-130 |
"The Manito Tree" |
Digital content available
MSS 131 |
"The Morning Star" |
Digital content available
MSS 132-135 |
"Moshop, or the Giant of Nopee" |
Digital content available
MSS 136-137 |
"Nebahquam's Dream: An Allegory of
Civilization and Christianity" |
Digital content available
MSS 138-140 |
"Onyatstee, or Blood and Beauty: A Wyandot
Tale" |
Digital content available
MSS 141-143 |
"Origin of the Enmity between Man and
Beast" |
Digital content available
MSS 144-145 |
"Origin of the Great Lakes" |
Digital content available
MSS 146 |
"The Origin of the Lakes" |
Digital content available
MSS 147 |
"The Origin of Michilimackinac" |
Digital content available
MSS 148-150 |
"The Origin of the Miscodeed" |
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